You go up to the bulb to try and examin it, but, when you get close it twitches. It isn't dead! You shoot an icebolt at it and it stops twitching, it looks like it was close to death anyways. You keep going, and peer inside the bulb. You see bodies, animal corpses, floating in a a red sludge that smells putrid and rotton. Along the sides are seeds, twenty beautiful green seeds about an inch long and half an inch wide. Once you see the seeds, you can't think of anything else. You killed their (mother? father?) and now they are your responsibility. You are their mother now, and they are your children, your job is to protect and plant them. Your only purpose in life is to help your seedlings, to plant and nurture them. You love them all equally, after all. But, where to plant them?
[] Around the clearing, where their parent former caretaker died. It likely has lots of nutrients from the undigested prey and plant remains.
[] Back at the pond, there is lots of water and that pond was so pretty. It would make a good, water rich, home.
[] Scatter them throughout the forrest, that way, they can all have their own area and spread.
-[] Randomly
-[] Specifically? (Write in)
[] Back at town, there is lots of people easy prey there for your kids to eat.