So, @Alivaril, is pink a mundane hair color or a "an Inspired did it" hair color? Same about eyes.
So, @Alivaril, is pink a mundane hair color or a "an Inspired did it" hair color? Same about eyes.
That hair looks a lot more red than pink to me.So, @Alivaril, is pink a mundane hair color or a "an Inspired did it" hair color? Same about eyes.
It looks slightly more red on my phone, but still not a RL hair color.
@Alivaril , it seems that our spark of Inspiration is a separate entity in our consciousness, as far as we're aware, even if it's just a mental compartmentalization. It also seems that it's got a will of its own, one that can act against our will or interest, as hinted in the fluff text for the Stubborn trait.
"You've sometimes wondered if your gift is trying to get revenge on you for refusing to give up in the face of overwhelming challenges."
Given that, is it possible we could, over time, learn how to better connect with and get in touch with our gift? Whether it be through meditation, philosphical introspection, or just plain negotiating with it, doesn't matter. Maybe we could get additional perks and benefits, lose certain limits, or even gain a deeper understanding into just how our Inspiration works and where it comes from? It could even let us tap into the talents or Surges of other Inspired, or reclaim Inspiration from the victims of the Empowered.
Also, on a metaphysical level, how much do we know about our power, from both an academic and anecdotal standpoint? Is the gift's voice female, male, monotone? Does it carry emotions? Does it sound like us? Is it like a fleeting thought, or an auditory hallucination? Is it a cacophony of multiple voices? How easy is it to control? Things like that.
Or the Inspired in question simply give 0 f*cks about efficiency, or the lives of these peasants. Or maybe it's a blood feud, and the peasants are using the war machines they had been given to protect themselves for their own purposes. We could have just come in on the Steampunk Hatfields and McCoys. Or maybe they are modified, but it's just...I dunno, like, a built in revival mechanism?I doubt our parents set us up for this specifically but...
These armies are acting like they don't have their own Inspired (no upgraded peasants)
Why don't they have their own Inspired?
Why haven't other Inspired conquered them?
Is this bait so any Inspired who sees this will be outraged and reveal themselves to SHOW THEM ALL?
If it's not bait, again, why don't they have their own Inspired?
My current guess for a worst case scenario is that this area is some Bermuda Triangle equivalent of weirdness where something in the area fucks with Inspired minds when they enter Surges. Maybe drives them mad, maybe screws with their power. Hence, no Inspired last long around here.
There's a reason my current vote is "go find some information".My point is, we can play the what-if game all damn day, and still not guess what is actually getting on. Settling on any given line of speculation as accurate, and acting on it, is a bad idea until we have more data. Getting paranoid and limiting ourselves based on that paranoia is an even worse idea. I think you need to chill out a bit.
I mean, I'm still voting for the option I want to see.The war itself isn't bugging me much. The weirdest thing is the nearly-identical hanguns being wielded on each side. No, what's making me wary is the strategic situation. Inspired this weak should have been crushed already. Our parents should have known that they were just making our breakthrough stronger and stronger and that we'd break out eventually. This stinks to high heaven.
There's a reason my current vote is "go find some information".
Not that it looks like it matters. Fucking drive-bys.
Or the Inspired in question simply give 0 f*cks about efficiency, or the lives of these peasants.
Or maybe it's a blood feud, and the peasants are using the war machines they had been given to protect themselves for their own purposes.
Or maybe they are modified, but it's just...I dunno, like, a built in revival mechanism?
Settling on any given line of speculation as accurate, and acting on it, is a bad idea until we have more data.
Ah, right.There's a reason my current vote is "go find some information".
Not that it looks like it matters. Fucking drive-bys.
In order:Efficiency is one thing, winning a battle is another. Enhanced peasants are objectively better than unenhanced peasants, so if they wanted to actually win, why didn't they upgrade their peasants to steamroll the unenhanced side? They clearly don't care about peasant lives, so lots of human experimentation is no problem.
Ok, so where did they get the war machines and if the war machines are so weak, why hasn't an actually competent Inspired conquered them yet?
We're overlooking the battlefield right now and you'd think we'd notice if they were coming back to life.
Now that you point it out, uh. @Alivaril, is the "first surge" thing common knowledge? I'm starting to think this is a setup.
Wait, so did they predict we'd go this way out of the four possible destinations, or did they somehow set up scenarios for each of the four directions? I feel like the parents are pretty big chessmasters if they've set this up so absurdly far in advance.Yeaaaaaah, this is a setup. They've been bottling us up with the specific intent of making us more powerful. They've even prepared a beautiful little battlefield for us to go off on, complete with trash mobs that we can disassemble, people that can empower our first surge, and a weak region for us to take over. Hell, they've even been carefully not telling us anything about this region. And of course we walked right into their plan. Giant fucking landslide, even.
Okay, so what do we do here? After we get people to read the damn discussion instead of just voting and running away, I mean. :/ I feel like this post is just wasted effort. But assuming that at least someone reads it - do we want to cap this off with killing our parents for being total assholes? Do we hold on to the first surge, walk back home, and nuke the place before anyone realizes we're not dancing on their strings? Something else entirely? Because fuck this.
@Alivaril: You have a gift for making antagonists that make me want to make them suffer.
Maybe it's just me but this seems a bit paranoid given that this whole supposed plan of theirs only works if we picked this exact direction. Even if it is a conspiracy, I'm not sure why we're so worried about that given that it seems to be set up largely to our benefit? Giving us a chance for a powerful surge and a little tutorial area to hone our skills in doesn't seem like the actions of a hostile power, if you get my drift.Yeaaaaaah, this is a setup. They've been bottling us up with the specific intent of making us more powerful. They've even prepared a beautiful little battlefield for us to go off on, complete with trash mobs that we can disassemble, people that can empower our first surge, and a weak region for us to take over. Hell, they've even been carefully not telling us anything about this region. And of course we walked right into their plan. Giant fucking landslide, even.
Okay, so what do we do here? After we get people to read the damn discussion instead of just voting and running away, I mean. :/ I feel like this post is just wasted effort. But assuming that at least someone reads it - do we want to cap this off with killing our parents for being total assholes? Do we hold on to the first surge, walk back home, and nuke the place before anyone realizes we're not dancing on their strings? Something else entirely? Because fuck this.
@Alivaril: You have a gift for making antagonists that make me want to make them suffer.