[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers

[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
[X] Proving Grounds Design - While designing the barracks you remembered the more specialized buildings for testing out military hardware and tactics, especially experimental hardware and tactics, from your military history lessons. Perhaps something like that would be useful?
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

[X] Build A Barracks

[X] Investigate 504s technology
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Specify which Provost - Sammael Vultin
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
Damn, that is tempting, though only of long-term importance.

I suppose if we dig in to the 504 this turn I can afford to spend it on the Recyclers.

if I read my reward for the Peddler omake correctly, I also get a free intel... so how about I get intel for the Recyclers while you take on Maxwell?
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Counter-intelligence is probably not of great importance with the two other factions focused on each other.
I very much disagree with this one- if we don't immediately enter the war, both factions will have a very strong incentive to provoke us into doing so on their side, and a willingness to do whatever might be required in order to prompt that. We absolutely need counterintelligence if we're going to have a prayer of remaining neutral.

And, of course, if we don't remain neutral we need counterintelligence to fend of enemy assassins and saboteurs.
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers
[X] Offer our medical expertise to both factions

Military (3 options right?)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now)
[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

[X] Build Barracks in Greengraft

All locked in for now

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Armin Grace (Security)
- [X] LeMay Meister (diplomacy)
I very much disagree with this one- if we don't immediately enter the war, both factions will have a very strong incentive to provoke us into doing so on their side, and a willingness to do whatever might be required in order to prompt that. We absolutely need counterintelligence if we're going to have a prayer of remaining neutral.

And, of course, if we don't remain neutral we need counterintelligence to fend of enemy assassins and saboteurs.

The person who engineered this conflict and has the greatest motive, means, and opportunity to kill Dia is already vigorously penetrating her every night. If he intends to capitalize on his opportunity to simultaneously take control of two factions while absorbing the third counter-intel is not likely to save us, while if he does not we are more likely to need to secure the option to clandestinely intervene in the conflict than we are to need the marginal increase in counter-intel capability.

The enemy assassins and saboteurs are of much greater use to each side if they are directed at each other- which also does not run the risk of provoking Greengraft into the conflict.
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Hi GM! any comments regarding my third omake, the Turncoat? also, didn't my Peddler omake include a free intel as well? I was kinda hoping we can use it here...

For your third omake... it's honestly the weakest thus far. I know I used the term "Farcical Success" last turn in regards to an intelligence op, but that was meant to be farcical in the way that things like the assassination Archiduke Franz Ferdinand or the various attempts on Hitler were just complete nonsense when examined from a distance. Your snip felt very forced at times, and seemed to be going for a tone like that of a buddy cop movie. I'm not saying that there is no room for humour, but that last one just didn't really work for me.

Now, onto the intel for you, which actually was always going to be about the Free Volunteers and the Recyclers because that was what the omake was featuring.

From: Armin Grace, Chief of Security
To: Baroness Dia Stone

So we got finished interviewing that peddler who wandered in recently, and while most of his information is really too distant or too old to use, there are some useful things he picked up while moving through Free Volunteer territory.

  • As we had figured out, the Recyclers are gone, but probably not entirely. Heartwood Hearth, their former main base, had been stripped of everything of value, but it was not considered safe to inhabit. If you stayed a night for shelter you were probably safe, but so far every group to try to settle it had simply disappeared after a few weeks. The top two theories among the Free Volunteers were angry ghosts and that the Recyclers still stopped by on occasion and ensured that no one set up shop
  • The Free Volunteers are starting to splinter, although they refuse to talk about it much. It seems that they were mostly bound together by fear and hate before, but with room to expand and no one but each other to pick a fight with internal tensions are starting to come to the surface. Roughly, from what the old man told us, we have categorized the Free Volunteers into three loose groups:
    • New Nobility - While it's wrong to categorize these individuals as 'nobility' per se, they are those among the Free Volunteers who have had the greatest success since the bombs fell and have risen to positions of leadership and power and seek to maintain what they have gathered as best as they can. Considering that for the longest time "success" for the Free Volunteers equated to being a gigantic bastard, they have as many enemies as they have power.
    • True Believers - A group that believes fully in their stated political goals of 'freedom and community without interference from authority' and is starting to grow increasingly hostile towards the New Nobility, seeing them as betrayers of their ideals. This group tends to be drawn from those who have been less successful but still blame the old government
    • Survivors - These are the people who care not for ideology nor the pursuit of power beyond what will keep them safe. For the most part they just want to be left alone and are hostile to most outsiders, although they are willing to trade for food (confirmed from our own trade missions, the ones in Amethyst Gardens seem most interested in food and weapons, of which we're only going to provide the first)
Of these groups, the True Believers are the most likely to be intrinsically hostile to us if we try to poke them, while the New Nobility are the most likely to attack our interests, if they are somewhat unlikely to attack our settlements directly due to range issues and rumours of firepower. If anyone cuts a deal with the Recyclers if they ever show up again, it is also most likely going to be the New Nobility groups. The Survivor types are also the ones who will probably respond most favourably to diplomacy and peaceful trade, while the New Nobility to outright bribes.
For further details please see the full report attached below.​
What is the current vote tally? I would really like to just cash the chit in on Maxwell to get everybody on the same page regarding strategy premises, but if the group is going to insist on ignoring the 504s the impending crisis makes fixing that mistake more important.

Also, like, really, we need troops, not the beginning of designs for buildings that will then take even more time to build.
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Preliminary tally

Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[x] suggest a joint research project with the 504s Field Physics I
No. of votes: 1
[X] suggest a joint research project with the dragonflys plasma physics 1
No. of votes: 1
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now)
No. of votes: 3
trewsad55, Doomsough, butchock
[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
No. of votes: 10
trewsad55, sebsmith, Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, CircleTheSkies, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09, butchock
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages
No. of votes: 9
trewsad55, sebsmith, DarkLight140, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09, butchock
[X] Pre-War Sophisticated Hospital Facility and bring back the universal healing machine to install here in greengraft
No. of votes: 1
[X] Investigate Dragonflies technology
No. of votes: 2
trewsad55, sebsmith
-[X] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
No. of votes: 2
trewsad55, sebsmith
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you
No. of votes: 11
trewsad55, DarkLight140, Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, CircleTheSkies, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, Doomsough, hunter09, butchock
[x] Attempt to broker a peace agreement between the Dragonflies and the 504s (2 actions)
No. of votes: 6
sebsmith, DarkLight140, Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, CircleTheSkies, Doomsough
-[x] Dragonflies owe both us and the 504s, and should pay in tech. This will hopefully be preferred to further war.
No. of votes: 1
[x] Proving Grounds Design - While designing the barracks you remembered the more specialized buildings for testing out military hardware and tactics, especially experimental hardware and tactics, from your military history lessons. Perhaps something like that would be useful?
No. of votes: 9
sebsmith, Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, CircleTheSkies, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, Doomsough, hunter09
[x] Construct new building - You can copy an existing building now (please specify). Time required: 2 years WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition
No. of votes: 2
sebsmith, CircleTheSkies
-[x] Barracks
No. of votes: 2
sebsmith, CircleTheSkies
[x] Investigate 504s technology
No. of votes: 6
sebsmith, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09
[x] Spend time with one of your councillors
No. of votes: 7
sebsmith, Thrice-Blessed22, SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09, butchock
-[x] Lemay Meister
No. of votes: 1
[x] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
No. of votes: 8
sebsmith, Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, Doomsough, hunter09
-[x] Use the fact that the Dragonflies attempted to frame us to force them to give us concessions to broker a peace instead of leaving them to face the 504s alone. Then use the evidence that the 504s took a shot at us previously to force them to back down, unless they want us to justifiably side with the Dragonflies. Offer use of our hospital facilities to President Stearns as a gesture of goodwill and not so subtle reminder that working with us has substantial rewards.
No. of votes: 2
DarkLight140, CircleTheSkies
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE
No. of votes: 1
[X] Build a Forestry Mech - These are complex machines requiring a lot of parts, so building one from scratch is not easy. Cost: 600C
No. of votes: 2
DarkLight140, Doomsough
[X] Spend time with your daughters
No. of votes: 2
DarkLight140, Night_stalker
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE.
No. of votes: 2
DarkLight140, CircleTheSkies
-[X] Quietly use the fact that the 504 Have used the Dragonflies as a scapegoat in the past and that he shouldn't assume that all his information is 100% accurate. Offer him the use of our hospital in exchange for getting him to the table.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Remind the Dragonflies that you are a part of the royal family even if only by marriage and that it wouldn't do them any harm to at least try for a peaceful outcome before going to war and potentially leaving themselves open to outside aggression.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized center, but it could have major advantages
No. of votes: 1
[X] Build Barracks in Greengraft
No. of votes: 3
Thrice-Blessed22, Night_stalker, butchock
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
No. of votes: 3
Thrice-Blessed22, CircleTheSkies, butchock
-[X] Use Armin Graces' help in setting it up.
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Chief of Security - Armin Grace (18)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers
No. of votes: 5
SuperSonicSound, SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, Kelenas, hunter09, hunter09, butchock
[X] Build A Barracks
No. of votes: 4
SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09
-[X] Specify which Provost - Sammael Vultin
No. of votes: 4
SuperSonicSound, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, hunter09
[X] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. (x2)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
No. of votes: 1
[X] Try to have more kids. TWICE
No. of votes: 1
[X] Offer our medical expertise to both factions
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Armin Grace (Security)
No. of votes: 1
-[X] LeMay Meister (diplomacy)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Attempt to broker a peace agreement between the Dragonflies and the 504s (2 actions)

Military (3 options right?)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now)
[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
[X] Proving Grounds Design - While designing the barracks you remembered the more specialized buildings for testing out military hardware and tactics, especially experimental hardware and tactics, from your military history lessons. Perhaps something like that would be useful?

[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

[X] Build Barracks in Greengraft

All locked in for now

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Specify which Provost - Sammael Vultin
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
The hospital is a good point. We actually have the sole capability to repair all of the damage done by the event. While that doesn't undo the attempt itself, it is a hell of a carrot to go with our stick of being able to decisively determine the victor if we get involved and the sheer intimidation of having an undamaged military after the two beat each other over the heads. If we play this right we may come out of it in a few turns in a position which effectively guarantees our dominance.

Also, screw it. I want intel on Maxwell and if the group insists on leaving us negotiating with the 504 from a weaker position in the dark that is not my fault.

@Academia Nut : If using the token to get intel on Maxwell and any associates is an option, let's do it.
[X] Attempt to broker a peace agreement between the Dragonflies and the 504s (2 actions)
- [X] Quietly use the fact that the 504 Have used the Dragonflies as a scapegoat in the past and that he shouldn't assume that all his information is 100% accurate. Offer him the use of our hospital in exchange for getting him to the table.
- [X] Remind the Dragonflies that you are a part of the royal family even if only by marriage and that it wouldn't do them any harm to at least try for a peaceful outcome before going to war and potentially leaving themselves open to outside aggression.

[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now)
[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
[X] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier.

Grab what we can while the others are distracted.

[X] Build new Backup Fusion Reactor - It will take quite a lot of your industrial output, but you can build a new Backup Fusion Reactor to provide more power here or in Glenshade Manor or even in Shattersaw. Cost: 750C, 3 turns

Power is becoming a bottleneck. Barracks next.

[X] Investigate Dragonflies technology
- [X] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Chief of Security - Armin Grace (18)
[X] Try to have more kids.
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers

[X] Train Militia II - You can drill your less experienced militia up to proper standards
[X] Proving Grounds Design - While designing the barracks you remembered the more specialized buildings for testing out military hardware and tactics, especially experimental hardware and tactics, from your military history lessons. Perhaps something like that would be useful?
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

[X] Build A Barracks in Greengraft

[X] Investigate 504s technology
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Specify which Provost - Sammael Vultin
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers
[X] Attempt to improve relations with the Free Volunteers x2

Definitely not intervening in the fight we have no stake in, but I think it's premature to broker peace, the 504s aren't in a listening mood.

[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now)
[X] Proving Grounds Design - While designing the barracks you remembered the more specialized buildings for testing out military hardware and tactics, especially experimental hardware and tactics, from your military history lessons. Perhaps something like that would be useful?
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

While they slap at each other, we continue improving our forces

[X] Build Barracks in Greengraft

Really should get this going ASAP

[X] Investigate 504s technology
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

I want to infiltrate the secret police, but after last turn they'd be on alert. Best to let it lie for a bit.
The 504s must have some kind of tech advantage to want to try this.
Counterintel because they've been running rings around our intelops.

[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
[X] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected x2

We're going to want backup heirs at this rate. They'd be at risk of assassination too.
@Academia Nut : there are a lot of write-ins that need some feedback here.

[X] Sell Greengraft neutrality to the Dragonflies as a generous delay in addressing our legitimate grievance with them in light of the fact that fraudulently implicating Greengraft in an act of war is itself an act of war and gives us the legitimate right to totally renounce the alliance as already breached.
[X] Diminish resistance to Shattersaw occupation.

[X] Secure Shattersaw - There are still unaligned populations in Shattersaw, and the leader of the Grave Keeper faction has personally implored us to protect the noncombatants in this conflict. Greengraft will temporarily (at least publicly) occupy and assume administration of Shattersaw to secure civilian safety for the duration of the conflict. Both the 504 and Dragonflies have until the declared time of hostilities to remove all armed troops from Shattersaw, and any remaining will be removed by force afterwards. Other factions will be allowed free, but supervised movement of troops through the neutral Shattersaw demilitarized zone with their weapons unloaded, but no pause and any fighting within the curtain wall will be treated as a declaration of war.
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now) (x2)

[X] Construct new building - Barracks

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them

Dia's well-established kind and diligent traits help sell the legitimacy of occupying Shattersaw, which we should take the opportunity to do because it will pretty much seal us as the dominant regional power, and which we pretty much have to do because we need that salvage which will be cut off if hostilities break out within. The other factions will certainly dislike the idea of having their military presence removed, but they both appear to need to fight their war more than they desire the strategic position, and know that our picking a side decides the war before it has begun. Besides, taking umbrage at somebody trying to prevent civilian casualties in a war on the tenth anniversary of a nuclear holocaust takes quite a lot of gall.

The war is starting now. We don't need designs for buildings that we might be able to start making use of in five years. The two factions who we would really need those new building against are about to beat themselves into insignificance now and we need soldiers to capitalize on that now.

The civilian chem factory coming online will help to ease our resource deficit, and the whole "need soldiers now" situation makes the barracks a priority.

We want to stay neutral in the conflict as long as possible so the two sides will do as much damage to each other as possible, but we also want the ability to influence the conflict to ensure that neither pulls ahead of the other. The most obvious options for doing that are clandestine operations destabilizing the factions. Those operations are greatly improved by laying their foundations with investigation of social pressure-points and infiltration of secret police. Even if we do go loud and start shooting we will be in a much better position if the opposition is facing troubles on the homefront.

The most important thing about the personal actions are what not to do. Dia is Greengraft's best military asset. Her combat bonus will be important in forcing compliance with our occupation of Shattersaw, and she may need to wade into combat at any time. Having her out in the field also gets her safely away from Maxwell without tipping him off. On the eve of war is a really bad time for the supreme commander to get knocked up, much less by the person who manufactured the war and stands the most to gain from her death.
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Rolled 40 + 40 = 80
Rolled 69 + 36 = 105

From: Armin Grace, Chief of Security
To: Baroness Dia Stone

Here is the standard report on the activity of your husband, Maxwell Aetos-Stone. The only times he is outside security surveillance he is to be assumed under your personal surveillance.
  • Maxwell continues to show little interest in personal industry, spending much of his time studying old records or carousing with members of the diplomatic corps of all represented settlements. While he prefers the company of the ambassador from the Dragonflies, he has been known to associate with the 504 ambassador, although typically in the context of group meetings. On three occasions within the last year he met with the ambassador from the 504s, one Cliffton Freeman, independently. These occasions were flagged as unusual:
    • 35.9AW - Met with Ambassador Freeman for lunch to congratulate him on the birth of his son. This occurred two days after Freeman made the public announcement and had been preceded by other such meetings.
    • 201-202.9AW - A state function ran late and Maxwell and Ambassador Freeman had drinks at the ambassador's apartment
    • 295.9AW - Maxwell met the ambassador outside his office and returned to him a pen he claimed to have found in his pocket from the last time they met. Timeline Note: The assassination attempt on President Stearns' life occurred, according to their records, on 298.9AW. The trapped datapad was lost for a period from 295-297.9AW. Dia's Note: Max was particularly frisky around that time, now that I think about it
  • As heir to the Dragonflies, Maxwell keeps in frequent correspondence with his father, Baron David Aetos, and through him other members of his immediate family. These correspondences are passed through the Diplomatic Corps and State Security and are check for sensitive information, at the consent of both Maxwell and Baron Aetos. While it is believed that their correspondences involve coded phrases embedded within more mundane correspondence, suspected to be keyed to references to relatives, no attempt has been made to pry into the coding. Dia' Note: Did you check the sexual references like I asked? Enough of them are outlandish enough that they are probably codes, and if I was going to get security to not ask questions, I would claim to have done a "Reverse Flying Winchester" with the Head of State on more than one occasion too. Armin's Note: We did. He's either bullshitting or his codes go deeper than we can imagine. I'm not sure which you prefer. There was one letter where his brother reported to have accidentally dislocated his wife's shoulder attempting to replicate a position referenced and was quite irritated with Maxwell. Dia's Note: So that's how that happened.
  • On occasion Maxwell will make contact with traders and merchants, primarily those from the Dragonflies, for the purposes of procurement of various small items, and to ensure the transfer of the limited batches of wine from personal stocks to his family, usually to his and the merchant's profit. He has not been associated with any traders known or suspected to be agents for the Dragonflies or the 504s, which in of itself is considered somewhat suspicious due to his usually gregarious nature making the odds of accidental association exceedingly high. For the past five years he has been trying, unsuccessfully, to establish a method of trading the books or copies recovered from Librarian's Nook to the Dragonflies, stymied by most of them being declared Historical Treasures or a lack of labour sufficiently skilled to make acceptable facsimiles. Recent contact with Free Volunteers in Amethyst Gardens this past year showed renewed interest in the idea as books traded through them are often not declared Historical Treasures right away, although as of yet insufficient numbers of books have been involved to make this a frequent business dealing.

I'm not giving you the answers straight up, but this may help you with directing your searches for the truth.
None of the write-ins I have seen are absolute no-nos, but there is no guarantee that the arguments presented by them will work.

I just plain like the idea of the kind, diligent, brilliant military leader infamous for wading through heavy fire while on fire staring down the warmongering opposition and daring them to find enough balls to object to a neutral protection of civilians during the largest armed conflict since the fall while standing in the memorial to the fall in the ruins of the fall on exactly on the tenth anniversary of 90% of the planet's civilian population dying in a nuclear holocaust- "and, oh yeah, by the way, the walking strategic deterrent Grave Keeper personally asked me to do this."
I just plain like the idea of the kind, diligent, brilliant military leader infamous for wading through heavy fire while on fire staring down the warmongering opposition and daring them to find enough balls to object to a neutral protection of civilians during the largest armed conflict since the fall while standing in the memorial to the fall in the ruins of the fall on exactly on the tenth anniversary of 90% of the planet's civilian population dying in a nuclear holocaust- "and, oh yeah, by the way, the walking strategic deterrent Grave Keeper personally asked me to do this."

That stands a fair chance of allowing you to stay neutral without ruffling too many feathers, although there is the counter argument that if she became involved for one side the fighting would be driven out of Shattersaw by the end of the day and thus be far more effective at protecting civilians than sitting back and let the two of them slug it out.
[X] Sell Greengraft neutrality to the Dragonflies as a generous delay in addressing our legitimate grievance with them in light of the fact that fraudulently implicating Greengraft in an act of war is itself an act of war and gives us the legitimate right to totally renounce the alliance as already breached.
[X] Diminish resistance to Shattersaw occupation.

[X] Secure Shattersaw - There are still unaligned populations in Shattersaw, and the leader of the Grave Keeper faction has personally implored us to protect the noncombatants in this conflict. Greengraft will temporarily (at least publicly) occupy and assume administration of Shattersaw to secure civilian safety for the duration of the conflict. Both the 504 and Dragonflies have until the declared time of hostilities to remove all armed troops from Shattersaw, and any remaining will be removed by force afterwards. Other factions will be allowed free, but supervised movement of troops through the neutral Shattersaw demilitarized zone with their weapons unloaded, but no pause and any fighting within the curtain wall will be treated as a declaration of war.
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 250C per action (need to buy guns now) (x2)

[X] Construct new building - Barracks
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you
[X] Spend time with your daughters
[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Armin Grace
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[X] Attempt to broker a peace agreement between the Dragonflies and the 504s (2 actions)
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers).
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages
[X] Construct Barracks
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did last year, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you
[X] Spend time with your daughters
[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Armin Grace