A Villain In A World Of Heroes

I honestly don't see us going out unless we are either forced out or we eat everything relevant.

*The scene opens in a small glade in the Forest-full-of-lots-of-deadly-monsters-for-heroes-to-kill, also known as the "Ffolodmfhtk". A young hero is out looking to complete the region's infamous Trial of Blood, in order to gain the power to avenge his father's murder and subsequent consumption by the Leichenfresser, utilizing the method she used long ago in her rise to power*
H: I will devour the hearts of however many creatures it takes to gain the power to avenge him! Let's go!
Forest: *Silence*
H: Why is it so silent? Where are all the monsters for the Trial?
Forest: *Bone fragments, cracked open for the marrow, rain down from every branch of every tree in the clearing as a gust of wind goes by for the first time in months*
H: ...She ate everything, didn't she...
Forest: Yup.

And that is why you should use a word less all-encompassing than the word "relevant".
Funny how you seem to believe that i wouldn't be for cannibalism if it would net us shinnies.

Don't underestimate how far am i ready to go to add another ability to the list!
Funny how you seem to believe that i wouldn't be for cannibalism if it would net us shinnies.

Don't underestimate how far am i ready to go to add another ability to the list!

What do you mean, "Funny how you seem to believe that i wouldn't be for cannibalism if it would net us shinnies."? I'm for it too! In fact, it was explicitly asked if eating the hearts of magical criminals would give us their powers, and you know what the DM said? He said Maybe. This implies a dice roll. And you know what the best way to beat a diceroll is? Try a whole bunch of times; There won't be a criminal syndicate left in the city by the time we're full!
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Fight
-[X] Retreat as quickly as possible outside of the clearing.
--[X] If the vines pursue outside of the clearing, retreat further while trying to keep the bulb in sight, and draw our sword.
---[X] Once we have some room, use Nova Glaciem on the bulb and approaching vines until either the vines stop moving, or the spell proves to be ineffective.
No. of votes: 7
Arkatekt, Night_stalker, NeoDarklight, Zaratustra, Vanestus, chocolote12, devo342

[X] flee
-[X] head back to town
No. of votes: 2
Cjdavis103, Hyp3rB14d3

[X] Flee
-[X] Wander more
No. of votes: 1
[X] Fight
-[X] Retreat as quickly as possible outside of the clearing.
--[X] If the vines pursue outside of the clearing, retreat further while trying to keep the bulb in sight, and draw our sword.
---[X] Once we have some room, useNova Glaciem on the bulb and approaching vines until either the vines stop moving, or the spell proves to be ineffective.
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Flee +3 Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Pursuit -1 Total: 7
7 7
Dark Ness threw 12 7-faced dice. Reason: Nova Glaciem Total: 40
1 1 6 6 7 7 3 3 1 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 6 6 2 2 4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Dead? Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Pursuit? Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Nova glaciem Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Dodge Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Chop Total: 5
5 5
Dark Ness threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: Ice Total: 9
2 2 7 7
Killing plants
You run out of the vine circle, and, strangely enough, the vines don't pursue you even after the plant thing realizes that it didn't have you, judging by how the vines fell to the ground before they reached the bulb. You take advantage of this opportunity by firing off a dozen shots, but it definitely could have gone better. Only a couple of them hit head on, with most off center, a few that only graze it, and a few that go completely wild and miss the bulb entirely.

The thing doesn't just let this go, though, it sends a couple of vines to rush at you. You barely mange to dodge, but, you take your sword and chop through the vines, which cause them to stop and fall to the ground. You then fire off two more ice bolts at the bulb, the first one barely grazes it. The second one, though, hits it directly and goes straight through. The bulb then seems to wilt, and the vines also seem less vibrant. You seem to have killed it.

[] Examin the bulb
[] Continue wandering
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