You run out of the vine circle, and, strangely enough, the vines don't pursue you even after the plant thing realizes that it didn't have you, judging by how the vines fell to the ground before they reached the bulb. You take advantage of this opportunity by firing off a dozen shots, but it definitely could have gone better. Only a couple of them hit head on, with most off center, a few that only graze it, and a few that go completely wild and miss the bulb entirely.
The thing doesn't just let this go, though, it sends a couple of vines to rush at you. You barely mange to dodge, but, you take your sword and chop through the vines, which cause them to stop and fall to the ground. You then fire off two more ice bolts at the bulb, the first one barely grazes it. The second one, though, hits it directly and goes straight through. The bulb then seems to wilt, and the vines also seem less vibrant. You seem to have killed it.
[] Examin the bulb
[] Continue wandering
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