Let's "pool our resources" by absorbing everybody under the most dominating terms we can swing before somebody in an even better position shows up to do the dominating.
So... ummm... how, exactly, do you proposed to absorb
either faction and dominate them, let alone both?
While we're perhaps the most military potent of the three, we also lack numbers to do much conquering. We're defensively safe, to be honest - neither faction will attempt to conquer us, particularly as they know they'll lose a lot... and there's their enemy waiting for them to weaken.
We win the long game - our tech advancement
speed (more then how far ahead we are), our UAM access, our lack of bleeding manpower and industry into ongoing conflicts and our ability to play one off of the other more or less ensures it. But we can't grab the others in the short term.
Joint research projects are bad. Joint research projects are bad. Joint research projects are bad.
No they're not. No they're not. No they're not.
You're not the Ebon Dragon; you don't 'win' by having everyone worse off then you, or by trying to make sure nobody but you moves ahead. You win by being further ahead then everyone else. You don't need to try and embody your SV title with every plan.
Now, are joint research projects
good? No. It all depends on how much benefit we get from a project and how much the others do.
Plasma Physics II... not sure.
We get an expensive tech almost for free (in terms of cost to our existing research capacity)
(plus). We can't then trade it to our neighbors for lots of stuff - but then, they don't have very much left tech-wise that we actually want
(a wash). It improves the efficiency of our power generation, which we can definitely use
(plus). It makes it easier for the 504s to remedy their own power production problems*
(minus). It offers more power to the Dragonflies
(minor minus). It unlocks access to other technology for us
(plus). It unlocks access to other technology for our neighbors
(minus). All factions will be better prepared for a new player
(plus). Our neighbors might get in the habit of cooperating with each other, although unlikely
(minor minus). It might hold off open conflict, although probably wouldn't do anything for covert maneuvers
(a wash).
There's quite a lot of benefit there, but there's also some downsides. So the question is - how much can be ablate those, and will the final result be good enough to go for?
The power generation usefulness of Plasma Physics II requires infrastructure - some benefit with existing power plants is likely, but to really take advantage you probably need to rebuild the things to a greater or lesser extent. In regards to the 504s, if we have some way to cripple that power infrastructure, then Plasma Physics II doesn't help them at all in this respect (ditto the Dragonflies, although their need is far lesser). Our neighbors haven't demonstrated much 'high tech' research capabilities on their own so far - we have the native materials stuff and the Dragonflies' field guns, for example.
However, there's an alternative. We did a three-way joint research project for the reactors. What if we did joint research projects (separate ones) with
each faction? They don't like working with one another, after all. For example, what about a joint project on Plasma Physics II with the Dragonflies, while a joint project on, say, Underground Production with the 504s?
A benefit of this is that each side has another reason to not involve us in their conflict (their joint research project). And, of course, we gain two technologies while each gains one.
That said, I would want some other benefit from such joint projects - such as a well-established "scientist-stealing" network**. Both of our neighbors, while they find applicable technology valuable, consider military force and the like to be far more important; having some scientists and their families emigrate might very well slide under their radar. And, to be honest, most of the techs on our list are either stuff we don't want our neighbors (military tech) to have or stuff that's not too urgent (like plasma physics).
On a tangential note, what does everyone else think about using espionage networks among the 504s and Dragonflies (particularly the latter) to find disgruntled artisans and academics and coax them (families too, perhaps) into sneaking into our own polity? It'd help us increase our artisan and academic numbers while lessening the 504s and Dragonflies' ability to do research and some of the more refined industrial tasks.
* I'd note that they *aren't* needing it for some super-weapon that would allow them to dominate us, but to keep the lights on.
** Or, hosting the projects in our own territory - perhaps in Glenshade Manor, to keep it a bit apart from the mainstay of our facilities - so their researchers and engineers are easy to access. Then, just wait for war to break out (or nudge it a bit) and "magnaminously" offer the artisans and academics from both factions shelter "for the duration" ("we're just keeping your educated elite safe, honest!"), letting those who really want to go back home, of course. It being hosted in our territory will also allow us to show off the nice comforts of living in our own polity as opposed to the less pleasant conditions elsewhere...