Edit: Forgot to account for exit strategies. MM will be harder to get out of the thick of it with unless we do particularly well with either fear rolls or initial escape rolls. The guns are much easier to bug out with after using, but run the greater risk of not actually killing the guy.
Basically it looks like:
Sniper - Easy pullout, high chance of failure(with low consequences), but banks on one really good roll. Might not kill him if he's gone into forking.
Sword - Hard pullout, we'd probably need to Crazy Train out of there, high chance of success with multiple attempts before we need to bug out, but the problem is getting out. If we poke him he dies though.

Well and Kehbon favor.
I'd say that if it works, the headshot is best, as that gives us the best chance of escape afterwards, both because we're the furthest away but also because we're least likely to be wounded.

Normally I'd think we had little chance to get in position, but that's what Greater Fortune is for. We should use it at full power twice. Once to find a sniping position and once to make the shot.

Kebhon is as likely to appreciate a clean kill at range as much as a victory in melee.
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Either antimateriel head shot or memento mori. I don't expect the other options to actually kill him. Greater fortune should give us +159 on the sniper shot so a hit seems likely.
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Dafug does that work?
I suspect Manna is a biomantically augmented organic compound that may be slightly alive. Which is really really creepy, but it probably doesn't have the necessary components to constitute an archduke body hop phenomenon(even if it did, Memento Mori would still gib the possible jump targets).
I'd say that if it works, the headshot is best, as that gives us the best chance of escape afterwards, both because we're the furthest away but also because we're least likely to be wounded.

Normally I'd think we had little chance to get in position, but that's what Greater Fortune is for. We should use it at full power twice. Once to find a sniping position and once to make the shot.

Kebhon is as likely to appreciate a clean kill at range as much as a victory in melee.
The headshot is still an inherently risky choice, as it both has the lowest chance of actually hitting him and a lower chance of permanent success than MM. Honestly though, we got this far and have taken plenty of risks already, why are we about to argue against committing full force to the outcome with the highest chance of eliminating the target we put all this effort into going after?
Either antimateriel head shot or memento mori. I don't expect the other options to actually kill him. Greater fortune should give us +159 on the sniper shot so a hit seems likely.
Yeah this is the issue, however i just had an idea. If we kill him with MM then we should be close enough to grab the two relics he's gotten his hands on. So it could be worth the risk, what does everyone else think?
[X] Extreme range, EM-AMR (1x)
-[X] AMR - Head (0.8x)

This has the best chance of being able to disengage and run away if everything goes wrong and the dice gods do not favor us. Also there may be an opportunity to take a second shot into center mass if our position is not pinpointed.
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Yeah this is the issue, however i just had an idea. If we kill him with MM then we should be close enough to grab the two relics he's gotten his hands on. So it could be worth the risk, what does everyone else think?
Well, if we get away, we can just lay low for two days nearby and come back when his entire army has slaughtered itself in a mad withdrawal from Manna and take them from the wreckage.
Wait, this is a biomancer. No guarantee his organs are in the proper locations.

On that note -- is it possible to use Biomancy to, say, move your Brain to another part of your body? (Probably torso then.) Ditto for moving your heart.

Or doing something weirder like changing your nervous system such that it is more distributed and not centralized, so you don't need a head to think.
The impact of an EM anti-material rifle bullet in the foot would vaporize the entire lower leg and possibly part of the upper leg, opening up the femoral that they would bleed out in seconds. There is no safe place to shoot a human being with one of these things, they are far too squishy. They're competitive with 40mm cannons.

Head or heart really shouldn't matter if by your own words we're going to vaporize a good portion around the area hit...

Then again i guess he could have a whole bunch of levels in harden flesh or something and he's more akin to a rock than a body.

On that note -- is it possible to use Biomancy to, say, move your Brain to another part of your body? (Probably torso then.) Ditto for moving your heart.

Or doing something weirder like changing your nervous system such that it is more distributed and not centralized, so you don't need a head to think.
That's true, if he'd been decapitated or taken serious damage before and survived, it would likely contribute to his 'divinity', especially if he did it a few times to himself as part of some kind of mass ritual to inspire the idea that he can't be killed.

On that note -- is it possible to use Biomancy to, say, move your Brain to another part of your body? (Probably torso then.) Ditto for moving your heart.

Or doing something weirder like changing your nervous system such that it is more distributed and not centralized, so you don't need a head to think.
Well i think that means that we have to go for Close range then :(
Its the only way we can kill the bastard for sure, still i wonder if we can use Mags for something here.
This isn't really related to the current vote, but I have an image of Mirande standing far down the tunnel towards their next target, out of eyesight, but not the range of her rifle. With precognition, invigoration, and fortune. No moving vehicle or movement penalty. She sets up with spike traps, mines, and whatever else could slow or destroy their war rigs, then just starts sniping from maximum range, destroying vehicle after vehicle. It takes them a minute to figure it out, and then they charge towards her, through the mines and other traps and around the still-burning remains of other vehicles.

Despite the massive amounts of damage, they do eventually reach her location... Only top find that she's gone, having escaped through the nearby exit to the forest.

Meanwhile, with them all focused on the threat in one direction, mag sneaks in via another emergency entrance and starts rampaging, with a focus on anybody who looks to be in charge.

Whether the biomancer is in front or in back, he's not safe, and his army wouldn't be able to protect him. Furthermore, it causes heavy damage to the army and it's rigs.

Now I know this isn't really an option, and it's not very effective as an assassination, but it's pretty badass. I'd love for that to be a plan b if our initial attempt doesn't work.

The upside is that mag feels practically immortal, and our own person isn't in much risk at all.

The other upside is that if mag somehow does die, the problem of his out-of-control powers are solved.

The downside is that the biomancer isn't likely to lead the charge towards danger, so if we're not lucky with our first couple of shots, then we're relying completely on mag.

Anyways, as to the actual vote, I haven't decided yet.
That, or snipe with a grenade launcher.
...i like the idea but it sounds like the sort of thing that Harden Flesh was made to defeat. Grenades are more concussive than penetrative after all, still thats why we are using a weapon that can single shot a tank :)
I still think that the rifle is safest but the sword gets us shinys plus definitely kills him.

So does anyone think that if we eat the guys soul that we would get a bonus biomancy level or several powers?
(note i don't actually want to do so as since i have the core book corruption scares me)
[X] Medium range, carbines (1.2x)
-[X] C - Head (1.2x)
I prefer this as the median option. A ranged strike so it's easier to fall back, but closer to the target and thus more accurate, capable of burst or automatic fire at need, and lets Mag get in on things.

I'd also like to suggest that, if at all possible, carbines with underslung grenade launchers be used. Stitch him up with rifle fire and if it doesn't work, escalate to High-Ex at sufficient velocities. Memento Mori is a surer kill, but it's also a much greater risk of getting spotted on the way in and losing surprise or having to hack through minions to get to him and giving him time to prepare, and then a much more difficult extraction.

...i like the idea but it sounds like the sort of thing that Harden Flesh was made to defeat. Grenades are more concussive than penetrative after all, still thats why we are using a weapon that can single shot a tank
EM Grenade Launcher. These rounds are moving at sufficient velocity.
@Academia Nut what level would the biomancer need to have in order to move around his organs?

Also, we have an EM rifle. If we load it with nonstandard ammo, it'll compensate for poor aerodynamics with sheer speed, right?