[+3 Gifts]
[ ] Your Choice [+0 Gifts]
- Exalted (Age of Glory, Oddyssial Present, Hi)
[ ] The Overlord [+5 Gifts] -
[ ] The Seraph [+1 Heroic Favor] -
[ ] The Mandarin [1 Gift] -
[ ] The Princess [8 Gifts] -
[ ] Fisherman's Association Membership [+1 Gift] -
[ ] A Debt [+2 Gifts]
[ ] Flicker of Soliton [1 Gift] -
[ ] Auger of Companionship [1 Gift] - (Nio)
[ ] Special Dispensation [1 Heroic Favor] -

Credit: 11 | 1
Debit: 11 | 1
Net: 00 | 0

The plan is obvious, go to exalted just after Oddyssial exalted as a Dawn Caste Solar. Still standing in the ashes of his home you transport Nio from the past a few hours into the future. He'll probably be grateful. Nio could make a solid Twilight Caste solar, given what we've heard of her, as well.

Regardless, the primary goal of this build is doubling up Outermost Lathe (perhaps as single companion Retinue effect) and then using that to help you advance in the Royal Praxis. You have become a discount Progression-type Cursebearer with the Praxis. This is pretty much the dream, particularly since The Princess also gives you some solid stats to prevent getting shanked the instant you appear. With some luck, effort, and self sacrifice this build should get you pretty far.

[ ] A Quest [+1 Gift] - 18 - Final Fantasy (Randomly select one, or spend one Gift to choose)
[ ] The Forester [1 Gift] -
-[ ] Mental Power:
-[ ] Mental Agility:
[ ] The Mandarin [1 Gift] - The Forester
[ ] The Genius [2 Gifts] -
qwolfs threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: A Quest: Total: 18
18 18
Last edited:
Hey @Birdsie in the interest of generating discussion, I have some Dark One related questions.

Wouldn't it be super-easy for them to just... kick out people from outside before they could start disseminating outside powers?

You said they're not evil(though that makes me wonder how the Last Battle happened given your statement that they'd only Splinter the world into mundanity or nothingness if people seriously screwed up), at least not in the conventional sense, and punting a Cursebearer to some other cosmology seems like it would be a lot easier and less likely to see potential reprisal than killing them, and would let them detect said Cursebears through their protections more easily as not being malicious so much as exasperated. It seems like setting up a metaphysical rule that shunts outsiders away or bars their entrance in the first place should be fairly trivial, as well as disseminating that they don't want any such people contaminating The Diamond so it's one of the first warnings people high-up the ladder like Arcadia or the Lord of Seasons give, if only to avoid having the Dark Ones get annoyed with them. Heck, if they'd just said 'Don't teach anyone anything from outside the Diamond and we won't Splinter you.' Greedy would probably have been okay with it. She wouldn't like it because she thinks they'd be needlessly limiting the Diamond and by extension any potential hybrid magic systems by refusing to incorporate anything from beyond, but she'd be perfectly willing to accept such a demand in exchange for being able to add a bunch of new powers to her repertoire, even if that meant having to leave shortly afterward.

Speaking of which, would they automatically reject Cursebearers on principle as the Curses represent outside interference even ignoring The Accursed's implicit attention from their presence, or would a Cursebearer with, say, Plenary Brand and Brand of the Champion be alright as long as they were a native? I'm assuming Apocryphal is a no-go because it risks bringing in something nasty from outside the Diamond once they scale up enough. Would my Curse of the Well be a problem? In my head canon, it's a split-off piece of Apocryphal, meaning the original version added 'The setting you're in gets a general 10% of your average Progression speed buff.' in addition to Apocryphal's 'Sometimes it'll spit out something especially nasty as if to say 'Screw you in particular.' be that an enemy or a general misfortune.' so it could technically be considered adding outside power, but mechanically it's more along the lines of the locals getting compounding interest on the power they already have.

Heck, it's not implausible for them to find some people who would be okay with minor Splinterings to raise the Diamond's average power level as a vector to improve the average quality of life. In some cases, that might even be an efficient method to 'respec' someone who built themselves up for combat towards quality of life improvement, and Curse Mitigation is permanent, so it's not like that's a problem. Heck, they could just say 'You're getting too strong, take it down a notch or we'll have to redistribute some of your conceptual weight.' and someone could well use a Shattering Blow equivalent to push themselves up a tier of Curse Mitigation. It's not all that different from Splintering if you think about it.

Part of the reason I'm asking is that I'm imagining the Dark Ones selecting a champion and charging them to teach as many people as much magic as possible, and them working to increase the habitability of their corner of the Silververse to increase the number of people they can teach magic, under the assumption a barren world turned Earthlike will be a major boost to the area's conceptual value by virtue of an increase in souls alone. Heck, Greedy might be willing to help out with either the teaching or the raising of the population cap, even if she wouldn't stick around reliably even if the Dark Ones elected to not Splinter her. More people with magic means more chances for new systems to learn, and interesting ones to play with.

I've actually had a minor Winter Dynasty DLC Omake in the works for a while where Greedy's Patronage compulsion was to gather and spread as much magical knowledge and prowess as possible in exchange for access to a non-Cursebearer CYOA with the usual currency amounts or doubled if you were okay with Tyrant levels of compulsion, with it left ambiguous if a) the Dark Ones got sick of her shit, kicked her out, retroactively undid everything she did, and essentially stuck her with a Curse revolving around spreading magical knowledge, and she finally found something that actually got her pissed off and was working to find some kind of silver bullet to kill them with for removing her Silververse magics and removing Daphne from her life, b) she's decided to try and set herself up with connections to up and coming stars in the omniverse in hopes of them discovering interesting new magics, as she isn't currently capable of just giving herself any interesting new powers that pop up like the boss man, c) she and the Dark Ones kicked each other's shit in, and not unlike The Accursed and The Forebear, found that they weren't as direly opposed as they thought while in the hospital so she's helping them out by working to raise The Diamond's power floor, in part because she feels bad for initiating hostilities and leaving both sides crippled, or d) she lost said fight and was effectively acting in the capacity of the champion I described earlier as a sort of boxed crook by Dark One standards, used to kill off people who would be inconvenient to Splinter, ie, someone with Diamond Perfection, and to teach people local magics to raise up the power floor. She's using little bits of Progression-won power to offload research to others through such transactions.
What does to shatter heaven do again?
Here's the original text.

[ ] To Shatter Heaven - An additional exertion by the Accursed will modify the Remittance for superior intuitive compatibility with the Cursebearer, increasing rate of advancement for Skills pertinent to the Remittance by 400%. Conceptual limits of the Remittance can be broken with sufficient training.
So 400 percent faster advancement and removal of conceptual limits(Progression cursebearers could do that eventually regardless but still nice to have).
generating discussion
1. That's, generally, because canonically there hasn't been any Diamond-external interaction yet in the history of pretty much ever, barring a few exceptions whose conceptuality is dissimilar to that of the Diamond.

2. The Dark Ones have little interest in any kind of direct interference. They do their best to limit it as much as possible in order to preserve the paradigmatic fidelity of the Games.
1. That's, generally, because canonically there hasn't been any Diamond-external interaction yet in the history of pretty much ever, barring a few exceptions whose conceptuality is dissimilar to that of the Diamond.

2. The Dark Ones have little interest in any kind of direct interference. They do their best to limit it as much as possible in order to preserve the paradigmatic fidelity of the Games.

Huh. If they're as murderously opposed to interference as I've been seeing, wouldn't they have set up such a system after the first time, if only in the form of telling Arcadia an co. not to let anyone from outside the Diamond mess around with it on pain of their involvement?

Also, how much would they care about someone independently deciding to boost up the local conceptual weight in the manner I described? You mentioned, Turenval I think, using his students to raise average conceptual weight, so probably not much on the minor scale, but what 8f they deliberately optimized for it?

Ie, a high-compatibility Progression Cursebearer who chose to load themselves up with a large number of Curses under similar utilitarianism logic as Raven in my Corvidae Omakes, but decided to content themselves with just Progression to maximize The Accursed's gains, which happily minimizes the chances The Dark Ones would get upset,and decides to make a magic school to offload Mitigation research to people less burdened than them.

They'd probably use Application Strike and derivative magics a lot to speed up the process. Actually, couldn't a Cursebearer with Application Strike and some magics for terraforming worlds and generating people for them pretty trivially raise the Splintering ceiling by populating entire universes with people at the current Splintering ceiling? They'd probably need to know a fair bit about the setting to deliberately make that plan at the start, but stumbling into it from there seems plausible.
So 400 percent faster advancement and removal of conceptual limits(Progression cursebearers could do that eventually regardless but still nice to have).
I'm expecting it reduces the price tag for doing so. No having to hole-punch a Ring of Power, or liquidate an Armament, or get eaten by a fish. Just reach higher, and shatter the sky.

...I miss Gorol. Whoever happened to him anyway?
Is there a list of curses and the ranking they have anywhere?

I had a thing sitting around that worked with only slight tweaking.

Canonical Minor Curses

Brand of the Chaste
Brand of the Fated
Doom of Rivalry
Doom of the Culling(subdoom of rivalry)
Mutilating Affliction
Affliction of Lepropsy

Canonical Major Curses

Brand of the Champion
Plenary Brand
Winter's Brand(Hybrid Curse, Blurb not public)
Brand of the Wretched
Doom of Ineptitude(Haeliel has it, we don't have an exact blurb for it)
Geas of the Sanctum(Full blurb not public)
Geas of Indenture
Geas of Lunacy(Mitigated form of Doom of Lunacy)
Doom of the Tyrant
Doom of Lunacy
Doom of the Martyr
Decimators Affliction
Affliction of Slumber

Canon Crowning Curses

Apocryphal Curse
Curse of Hubris(Blurb not public. Daylian would have had it)

The overt meaning of the word accursed is, "a person or object under a curse."

The kabbalistic meaning is, "a person who acts and grows in order to create a perfect world."

This we derive from the Foremost word for Cursebearer, 'Praehihr,' whose two elements, Prae, and Hihr, directly translated come together to form, 'Accursed Implement.'

Consider the Accursed's goal: achieving omnipotence so total and complete that he will surpass God. Surpassing God is heresy, but God already knows this. The first letter to the Corinthians, 16:22; "If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be Accursed."

As such, the Accursed may be likened to the Antichrist, whose number is 666, which is also the number of the 'Beast,' and the Beast in Hebrew is b'hemah; 'Behemoth.' Here's what the Bible has to say about Behemoth, "He is the Foremost of God's works; only his Maker can draw the sword against him." So we know the Foremost were correct, given the Accursed was originally a human, before transcending that role, which still corresponds most closely to the Maker Caste of their society.

As such, the first syllable of Praehihr is the Accursed's Foremost Name, and it also happens to be almost the same as the first syllable of the word 'Praxis,' a word from ancient Greek which means putting theory into practice and acting in order to realize one's thoughts. And then you have the first half of that word; in Hebrew, indicated by the letter 'pe,' which connects the respective Sephirah of honor and victory; severity and mercy, the balance between negation and affirmation, creation and destruction, as reflected by the letters of aleph and bet on the higher levels of the Tree of Life. Or as some might say: All and Nothingness.

And the remaining part of that word, 'xis,' equates to the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, 'samekh,' whose circular form represents the endless cycle of life, much like the turning of a wheel, or the cycle of endless progression. Samekh is also associated with 'soolam,' meaning 'ladder,' a key symbol referring to one's inner journey, and a clever reference to Jacob's ladder, which Jacob uses to ascend into the heavens. It also acts as the connector between the Sephirah of Tipheret and Yesod; Grace and Foundation, the former of which connects all Sephirah except Malkuth, and the latter of which is the basis of Yetzirah; 'turning the base into the supernal.'

Also, it so happens that 'samekh' and 'pe' form a cross with each other due to the intersection of their paths.

And none of this is a coincidence, because in kabbalah, nothing is a coincidence. If you know the nature of the seed, then you know everything that grows from it, and can then conceptualize the reality of the higher levels. And understanding this - is the kabbalah. Everything else is just commentary.

I'm Aaron Smith-Teller, I'm a kabbalist, and I'll tell you the story of how I became an Accursed Implement when I accidentally spoke the Foremost Name of the Accursed.


I finished Unsong recently and I came up with this on the fly. I'm pretty sure this crappy omake makes me a honorary kabbalist.
Wordcount: 550 words
Broad-Spectrum Commentary - Status Screen CYOA
CYOA: Status Screen​
Leaving aside the philosophy- I have various opinions on it depending on what exactly's really meant but I'm not sure whether it means the things I'm thinking of-the main takeaway from line one is 'you can view your status screen' is a default capability. Just viewing isn't that much of a power, but at the same time... Joes ability to do the same would break generations of demonic plotting if he happened to land in the wrong spot(he won't land there, the map roll was different.). Knowledge is power, some times more than others but true all the same.
...I wonder what game I was theoretically playing at the time?... probably emulated ace attorney, considering the timing.
So, potentially the most abusable bit of information here? Every video game gets its own universe. So, game-development is the power of universe creation. Even if you can't trigger it knowingly... I have, as it happens, already made one video game set in an offshoot continuity of the setting DefJOE comes from. It's a much lower-power continuity but it's also one where I personally in particular am a much more powerful force, as the resurrectively immortal adaptive incarnation of rational debate.
(The game in question is a single bullet-hell style survival thing from the perspective of the big bad's power source.
It's... not exactly a good game, it doesn't explain any of the lore, etc... but it exists ! On the same grounds as Garfathoth or whatever. truly, my powers are incredible.)

And video games in fictional settings making their own subverses is also abusable- there are probably a fair amount of settings which Implicitly contain huge quantities of video games (like in the video game game dev tycoon), so nested travel allows you to find any game within reason as 'already existing' even assuming you can't just... make games yourself.

4 Bits.

[ ] Elemental Immunity - 1 Bit. ...Not especially useful, It's mostly an incremental benefit. If absorption were a progression-aid perhaps I'd think differently but in most games it'd simply top off your health. Though, what would 'absorption' for time mean? if you would get frozen in time, do you instead get... extra actions? maybe useful if so.

[ ] Job Magic - 1 Bit. Meanwhile, this seems much more valuable. I can see choosing immediate safety as what you select, but the safety given by Elemental Immunity is slim- fourteen elements on offer, only protected from one per purchase and it's not like it's a complete list of the possibilities. You need a specific foe for it to be worth it, and a quite limited one. Thus, this is preferred- the option to accumulate true skill as opposed to final magnitude perhaps an order of magnitude more quickly. It's not limited to a single job, which also makes it generally applicable to whatever.

[ ] Skill Points - 1 Bit.

Similar to the Job Magic option, this is a cheap improvement to the ability to become stronger, and useful also in that you can use it to get better at something you don't have the facility or wherewithal to train. There's also the matter than this can be applied to any skill you care to name; Some skills I can name are the sort of thing which one would be hard-pressed to improve an iota otherwise- 'skill at guessing on matters of chance', for instance- or which you might otherwise not expect to receive mechanical recognition- 'skill at exploiting the system'.

[ ] Seeds of Excellence - 1 Bit.
Seems almost... underwhelming. A single stat +? The other options are investments which you'd expect to pay off in far more in the long term.
...But, Luck is a stat. If I don't see something else for that role, this is an absolute take. Also possible you'd be able to grow them, making the cap relevant- they Are seeds, after all.

[ ] Mystic Energy - 1 Bit.

Hm... what versions can I choose?...
see, I've got this inclination to abuse everything. Sure, this can give you an extra magic bar. But that's what it's supposed to do; and this option says it allows for things which otherwise shouldn't work. There's a lot of room for abuse... you just need to find it.
Possible Abuse One: Idle games! They have 'Mana' of sorts, but the class of spell effects they supply is very different indeed! Now, unfortunately, my initial go-tos here(Synergism(the absolute Go-to for idle-game exponentials, going into and past the range of 10^1,000,000,000 if memory serves) and trimps) don't work because neither of them actually uses Mana or anything like it. Cookie clicker has Mana, but unfortunately all you can use it on is cookies (go figure). Swarm Simulator's "Energy" is more promising; It's predictably fairly optimized for its purpose of manipulating insects, but it has several options which aren't. judging by a six year old post because I can't be bothered to play far enough to check the current state, you gain by default 0.1 Energy per second (after you unlock the mechanic), and can spend it for: 15 minutes of instantaneous progress(2000Energy), 2 Hours of progress regarding 'Meat'(1600Energy), 2 Hours of progress for claiming territory(likewise), doubles the size of an army(2500E), and energy generation increases/spell powerups up to 100% and 60% respectively. Realmgrinders Mana has no outlets which aren't dependent on other parts of Realmgrinder. Clicker Heroes(1, not 2)... on inspection doesn't actually have Mana, it uses cooldowns. The perfect tower... doesn't use mana... surely there's at least one properly applicable idle game hidden somewhere in my past of playing idle games!...
(But there wasn't.)
Well, that's a wash. The most I can get from this is an ~8% multiplier to training speed, unless I get an army. Or unless I count as an army. Or unless I look up a different idle game by looking for one oriented about mana, there's bound to be one somewhere.
(Three days of playing Idle Wizard later... One was probably enough...)
Idle Wizard is an idle game whose basic resource is called 'Mana'. It is a video game and it has MP, although it doesn't have a ManaBar per se- but that's not a requirement of the option text. The default capability of the player is to produce one mana per click, from which-using only Mana, resources gained through Mana, and Pets(the best of which are produced by the player, not preexistent), and an occasional infusion of 'Void Mana' which multiplies mana-production(Plausibly without Void Mana these benchmarks would take fourfold as long, but not more) you can reach quadrillions-of-Mana within a day of extremely sporadic effort, and roughly nonillions by the end of the second; higher numbers yet are possible on the third, but I followed a particularly inefficient path, spending most of that day on reaching a specific milestone in the games secondary manalike which serves the role Mana serves in other idle games, Spell Shards, instead of gaining more Mana. This extremely inefficient path is Still sufficient to get an Duodecillion Mana by the end of the third day.
the player is also specifically just a guy who finished going to magic school the day of the gamestart and doesn't know any spells as-of-then, so it's feasible without any distinguishing factors which would suggest high talent (and reaching those numbers Is ordinary; the second lorepiece mentions 'colleagues' of comparable power and knowledge.).

Possible Abuse Two: Weird Mana-Bars. Like Heartstone! I don't actually play heartstone but it's my understanding your manabar grows by 1 every round and regenerates to full each round. It's the sort of thing which isn't actually supposed to continue to exist permanently as a part of a persons life. This specific example is completely outdone on every metric by Idle Wizard barring the assumption that Heartstone mana is hyperexponentially more powerful in increased concentrations or something- which does, admittedly, slightly match my nonverbal impressions of Card Games. But not to anything approaching the necessary degree- that I consider it even comparable is mostly a failing of the mind to grasp just how much a quadrillion is.

Possible Abuse Three: Discrepancies of Scale. Choosing a mana system from something super over-the-top, like the Patience bar in Mike Shadow: I Paid For It. This is hugely outdone on most/all metrics by the Idle Wizard Mana system in all cases I'm aware of, but does have certain combat advantages from specific options. The main advantage is that these kinds of things work 'Even if you normally wouldn't qualify or local metaphyiscs ought to not support it', otherwise you could just pick them up later without Any worry instead of with moderate worry.

On the whole the most promising option is Idle Wizard's Mana, and the degree to which it is promising is substantial indeed. With four Bits as the default, this can be taken without problems from any of the above contesting it unless I wanted... Elemental Immunity.

2 Bytes.

[ ] Three Bars - 1 Byte.

...so I'm reasonably sure the reason you only get 1 bar of each is actually 'having three bars is isomorphic to having one bar that's three times as big so why bother'. Simplicity, not balance; if it was balance they could just... reduce the effectiveness of MP.
Per my likely selection above, a mere x3 to effective mana is negligible, as the primary limiter on the benchmarks is attention and not mana production... But, the ability to use Mana as a secondary health bar is much more notable. Idle Wizard isn't a combat game, at least as far as I've gotten, despite how many Spells are framed as weaponry. So, the ability to turn those ever-accumulating Duodecillions of Mana into Health is very convenient.
The ability to use heroic sacrifices several times sure is... something, but I don't find it that important- perhaps I'm simply familiar with a different set of ludonarrative tropes.
To summarize, this option is an extra +200% Profit upgrade in Idle Wizard, the definite ability to use that Mana as Health, and... two heroic sacrifices if that ever comes up.

[ ] Three Actions - 1 Byte.

...You'd expect this option to be better than the previous one, but in an idle-game-abuse-oriented plan it's... Not, since 'actions' aren't a meaningful part of your capabilities if those capabilities consist of an ever-expanding multitude of resources produced passively by objects.
Treating that one game I made in DefJOE's setting you can argue this is incredibly powerful but that assumes '2 additional actions' refers to 'reality-warping expenditures of power' just because both use the same name. Not something too assumable.

[ ] Commander Bonuses - 1 Byte.

Well, if I'd gone the Swarmsimulator House Of Mirrors abuse route, this would be important. but I didn't, and personal power seems more promising. Although, there are certain arguments in favor of Pokemon... well. Those arguments rely on assumptions which just aren't true on the macro scale('all health numbers must be less than (Level 100 Pyukumuku MHP)x999'), so nah.

[ ] Advice Fairy - 1 Byte.

Eh. Pass. Unless that 'advice' is guaranteed to progress the 'plot' the same way as in video games, with victory assured to happen eventually thereby.

[ ] Contractual Boss Immunity - 1 Byte.

See this is several times better than the elemental thing earlier because it covers a whole category and not a fourteenth of that category. It's also the category other purchases (multiple bars + the power of idle games) don't cover. A reasonably likely choice.

1 Core Feature.

[ ] Prestige- 1 Core Feature.
...I wouldn't actually expect the various Resets here described to be analogous to the Lathe in upper potential, but I guess that question depends on what's past Transcending.
amusingly, Prestige is actually really bad for Idle Games, because the Prestige applies relative to your nearness to the cap and Idle Games take a really long time to cap... Mostly. there Are exceptions. But the real question is, what system can you cap out absolutely the fastest with the least lead time? Well, hard question! This is obviously only for systems of. uh. progression. So like, you can't use this on, say... 'being Mario-adjacent' and treat the cap as 'having a star'. To be clear, this isn't just about the shortest technically-progression system (then the answer is probably 'play a heartstone duel'; Mana Crystals cap at 10 based on internet. which I missed earlier because searching heartstone cards brought up cards with 30-mana costs.); this is about the shortest progression system assuming preparation in forms outside of that system.
So fundamentally my answer is 'I don't know' for obvious reasons of not having an encylcopedic knowledge of every video game ever made. I can give an upper bound, though, and that lower bound is 'as long as it takes to eat ~100 small pieces of candy.', because Pokemon Levels; Prestige- all of the forms listed, rather- doesn't wipe items. Also, EXP candies are actually pretty common especially in Rejuvenation, and faster for early levels.
(You can buy Rare Candies from shops in pokemon Reborn, I dunno about the mainline games. And getting rich is just a matter of having a lot of solid gold to sell which is fairly trivial in Other contexts like any idle game)
Let's abstract that to a bound of 30 minutes per 100% Prestige (I assume that at least the EXP-candy version is the right kind of progression to benefit from Prestigious Diamonds.). This implies a training period of ... let's see...
30 minutes: 100D->1B
1H: 101D->2.01B
1H30M: 102D->3.03B
2H: 103D-> 4.06B
...Isomorphic to 1.01^(Hours*2)...
5 Hours to get a 10% boost to prestiges, and a x5 boost after a week of eating-prestiging... this does assume that a system remastered with a 100Diamond boost still gives 100 Diamonds when reset, otherwise the time to get a 5x boost is 5 hours instead... with the week-to-get-400% assumption, you... Hm. When does it become worth it to Ascend?... let's see... well, it cuts time to a point D to (1/(1+(((1.01^(24*days))-1)*0.1))) at the cost of days days. If you're going for 'one day of progress', then... this needs graphing, urgh.
Abstracting the Y level as Final Prestige Diamonds... using only resets you get a formula of Latest Run In Hours(1.01^(24*days)) Diamonds and a system power multiplier of 2^(Latest Run(1.01^(24*days))). And I guess the days numbers need to be... the X axis... but... it needs to be 3d darn it.
So turning that into Power=2^(((x-z)24)(1.01^(24z))), the higher Z is, the later you start really gaining power, which makes sense. For simple visibility reasons I'll omit the 2^ and just focus on the final Diamonds divided by 100... at a Z of 0, you get 24 in 1 day, 48 in 2, etc. Z of 0.5-
Using a Z of 0.5 or half a day, you're worse off until... the 4.4 days, the equal point. Z of 1 day, you're worse off until... 4.7. 2 Days... You're worse off until 5.26 days. Z of 3... until 5.86 days. Z of 4... 6.5. Z of 5... 7.1. Z of 6... 7.8...
And turning the (man this is way too complicated) thing into...
Assuming I didn't make any math mistakes there.
Then for a Z of 1 (Q, time spent - wait I made a math mistake.
You don't do a z-q if both z and q are subtracted from x seperately. Also, the 0.1 is wrong, it's supposed to... multiply z but in a strictly improvement-y way, so that's...
Lovely. It is entirely possible I am still missing something but It Is Going To Have To Do.
SO with this equation and a z of 1 and a q of 1, compared to an alternate version with Z of 2 and no q, Z of 2 is strictly better.
z 3 q 1 Z 4 has Z4 strictly better...
z 2 q 2 Z 4 is still Z4's better...
Okay let's go at this differently.
At a Q of 1, it takes 38 days of Resets for the resulting Prestige curve to be better than simply 39 days of Resets. (142600D at 44.3)
At a Q of 2, it takes 33 (same value at 48)
At a Q of 3, it takes 29. (at 60)
At a Q of 4, it takes 26. (at 74. These numbers are getting 'worse' because the overall Z is lower).
q 5, 22.
6, 19
7, 17.
8, 14
9, 12
10, 11
11, 9
12, 7.3
13, 6.2
14, 5.2.
15, 4.3.
And so, the optimal point at which to have your first Ascension is somewhere between 336 and 312 system-mastering-timespans. That sure was A Use of two hours.
It's impossible to determine an optimal point to Transcend, as it gives a boost to 'ontological coherence' and 'reality as a whole'(or possibly to 'ontological coherence in the wider omniverse' and 'ontological coherence in reality as a whole'. it's ambiguous.). Also although it's possible to figure out the optimal point for subsequent Ascensions I am not going to spend two more hours on it. If I somehow end up taking this CYOA I can do the math then.
Also note that one can retain system progress through Resets and Prestiges through Ascensions, so you can actually skip getting back up to speed in Diamonds-and-Resets when you Reset-And-Ascend by having your systems capped and your Diamond reserves high. Transcensions on the other hand you presumably handle by way of things it doesn't affect, like allies and items such as in Idle Wizard where just having a lot of Sources for mana can do a lot of heavy lifting.
No clue what a 'linear improvement' to prestige is. x2 diamonds, particles etc at all points? but that's sort of exponential... Shrug.

[ ] World Overlay - 1 Core Feature.

...So by default you can teleport from [reality] to [any video game] and back at will, and from [video game] to [implied contained videogame] and back at will.
And you can spend a Core Feature on being able to... skip the middle step when going from [implied contained video game] back to reality... and make portals.
...I could see this as a Byte option. As a core feature.... ehhh....

[ ] A Simple Transaction - 1 Core Feature.
If apocryphal weren't required for progression this would be a great option. Apocryphal is required. So that writes off the entire Progression part unless I can, I dunno, buy it as a delayed option for after Prestige kicks in enough for its implied eventual capability to grant enough power to get enough mitigation of Apocryphal to make it ... acceptable to my values, I guess? Like if I could get strong enough to mitigate Apocryphal's 'interesting times' definition so anything which kills me or involves wanton suffering isn't 'interesting', first? Apocryphal isn't unacceptable because it brings in problems but because taking it means you are absolutely going to die unless you're a quest protagonist receiving all the thread discussion and several thousand dollars of money. And also as an aside because of things like Diens effects on the world, though those are secondary because the Accursed's version of Apocryphal presumably will be doing greater-scope things Anyway- the reason to hate Apocryphal is mostly selfish/self-interested things because it goes on 'existing' even if you don't have it personally.
Combat-type Cursebearerhood isn't instantly-written-off but this doesn't seem like a situation where you benefit all that much from it. Yes, yes, power to shatter worlds, but duodecillions of Mana within days; at any reasonable interpretation of the initial capabilities and all the benchmarks implied, this also shatters worlds (Even if adding more mana is exponentially less useful the benchmarks shown in idle wizard Still imply the ability to shatter worlds because duodecillions is just that much.). More notable are the sorts of Combat-Class powers that might ascend you conceptually (Video games are inherently very numerical so it'd be rather hard to find abilities of a 'conceptual' nature within them. You'd actually have an easier time gaining abilities fitting the mold of ISH 3 than abilities fitting of ISH 2 In Particular, I think- Perfects are easy to represent, you just need an ability that (to give an example of an omniapplicable perfect defense per the parry a recession argument) saves the current state of your attributes to a memory location that will never be accessed by any other effects, then overwrites all attributes that were reduced/modified by hostile forces at each step in the tick between modifications(so if you get healed and stabbed within a tick, the heal goes through and the stab doesn't), then if the defense is still running, write down these new, possibly-improved-definitely-not-worse attributes, rinse and repeat. Perfect attack? bypass damage calculation/dodge/whatever and modify enemy-health directly through variable editing or the equivalent(doesn't work on the PD above but PD traditionally supersedes PA so that's fine). Abilities in the 4+ range are more like the 2 range- they can't really be implemented without either terrible constraints(IE you get the ability to write whatever you want into the world but the world is not going to understand you, like in AIdungeon, and that requires a text-based game in the first place. alternatively, you can't get the ability at all; only antagonists have it and they only use it in predetermined ways or by accident per The Puppet Master) or existing-by-way-of-lore (like, the game is codewise a normal ISH1-style romp but in the lore the whole thing is a story made real by something so Really it's ISH 4, and then the protagonist beats up the person telling the story and overthrows god to do whatever protagonisty motive they have and becomes ISH 5.).) but Prestige offers that, without a curse.

[ ] A Complicated Transaction - 1 Core Feature. Can be taken multiple times.

Extremely powerful (Furthermost Reaches alone means you'll be getting ISH 3.9 or so powers at worst), and you get a lot of freedom of specification. Technically permits that one 'Dark Ones Hiring Assassins Against Greedy' CYOA which is probably the highest-power CYOA in-thread, Cursebearer-based CYOAs aside.
I'll be omitting this option from all further considerations because it's 1) inherently complicated and 2) only capable of even theoretically losing out within this CYOA against the two Progression Core Feature options (and only because it probably excluded every option comparable by removing Cursebearerhood.). The problem with any Meta-CYOA option like this is that you're gambling on your other choices being better than all previous CYOAs, for people to not just always take it.
I mean there's even another Meta-CYOA option in that Gabriel CYOA. You could use this to pick You, The Watcher and thereby access a Cursebearer CYOA indirectly! or even a non-Thread CYOA! Or, you can spend Two Core Features to get Progression Type in A Wish Upon A Star without needing to take all the drawbacks at once, since aWUaS isn't principally a 'Cursebearer' CYOA!

Drawbacks: Take as many as you like. Just be sure you can handle it.

Elemental Weakness - +1 Bit.
+100% vulnerability to a certain element is pretty acceptable. Sure you're going to take extra damage but even a 10x multiplier to damage is nothing if your health is dozens of orders of magnitude beyond what it seems it should be. I'll probably take this without worry if I decide I want an extra seed or whatnot.

Contractual Boss Stupidity - +1 Byte. Can only be taken once.

Technically, having several duodecillion points of health is not invulnerability. Also, 'possible to avoid' does not mean 'possible to avoid reliably'. So you can pick one tiny area per attack, secretly, and decide not to hit your opponent if they end up being right there when you attack. Possibilities need not be probable, and if you find your luck failing you and your enemies consistently dodging, you can just run and recuperate. A feasible, but annoying and in-specific-circumstances problematic, selection. I probably won't take this, but it wouldn't be too hard to handle if I did. Plus it's boss stupidity- if I really am so far beyond someone I could unavoidably kill them while being impossible for them to harm, a minion/summon/whatever can do it for me.

No Backwards Compatibility - +1 Core Feature. Can only be taken once.

It's not actually clear what this does. Does it create problems for a person whose powers are independantly ontologically stable? does it create problems for a person who was previously ontologically stable, trying to remain so? Is this just (well, 'just'.) a sacrifice of the ability to abuse All Videogames Being Universes?
It's unclear.
In the absence of clarification, and with the warning to be very sure, the inclination is not to risk it.

Special Offer: To summarize, Writers Quill Again But Not.
I'm at around 4000 words, probably a decent bit less without the option names and stuff, so the relevant amount here is
+1 Core Feature +2 Bytes +4 Bits.
and then repeat that per 2500 words I end up with.
(Where free conversion exists from 4 Bits<->2 Bytes<->1CF)
It is fairly probable that if I take this, I will end up with enough Core Features that I'll be forced to either waste them on the worldjump, 'linearly' increase the power of Prestige, or address the Meta-CYOA option.
(where 'Enough' is, uh. Three. there's Prestige, Cursebearer, Worldjump, and Meta-CYOA. That's all. If you pick Prestige and Cursebearer, there is nothing further here to spend Core Features on...
Assuming the DLC doesn't have other, valuable, CF options.)
I understand the appeal of uncapped CYOA resources but there, uh, do need to be enough choices to spend those resources on.

on to the DLC!


[+1 Bit] Like the Elemental Weaknesses option, this is a pretty acceptable drawback. But for that reason(that being the acceptability of EW), it's also not particularly worth considering barring methods to abuse it, or else the assumption that it's more easily negatable long-term by auto-discorporating it in some way whenever it remanifests.

[+1 Byte] I have no idea who Urthros is. searching that name reveals a single video of final fantasy 1 and... this DLC. and that's... uh. it.
Taking the video and the below at face value, this can be defeated through sufficiently ludicrous scaling before he can flee, repeated nine times. By the power of Idle Games! But there isn't something I really need a byte for, even without Unlimited Writers Quill Works.

[+1 Core Feature] Well, I can't really tell how powerful this is, but it sounds like a finite and reasonable amount of Progression would suffice to curb it (even infinite numbers can only fit so many troops into a finite volume of space at a time.) and also so would bribing square-enix to cut corners on game quality and release several thousand final fantasy games while butchering their own lore to give the heroes more advantages...
Which, conveniently, confirms that you can just make more worlds by making more games, even post-enlightenment! which is the most powerful ability on offer except for cursebearer and progression and CYOA!... at least assuming that extant crystals isn't some ex-nilio thing inside Final Fantasy lore, which I don't know.


[-1 Bit] Slime. ...As the option says it's not really worth it. Oh boy. You can make Slimes. and have a teammate to very slightly help with the early danger while you... continue to live a normal human life for the few days it might take your powers to get online? oh no?

[-1 Byte] First Manikin. See this option is actually helpful for whatever early danger there might be. If I expected there to be any which I don't. It also sounds like they might be able to create new universes? Bit unclear on that. The 'in time' option is very 'eh' for an option when you can access fictional worlds reasonably freely. Wow, they can, in time, be sub-protagonist in strength as measured relative to power levels you can easily surpass. Y'know what I forgot to mention earlier? the game I made isn't the only one set in the DefJOE universes. there's an idle game set there too, it was a joke, just plaintext and a basic upgrade system, let you get infinite currency from selling a self-producing currency source. But it goes about implying-and-saying lore much more avidly because text is easy, and it definitely allows for such powerlevels as are necessary.

Anyway back on this option the last sentence or so has very questionable gramr and I'm not entirely sure what it says though I infer it's "this might creep people out" or something.

[-1 Core Feature] ...So I take it all the allies... and enemies... are from Final Fantasy? There are other games in the world you know
Anyway so this guy was neutral and became good after much bad things and then he eventually travelled worlds and got stronger by an ambiguous amount. He likes swords and wants you to teleport him to... uh... some guy.
You also is apparently can learn a lot from him 'whether you have the Overlay or merely the basic power', which I take to imply that the Overlay Core Feature does things the option text does not state and only even approaches implying if you ignore No Backwards Compatibility, like let you carry over abilities from universe to universe with less trouble. Which is arguably worth a Core Feature for the simple reason of how abusable powers-from-custom-made-universes are. I assume Gilgamesh as a par for the Groups That Beat Up The Void I Think Probably would be able to handle the Void drawback, which is an okay trade I guess. Dunno if I'd like him though and it's still ambiguous how powerful he is.


[-1 Bit] Return Clock. This option is pretty weak Unless you can abuse it by being constantly technically in a battle by way of the punch goblin, or something. What're you going to be able to do with this that any of the multitudious one-up options scattered throughout all video games won't let you, otherwise?

[-1 Byte] Taurus Bookmark. 'skip half the training process per prestige and add five days' with a side of 'accelerated book learning'... at the cost of a galactic-scale foe.
This is an effect I'm not sure I'd value at a Byte in the first place coming with the addition of a drawback which is probably worth a byte on its own. Pass.

[-1 Core Feature] Hm maybe I'll pay a core feature for a weaker version of a Cursebearer option which only works on information.
If I already have enough Core Features from the Special Offer that I have the Cursebearer option and everything else of note.


[+1 Bit] Gamer Skills. Like other Bit options, this is pretty acceptable and something I'd probably do anyway if life was a minigame. It's not very needed, though.

[+1 Byte] Dawnbringer. Meanwhile, as a person who does not have a notable interest in final fantasy(why is everything final fantasy), this is a completely free option; If I pick Voids Attention I need to do this anyway and if I don't pick it I can just not go to a video game universe I have little to no interest in, and so not encounter a Warrior or Agent of The Void, unless I want to help anyway.

[+2 Core Features] Well. this option is danger unambiguous comensurate to 2 Core Features. Omnipotence and all that. Since he doesn't scale up and Prestige theoretically scales as high as the Lathe ostensibly, you can simply scale.... If he doesn't do anything. which uh. He will. It's like fighting the Dark Ones, except it's not an inalienable feature of the setting, it's an extra burden you can take on, or otherwise avoid. Socialing Garfield is... Well, it's a different kind of difficulty from scaling up, assuming you don't Prestige your way to Social 100 in a way that makes you actually good at socialing, and even then it's ambiguous how feasible it is... But the direct requirement there is opening dialogue and that sounds like you need to be a cat which I am not : P
More generally, there aren't enough options for more Core Features to spend this on. It adds challenge, including challenge towards accomplishing its goal, for not-enough-benefit.
Y'know whats a video-game... trope?... that I'd value as a Core Feature? Event Flags. Like, that whole thing where if you do not advance the plot, time does not advance, and you can just stick around at whatever state of the world as long as you want before moving on. The ability to refuse to allow time to pass. It's one of the least... obvious-noticed-perk-of-video-game things which actually turn out to be really important.
Also unlimited retries, that would also be a good core feature.
Anyway where was I...
Right this option. So, the benefits of changing Garfathodyasfield to good are of course. Big. For obvious reasons. But it's not... paradigm shift-y. 'mass produced [combat drop here]' is the Expected outcome of just Existing in this multiverse with the ability to travel it- no Bit, Byte or Feature required. Even if the rewards are powerful and limitless in number... Nah. Not worth it, not without one of those things-that-aren't-included Core Feature ideas.
Did I say Builds? Yeah, uh, that's technically true but it's basically one Build because there're too few options and too much currency for meaningful diversity, at least within the bounds of my general value judgements. It's only two in the sense that the special offer isn't being used for one.

Base 4b 2B CF
[V]Mystic Energy, 1b. Mana (Idle Wizard) selected. Chosen for sheer monumental scaling potential within days at no risk. Simply traveling to an Idlegame universe is not an option; the same endless escalation that makes them valuable makes them Dangerous, It's entirely probable traveling to one would leave you on the doorstep of several universes of concerted amoral opposition/exploitation. By obtaining the starting resource for one through this CYOA, that danger is avoided.
[I] Job Magic, 1b. Because why not.
[D] Skill Points 1b. Because why not. Also, unspent Skill Points probably don't get reset by Prestige, or if they do then prestiging skillpoints is a multiplier to every system without needing to actually reset every system.
[E] Seeds of Excellence, 1b. +Luck selected. Because Luck is the strongest stat to get a single + of. except maybe progression, and even then.
[O ] Contractual Boss Immunity, 1B. To handle esoteric vectors as a general rule.
[GA] Three Bars, 1B. To handle all non-esoteric vectors as a general rule, by way of transcendentally-large quantities of Mana per Mystic Energy turning into health.
[MING] Prestige, CF. I spent too much time doing math about this option not to take it It's immense quantities of Potential and progression, and at pretty low cost to immediate power or convenience relative to the other options. except the other-CYOA option but. Uh. No.

So that's build number one. I am past 5000 words with a few hundred to spare, and so I may append...
[CHEAt codes.]Special Offer: +4b +4B +3 CF
[^]Mystic Energy, 1b. Again. This time it's Determination From Undertale, or the Life Energy the Interceptor uses in Rejuvenation, or Patience from Mike Shadow, I Paid For It. whichever one counts. They're vaguely similar.
[^] Seeds of Excellence, 1b. This one gets planted.
[⌄] Elemental Immunity, 1b. I mean, I have the bits. so fine. Time, though CBI should handling esoterics like that.
[⌄] Elemental Immunity, 1b. Space. likewise.
[<] Three Actions, 1B. Convenient, and I Can.
[>] Commander Bonuses, 1B. I'm running out of distinct options here and there Are games (or interpretations of Idle Wizard) where I'd have an army of some kind, I guess. Do I get to choose what it does? If so, I suppose... I'd probably pick something about training not being boring, assuming any of the core feature things I'd hope for are beyond the pale.
[<] Three Actions, 1B. I'm not picking up Advice Fairy.
[>] Three Actions, 1B. I'm Still not picking up Advice Fairy.
[🅱] A Simple Transaction, CF. It is assumed the Transaction can be postponed until power levels sufficient for baseline-acceptability Apocryphal mitigation are available.
[🅰] A Complicated Transaction. Several options are available. the Silververse CYOA, for Diamond Perfection or White Archmastery or whatever, Turenval becomes free because in order to track you he needs to obviate his reason for tracking you since you're not inside the Silververse. The Stronger Silververse CYOA, for... well, the option speaks for itself, just assume ACT is taken before everything else and be a bit careful. Winter Dynasty, for Tickets way-stronger-than-that-watch time loop or, again, whatever else. Or Wish Upon A Star for all them ISH boosts or the flawless wishes etc.
[Start] World Overlay, CF. I only have so many options!

There's a lot of strategy I could go into/think up but the main thing in the without-offer one is 'scale up without starting anything, and spend a long time thinking really hard about all your plans and looking for risks before doing them.' with a side of luck abuse, and the main thing for the special offer one is 'You Have Already Won' owing to all the everything.

My main thought on this CYOA is that it has too few options relative to the amount of resources it gives you. I basically ran out of Bit options even with just the default amounts, and with the Special Offer I ran out of Core Feature options (I'm not counting the DLC Core Feature options because they both seem underwhelming.).

My second thought is that There Are Video Games Which Are Not Final Fantasy.
6200ish Words.
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So, you have a point, I'll probably come up with a second DLC in a few days, I just figured FF would be the most recognizable. I'll edit the Clock to be a daily thing.

You can, by default, view your status screen, create universes with video games(though this is effectively a universal thing that comes with being the local universe's root, as you guess) jump to available universes from your current one, and carry over powers, the latter if which No Backwards Compatibility forces you to rely on local ontological rules for. The specification that the Void would make FF magic work in the 'real world' would be something you'd need to worry about if you took NBC, and not otherwise.

Absorbing Time is a cheap 'live forever' method, as you cannot age beyond your physical prime, even with magic. Immunity to Fire makes it so that you can ignore sunfire. Immunity to Ice lets you move in absolute zero temperatures like it was a normal day. They can all be busted under the right circumstances.

Seeds can be kept around, yes. Although you shouldn't expect them to be easy to grow for a normal human, more like Senzu Beans. Not that that's a problem.

Three Actions is actually pretty good with structure-based stuff like Idle Wizard, because it let's you act like Three Wizards with their own buildings who can pool resources to dramatically accelerate the spool-up period or a 'run' and combines well with Prestige's reliance on outside help.

World Overlay lets you make bridges between universes, be that a Stargate network or an actual literal bridge. One of the things is that this network can be run without your presence, though it can only be maintained without you, not expanded. Gilgamesh can teach you to take advantage of the fact that there aren't any real rules.

For example, in Kingdom Hearts, fall damage does not exist. Overlay can let you import that to your locality, and in time permanently alter local physics and metaphysics in an area. Gilgamesh has experience with this sort of thing and can give you pointers. One of the early uses for this is importing how Pong didn't have any destructible ANYTHING for yourself as an ISH 2 'It is literally impossible to hurt me in any way.' effect, since Pong simple game and that's more a physical law than a metaphysical one. It also lets you import metaphysics that support any allies you make. This can even extend to things like afterlives as metaphysics, merging or importing different ones between worlds.

Prestige can be purchased multiple times. If we take your EXP Candy strat, which would take the same resources to do a run of each time until a Reset or onward was done, then Prestige*2 would give you 200 Diamonds rather than 100 for the run, 300 for Prestige*3. I figured someone not interested in Progression would consider it a decent consolation option. The idea is that people would either immunize themselves to all the Elements as a Combat Cursebearer parallel where they're really nasty relative to the common man but not that great compared to the peak of the setting, or go all-in on Prestige to try and jury rig a real Progression, as it's big downside is it's relative slowness. Or going all-in with other CYOAs to mix and match with compatible powers from this one.

The Simple Transaction can be delayed, yes.
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While the previous DLC did expand one's options a bit, it only roughly doubled them, and when there were so few to begin with, well... that's less impressive than it sounds. Still, adding some further options should do a great deal to prevent a singular perfect choice set from emerging. Variety is the spice of life after all.


[-1 Bit] Regenerating Health. Can be repeat purchased.

Normally, your health, at least, won't regenerate on it's own by default, though it isn't difficult to get powers that can get around this. This ability restores 1% health/bodymass per minute, meaning it takes a little under 1 hour 45 minutes to go from the brink of death to perfect health, regardless of if that's 100 or a googleplex. Nothing amazing at the high end, but it makes death via bleeding out an impossibility, barring cursed wounds specifically intended not to be healable in such a manner, but this isn't a common effect. It also means crippling you is almost impossible, or really anything that would be a debilitating wound for most.

Repeat purchases linearly increase the healing rate, meaning 10 purchases would restore 10% health/bodymass per minute.

[-1 Bit] Barrier. Can be repeat purchased.

Essentially, the common sci-fi energy shield, able to take approximately the same damage as a tank at baseline. This can be fed mana, energy, etc. to bolster it further. Unlike Regenerating Health, this ability safeguards against curses, and other esoteric effects, such as spatial warps, or extreme biohazards like the various Resident Evil pathogens.

With a second purchase, it improves to the durability of a battleship and can safeguard against minor breakdowns of physical laws such as certain kinds of magic and dimensional rifts, while allowing for expansion to any allies within it's old diameter of 5 meters. A third purchase can safeguard against total physical breakdown such as vacuum collapse, while having a durability in line with an entire mountain, and can extend it's protection to allies within 50 meters. A fourth can protect the user from metaphysical breakdown akin to the Astral Collapse featured in this Quest's Road Not Taken, while defending against more convention threats capable of leveling cities without any outside energy fed into it, and also defend allies with half a kilometer. Though it should be noted that the mentioned breakdowns will burn through the Barrier in about five minutes if it's just defending you, and further divided if allies are sufficiently distant that it's more efficient to have separate 'bubbles' of Barrier around them, as opposed to a singular large bubble around a small adventuring party having 4 minutes due to a slightly larger volume. Plenty of time to escape to another universe if you're alone, assuming you aren't fighting anyone, or working with a depleted Barrier.

[-1 Byte] Harvest. Can be repeat purchased.

It is common for enemies in RPGs to drop items after a kill, though a spar will sometimes work, even if this is usually restricted to important characters or a designated 'sparring partner' usually used as a Tutorial enemy or the like. Usually, this will be something like a claw or tooth, something that could have simply been pulled off the corpse in most cases. In some cases it can be rare items that you can refine, stat boosting consumables, or special weapons. This genre convention of RPGs is spread beyond it with this power, though if you are in a place where this is already a convention(most RPGs) then it is treated in the same manner as a second purchase elsewhere. It could be said that this makes Luck your Godstat.

A singular purchase 'unlocks' item drops. In settings where there are a lot of guilt-free kills, ie, most zombie games, this can be very helpful. However, the normal rules still apply. Don't expect the common zombie to drop anything more noteworthy than a knife or bullets. A more powerful or narratively important enemy is necessary if you want to get anything better. Albert Wesker, for example, might drop a missile launcher. That is the other thing about this power, drops are usually scaled to the setting, rather than you. If you have something to hard counter an enemy and let you cheese you're way into rare items, it's great! Otherwise, you may end up with a lot of vendor trash and spending a lot of time pawning things you can't really use off on the local party.

A second purchase initiates a slight scaling feature, though it will still be at least somewhat related to the enemy in question. Trash mobs will still give you cheap garbage, but that garbage will be something of at least some use at a much higher level. This works much better for Bosses, where, for instance, the Ender Dragon of Minecraft might drop a dragonslayer sword relevant to your planet-busting capabilities even though you're long past the point of one-shotting it. It also improves extant Drop chances by one order of magnitude, and unlocks a new set of items with percentages in line with the old drop rate. A zombie might drop military-grade weapons and ammunition rather than stuff a civilian would be likely to have. It also generates a one-purchase field about the size of a town that others can take advantage of. In RPG settings, this effectively gives everyone in range a second purchase upgrade.

A third purchase improves the scaling, allowing things like Slimes to drop chemical mixtures and Elixirs if you're strong enough, and allowing a common zombie to drop a clean virus sample, or even a vaccine sample, as a new tier of item drop. As you've likely surmised, this is the point common enemies have a chance, if not a high one, of giving you Plot Coupons, and Bosses may well hand out upgraded versions of the McGuffin there was ostensibly only the one of. Say you're playing Final Fantasy 1, and you beat the Fiends, only for them to drop second versions of the Elemental Crystals they supposedly were stealing the power of for themselves, completely breaking the setting. Assuming of course that a) you beat them, and b) they actually drop the things on defeat, which would require that you actually go fight them, and the latter is pure chance. It also grants a level-degraded version of Harvest to everyone in the region. While this would be the three-purchase version in most ways in an RPG setting, others in range would not act as relays, leaving the effect centered on you.

A fourth purchase improves the scaling to the point that there's no point describable by humans common mobs wouldn't have their loot improve as you went, if ever-more-slowly. Of course, with the heights drops start at, this will take some doing to render mostly useless. New tiers of item drops for the baseline are things along the lines of a taking extant item drops and having a dedicated, well-funded, well-equipped research team plug away at improving them for a couple years for common enemies, such as a Megalixir dropped from a Slime, or a G-Virus serum from a common zombie that actually does what the Virus was ostensibly intended to do and gives you near-immortality unless you have your brain/core destroyed. Sliced in half? Pfft, you'll get better. Arm ripped off? Grow a new one in about five seconds! Dunked in acid? Well... that might work. Assuming that it's strong enough to dissolve you it would be a really painful way to die. The point being, even 'terrible' drops become amazing.

Meanwhile, Bosses start doing things along the lines of Gilgamesh 'dropping' upgraded versions of all of the legendary blades used in your spar in addition to the Genji Armor... despite still having the original ones. You can imagine how easy this would be to abuse, assuming you could get your Luck high enough, repeatedly fighting Gilgamesh with his new upgraded swords to get him to drop further upgrades as a crude means of following along with you. This can be repeated for many individuals across the multiverse at least partially reliant on their equipment, such as the Doom Slayer, or Dante from Devil May Cry, and it shouldn't be hard to convince them to let you have the old stuff. The mechanic may well produce new 'legendary' equipment as well, such as winning a spar with Sans from Undertale granting special shoes that let you avoid hits to the point it requires outright disobeying normal mechanics to hit you with any reliability.

In essence, you'll be getting Ultrarare drops on the regular, and Unique drops will take the place of the old Rare. That's not to say the other drops will disappear, oh no. If you have this, you'll likely get an entire armory out of a common zombie, and a week's work from a master Chemist from a Slime, making normal monstrosities into loot pinatas, and Bosses into walking treasure rooms.

In an RPG setting, you don't even have to actually do anything, you can utterly trivialize the conflict by simply hanging around the heroes, and your continent-scale loot buff will do the rest. Every ally will be sporting what would ordinarily be endgame gear in a matter of days, and the actual adventuring party will be sporting gear that puts that stuff to shame in the same way endgame gear does for the equipment you can buy from the first town.

[-1 Byte] Event Flags. Can be repeat purchased.

You may be familiar with games with branching conversations and event chains based on your decisions. What decisions can be considered important is somewhat arbitrary, as people are odd and what they consider random will be absolutely critical to you and vice versa. However, you can assume this will activate if the decision would make or break a relationship or risk the world ending if you made a dangerous choice. You will be given as much time as you wish to decide. Unless you have some form of time travel you can't actually leave, but you can sit down and have a sandwich to negative effect, the rest of the world effectively frozen in time. This can even be gamed to, say, start prepping a spell if you expect a fight afterward.

Repeat purchases will improve your ability to predict the best option. The second purchase simply points out which options would be worst and best, though it will not elaborate on what that means. The third will provide a summary of what each entails. This allows you to effectively cheat at Social. Do note that options available will scale to you. If you aren't smart, strong, charismatic, and so on enough to do something even with prep time, it will not be available. It generally won't stop a combat encounter or what have you, and if you're being chased by mindless zombies, don't expect it to be much help.

[-1 Core Feature] Plot Non-Progression. Can be repeat purchased.

Despite how important beating the boss may be or how dire the situation may seem, there will often be a chance to go back and do other things beforehand. This is what this power grants. Say there's Sidequests you believe will disappear if you best the boss now, or via knowledge of outside games know so, and you wanted to save somewhere safer than just outside their door just in case, so you leave... and there are no consequences regarding the Boss.

Keep in mind, this is Plot-based. In Kingdom Hearts, the Heartless will still be eating people. In Final Fantasy 14, Monsters such as Sin Eaters might still be transforming people into more of themselves, even if they won't be anyone plot important. The world won't end, even lesser threats like a smaller-time bad guy burning a town won't happen, but that doesn't mean all suffering will cease. A second purchase will not change this, though it will allow you to pick and choose plot progression. Normally, all plot-related happenings are on a freeze when you do this. If an airship is under repair and won't be finished until this Boss is dead, that will remain true. With a second purchase, beneficial plot changes may start happening 'early' relative to negative ones. Someone's post-possession nightmare coma might resolve itself early, for example, allowing them to advise you and hand out the plot specific anti-possession juice that would've been useful about eight bosses ago.

A third purchase dramatically accelerates positive plot happenings while this is happening, approximately tenfold, and allows you to be selective about the activation of this ability if you should wish. The benefits here are immense. Boost an allied researcher while you spend a couple days grinding, making the evil empire's research division fall hopelessly behind. Let the 'next generation' training while you fight complete their training weeks or months early.

[-1 Core Feature] Save Files. Can be repeat purchased.

A common feature in many RPGs, something that lets you go back and do an event differently just to see what happens, or simply return from death. This power-up grants three Save Files that work as they do in most modern games. While you cannot Save mid-fight, nor can you Save anywhere considered 'enemy territory' such as a dragon's lair or Sauron's tower, any designated 'Save Points' or anywhere on the Overworld or considered a public and/or neutral space is free game. This generally immunizes you to death against any foe not explicitly capable of time travel or in possession of a similar ability, ie, Undertale's RESET or the timeloop of Lobotomy Corporation, as even world-destroying power cannot contest this effect. If you wish, you can repeat a conversation dozens of times until you get the result you want, win every game, lose every game, read every book, burn every book, save everyone, kill everyone, etc. Generally speaking, physical effects will be removed by virtue of not having been applied, while mental ones will depend. In some cases, they will also not have been applied, but in others, well, 'it's all in your head' isn't much comfort when that's sort of the point of an effect meant to drive you insane. Pain and trauma can still affect you long after the actual physical cause has been removed, and a clever enemy aware of your powers can take advantage of this even if they can't hope to beat infinite retries. They simply won't try, and instead break your will with torturous experiences and mental effects. Thus, this ability can be said to make Willpower you're Godstat. As long as there's a one in a billion chance of victory, it's more a matter of making enough attempts than of getting stronger, and Willpower is most conducive to actually making that many attempts.

It should be noted that entities 1 ISH above you will always have at least a vague sense of deja vu, though actual recollection will, again, usually require that you be facing a fellow time traveler. Entities vastly above you, such as Tier 2 and 3 Omnipotents can more or less ignore this, though it will make killing you slightly harder for the former. Certain beings extremely knowledgeable of space and time can also either tell or build equipment to do so.

A second purchase will allow you to Save anywhere but an ongoing battle, including within sight of one, and slightly raise the threshold for any form of recollection of your Saves. A third purchase allows you to selectively erase or leave untouched the memories of others, dramatically raising the threshold for hostiles to recall while preserving allied memories, translating the usual benefits to allies. It also allows you to save mid-fight. So, yes, you can pull an Omega Flowey and Load a Save to make an attack that missed hit. Each purchase after the first adds two extra Save Files.

[-2 Core Features] Seven Souled.

As the name suggests, gain an additional six souls. Usually, when you have some special affinity for a magic, you lack an affinity for another, ie Light and Dark. This can be gotten around to some degree by virtue of what you are, but actively incompatible magics will remain a problem. This power can change that, allowing you to set a given soul with a given type of power, in turn allowing you to mold them into specific mystical forms, such as a 'holy' soul and an 'unholy' soul. It is not entirely unlike the sub-souls of Exalted.

If a magic is mutually exclusive with another, ie the Eight Winds in Warhammer Fantasy might qualify, or certain 'Job Classes' with a magical component, such as the Classes of Idle Wizard. Alternatively, if you get a personalized magic specific to you, usually including personalized spells, then you get another 6, presumably influenced by what magics are already set, the holy soul would probably get Hysh/Light Magic, for example, and training any individual magic unique to a subsoul provides commensurate training to the other 6 at 25% efficiency. Another benefit is that your general MP is multiplied by 7. That is, the MP used for any spell, as opposed to magic energies that can't, the difference between Qhaysh and the individual Winds. Unique magics will end up with their own pools specific to that soul, however.

The third benefit is that seven souls means that they can support each other in the face of existential threats. When all 7 are online, resistance to instant death, soul destruction, and existential erasure attacks is multiplied by 49. If something breaks through that, a soul will be sacrificed to blunt the attack. Naturally, this means losing the benefits of that soul, including the aforementioned resistance degrading to a multiplier of 36. This continues for each soul lost, though for obvious reasons the benefits are largely wiped out if you drop to a single soul. Souls lost in this manner require conventional resurrection spells to revive in most cases, though it's relatively easy so long as at least one soul remains alive. The benefits are recovered in full when you do so.


[-1 Bit] Krak Pot.

Once upon a time, an alchemist was approaching death. Wanting to continue his work, he imbued his cooking pot with some magic and a copy of his personality. Thus, Krak Pot was born. It contains significant alchemical knowledge, though it doesn't have much in the way of growth potential, being more akin to an alchemy AI stuffed into a body well-suited for it, unless you count adding new recipes for things he could theoretically make beforehand. Still, getting access to a crafting system right off the bat isn't worthless, and he can be expected to upgrade even endgame RPG equipment if you have the materials. What's more, he will, on rare occasion, have the opposite of an accidental failure(something he never has, unlike some crafting systems) and instead make something a tier beyond what was intended. An Elixir recipe instead making a Megalixir for example.

[-1 Bit] Lucky Penny. Can be purchased multiple times.

Once a battle, survive a lethal blow, apparently through sheer random chance. similar to the Second Chance ability in Kingdom Hearts. This resets whenever all engaged enemies have been defeated or fled. This means that 'waves' can reset the effect, provided all enemies from the current one are dealt with before the next one begins. Multiple purchases simply add more charges.

[-1 Byte] Heart Locket.

If it would be better, HP is replaced by a bar with 4 hits, akin to Mario and the like, where it doesn't matter if it's a papercut or a nuclear detonation. If you take 4 hits, you die, rather than any individual attack being sufficient. This assumes that you switch over with full health, if not, then you will have your health rounded to the nearest quarter. This switch will happen automatically if you're dealing with an attack that would kill you. For example, if you have 2500/5000 HP and a 4000 damage attack hits you, you would switch to 2/4, then 1/4, before switching back, assuming the incoming attacks wouldn't just kill you anyway. This can also benefit you if a revival mechanic doesn't restore much HP afterward, as is not uncommon with items that do so. For example, if you would normally be left with a single HP, it would swap over to 1/4, then back to, to reuse the above example, 1250 HP, of the total 5000.

Of course, in Bullet Hell games, this would easily be made into a disadvantage, hence it not being the default.

[-1 Byte] Phantom Hourglass.

Allows for storage of actions. This can be anything from Limit Breaks to construction. Of course, you have to put in the time and effort, and be able to do it in the first place, so it's mostly a prep work thing. It also doesn't enhance the stored actions, so if you store one, and then become a thousand times better at that, the stored action won't improve. Still, being able to spend ten minutes or so building up extra Limit Break charges can be very useful. Bravely Default's Second command, equivalent to a Limit Break, can take a significant portion of an hour to charge, and additional slots to charge it can be incredibly value.

[- 1 Core Feature] Endless Labyrinth.

A simple wooden door of impossible lightness. Even without an Inventory, carting it around will be almost trivial. To use it, simply deposit it on a flat surface. A wall, a floor, a ceiling, it doesn't really matter. The internals will remain unaffected.

Inside, there is a maze that produces challenges and treasures that improve as you go deeper, scaling, well, endlessly. The option to leave will be available upon entering a different level, though you cannot return to a level you have not cleared, save the first. Time passes normally inside and outside, and other than the fact that you control the entrance and exit to this realm, you have little influence over it.

As you go deeper, the levels become larger and more complex. The first is roughly the size of a house. The tenth is the size of a city and may well have inhabitants. The hundredth will be the size of a planet and entire civilizations may be found, usually classical Tolkien/DnD civilizations like Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, etc. The staircase to the next level will never be obvious without laying eyes on the actual stairs, even if you ought to see it affecting the structure from the outside of the stairwell.

In addition to the staircases and treasure chests, various secrets are scattered inside to motivate full exploration of a floor, including later revisits with improved senses and perception. From treasure rooms, to hidden shops, to abandoned equipment, to the occasional hidden workshop or library.

[-1 Core Feature] Collected Memories.

A set of equipment, helm, torso, leggings, gauntlets, shoes, cape, and weapon, each of which is personalized based on your wishes upon completing this purchase, begins on the level of an endgame RPG sword, and grows as you have adventures. It draws from memories and adventure, including those of allies you make, so it grows more swiftly as you experience genuine emotional connections, though simply forming new memories does still empower it.

This set will essentially always be relevant, and will often have a personalized set ability, along the lines of reducing the costs of spells by 99% and multiplying their effects by 100, though this only works if you have all the pieces equipped. The good news is that they are bonded to you in a manner akin to a Keyblade, so losing them or having them stolen is nearly impossible without having one's Essence compromised to the point this probably isn't your biggest worry.


[-1 Bit] Cactuar.

Not unlike a Metal Slime, these are swift to flee but give great rewards for their defeat, though they are cactuses with arms and legs rather than Slimes. This allied Cactuar has a single ability you are unlikely to outgrow in short order, Thousand Needles, which counts as a thousand individual attacks. This allows it to hard counter the Penny, though not the Locket. Similarly, it hard counters most forms of Second Chance that prevent an attack from killing someone, though Thousand Needles still counts as a combo, so this is not universally true. It also has Cactoid followers, 4 of them, though they're practically backup dancers, even being about 7 times as strong as is normal for them merely makes them elite mooks, given Cactoids are normally some of the very earliest enemies in Final Fantasy 12, barring a few optional Bosses.

The Cactuar, not unlike the Slime, has potential to evolve, though it takes exponentially longer each time. First, into the Gigantuar, which is a much larger version that gains 10000 Needles as a special attack and a gains a quartet of high level Cactuar followers in addition to it's Cactoid groupies expanding their ranks to 16, the Terrantuar which is closer to a humpback whale in size than the Gigantuar and expands it's followers to 4 Gigantuars, 16 Cactuars, and 80 Cactoids, having upgraded to 100K Needles, the Petantuar, which has a quartet of Terrantuars, 16 Gigantuars, 80 Cactuars, and 400 Cactoids as followers, is roughly the size of a mountain. It will likely be decades before it achieves this level, unless actively cultivated in a fairly literal sense, meaning that they are likely to outstripped fairly early. Still, the nature of Cactuars means that even artificially weakening them is difficult, so they are a decent fallback option if something happens to you that leaves you permanently weakened, as they would resist such effects much better than you unless you deliberately geared yourself for it.

[-1 Bit] Magic Pot.

These are, in essence, Prize Pod enemies. You wail on them, and they spit out valuable. The valuables have a regenerating effect, agnostic to their health condition, so take care you don't kill the golden goose. The valuables slightly scale with you, though they default to things like valuable crafting materials such as Mythril, being one of the few reliable sources for Orichalcum. They have little in the way of growth potential on their own, which is why this is a Bit option.

[-1 Byte] Moogle Genius. May be purchased multiple times.

Moogles, alongside Chocobos and Cactuars, are one of the staples of Final Fantasy. They are sometimes simple woodland creatures with friendly dispositions, but more often they are master artificers, engineers, administrators, merchants, and mages. They are small in stature and usually physically deficient as a result, so they chose to focus on networking and items, both the smithing and sale of.

Should you take this one as an ally, it will prove to be a genius even by their standards, and will serve as one of your most important supporters, though you will have to support them in return. An engineer without machines to work on isn't worth much, just like a merchant with nothing to buy or sell, a manager without any subordinates, or an artificer without proper tools or materials. Multiple Moogles will see them specialize along the most useful lines. Excellent equipment and supplies, masterwork magitech vehicles and weapons, expert management of businesses and organizations, or backline magical support. They will always be useful, if only in terms of an excellent choice for delegation.

[-1 Byte] Ink Sans.

Your enlightenment triggered a stronger link with various meta-narratives, such as created universe with stories centered around the creation of universes at the hands of the denizens of Earth or those stories being entertainment for those denizens, meaning various Fourth Wall Aware characters have been, if not alerted to you specifically, noticed that something has changed. Higurashi When They Cry, Deadpool, and so on, with the inclusion of Ink Sans.

A version of Sans from an unfinished universe. His efforts to escape destroyed his soul, and wiped his memory clean. This left him to wander the multiverse, until he stumbled across paint imbued with emotion, left behind by a creator. Drinking it granted him the ability to feel despite lacking a soul. However, he could only get more from the existence and creation of AUs. So, he took to using it to make AUs himself, and later on, to help others do the same. Unfortunately, this eventually overwhelmed his multiverse, causing roughly half of all AUs to be destroyed by their own creators to correct the balance. This lead him to forge a truce with his long-time nemesis Error, who had been destroying AUs in part specifically because of this, concerned it might damage the main universe.

While Ink is by no means a combatant capable of planetary destruction, he makes up for it with creativity with paint that borders on the construct variability of a Green Lantern Ring, if not the power. He is also an expert when it comes to the creation of universes and timelines, even having assisted in the creation of some very dark ones after half the multiverse was wiped out, desperate as he was to keep new universes being created, fearing he, as self-proclaimed protector of the AUs, would be lost and forgotten if he didn't. With your own inborn ability to craft universes and cosmologies the possibilities are nearly endless! ...Once you actually learn the specifics, at least. Of course, he's used to crafting universes using a quirk of his local metaphysics that depends on the presence of Undertale elements as at least backstory, so he may need an adjustment period himself. He's also a bit flighty and odd as a result of his bonds with others essentially being dependent on him continuing to 'take his medicine' on a regular basis. He sometimes has issues with empathy and the like, as his emotions are not natural, and unlike most Allies, he will not be truly loyal to you the moment you meet, merely to the immense opportunity you represent. Hence his costing a Byte rather than a Core Feature.

[-1 Core Feature] Yukari Yakumo.

My control over boundaries includes Fourth Wall Awareness, and the blurb above me just explained what that means. Picking this option merely has me play along and help you out. Whether it be changing the time of day by manipulating that boundary, taking a page out of my head maid's book and dumping you in another timeline, or playing jumprope with life and death to instantly kill anything without resistance to such and temporarily revive almost anyone I wish, it isn't particularly an exaggeration that most of the trouble that happens in Gensokyo only happens because I allow it, or I'm sleeping. Worst comes to worst, consulting my other selves isn't exactly difficult.

I will require copious naps and Amazing Technicolor Battlefields to amuse myself, of course, but who doesn't appreciate a good nap? Even Garfield's insane omnipotent self still values his naps! Anyway, I've been wanting to go on vacation for a while, and seeing some truly new sights sounds very, very interesting.

[-1 Core Feature] Deadpool! Yeah!

Alright, you got the whole Fourth Wall spiel from Yukari, but I'd be way more interesting, and we both know most of the people on this site are more familiar with me than her. Probably because reading comics is way easier than a Bullet Hell game that feeds you lore tidbits every other stage. Also, I totally killed the entire Marvel universe that one time I got driven even crazier, and the main reason I don't bust out the Continuity Gem over every little thing is that would be boring as hell! Swords and guns will always be way more satisfying than waving your hand and making all the problems go poof! Sure, it's awesome the first couple times, but there's just something missing, ya know?

Seriously though, Yukari's going to spend half her time sleeping. I might have lost to The Mask that one time, but I was basically up against the Joker with access to the Toonforce, and I got better! Plus I don't have to spend half my screentime in my civilian identity to keep the plot moving forward, or sleep in to make sure there's a plot at all!


[+1 Bit] Goblin Commander.

A Goblin of unusual strength and intelligence, vastly superior to the common one. He might be a first Boss in an RPG, so outscaling him shouldn't be hard. That being said, he can scale up in time, drawing on universes with Goblins for troops and resources, so don't outright ignore him.

[+1 Bit] Missingno.

A mistake of creation. A glitch come to life, which sometimes glitches out especially bad and has other Pokemon partially disgorged before being reabsorbed. This entity does not wish to kill you. Rather it wishes to have more Pokemon and gimmicks like Megaevolution and Gigantamax created so it can absorb new ones, perhaps in time adapting to be able to absorb more things, entities from beyond the Pokemon reality. This will be some time off, but killing it will be difficult. It technically isn't alive in the first place, being a glitch. Still, it isn't particularly hostile by default, though touching it is still a bad idea, so it might be possible to catch it by surprise even as a normal human.

[+1 Byte] Dr. Wily.

A time travel machine gone wrong led him to discover your world, and he is attempting to either force Capcom to write him definitively winning or to gain access to various robotics technologies, starting with the ones from the anime and whichever game continuity he isn't from. He would like both, but he'll settle for the one. He knows that his home universe won't be prepared for the advances in robotics or programming therein cribbed off his other selves, and from there he can springboard outward.

While impressive, he is no Doctor Doom, and has no inherent multiverse-tier feats, nor has he ascended to any form of godhood or any significant level of reality-warping, though he did work with reality-warping Evil Energy. It was one of the ingredients of the Maverick Virus. Additionally, he requires a significant resource base to do much of anything. He won't be making Robot Masters in a cave with a box of scraps.

[+1 Byte] Error Sans.

A version of Sans the Skeleton who fell out of his universe. Over time, he lost his memories, and was trapped in an empty white nothingness, the Anti-Void, left behind by a universe destroyed utterly, and he became an Error. Errors are technically Personality Death for their old self, with the new personality determined by their last thoughts before becoming an Error and effectively having their memories reset, though they are usually anti-social. He resented how his investigations of The Void had denied him his happy ending, and grew bitter, in turn resenting others for living peaceful happy lives while he endured hundreds of Genocide runs. Eventually, loneliness drove him mad, and he literally began hearing voices. It's somewhat unclear if it's just insanity, or if his state left him vulnerable to... other entities. Other Errors can usually hear these same voices, so the latter is more likely.

Error Sans can produce strings from his eyes that he uses in a variety of ways. He can wrap them around souls and puppet the individual with a level of control someone overriding the nervous system wishes they had, even forcing them to use magic against their will, though they remain aware and able to speak. He can also destroy almost anything his strings are wrapped around, such as souls, or even wrap them around a universe from the outside and rip it apart. He cannot reliably do this from the inside of a universe, but he can enter and leave universes almost at will. His combat abilities are... significantly less impressive, though he, like most Errors, is the superior of his baseline self even without his strings. He also retain the trickiness of his base self, with a habit of screwing with the interface via choking it with bugs to the point you can't do much of anything, though this is a double-edged sword. The Error messages that appear around him are not merely showpieces, and increase in number as his mood deteriorates, potently rendering him all but blind.

Error is obsessed with the idea that universes beyond their original versions are mistakes and glitches, having an opinion on himself along the lines of 'send a thief to catch a thief' if someone points out his hypocrisy, and believes you to be tainting both your original universe and any others you encounter. The fact that your world is the source of the 'mistakes' polluting his home reality is not the least bit of a help.

[+1 Core Feature] Sonic.Exe.

Once, there was but a single universe. One reality, preceded by a void undergoing a cataclysm. Eventually, separate universes and timelines came into existence, and the void returned to serve as a boundary. As time passed, a cosmic accident occurred, and some of the dark matter that formed the void coalesced into a sapient entity, animated by remnant energies from the original cataclysm. This entity cannot be said to have a soul, in the conventional sense, and it's nature and the indeterminable time it spent wandering the empty void, alone and without any real purpose, likely contributed to it's disturbed, distorted mind.

Various cosmic entities strained and twisted the fabric of reality, from the Scarlet King to Kirbyverse entities, opening cracks and windows for the entity to observe other worlds through. This piqued it's curiosity, as it had not seen much in the way of color before, nevermind thinking beings. It watched many of them, and in time, it became most interested in one Sonic the Hedgehog. Here was a being who could match cosmic entities, without any special heritage or the like, and even without any significant Chaos Energy, could move at speeds sufficient to ignore stopped time, apparently by a mix of sheer determination and pure chance generating a talent one might see once in a civilization. Perhaps it felt something akin to kinship, though not necessarily as we would understand it. It sought to emulate him, and began crafting it's own body, made in a distorted mirror image of the hero's own. Finding this easy, he became curious what else might bend to his will. Having long felt trapped in this inky blackness, he sought to make a universe of his own, and he succeeded, though it was once again as if The Joker's idea of a funhouse mirror was involved.

Still, while objects and even entire universes were something the entity could create with ease on it's home plane, it could not create souls, and thus could not populate this universe. Considering that endeavor pointless, as it was effectively still trapped in an infinite darkness with a single hollow light of it's own making, the entity attempted to physically enter a universe with it's new body, and succeeded in outright crafting a portal, a Red Ring, and entering the Sonic multiverse. The entity didn't want a single empty universe, it wanted an entire cosmos of it's own.

It began exploring, accidentally killing an animal. It marveled at both the ease with which it had ended a life, a twisted appreciation for it's fragility, and the blood it had spilled, pausing to do so, and in turn seeing something emerging from the animal's body: a soul. Reaching out on impulse, it was absorbed into the mass. Absorbing the soul made the entity slightly stronger, and it found a new goal. To kill many beings and take their souls, then use the increase in power to build his own reality. He swiftly discovered that sapients had much more powerful souls than normal ones, and frequently goes on murder sprees for the purpose of gathering new souls, often targeting Sonic's friends in a twisted parody of a gesture of respect, like his first sapient victim the Tails of the first Sonic universe he visited.

He can also use souls to revive the slain as enslaved demonic versions of themselves. They retain some level of awareness, though they lack any meaningful ability to oppose him directly. He is also capable of directly burning souls, a minimum of three sapient souls, to enter a Dark Super form. This slightly weakens him when the form wears off, so he doesn't do it often. Particularly when he is more akin to one Alucard of Hellsing than a conventional lifeform. That is to say, he is more dark matter and energy puppetting a Sonic body than a biological lifeform. For this reason, conventional dismemberment accomplishes little. If he is decapitated, for example, he may play dead for a few moments, then grab his opponent, while his head regenerates into a weaker copy of him. It is possible to wear him down with prolonged fighting or repeatedly doing grievous damage, but repeatedly being torn in half is not enough at this point, and is liable to simply leave him with half a dozen weaker versions of himself as allied combatants. Alternatively getting shredded may simply cause him to regenerate as a single individual from blood particles.

This is not to say he has no weaknesses. For starters, he was not initially aware of how much of a homefield advantage the void gave him, and was surprised to find himself exhausted from attempting to finish off the first Sonic he encountered by creating a pair of galaxies and smashing them into him. Currently driven to his Dark form, Sonic smashed through the galaxies and obliterated Sonic.Exe with negative Chaos energy. This technically killed him, however conventional death merely sends him back to the void. It's certainly unpleasant and makes it difficult to manifest at full strength for a little while, but it's more an inconvenience than anything truly dangerous, though he suspects that this only applies beyond the void, and while he is immensely more powerful in his home territory, including the multiverse he's building, he may technically be more vulnerable there. Strangely enough, he held no ill will over having been killed. On the contrary, his admiration for Sonic only grew. He now wished to gather souls to achieve that sort of strength himself. This is one of the reasons he targets Sonic's friends in a given dimension or timeline. He is intentionally trying to provoke a fight to see how much he's grown. Usually, when facing a Super or Dark form of Sonic, he falls, though if he manages to catch Sonic in base form, his win record is much better.

His other major weakness is being sealed away. The Master Emerald is a prime candidate for this. It is not a permanent solution, but this lasts weeks instead of hours like killing him conventionally. Indeed, the shadows of him, other Sonic.Exes of lesser power and influence, are similarly vulnerable, and in a few cases have been sealed away by the natives of a universe they were harvesting. Though often of greater cruelty to the point of sadistic games they almost always win, they serve as 'administrators' of given universes in his multiverse. There is the rare happenstance more moral or compassionate Sonic.Exe, though these are few and far between. Most iterations are effectively extra hands for gathering souls, tithing some to the original in exchange for some souls of their own to toy around with. Yes, this means the Sonic.Exe games where the other characters are killed off over and over has been made into Industrialized Evil.

Sonic.exe is interested in your world for many reasons. A world of beings capable of creating entire universes and multiverses filled with ensouled life? Their position as the metaphysical bedrock giving them powerful souls while not directly strengthening them? It's everything he could want! What's more, your enlightened soul would be especially valuable, perhaps enough that he could finally make the reality he wants. He will not automatically know where you are, though he will be able to get a general direction by sensing your soul. What makes him especially dangerous compared to the other enemies on this list is that he has a ready means of escalation, killing and reaping souls. This has already significantly strengthened him. When he first emerged, his regenerative abilities began to be overtaxed after pulling himself back together a single time, to the point he nearly stopped after he generated a clone for the first time. Nowadays, getting reduced a to a smear on the wall isn't enough to put him down even if he hasn't broken out his Dark Super form. Similarly, he has obtained a short-ranged soul-sucking ability, though strong-willed individuals cam resist. Still, it's potent enough that he can take the soul of a possessor and possessed individual almost at the same instant.

Other omniverse travelers regard him with a mixture of fear, disdain, and pity. He is, by any normal standard, insane. It is likely his nature doomed him the moment he first laid eyes on another world, however, as his instincts seem geared towards evil in an almost deliberate manner. He's still a mass murderer who would happily reap the souls of entire universes to fuel his ascension if he could figure out how to do it without having to manually kill each of them, so pity is last on the list for a reason.

[+1 Core Feature] The Dark Master.

Technically, the mastermind of the forces of DOOM is unlikely to directly oppose you. He lacks a body, and as such, cannot be killed or fought in the conventional sense, and destroying the soul sphere he possesses would merely make it harder to embody him rather than any other negative effect. Rather, he works to subsume planets and universes into Hell, converting the inhabitants into more Demons, stripping them of their souls to be converted into energy capable of putting fusion power to shame and mutating their soulless bodies with it. His ultimate goal is to unlock the secret of eternal life, though he first intends to unmake and reshape the reality he first created. You see, he was not originally The Devil of his reality, but the God of it. In his quest to provide eternal life for his followers, he grew increasingly desperate and maddened. Fearing his downward spiral, his followers turned against him, stealing a large portion of his power, and sealing him away, raising the greatest of their number as a new Father. This betrayal was something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, and he essentially decided to destroy reality and start from scratch. His realm, once a heavenly place known as Jakkad, became twisted, and eventually transformed into Hell. He continued a bloody path of destruction and domination as the mastermind directing Hell's forces in conquest for something on the order of a decillion years, or perhaps longer given that Hell's time runs approximately a million times faster than normal time for his reality.

Embodying him isn't particularly difficult... if you knew a) where to find his soul sphere, b) can get to the site which allows you to use the soul sphere to resurrect him, and c) can actually kill him, especially since the second location is a 'holy' place that physically does not allow bloodshed. As in, it is not merely against a mundane law, it is actually impossible. He isn't nearly as powerful as his nature as the creator of his reality would suggest either, never having recovered from having his power stolen.

His interest in your world is akin to how the Heartless might be interested. A gateway to so many others, some of which might hold greater interest than mere targets of conquest if they have done their own investigations into obtaining eternal life. This will likely lead to an outpost in your universe, but it will be close to Earth on the metaphysical scale rather than necessarily being on Earth. Pluto would qualify, or Venus. Really, anything inside the Oort Cloud could work. His forces are not actually infinite as The Void's might be either, a fairly normal human working at it for billions of years could seriously lower their number, though it would require obsessive dedication.

[+2 Core Features] Ultra Instinct Shaggy.

Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers was a lean young man who was well-known for being rather cowardly, as well as his propensity for food, though he had his moments of being a Cowardly Lion. This version of Shaggy has been stripped of all fear, and obtained godlike power. These are not, strictly speaking, linked, as he does not show fear even against entities capable of matching over overmatching him, such as High Cursebearers. Artificially inducing fear is almost impossible, despite his relative vulnerability to indirect vectors of assault, but it has never reduced his power in any meaningful way.

Perhaps he was holding back his whole life and something snapped when his version of Scooby died. Perhaps he mistook some kind of power crystal for rock candy and was bestowed power when he ate it. Either way, one of the most combat-focused of the Tier 2+ Omnipotents has decided he wants to test you, seeing some similarities between your ascension and his and wanting to offer some guidance. Calling him an 'enemy' might be a bit of a stretch, he acts as more of a Sink Or Swim Mentor. On a regular basis, perhaps daily, perhaps weekly, perhaps acting as a Beef Gate to a universe he knows you want to visit, he'll test you in combat. It may be possible to simply schedule things if you impress him enough.

This is not a contest you could win at full power, as even by the standards of his level of power he excels in combat to the point he might be relevant in a fight against some of the strongest High Cursebearers, even if more utility-based and esoteric powers falter relative to theoretical peers, but you are unlikely to ever face his full power. Lowering his power to become at least somewhat on par with his foes to make his fights more interesting and last longer is something he does fairly commonly, and in this case will serve as a handicap to make these into lessons instead of one-sided beatdowns or executions. He will usually be something akin to a 3 or 4 Pick fight, but only if you disappoint him or actively skip out on training will he hit 5 Picks in difficulty. Even then, he is by no means going to be an impossible fight, still scaling to you. That being said, he will not be too broken up about it if you die fighting him. There are plenty who would do things like eat your soul or the like, simple death is one of the better Bad Ends you could get.

[+2 Core Features] The Scarlet King. Khahrahk. Crimson Monarch. True Red Demon God Emperor. King of the Darkness Below.

There are many sub-omniverses and multiverses branching out from this one. Some, many in fact, take the form of trees. This includes the SCP multiverse and the Tree of Knowledge. The Scarlet King, or Khahrahk as he was originally known, was born at the same time as the original planting of this existence-embodying tree. He was but one of many eldritch siblings, the smallest, youngest, and weakest in terms of might, but also the only one to possess awareness. This awareness brought him only pain, and he soon succumbed to nihilism and hatred. Taking advantage of... possessing enough self-actualization to notice the existence of anything beyond oneself, he consumed all of his siblings, though their tortured essence mingling with his own only increased his pain, and he began plotting the destruction of all creation, including The Creator who had first planted the Tree, and then himself.

Another possibility is that he was dreamed up by a merged group of reality-warping children who achieved godlike power and in turn imagined beings greater still. Another, that he was an ancient king that merged with a conceptual cancer known as the Not, which both encompassed and opposed Order and Chaos, whose mere presence was already killing everything on Earth. Maybe he was made up by another Anomaly to trick an evil organization into writing an evil civilization out of existence along with themselves and him. Or perhaps he was a more conventional abomination, one of many sealed away by alchemists in ancient times. Much like one Dr. Wondertainment, all and none of these are true, usually whichever would be most advantageous. Fittingly, there is at least one possible future timeline where Dr. Wondertainment was instrumental in defeating him.

This is not merely the usual tomfoolery of a high-level reality-warping entity, the Scarlet King has long possessed the ability to absorb others into itself, functioning as much as some sort of eldritch super-god of nihilism and chaos, or possibly the conflict between pre-modernism and modernism, as a distinct entity with such feelings, such as the siblings it ate. Possibly, this is what led to the first backstory becoming one of it's origin stories. Meaning, if enough people believe something to be a part of the Scarlet King or connected to it, this may become true. It is not an automatic thing, meaning it cannot be relied upon to incur weaknesses if the Scarlet King realizes the ruse. There is also the risk that he sends an avatar rather than investigating himself, so he may well keep himself safe from an attempt that might actually work in that manner.

As effectively a living idea, he possesses a special affinity for injecting concepts into others minds, his mere presence can drive others to madness and evil unless he actively suppresses it. He can then feed on the negative emotions, so it is possible that he isn't as strong as he likes to pretend, and instead relies on a feedback loop of negativity and a cultivated reputation as a monstrosity fully capable of conquering and then destroying Creation, and well on the way to doing so, to actually achieve that kind of power. Of course, if he's abused such a loop to gain that sort of power, it's sort of moot whether he has that as his baseline to most entities. It is, after all, equally likely that whatever power he absorbs simply improves his baseline, and he was responsible for the destruction of corruption of much the Tree of Knowledge's Roots into little more than an extension of the Under Dark.

He has shown vulnerability to narrative manipulation, though conventional manipulation of causality, fate, or time generally has little effect. This is what led him to form a tentative truce with Garfield and Shaggy, who are respectively too stuck in their own head and concerned over what he'd do to the rest of Mystery Inc. if they actually fought to start a fight, and who the Scarlet King will avoid antagonizing until his other conquests are complete and he can turn his enslaved pantheons and children to the task of killing off the closest thing he has to actual peers at this point. Where Shaggy focuses so much on fistfights that his abilities in more mystical and esoteric vectors lag behind, and Garfield is a more even mixture with a heavy focus on managing his proxies, the Scarlet King focuses nearly solely on reality-warping, his corruptive aura, and memetic hazards and the war of ideas.

Where the Scarlet King specializes in esoteric effects, including granting others reality warping abilities and creating such artifacts directly or by proxy, he has shown that he isn't well-equipped for a fistfight with anything resembling a peer. He has few such entities, which makes any kind or training difficult, and he is so used to 'punching down' that he cannot effectively fight against someone who can 'punch up' which can be said to be his other weakness. Unlike Shaggy and Garfield, he was never mortal. He was never even truly weak, merely weaker than his siblings, and he relied on cunning to best them in much the same manner one who does not throw a ball while pretending to do so can be said to have outsmarted their dog.

Where Garfield's weakness is sloth and insanity preventing and distracting him from immediately deleting you, and Shaggy's pride and recklessness make him consider immediately punching your head off boring, the Scarlet King's weakness is that he's a sadist. He doesn't just want to destroy reality, he wants that death to hurt. He'll likely act akin to the Apocryphal Curse, actively engendering bizarre and unpleasant circumstances to make your and everyone else's life more interesting for him. He's likely to drag this out long after he should have stopped it, holding a personal grudge over the metaphysics of your world rather than you personally, seeing you more as an obstacle and potential source of amusement than an actual enemy until at least the level of a Tier 1 Omnipotent, and only then will he be likely to take you remotely seriously. Still, from that point on it's a constant roll of the dice whether he decides to simply kill you for ruining his fun or see how things play out. Playing along with his challenges can serve to dramatically improve your odds, and even extend the deadline before he starts considering killing you off in the fist place. Just be sure he hasn't caught on that you aren't actually dancing to his tune.

He also has the issue that, as one of the few genuinely omnicidal entities of his level, he has few allies outside his home reality. While in possession of a bizarre charisma that caused a few of the pantheons he defeated to follow him willing afterward, this seems weaker outside his home reality, suggesting it is in part a local quirk of high-level entities or something of the sort rather than something inherent to him. The aforementioned Godfield and Ultra Instinct Shaggy are by no means well-inclined to him, and it wouldn't be all that hard to unite them against him. Making the former of sound mind might have him teaming up with Shaggy to bring him down as one of the first things he does. This is part of the reason Haeliel hasn't already fixed him, since even Garfield himself wants to be healed on some level, but the Scarlet King would intervene if a High Cursebearer tried to jump into reality and heal him specifically to prevent this. Of course, he would have issues doing that if it were someone Garfield were pursuing of his own accord, since Garfield would likely take offense to having someone snatched out from 'right in front of him' from a reality-scale view.

Similarly, even other evil beings like Sonic.exe and Davoth want existence to continue for their own reasons, and so they oppose him on that front. Really, the number of allies he has that could actually contribute on the scale he operates at and aren't basically acting as his lieutenants already can be counted without exceeding triple digits. That may sound like a lot, but with as many multiverses as there are nested inside of the omniverse, it really isn't.

The Scarlet King knows that, so long as your world exists, it is possible he might be revived, reincarnated, or simply have a new iteration brought forth even should he achieve victory in his reality, something he considers no less abominable than existence itself. In other words, the variant of SCP-001 where it's identity is that of the SCP authors can be regarded as true regardless of it's technical in-universe canonicity in a given instance of the SCP multiverse, and he loathes the very idea of new versions of himself, just as wretched, being brought into existence as being just as bad as having come into existence in the first place, if not worse. It does somewhat amuse him that a general feeling of melancholy and existential dread afflicts what is ostensibly the root of the macroverse nesting each of these other omniverses and multiverses despite all the power this theoretically grants the 'creators' of existence as it is commonly understood, and may well muse that it finally makes sense why he or something like him would be birthed in his cosmos. Shadows of the despair afflicting the roots, not unlike his own corruption of them in his home plane, echoing backwards in time, not unlike how the version of him born of the conflict between pre-modern and modern thought rewrote history after gaining enough power to be a distinct entity as he became more defined.

There is also the potential to redeem him, which is believed to be the threat his son/grandson, an orange blob capable of curing depression and PTSD through mere physical contact and prolonged proximity, poses, as it is by no means a combatant. It can be said that he has been suffering an existential crisis since his birth, so it may well be possible. Assuming, of course, that he doesn't kill you for screwing with his head before you can manage it. There is also the fact that he is fundamentally more cruel and selfish than Garfield, who at least has the excuse of literally being insane by virtue of a broken ascension he neither wanted nor asked for, with a mindset apparently along the lines that if he can't be happy then no one can.


[+1 Bit] Hatred of Slimes.

Slimes across the multiverse will attempt to kill you. They have an instinctive, irrational hatred of you. The Slime Ally ignores this, and other than the fact that they'll mass up for it, it's not that different from how things normally are, since Slimes try to kill most humans in most universes. It's relatively simple to cut this Drawback off at the knees by simply outscaling any Slimes in a given universe before you visit. Unless there's something you desperately want in one of those settings, it's more of an inconvenience than anything else. Do keep in mind that the definition of Slime is fairly generous. Moldsmal's from Undertale, as living gelatin in the classic gelatin mold shape, technically qualify. Certain sufficiently misshapen flesh masses like G-Monsters from Resident Evil 2 technically qualify, but they'd try to kill you anyway.

[+1 Bit] Negative RGB.

The color scheme of the world is inverted. This varies from uncanny, such as most people's faces, to debilitating, such as trying to disarm a bomb and struggling with which wire is actually what color. It's usually the former, however.

[+1 Byte] Plenary Scan.

Enemies will automatically know exactly what shape you're in. This makes bluffing them impossible, from staying upright while on the brink of death, to playing dead. This doesn't reveal elemental weaknesses or anything, it's just that you've effectively always got your HP bar visible. It does make revealing these things easier, as spells like Scan would effectively be upgraded to the next tier, however.

[+1 Byte] Monster Bait.

You attract Monsters as seen in Final Fantasy, Dragonquest, etc. or the local equivalent within a kilometer. Shadows in Persona, for example. This can get you mobbed without much warning. This can be beneficial in some settings, such as Pokemon, or other such settings where the local Monsters aren't particularly malicious or at least not universally so. It can also be of benefit if you want to kill a lot of Monsters in quick succession for Drops or because the local magic system has a leveling mechanic, or doing so is part of a Quest. There are ways to use it for ambushes as well. They won't abandon their reason entirely with a single purchase, but they will be a lot less careful than they normally would in trying to get to you, making them more vulnerable to pit traps and camoflaged units.

[+1 Core Feature] Killer GM.

Taking on the Apocryphal Curse is often a deal-breaker for those who might otherwise take on the burdens of a Progression Cursebearer. This is not Apocryphal. It is more along the lines of a hostile Fate effect, though things that block hostile Fate effects are only partially effective in blocking this. It is, in some ways, the opposite of Apocryphal. Rather than trying to find interesting ways to make your life difficult, it will simply try to kill you. Unlike Apocryphal, it won't be clever about it. The attempts may be unlikely, but they will usually be boring, such as the memetic 'Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies' and therein lies it's weakness. It's straightforward, and that makes it predictable. Treat it like Murphy's Law, with the caveat of 'When something goes wrong, it will go wrong in a potentially lethal manner.' with the caveat having it's own caveat 'This only happens in close proximity to the person with the Drawback. Allies a few miles away are at no risk.' because the Killer GM is kind of... stupid. While it does scale to you, so in theory it's always a danger, there are limits to how many times in a row it can try to kill you, though unlike Apocryphal it's more that it lacks much in the way of imagination and half a dozen murder attempts in quick succession will exhaust the obvious options in most cases, outside of games like I Wanna Be The Guy where a single pixel off from the correct path can get you killed.

[+2 Core Features] Shards of Enlightenment.

You are not the only one who received this enlightenment. Others across the world have received a similar epiphany. This Drawback slightly modifies your Earth to be more focused on videogames. Not to the point of being like the Yugiohverse and the cardgame that reality is obsessed with, but a noticeable uptick in the number of games and players which has knock-on effects for the rest of this omniverse due to it's metaphysics. There may be a series rivalling Final Fantasy in popularity you outright don't recognize, creating an entire new branch of universes you cannot reasonably know about. The world will more closely resemble Glitch Techs than IRL Earth, in other words. This won't necessarily be bad in and of itself, as these other enlightened individuals need not be your enemies, but there is no telling what Drawbacks they might have picked, nor is it certain that their list was identical to yours, either due to quirks of their game list, personality, or soul. Either way, should you pick this option, there's good odds you won't have a sandbox of video game universes to play with, but a playground with other people interested in messing with that sandbox to their own ends. On the bright side, they won't have picked this option, for obvious reasons, so you'll have that going for you.

In return for an additional 2 Core Features, have this be a common enough circumstance that the official term for it is Godmode, in reference to activating admin privileges or Minecraft's Creative Mode. This has happened before, frequently enough that it's not uncommon and there may well be legends about it in any given universe you visit. As you can imagine, this dramatically effects both your world and the wider omniverse, like picking an Expanded Universe or Higher Interpretations drawback, and dramatically exacerbates the increase in gaming and gamers so that world does indeed resemble Yugioh but with videogames. For example, all 500 or so Undertale universes would have their own fangames, not unlike the endless Five Nights at Freddy's clones, though much like the original game, they would have twists on the expected formula, while themselves having twists on those formula in some weird creatively incestuous feedback loop, particularly with universes derivative of other fictional universes like SwapFell. More famous games with storylines across multiple games like Kingdom Hearts will likely see their number of games doubled or even tripled, and series like Dragonquest and Final Fantasy may well end up with thousands more installments, facilitated by Godmodes who sometimes dip into creating games or empower the creators of games they like either to have new ones to play or to create new worlds to play around with, sometimes specifically to generate new abilities and items to pilfer.

People might resolve arguments with minigames. There are videogame academies, and skill at videogames reaches heights comparable to Fate or Final Fantasy's nonsense. Once again, others will not have this option available, nor the Special Offer unless you explicitly collaborate with another writer, so if you pick this option, you can be certain of an additional 4 Core Features relative to their build, though that might simply mean they duplicate your build with a few more Enemies/Drawbacks.

AN: So having read JOEbob's criticism, I hear ya, and here's another DLC to pad out the options. In hindsight it was kind of limited. Whaddya think @JOEbob ?

11595 words, discounting this line.
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A build that I came up with as I was sitting in the shitter.

[ ] Your Choice (Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler)
[ ] The Overlord

[ ] The Barrister
[ ] Finitude Lacing
[ ] The Mandarin
[ ] The Forester

It's pretty simple - replace Sebastian Michaelis and become the butler of the Phantomhive family. The Mandarin's power is applied to the Barrister's, so as to further reduce the Overlord's unremitting burden - leaving the player with more time to be one hell of a butler - and the Forester is applied to Mental Agility; a butler must display sharp discernment, extreme discretion, and deep wisdom in applying his learned skills. The Barrister handles most of the rest, and the effects of Finitude Lacing on this build ought to be rather minimal aside from maybe lowering initial power level and maximum power level, given that most of this is already possible in local metaphysics as far as I know.
= CYOA =
nderworld's Pearl
Reread this yesterday and was bitten by the build bug. Here are a few more, one for each Alteration option:

Until It Is Done

Alteration: Fabled Form -2O
Necromancy: Knight of Death -2O
Abilities: Ferryman's Spell -1O, Sign of the Bear -2O, Sign of the Accursed -1 Denar
Artifacts: Winged Sandals -3O, The Neverblade -2D, Armor of Terror -2D, The Aegis -2D
Drawbacks: Specter-Hunter Geas +2D

Okay, so it turns out hell's full of ghosts rather than demons. That's no reason to abandon the dream of becoming Doomguy. We can work with this, there's enough spiritual cannibalism that it's still a target-rich environment. Rather than focusing on self-empowerment, the Slayer purchases a panoply of artifacts to enable his grisly cosplay. The Armor of Terror's both defensively potent and crucial to developing a reputation as an invincible destroyer among Wraiths. That the Aegis can no-sell most attacks contributes to the impression, as does the Neverblade's ability to cleave even titanic flesh.

Wielded together, the sword and shield offer - if not a perfect offense and defense - at least a passable imitation. Winged Sandals patch the lack of a ranged option, allowing the Slayer to fly closer so he can hit Specters with his sword. Engaging in constant combat maximizes the benefits of Fabled Form's daily Slice Fate-esque ability, which is convenient because artifacts are hogging all the drachma anyway. The Slayer's weakness is his reliance on them. Stripped of his panoply, he'd quickly succumb to all the enemies his campaign of terrorism will end up making. Bear's hidden hibernation perk helps, but in the long run the Slayer needs to scale.

He's not totally up shit creek (probably a branch of the Styx) without a paddle, though. Knight of Death's payouts provide infusions of power to counterbalance the relative weakness of Fabled Form's statblock, as well as offering a way to disappear from Hesed when there's too much heat. Doing dream quests for a stable of minor superpowers and seeking out the Deathless as allies are also promising. Diligently fulfilling the Geas can earn rewards from Charon, but the primary driver of advancement is the Praxis. References aside, the Slayer aims to import a fraction of the dream of fairness to the underworld, and bring to justice those who thought themselves beyond it.

Whether the Neverblade's wielder faces lone champions or ghostly legions, gluttons or gods, there's only one path forward: to cut through, until the illusion of invincibility becomes the truth. To rip and tear, until it is done.

Possible variants: exchanging Bear for Lion by taking a Wound, adding another layer of protection. Adding Lethe and replacing Fabled with Celestine (Battle), grabbing either Sowilo or slapping a wound on top to add Skull. A phobia's ironically fitting for an Armor of Terror build, but the variety of Spectral superpowers and risk of an eventual bad matchup persuaded me to go with the least ambitious version.

Stygian Voyager

Alteration: Celestine Form (Water) -2D
Necromancy: Advice From the Ancestor -1O
Abilities: Sign of the Lion -4O
Artifacts: Sowilo -5O, Seven Bands -2D, Staff of Echoes -1 Denar
Drawbacks: None

Why take on unnecessary burdens? The Voyager's neither psychopath nor sycophant. Spending his afterlife slaughtering Wraiths or joining the throng of petitioners salivating for entrance into the Elysium isn't for him. Perhaps it's natural that one with the domain of water would prefer to go with the flow. Hesed's deathly beauty eclipses that of his Celestine countenance, so the Voyager intends to see every inch of the Unseen World. To explore Asphodel's endless vistas and climb the Great Hill, break bread with the witches of Acherusia and sail at least six of the underworld's seven rivers.

With no drawbacks and the lingering angst of a truncated life diluted by Lethe's waters, freedom's his for the taking. The Voyager has relatively little to fear unless he attracts the attention of Hesed's great powers. Confident in his invulnerability and preferring dialogue to conflict, his first recourse when threatened is to activate Sowilo to defuse the situation. Those who spurn this olive branch will get a taste of the build's main synergy: the Seven Bands and his divine domain. Infinity's portals allow him to visit riverbanks and attempt to accelerate the empowerment process. If influence over water can grant immunity to the rivers, hydrokinesis is a hell of a perk.

The final river's function can be deduced from the Bands, though gaining access is trickier than it's worth. Infinity might be able to open a portal into Elysium, but sneaking into the Unseen's mansion? Too risky. Nothingness likely ends up neglected, used to clean up campsites and vanish the occasional Wraith. There are other fun interactions, like combining Hatred's debuff with Celestine charisma, Lion's insight, and Sowilo for social combat. A more scientifically inclined variant could accept a Wound in exchange for the Constellation, experimenting with crafting elixirs of his own.

But ultimately Voyager's a slice-of-life travelogue build that visits new places, meets interesting people, and doesn't kill them. If he ever exhausts Hesed's reserves of novelty, well, that's what the Band of Oblivion and Advice From the Ancestor are for. Despite his laissez-faire inclinations the Voyager's well-equipped to advise bright young magi! He mostly uses the Staff of Echoes as a walking (or flying) stick, but maybe in the long arc of eternity he'll get around to mastering it. Eventually. Perhaps after another trip into the Caverns that Whisper.

Dead but Dreaming

Alteration: Primordial Form (Imagination) -1 Denar
Necromancy: Do not call up what you cannot put down.
Abilities: Ferryman's Spell -1O, Sign of the Bear -2O, Craftsman's Constellation -1D
Artifacts: Orphean Hymn -2O, Dog's Helm -5O & 3D
Drawbacks: Only the attention of those in power.

Has there ever been a more glorious moment of transformation? The amphora drained and cast aside as changes reverberate through the drinker's being. A sublime euphoria, weakness evaporating like dew before the dawn's light, new senses unfurling to reckon with dominion over a force of nature. Life and death revealed as a false dichotomy; mortality, discarded like caterpillar's chrysalis. No human epiphany can compare to even one percent of a titan's power. Is it any wonder that the recipient of such a blessing would turn inward, when his only equal slumbers in the darkness below?

Looking past the intoxicating experience of exaltation, Primordial Form's dangers are significant. The text reveals little about the gods. Living up to his title, even the Unseen and his wife are referenced only in passing. Mentions of Prometheus and Athena, a Hades expy, and the items/terminology indicate the existence of the Dodekatheon, but assuming they're as fractious and incompetent as their mythological counterparts is an enormous risk. Reaching the apex of Primordial potential takes a thousand years, not that titanhood is any guarantee of victory. The Dreamer's predecessors are slain or imprisoned. It falls to him to learn from their failure.

The Dreamer bears the divinities no particular ill-will. That he's consumed the blood of a dead primordial does not make him their kin, much less obligated to avenge them. He has no intention of perpetuating the cycle of usurpation: the protogenoi replaced by their titanic children, who were overthrown in turn by their own. Any student of history can see the futility there. Still, the gods aren't going to just shrug and accept the existence of a threat to their hegemony. Survival requires setting aside the hubris of those initial moments to take the prudent course.

The strategy's simple: don the Dog's Helm, find a remote cave, and go to sleep. Wake only for Constellation procs and the occasional meditation session to resolve Bear's quests. In the short term crafting's intended to provide safety and comfort: anti-bedsore sheets, carving out a home, etc. The more years one has to hoard artifacts, the better the Constellation is; since this build intends to sleep the centuries away and attract absolutely no attention it's a natural fit. Mid-game exploits involve attempting to dream reagents into existence and harnessing the omnidisciplinary prowess to enhance his worldbuilding.

Double-dipping on stealth should make it hard for even the likes of Artemis to track the Dreamer down. It'll only get harder as his mastery of Imagination grows, rendering him as elusive as a fantasy. The line between dream and reality will start to blur. Who would choose the waking world over his Kingdom of All Things Conceivable, more vibrant than Elysium itself? When an individual of the Dreamer's invention can emerge from his mind like a modern-day Athena, what difference is there between the two? Kuranes would be proud. But even building his own Celephaïs is only a stepping stone on the path of transcendence, at the end of which is existence as something like Azathoth.

Originally I toyed with doing a Primordial (Time) build to cheat my way through the stages, but figured you probably can't use the power to unlock the rest of it. Which led me to the idea of turtling and taking the long way. Ignore the Unseen, the Caverns, whatever the hell Charon intends with Erebus, and just hibernate for a fucking millennium. Shame about the Hymn and Ferryman's Spell though, they stick out like a sore thumb. At least the former's useful for entertainment and inspiration? Ferryman's mobility could be handy early on if changing lairs.

Variant-wise, an Imagine Dragons version could drop them and take Lethe to pay for that Sign, using the monthly ritual to remove rumors of his existence (yet more stealth-stacking!) or conjure materials. Having a trump card in case the pantheon attacks is nice, but Lethe's bad for a Dreamer and overall doesn't contribute to the build's comfy eldritch naptime ethos.

1616 words.
Gun Control - Wings of Freedom (pt. 2)
Alexander made a careful approach, knowing that a single misstep could lead to his detection. He first teleported over to the edge of a rooftop, hidden from sight behind an air conditioning unit. He scanned the street below from his perch with squinted eyes, coming out slowly, crouching so as to not be seen.

Another teleportation carried him across the street and on top of the streetlamp, safely concealed above its light, shrouded in nightly umbrage. He was able to hear Armsmaster and the unknown parahuman's conversation well enough from here but he only caught the last few scraps.

"...and that suggests the unknown cape had somehow found this place on their own, with no support or thinker analysis, and made the conscious decision to partake in the fight in spite of the potential risks," Armsmaster concluded a long line of speech. "It... simply doesn't add up. All it takes is a few seconds of weighing costs and benefits."

"Never discount the potential of human stupidity or reckless arrogance," said the unknown hero, in a wiseman's voice, almost as if chiding Armsmaster. "Many parahumans have done stupider things, with even weaker abilities. And we don't know how strong this one is."

Armsmaster lacked a reply.

"And besides, there was much to gain here."

At that, the Protectorate leader perked up, but then rapidly feigned slight disinterest. After a moment, "Explain?"

"Consider. We're on the southside of the Docks, the melting pot, so to speak," said the dapper cape. "It's as close as it gets to no man's land for the gangs. If a major ABB fortress were to be strategically removed, everyone in the area would stand to benefit - the Empire especially so, given the recent attacks. Alternatively, if the new cape was some kind of vigilante exacting brute justice or a self-styled hero, there'd be an agenda for reputation here - striking at the point of greatest inflexibility and yet where the enemy's hold is firm. A show of strength, overwhelming power. A declaration of war. If villains were here, it only adds fuel to the fire, makes Lung aware of what's coming."

"Assuming intent? And here I thought you said this was simple recklessness," Armsmaster huffed.

"Yes. However, the fact that someone calculated risk does not mean they are good at math. There had to be a leading motive. You can see, from the roof entry point, the attack was too organized to be random. The cape assailant had prepared for this, and it was a single person, not a group. An overconfident vigilante with a dream in his heart."

"Hm." Armsmaster looked up, not far enough to see Alexander overhead, but enough to take a good look at the entire building. "I see your point. A motivated attack, likely with minimal planning and done almost on the fly; reckless, but motivated. We should interrogate the suspects, and figure out the new cape's powers and intent. Before they do anything else that's stupid and reckless."

"Yes," the unknown cape laughed, stepping forward into a walk, in the direction of the ABB members being tended to by medical stuff. "I have a long night ahead of me."

Armsmaster grunted.

A moment passed by in complete silence. Alexander prepared to leave.

"Whoever you are," Armsmaster started, a half-octave louder, "don't move. I have you in my sights, and I will take you down if you attempt to teleport."

Alexander froze in place, and strongly considered teleporting, but too many unknown factors kept him from making a decision either way. Unmoving still, he craned his neck slightly and heard the slight buzz of rotors far behind him. A drone of some kind, potentially armed with a long-distance stunner device or a taser. Even if he started teleporting in its direction and went into cover as soon as he could, there'd be no guarantee of reaching it before it ascended to a higher altitude and shot him down. And conversely, there was no assurance it wouldn't be able to keep up in a chase, track him long enough for Armsmaster to hop on his bike only a few meters away.

If the drone had a tinker-grade taser equipped, he could most likely power through the electric shock and ignore it with his resilient physiology, but he couldn't do that and fight or keep fleeing Armsmaster at the same time. Alex was screwed, at the mercy of the Protectorate leader, one who wouldn't be well-disposed because of the curse.

"Are you the parahuman who attacked this scene?"

"No," Alexander said.

A momentary hum, satisfaction at being answered; Armsmaster continued, "Are you a villain, or otherwise associated with organized crime?"

"No," he replied, "but neither am I, strictly speaking, a hero. At least not at this moment."

A pause that lasted for a second or two, filled with unspoken words. There was a shift in Armsmaster's posture down below, but he ultimately settled, "A rogue or independent then. Very well. Do you have any idea what might've happened here?"

"I was hoping to figure that out by eavesdropping on you," Alexander said, knowing he's been had. Surface analysis of the way Armsmaster had acted in their brief conversation suggested the hero possessed some means of analyzing statements for falsehood and truth, giving him better confidence in the fidelity of a given response.

"I see," Armsmaster said. "To what end?"

There was no politeness, there. There was no, 'if I may ask,' or 'if I may be so bold.' It was a straightforward, efficient question and the implied alternative was being tasered from his vantage point several meters above Armsmaster's head and swiftly cuffed, brought in for maybe-true and maybe-not charges of tampering or attempted attack.

"I'm not sure," Alexander considered, "Do I need one? I feel like the main reason-"

"Being circumlocutious here won't help your case," Armsmaster said, and the buzz of the rotors became stronger, nearer. "Answer me."

"...I believe that I might know the individual responsible for this attack," he admitted in full honesty, but shrouded in enough vague wording to still protect his interests. "I don't actually know them very well, however, nor do I know where they are, or how to find them. And that's why I was eavesdropping, hoping to find a way."

"What's your parahuman alter ego name?"

He wasn't sure what he could give. Although 'Soldier' was likely appropriate, it felt too general and too generic. "I don't have one."

"Snoop, then, given your propensity to seek auditory information when you shouldn't," Armsmaster said, decisively, but calmly. "At least until you come up with something better. I saw you teleporting, and I'm going to assume that's your parahuman ability?"


"Teleport down here," Armsmaster ordered. "Next to me, but not too close. And behind the lantern, as much as you're able. I'd rather not have one of those busy government workers glance over here and notice us talking."

Alexander complied, teleporting a handful of feet to the side, as per Armsmaster's commands. Above, the drone adjusted itself, and Alexander briefly caught a flicker of its motion; its figure was translucent, visible only by the warping of the light and terrain it left behind in its wake. Some kind of invisibility or optic masking module. Judging from the quality of the effect itself, it seemed to be the most straightforward A-to-B solution of placing miniaturized cameras on one side which sent their feed to screens layering the drone on the opposite side, adjusted in real-time using specialized programs to cut back on distortion.

Armsmaster handed over something, which Alexander hesitantly accepted.

"My card," the hero said at the questioning look. "If you find out anything about this 'individual' of yours, call me immediately. If, next time we meet, I determine you did not perform as I requested, I will feel compelled to look far less favorably on future eavesdropping attempts."

Alexander didn't respond for a time, but ultimately, nodded in assent.

"And that's all. You're not being detained at this time, Snoop. You're free to go," Armsmaster said in a perfunctory manner. Above him, the sound of the drone's faint rotor blades grew even dimmer as it floated up.

He teleported away, and then further away, escaping the scene of the crime like a shoeless man escaping from a pursuer but treading a path covered in broken glass.

It was maybe the most intense interaction with anyone that Alexander had ever experienced.

He'd expected, at least, if Armsmaster wanted him on his side, there'd be some more small talk or semi-pleasant if dull conversation. Maybe a tentative job offer, given the PRT's tendency to swallow up any independent cape without a criminal record, but it seemed like the fragmentary curse of the Wretch he'd picked up put that idea to sleep. If Armsmaster wanted results on this front, then volunteering more information or an opportunity to cooperate likely would've given them both far superior results, with more opportunity for locating Averlee by compiling their abilities and resources.

Judging from how their talk went, as well as the inefficiency of not buddying up on the case, Alexander guessed that the Protectorate hero simply didn't care that much about the attack and simply wanted to intimidate the abrupt but dislikeable eavesdropper into fucking off, while also preserving some semblance of profiting from the interaction.

It was scummy but maybe expected given Alexander's choice of curses.


Alas, you didn't learn much from the conversation - Armsmaster detected your approach and decided to shift conversational tracks into something less beneficial for you only moments before you had the opportunity to hear a single word. Afterward, he didn't seem too keen on working together either...

At any rate, you've acquired Armsmaster's Business Card (x1)! All things considered, this interaction didn't go down as badly as it could've...

How should you proceed with the task of locating Averlee?

[ ] Mundane Sleuthing - Acquire or craft some basic laboratory analysis equipment. After the PRT packs up, there might be sufficient evidence left to scan the scene, gather up your own samples, and track down the ABB gangsters to their prison cells to question them.

*Requires you to break into a few places and work your ass off.
*By far the most difficult and time-consuming way of going about this.
*Also the most reliable.

[ ] Delegate Work - Take a page from Armsmaster's book and craft some small, unassuming, and hard-to-notice drones specialized in simple image-pattern recognition, and program them to track and inform you of anything that might look like Averlee Legrand.

*It'll eat some time away, but not as much as mundane sleuthing.
*Simple and efficient, plus it lets you practice pseudo-tinkering!
*Hardly reliable. Might not even tag any results after months of looking, so you might be crafting yourself into a logjam.

[ ] Slack Off - Don't be stupid, there's an even better way to do this.

*Don't take any personal actions meant to aid in locating Averlee Legrand... for now.
*Proceed with another turn of Actions and ordinary Training.
*After that, the PRT will likely have made some progress in its investigation - simply break into their mainframe and steal the relevant documentation and reports for a cornucopia of data they don't have the manpower or care to deal with and go from there. You're better positioned to benefit from any evidence you gather.
*Allows you to derive the full benefits of mundane sleuthing with none of the work input. Work smart, not hard!
*However, you're still basically trying to rob the PRT. If you're detected, that's kind of screwing yourself over and self-marking as a villain.

[ ] Write-in.

Furthermore, if you do locate Averlee, do you actually give Armsmaster the courtesy call he demanded?

[ ] Yes! - It's not really his fault you're almost supernaturally hateable - aside from the curse-induced dickishness, he's simply doing his job and concerned for the right reasons. It'd be good to alleviate that worry, and maybe earn yourself some minor remittance from his continued distaste towards you. Maybe this story can have a happy ending?

[ ] Nope - Fuck him, honestly. After that hostage negotiation/abuse of law enforcement authority of a conversation, you want nothing to do with the man, especially not helping the bastard.

And what about your cape name? It'd be smart to come up with one for the next encounter. Consider which slice of your various powers the name and overall theme should represent!

[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Don't come up with one, for now, save it for later [+2 Merit]
Private Eye
Private Eye

Once the major element of the investigation concluded and the suspects were interrogated and shipped off, many of the government workers packed up their precious equipment into their precious vehicles and went away, returning to their duties, with only a skeleton crew remaining on-scene, presumably to guard it against intrusion in case the investigators wanted a close second look shortly. And maybe that crew was good, but they weren't expecting a teleporter who was capable of going behind their back, grabbing a sample, and teleporting back to invisible safety, so Alexander managed to gather items for his own research in complete peace.

He returned to his present hideout - a small jungle of shipping containers in a seldom-trodden quadrant of the northern docks - where he utilized his Gun Magic spells to create basic materials, which he refined into basic tools, and from those, he created a semi-professional laboratory set; a microscope, Petri dishes, beakers, test tubes, pipettes...

Around the scene itself, he found a frighteningly scarce amount of evidence - the PRT's was thorough in collecting or muddling such on its own, but fortunately not thorough enough to completely manage to wipe away every single little bit of evidence. He found relatively fresh blood, and within that blood, enough leukocytes to form an ad hoc genetic profile: all of it came from a female body; telomere degradation and other factors indicated biological age either identical or close to his own.

So, in the end, as Alexander sat down in a small chair made out of a scrapped car seat propped up on bars of scrap, he pulled off his mask and considered deeply.

All of the factors on scene indicated this:

Averlee Legrand located the scene on her own, maybe by tracking some of the people who worked there until their arrival. Given current data, it was not impossible she'd navigated there using a magical power or spell of some kind. After determining the culpability or fault of the people inside the building, she launched an ambush attack and impressively managed to injure - in some cases, critically - over a dozen gang members before finally being caught in close-quarters-combat with some kind of extremely powerful Brute or Striker cape. At one point, the brute punched, kicked, launched, or otherwise sent her through the wall of the building and into the van - which crumpled on impact - and which gave the remaining ABB gangsters sufficient angle and opportunity to actually shoot her several times, producing modest wounds.

She fled, and healed on the way rapidly, most likely using another one of her magics. At the same time, the unknown ABB-affiliated cape and his remaining mooks fled in the other direction, leaving behind their wounded comrades. The encounter lasted between three to six minutes, but most likely around five minutes. An inordinately long amount; Averlee was non-offensive at first, escalating later, finding ways to take down the gangsters one by one without getting shot. After the cape's appearance, the combat paradigm shifted to careful analysis and avoidance of their attacks, but she must've gotten reckless or over-extended herself as the enemy villain struck her successfully.

Alexander supposed, from her perspective, the operation must've looked to be a minor success. She managed to disrupt gang activity, injured a number of gang members, and forced them to abandon an entire operation center, on top of learning some about an enemy combatant. She didn't know the PRT was onto her, as much as the ABB.

In any case, he didn't need to interrogate the captured ABB men or anyone else - at this point, Alexander knew a sufficient amount of data to successfully track her down. Any other data discovery would be mere commentary.

He smiled and put on his mask. He'd call Armsmaster a bit later.


An hour later, Alexander walked into the 2682 Tipple Road apartment complex, translocated past the security guard, ascended a floor up the stairs, and then knocked on apartment number 307. All done in costume, of course, simply in case he was mistaken.

A few seconds after knocking, a relatively young girl opened the door, shorter than him by a few inches and with a blithely uninterested look, that immediately lit up as she noticed his appearance. She had pale violet eyes like immaterial gems and long, straight blonde hair with a few strands of colored lilac, all disordered and messed up. There were other signs of recent combat; narrow, freshly-sealed cuts covered her rosy cheeks, and the same went for her arms. She'd changed into a mundane set of clothes and covered up the bullet wounds, but he noticed that her posture matched that of someone with bone fractures in the process of healing.

"So many wounds to tend to. How reckless you are, Ms. Legrand," he commented very casually as he stepped into the apartment, and that was enough for her to lower her guard, staring at him in confusion.

"Monsieur... Reeves?" Her voice carried a note of French or at least something like it.

"None other," he replied, removing his mask. He noticed that she didn't stare at his scar for too long.

She closed the door hurriedly, maybe in fear that someone would overhear them. "How did you find me?"

"You don't have a car," he said - more of an accusation, than a statement.

"N-No. Not anymore."

"Indeed, not anymore," Alexander said, as he moved deeper into the small apartment. It was a pretty lousy place, caked in dirt and scattered articles of clothing. He noticed a pair of lacy underwear lying on the floor and forced his gaze elsewhere, moving for the couch, on which he sat. "I noticed the crumpled-up van on the scene wasn't impounded or removed despite its... non-operational state, and that means it had some relevance to the crime. It can't be the fact that you were brutally tossed into it, there's only so much evidence or conclusions to be had from collateral damage. It's a lead for the investigators, so it's your van, not the ABB's."

He shrugged. "A rental you got with fake documentation, or maybe acquired through shady back channels, seeing as the PRT hasn't contacted you yet to congratulate you on a job well-done and request that you let them know the next time you're planning a stunt like this. And to give you a recruitment spiel."

She looked at him in silence. He could see that, deep down, she was impressed with his conclusions, and also somewhat discomfited by the nagging awareness that if he figured this out, then someone else could probably do the same. He needed to clamp down on the urge to not echo her next, obvious question.

"Then, how did you know where to find me?"

"I looked for the nearest bus stop in the direction in which you fled," he said, taking out his phone and turning on Google Maps to show her. "After that, I studied the route of the bus that would've arrived a few minutes after you came up there, assuming that you used either some of your magics or had a spare change of clothes to hide your cape identity - a sensible precaution to have at all times, and despite how the combat encounter went, I know you're no idiot. And then, it was simply a manner of sequentially investigating every potential getting-off point after that for anything of curiosity. I found this in the second stop's trash bin."

Alexander reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, heavily bloodied wad of gauze. Its blood was a positive match for that found on the scene, but he chose not to say this, as it'd be too drab to explain to that extent. At least she had the self-awareness to carry around a first-aid kit on her belt.

"I- I see, and then?"

"I looked around for places with cheap rent, called the owner of the first one, asked for a Ms. Averlee Legrand, and claimed to be a relative. Whatever significance it used to have, your name isn't known in this world, so there's no incentive to use false monikers outside of dealings that might be related to illegal or dubious activity."

Her silence was a guilty one.

"At any rate, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm looking forward to working together," Alexander continued, in a less explanatory, and more polite voice. "Would you let me see your wounds, now? I think I can help you dress them more... skillfully, using my magics."

She nodded, exasperated but glad. "Certainly."


SOLDIER, you have managed to track down Averlee Legrand, a task which pleases the Gunman. You may select one reward.

[ ] Title: Sherlock in Shadows - The Sherlock in Shadows is a man of cognitive prowess and remarkable perception, one who smirks as he deducts scintillatingly unreachable truths from the simplest and most apparent of phenomena, but evades the grasp of similar thinkers with an alacrity bordering on the supernatural.

++Intelligence and ++Wits for the purposes of investigating past events and tracking people, also applicable to any actions taken in the role/profession of a detective or investigator. Apply a similar but opposite effect (debuff) to foes or neutral parties attempting to find out similar facts about you and a single, chosen close ally (Averlee Legrand by default.) A normal person would find it almost impossible to discover anything about you; a skilled detective would struggle to discover even basic facts.

Also, become an expert in the martial art of Bartitsu, as if you had trained in that discipline for a year using your current methods and capabilities; developing a cane for melee combat and outfitting it with gadgets is recommended!

At this point in time, you may only have a single Title equipped, but this limit may increase with time.

[ ] Item: PDA - A permanent improvement to your phone. Its inner components are upgraded to the level of a high-grade computer meant for running complex software, and it's now installed with an AI that can analyze your voice and desires with modest accuracy in order to aid you in rapidly browsing through internet data, pulling up relevant facts within moments. It can also be connected, both directly and remotely, to a data network of almost any kind in order to hack it and perform various other manipulations. If stolen, the AI will initiate a self-destruct sequence that bricks the phone and incinerates its internal components - may be used as a grenade.

All of these features are supernatural, mostly impossible to replicate outside of the realm of tinkertech. Also, you know how to reconstruct this PDA should it ever break.

[ ] Master Practitioner - Next Training is free of any Merit costs, costs half as many Actions to perform (rounded down) or gives twice as many Actions as a bonus (rounded up), and receives a flat +100% bonus, applied externally.

[ ] Military Merit - Receive +1 Merit, +20% Merit Gain, and 2x Merit Modifier until the chapter after the next chapter is posted. (As of right now, you have 7.8 Merit.) Also +Gunman Favor, as he is impressed with your temperance.
Personnel Dossier - Averlee Legrand
Averlee Legrand
Your Partner-In-Arms

Age: 15
Hair Color: Blond (w/ lilac dye)
Eye Color: Pale Violet
Build: Caucasian, slim and lean, shorter than Alexander Reeves by several inches, rather attractive and beautiful in conventional terms, enough to be somewhat remarkable for it. Moderately athletic.

* Accretion *

"A farmer's boy. A sword of fable. A perilous quest. Death or glory."

A form of symbiosis between wielder and object, integrating shared experiences, mythic archetypes, accumulated legendry and personal craftsmanship. The result is a being greater than the sum of its parts, not a man wielding a sword but Arthur with Excalibur, the blade closer to his being than his own sword-arm. That deep conceptual weight, wearing a groove in reality's current, permits the slow unfurling of impossible feats as a product of that partnership.

The power of Accretion is rarely replicable and never easily defined. Its greatest masters turn the tides of battle simply by taking the field, their presence an inexpressible radiance, sharp light beyond sense or reason, that erodes the existential basis of those who would oppose them. You will find them at the crux of fate, the critical point of inflection; there does that power reach its apex, starshine become a blazing sun, light and fire and fury as to bring the world to its knees.

*Base Rank: 2.775
*Advancements that increased Rank omitted for brevity from this report.

1/3 Panoply Slots

I. The Havenshroud
*A shroud passed from Gunman to close friend, and close friend to child, and child to daughter. A fragment of home that shelters its bearer from harm.
*The Havenshroud has a pseudo-sentience; a self-awareness similar to that of a protective dog and shares the senses and perception of its wearer.
*A diaphanous shapeshifting shroud, invisible to all eyes save its bearer should they so desire, and glimmering as a silver-lunar shawl with threads of bespeckled gold when visibly manifest, dancing in an invisible wind but contorting to defend them. It can be reshaped to become any form of cloth or dress: a poncho, a shirt, a skirt, etc.
*When worn, +++Protection, +++Constitution, +20% to the worth of Protection +s.

[Unbound Sheltering] III - A protection from harm, as valiant as the bulwark of shields in Sanctuary. +Protection, +Constitution.

[Steps of the Protector] II - A defender must be surefooted and move fast, to better interpose themselves between their charge and the source of harm. +Agility.

[Saluis in Arduis] II - There is no abandonment in the Sanctuarian Realm, no isolation, and no want, for its purpose is absolute, and its walls are unyielding to erosion by time or conqueror's sword. Every time this option is taken, apply a multiplicative 20% independence from hunger and thirst, as well as +Constitution.

[Abeyance] - The Havenshroud recalls its purpose, to bring Paradise; it not only protects but delivers comfort to its bearer, as per the dictates and absolute laws of its primal realm. Allows for modest communication to be done with the shroud's mind, letting the wearer assert 'control' over its motions; due to its stretchiness and elasticity, its ends can be used as a rope for getting to places otherwise unavailable, as devices for remote manipulation of objects, or utilized for weak short-range whipping attacks. Alternatively, it can be stretched wider and interposed to protect more than only its wearer from area-of-effect attacks in return for lesser protection value.

[Medicinal Shroud] - Allows small parts of the Havenshroud to be torn off from its whole and retain a medium of their defensive and life-sheltering properties, letting them be used effectively as bandages, to stem bleeding and to help in overall wound recovery. Their soft oily touch feels comfortingly cool and smooth when pressed against an open cut or deep bruise. +400% to the speed of wound recovery to any wound with a Havenshroud bandage applied, and immediately heals any wound it's directly applied to by 10%. However, extensive use of this ability over a short period of time may cause you to burn Rank to a commensurate degree.

-< Soul Evocation: The Aspirant >-

An Aspirant is one who seeks, aspires, to be something greater, and wills themself to keep going in spite of the harsh opposition, finds shelter and power in the ensuing adversity, and then ascends to become something greater than before.

Access to a shadow-copy of the Gunman's favored magic, the Emperor's Red, which allows for the relative manipulation of the Essences of various things; a mote of Essence may be infused into an attack to make a wound dealt by it almost impossible to recover from, or into an argument to increase its emotional salience; a jump with greater Essence will take its subject higher and further, and won't shatter their legs upon landing; a parry might disarm the enemy both metaphorically and literally in a single perfected stroke of the blade.

However, access to even this sliver of the Emperor's Red is rather constrained; progression in the power of this ability is slow, mediated somewhat by skill, and ultimately limited by spiritual puissance.

[Axis of Expansion] - All of the unremitting ambition of the Gunman and those who came before him. +++++Charisma, +++++Willpower, +Progression.

[Heaven's Aspirant] - Conjunctional with Accretion, reduces the strain of using the Soul Evocation by the amount of the practitioner's Astral Rank. A 10% reduction is offered for every 1 Astral Rank attained, up to a hard limit of 90% reduction.

[Spirit Burn] - Conjunctional with Element: Spirit. Allows the practitioner to form Essence from Spirit. However, the exchange rate is somewhat unfavorable; ten units of Spirit are required to form one 'unit' of Essence assuming near-perfect conditions for exchange.

- Battle Magic -

At first glance a simplistic art, yet few are more sophisticated at their core. The power of battle magic appears almost shockingly literal: techniques of sword and fist sporting superhuman might, orbs and shields channeling stupendous energies, summoned beasts who charge fearlessly into battle. The values of the system are orthogonal to physical reality or common sense and yet prioritized over both. Mastery comes not only from cultivating its spells and techniques but from clever exploitation of their confounding results. Lateral thinking is key.

*Leaps, charges, strikes, sweeps, stances, orbs, bolts, cones, blasts, shields, fields, auras, lances, and other active effects distinguished by their kinetic and spatial parameters.
*Recombination of techniques allows for surprising versatility for the quick-witted and sharp of mind.

At this moment, Averlee knows four (4) spells of Battle Magic; she is Capable in three and Practiced in the last one.

[Elemental] Blow - A simple punch or kick reinforced with an energy form that is familiar to its bearer, reinforces attack strength and applies special damage.
[Elemental] Bullet - A simple bullet of the utilized elemental energy. All damage is very modest even at high practice level, but can be easily spammed and aimed.
[Elemental] Spear - A more complex, piercing projectile of elemental energy; high-velocity and decent stopping power for less stability; detonates after penetration or at will.
[Elemental] Hammer - A more complex blow, either a punch or a kick, in which the striking limb is coated in highly compressed elemental energy; extremely powerful. Practiced.

[Element: Spirit] - An awareness and capability to utilize quintessence, known in many forms of thaumaturgical study and mythology as the 'fifth element.' Aether, mana, gnosis, magical energy, elan vital; its names are many, but its application singular; the reification of power into reality.

[Element: Fire] - A capacity to use elemental fire in one's techniques. Attain a strong resistance to hot temperatures and desert climates, and very modest reduction (10%) to the fiery techniques of other beings, although sufficient puissance of enemy casting may overcome this effect.

[Element: Earth] - A capacity to use elemental earth in one's techniques. Attain a modest resistance to physical damage (15%) as well as the ability to more easily manipulate, break, or crumble solid objects such as walls or earths; one's hands and feet are essentially treated as shovels at any point in time.

[Element: Water] - A capacity to use elemental water in one's techniques. Attain a modest control over water in direct physical proximity; allows for water-walking or instantly drying oneself off, enhanced swimming speed, and greater survival capabilities (breathing and pressure resistance) in underwater environments.
Action Vote
At the current moment you have 8.1 Merit, not a quantity that ought to be scoffed at.

Make a decision regarding your training for the first half of October.

Determine the intensity of your training

[ ] Rest
(10% Progression speed; +1.5 Merit, +2 Actions)
[ ] Placid (45% Progression speed; +.5 Merit, +1 Action)
[ ] Default (100% Progression speed, +1 Action)
[ ] Devoted (125% Progression speed)
[ ] Serious (170% Progression speed; -1 Merit)
[ ] Intense (240% Progression speed; -4 Merit, -1 Action, +1 Training Focus)
[ ] Extreme (450% Progression speed; -8 Merit, -2 Actions, +2 Training Foci)
[ ] Go Beyond (800% Progression Speed; -16 Merit, -2 Actions, +2 Training Foci)

-[ ] Alternative Measures: Time Over Effort - Alternatively, a single Action may be burned off to lower the cost of a higher training option by 4 Merit Points. You may do this with Extreme Training, but this will leave you with one less action next turn.

Determine the focus of your training

[ ] A Step Forward
- Assuming 100% Progression speed, it'll allow you to attain the following benefits:

-[ ] Walker
*Another ten feet to your translocation range.
*Another tenth of a second off your translocation cooldown.
*A modest (20%) reduction to the mental strain of thinking, a modest (20%) improvement to long-term memory and fact retention.

-[ ] Methodology
*Increase by one-third the Intelligence and Wits buff/debuff effect of Sherlock in Shadows.
*Increase by 25% the speed at which you utilize laboratory equipment in order to make forensic discoveries.
*Also, for completely free, craft a basic combat cane with three randomized gadgets. Pushes your personal cape style towards 'elegance.'

[ ] Surgecraft - Assuming 100% Progression speed: At last, integrate the Element of Worldwave into your fighting style, allowing you for its proficient use as well as the invention of techniques. ++Worldwave Control.

[ ] Gun-Katas of the Bullet Forge - Allows you to make around 20-40% progress towards Proficient Skill within a single Gun Spell (assuming 100% Progression speed.)

Alternatively, divide skill progression between multiple spells, or learn a new spell to add to your repertoire. If you wish to learn a new spell, roughly describe its purpose or function and Alexander will learn the one that fits your description most closely. Keep in mind the Gun-Katas are a system largely devoted to warfare and its spells often keep within such themes; it'd be considerably easier to learn a modified version of Magic Bullet that makes the bullet 'fiery' than to learn to fire a raw elemental blast of flame.

[ ] Mortal Combat - All physical conditioning and training in martial arts/novel parahuman tactics. +Might, +Combat Skill.

Actions (Choose two, or however many your training intensity allows.)

[ ] Craft Gadgets - At your fingertips lies the skill of a master blacksmith, with any tools and materials you desire. Harness it.

A crafting action; Alexander spends a significant amount of time making useful tools. Include a sub-vote describing the manner of items he should focus on. If left blank, he'll concentrate on self-defense implements and experimentation with prototypes/random ideas.

[ ] Onto the Streets - Done alongside Averlee. Go onto the streets of a chosen district or gang territory of Brockton Bay (the Docks, Downtown, Empire, ABB, etc,) and disrupt low-level gang activity, anonymously if possible. Avoid larger confrontations if possible, but make attacks of opportunity on capes if they are isolated/weak.

A decent opportunity to weaken gang operations within a given area.

[ ] Establish Yourself - Make a cape identity and carve out a reputation. As per 'Onto the Streets' but with a modest quantity of effort directed to making sure your actions are more visible to the everyday citizen, and that your voice is heard. Make sure the scum of the Bay is aware the pool cleaner's in, and he's here to fish.

If selected, pick a valid cape name and overall theme/ideas for identity.

[ ] Armsmaster Report [Free Action] - You agreed to Armsmaster's demand to inform him if you found the person responsible for the attack on the ABB, and so you have. Meet up with him, or contact him, or whatever he wants.

[ ] Side Mission - Signal your readiness to accept a Mission Assignment from the Gunman.
*Allows you to select one of several Missions of varying difficulty levels and rewards, to be performed locally within your own reality. Alas, without a valid Red Bounty Listing, these missions are likely to be, relatively speaking, the "bottom of the barrel;" time-consuming, bothersome to deal with, somewhat more difficult and irksome than for your Bounty-bearing Soldier-peers, and somewhat less rewarding upon completion, but the Gunman will ensure that you are compensated anyhow.

[ ] Write-in - Any action that would take a substantive amount of time away from training or any of the other actions above.
Big Brother
Big Brother

Averlee peered over his shoulder, a smirk on her face. "What are you making over there, Monsieur Mystérieux?"

"A cane," he replied very casually, molding the metal further while it was still warm. She'd allowed him to set up a forge of sorts in her corner of the building's basement. It was hardly a perfect environment for making anything - insufficient airflow and cluttered to hell with a bunch of minor trinkets the previous tenants hadn't removed. However, it had the one thing most other places in Brockton Bay didn't: privacy, to a near-absolute degree. The landlord didn't care what happened or what ungodly noises came from down below so long as everything was paid for, and that much they could manage, especially given his ability to illegally print infinite money with his tools.

However, for now, they'd probably stick to the less-illegal alternative of paying with money liberated from the wallets of thugs. A few strangely liberal cape laws allowed independent capes to, essentially, steal from the wallets of criminals - the law itself worded that a bit more elegantly, but that's what it came down to. However, there had to be actual proof that someone was guilty of a crime; incontrovertible and undeniable, mere eyewitnesses and circumstantial evidence often very insufficient for the needs of the legislation. Otherwise, a cape down on his luck could simply accuse random people of being criminals and rob them.

"And what's it for?"

"Magic," he replied. "I will become a magician and devote the entirety of my being to disappearing from here."

She hummed in a suspicious way. "Very well."

"How did your meeting with Armsmaster go?" he asked in return, swinging the cane at empty space and frowning at its balance. It needed to be more hollowed-out towards the middle and heavier at the tip. He put it down for another series of adjustments, this one hopefully being the last.

"Well enough," she answered with a huff, French accent slipping even more in wake of subtle irritation. It was odd, he thought, because he knew with certainty she wasn't French. "He chewed me out for doing something dangerous."

"It was pretty dangerous," Alexander said. "And it probably would've been better if I'd gone along with you, in the shadows."

"Ah, Monsieur Reeves, but your curse would render that extremely dangerous in a different way," she replied, patting him on the back. "Speaking of which, I informed Armsmaster that your chosen nom de guerre, is none other than Snoop the Detective."

"I really hope you're lying," he said, choosing 'lying' over 'joking,' to imply a joke was supposed to be funny, and this wasn't.

She merely giggled in response. Something, very deep within him, sagged as it lost its vital energy to form coherent resistance against her jokes.


125% Progression Results

*+Intelligence and +Wits buff/debuff effect of Sherlock in Shadows.
*Increase by 33% the speed at which you utilize laboratory equipment in order to make forensic discoveries.
*Craft a basic combat cane with three randomized gadgets. Pushes your personal cape style towards 'elegance.'

Detective's Cane
A dark cane made out of enchanted metal weighted to be more useful in melee combat, an impressive piece of quality metallurgic work. The cane has an 'impressive' 0.075 elevation along the Infinite Singularity Husk.

Active Enchantment - Force
The Detective's Cane may partially and selectively ignore laws of physics. It's considered as having 50% less mass/weight for its user, and having 50% more mass/weight for anyone who isn't its user, therefore combining swiftness and incredible force in every swing. A similar quality applies to its third gadget (see below.)

Implanted Gadgets (3/3)
- Evidence Compartment: A slot on the side of the cane that may fit and hermetically seal up to six pieces of evidence (a vial of blood, a scrap of cloth, etc,) for later analysis. Alternatively, may be used to carry around small items without notice. A gold-iridium lining prevents x-ray scans from seeing into these compartments.
- Knock-Out Spray: A button-activated high-pressure release of chloroform partially diluted in ethanol, emitted from the heel of the cane. If properly aimed at an opponent's face, at the correct range, it can be used to incapacitate or at least debilitate. Alternatively, the liquid may be poured over something and then ignited due to its high ethanol content, but this will produce traces of chlorine and other dangerous gasses.
- Concealed Gunblade: As one might expect, the cane hides a sword inside, which can be unsheathed by unlatching a safety below the thumb and then pulling on its handle. However, what your enemies don't know is that the sword is also a gun with a magazine of six .22 LR caliber rounds and powerfully silenced to boot. Reloading the gunblade is somewhat cumbersome, should be done outside of combat and preferably outside of 'situations' in general.

Also created the following:
Minidrone (x3) - A single-rotor drone, poor at maneuvering, slow, but extremely small, and difficult to notice. Has a single medium-resolution camera that records everything it sees and a battery life of about three hours and forty minutes. It's programmed (somewhat crudely) to gather data about specific targets, return for recharge, swap its data storage for a clean version leave the other one, and then fly back. As there are three drones, they have been programmed to ping each other to the location of the current target, allowing for effective and uninterrupted 24/7 stalking, although somewhat scuffed in execution.

If a crime is detected, the drones will immediately ping Alexander's phone and send him a relevant photo or recording of the deed in question, upon which he may simply press a button to either reject the report or send it anonymously to the Brockton Bay Police Department.

An Investigation into the ABB

A week of sleuthing has revealed the following about the ABB.

*Around three fronts (an Asian restaurant, a single massage house/spa, a loading service,) for criminal gang activity in the area. A more in-depth investigation revealed the restaurant is a money-laundering front, the massage house has an illegal brothel in the basement, and the loaders transport highly illegal contraband (narcotics + guns).
*The names and identities of thirty-eight street-level gang members and associates, the faces and names of a few street lieutenants; irrefutable evidence of direct criminal activity for around 20% of them, sufficient evidence to accuse another 50% of being knowing accessories to criminal activity
*A location for what appears to be the primary safehouse used by the villainous cape known as Oni Lee. He was still there, last you checked (five minutes ago.)

A considerable blow to the ABB, if any of this information were leaked or doxxed.

An Investigation into the E88

A week of sleuthing has revealed the following about the Empire.

*At least four confirmed fronts and six potential ones; half of them suspiciously tied as child businesses to Medhall Corporation. Most of them are pharmacies used for money laundering, one of them is a golf club near Captain's Hill and another is a solarium.
*A dog-fighting ring in the southern parts of the city, apparently illegally purchasing the canines in question from several shelters in the area; a few names and faces involved in the operation, including the shelter workers responsible.
*The names and identities of twenty street-level gang members and associates, the name of a major lieutenant responsible for operations in downtown. Enough to implicate almost everyone for some kind of crime, and the rest for being accessories; the Empire is far less subtle than its competitors...

What do you wish to do with all this data?

[ ] The Painfully Obvious - This might violate the Unwritten Rules. It's a good thing you don't especially care.

[ ] Don't Act For Now - Keep this data to yourself, and gather more. It's better to deliver a strong blow, than a fast one. If they realize you're onto them, they'll naturally recede into a turtle-shell to make your future work harder.
Character Sheet (Big Brother)
Alexander Reeves
SOLDIER, Private
, the Sherlock in Shadows
Also known to some people as, "Snoop the Detective," or "Monsieur Mystérieux."

Age: 15
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Build: Average height. Lean but with visible and surprising muscle mass for his age, deep burn facial scar covering the left side of the face (making it somewhat "ugly" on that side), otherwise extremely unremarkable


Might: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 1
Wits: 5
Charisma: 0
Manipulation: 0
Willpower: 4
Protection: 0
Luck: 0
Appearance: 0


Sherlock in Shadows
- The Sherlock in Shadows is a man of cognitive prowess and remarkable perception, one who smirks as he deducts scintillatingly unreachable truths from the simplest and most apparent of phenomena, but evades the grasp of similar thinkers with an alacrity bordering on the supernatural.

++Intelligence and ++Wits for the purposes of investigating past events and tracking people, also applicable to any actions taken in the role/profession of a detective or investigator. Apply a similar but opposite effect (debuff) to foes or neutral parties attempting to find out similar facts about you and a single, chosen close ally (Averlee Legrand by default.) A normal person would find it almost impossible to discover anything about you; a skilled detective would struggle to discover even basic facts.

Also, become an expert in the martial art of Bartitsu, as if you had trained in that discipline for a year using your current methods and capabilities; developing a cane for melee combat and outfitting it with gadgets is recommended!

At this point in time, you may only have a single Title equipped, but this limit may increase with time.

*+Intelligence and +Wits buff/debuff effect of Sherlock in Shadows.
*Increase by 33% the speed at which you utilize laboratory equipment in order to make forensic discoveries.
*Craft a basic combat cane with three randomized gadgets. Pushes your personal cape style towards 'elegance.'


Experienced Warrior
- A depth of inherent ability and infused experience in the use of military equipment of any current or past era, comparable to a veteran of several conflicts or a single major armed conflict (a World War.) An instinctive aptitude for using otherwise unfamiliar or futuristic weaponry, as well as improvised weaponry of any kind. A skill, talent, and intuition for martial arts sufficient to contest any master in your present reality on peer-level, assuming a fair fight. Never will you be 'confused' by anything even vaguely combat-related.

Soldier Defenses - A complete immunity and concealment from any means of mind control, spirit manipulation, results-oriented divination, and information-oriented divination lesser than four steps along the Infinite Singularity Husk, and great resistance to similar effects lesser than sixty-five steps along the Infinite Singularity Husk. Also some ontological resistance to various concept-based instantaneous obliteration abilities or unacceptably esoteric forms of information gathering.

Polymath (Advanced Training) - Knowledge in mathematics, biology, technology, physics, criminal science, forensics, computer science, chemistry, engineering, security systems, medical sciences, logistics, philosophy, occultism, and similar topics.

Vehicle Operator (Advanced Training) - Allows you to effectively utilize and drive any vehicle or ride any tamed creature in existence, with intuitive skill comparable to your skill in using armaments of warfare.

A Step Forward - Allows you to grow more intelligent in time, to no hard limit. Allows you to derive a single +Intelligence from a month of study, with diminishing returns over time; after 10 +Intelligence, two months of study are required per, and after +20 Intelligence, four months, etc.

Allows you to translocate (teleport) up to a distance of thirty meters, with a base cooldown of 2.48 seconds, requiring line of sight.

Resilience - An infusion of the Gunman's enduring power. A permanent change of your body. Become untiring and require no sustenance to remain alive, and possess no vital organs or structural weaknesses beside the brain and heart - if either is completely destroyed, so are you. His Resilience deadens your nerves and separates the operation of your body from its physical substrate, allowing you to ignore the pain of utterly torturous agony as no more stiffening than a breeze; and somewhat ignore injury, using a hand's fingers dextrously even though your tendons have been severed or using an arm even though it remains attached only with a few strands of muscle and skin.

Also makes you biologically immortal. As you no longer require sustenance to survive, the metabolic energy derived from eating is converted fully into pluripotent biomass used to accelerate the healing process, letting you recover from injury an order of magnitude faster than ordinary humans, and restoring even lost limbs or making a slow recovery from somewhat exotic effects.

[Golden Vertex of Expansion] - Allows you to Progress. Any magical system or supernatural power, any skill or ability, any improvement; all can be attained given sufficient time, and you require far less time for it than most people would.

:: Crafts ::

Detective's Cane

A dark cane made out of enchanted metal weighted to be more useful in melee combat, an impressive piece of quality metallurgic work. The cane has an 'impressive' 0.075 elevation along the Infinite Singularity Husk.

Active Enchantment - Force
The Detective's Cane may partially and selectively ignore laws of physics. It's considered as having 50% less mass/weight for its user, and having 50% more mass/weight for anyone who isn't its user, therefore combining swiftness and incredible force in every swing. A similar quality applies to its third gadget (see below.)

Implanted Gadgets (3/3)
- Evidence Compartment: A slot on the side of the cane that may fit and hermetically seal up to six pieces of evidence (a vial of blood, a scrap of cloth, etc,) for later analysis. Alternatively, may be used to carry around small items without notice. A gold-iridium lining prevents x-ray scans from seeing into these compartments.
- Knock-Out Spray: A button-activated high-pressure release of chloroform partially diluted in ethanol, emitted from the heel of the cane. If properly aimed at an opponent's face, at the correct range, it can be used to incapacitate or at least debilitate. Alternatively, the liquid may be poured over something and then ignited due to its high ethanol content, but this will produce traces of chlorine and other dangerous gasses.
- Concealed Gunblade: As one might expect, the cane hides a sword inside, which can be unsheathed by unlatching a safety below the thumb and then pulling on its handle. However, what your enemies don't know is that the sword is also a gun with a magazine of six .22 LR caliber rounds and powerfully silenced to boot. Reloading the gunblade is somewhat cumbersome, should be done outside of combat and preferably outside of 'situations' in general.

Minidrone (x3) - A single-rotor drone, poor at maneuvering, slow, but extremely small, and difficult to notice. Has a single medium-resolution camera that records everything it sees and a battery life of about three hours and forty minutes. It's programmed (somewhat crudely) to gather data about specific targets, return for recharge, swap its data storage for a clean version leave the other one, and then fly back. As there are three drones, they have been programmed to ping each other to the location of the current target, allowing for effective and uninterrupted 24/7 stalking, although somewhat scuffed in execution.

If a crime is detected, the drones will immediately ping Alexander's phone and send him a relevant photo or recording of the deed in question, upon which he may simply press a button to either reject the report or send it anonymously to the Brockton Bay Police Department.

- Gun Magic -
The Gun-Katas of the Bullet Forge

There are seven levels of achievable skill in any given spell of the Gun-Katas: Capable, Practiced, Proficient, Adept, Master, Archmaster, Grandmaster. It's mostly impossible to reach 'Archmaster' within a human lifespan for non-Soldiers, but a Soldier using clever tricks and practice forms may be capable of it. As you reach further levels of skill, the description of the spells will be updated to reflect their new parameters (such as shorter casting time, better results, etc.) All of the descriptions below are reflective of your current skill level.

Material-Realizing Ceremony [Practiced] - A simple ritual. No material ingredients, but requires a few minutes of slight and mostly undisturbed concentration to realize. Allows for the summoning of a number of materials, their complexity and structure dictated only by the limits of the caster's imagination but requiring greater effort in the ritual to summon more complex forms of matter. An ingot of steel or titanium is comparatively simple and easy; a sheet of plasticine matter that acts as a perfect insulator of electricity and heat would require a further ten minutes of concentration and interruptions would risk the process going awry.

All-Steel Mustering [Practiced] - An enchantment that requires at least a half-hour of ritual kata performance in the vicinity of the target. Allows for the comprehensive magical enhancement of a single object made primarily of worked metal, elevating it. +.025 ISH; greatly enhances the object's durability and its ability to fulfill its purpose. A further level of effort and considerable spending of magical energy permits greater benefits (elevation up to .075 ISH,) and application of minor supernatural effects (make a flaming sword, armor that reflects wounds onto foes, or a magazine of bullets that explode like grenades.)

Any Tool In The World [Practiced] - Allows you to summon ethereal tools which disappear when not in use, but cost a small amount of spiritual power to maintain per second of use. Can be used to form virtually anything, but most complex weapons (larger and more intricate than a knife) are not allowed, requiring a separate spell basis.

Magic Bullet [Practiced] - Make a finger gun and fire a bullet of condensed magical energy. More energy is more range, stopping power, penetration, and bullet velocity. An average combat-use magic bullet of your use would seriously injure a human without a bulletproof vest, likely shattering several ribs.

~~ Worldwave ~~

An element of landscape alteration; a flowing liquid similar to stained water or thin mud, whose touch irrevocably re-orders the parts of the world its user disapproves of, strengthening allies, weakening foes, filling out wounds, supporting buildings about to fall... or acting as a tsunami to engulf them all.

Alexander's Imaginary Element is determined by his dejection; the fact the world moved on from the incident that reshaped him, and the fact the world is clearly wrong in doing so. It allows him to change that which he finds detestable.

A strong buff or debuff applied to an ally/foe would be equivalent roughly to +/-10% All Stats and a further +/-10% physical Stats; minor but very noticeable. Also heals a cubic centimeter of flesh or restores 2.5% of lost blood per five seconds of application, diminishing after achieving roughly 50% well-being, if the ally is completely submerged in it.

Skill Level: Novice / Middling

No further Advancements or techniques of note.

In-Depth Relationships
The Gunman: [Subordinate]
Parents: [Unknown, Presumably Negative]
Christopher Reeves: [Disliked]
Nora Reeves: [Disliked]
Julie Reeves: [Disliked]
Averlee Legrand: [Acquaintances, Partners, Source of Amusement]


The Wound
(Lung) - A missing lung. Unhealable. No Mitigation.

The Bane (Ice) - A debilitating conceptual weakness to the element of 'ice.'

*An attack made with the element of ice can bypass most defenses, somewhat ignores supernatural or esoteric defenses. All wounds dealt in this manner are considerably worse than normal.
*5-12% debuff to all parameters in winter, if exposed to the weather.
*Can't subjectively enjoy the consumption of ice cream or other cold foods anymore.

The Wretch - You make a terrible impression on everyone you meet, causing them to dislike you severely, though not to the point of immediate violence. This extends across remote communication and even to your first post-Wretch impression on anyone you've already met. You cannot use supernatural effects to make others like you more, though it's possible to turn around this impression through genuine action. For example, most people would change their attitude towards someone that saved their life or gave them a billion dollars, even if they hated that person.

Entities overwhelmingly more powerful than you are somewhat resistant to this curse, their displeasure cut such that it is only as dangerous as the strong dislike of a peer, at most. They could still hate you for other reasons, however.

All Companions are ensured to be at least partially resistant despite not being more powerful, their dislike reduced to a very minor urging or preference for not being in your vicinity, mostly in the subconscious regions of their minds.

The Discord - A number of factors will be scattered like fallen silver leaves, dice falling on the wrong sides, and chance altering its decision on the whim...

A number of retroactive changes are introduced into the world, altering fate, power, meaning, and even your own memory; instead of 1982, Scion's first appearance was in the May of 1972; the world is more technologically advanced, parahumans are stronger and more common, some of their abilities more esoteric and strange.

All encounters will be substantially more difficult to resolve, as parahuman abilities, in general, will allow for a considerably wider range of possibilities and will possess a terrifyingly higher upper ceiling to their complete power. Much of the setting will take on a form more reminiscent of the Detective Comics or Marvel universes, however, much of the overall 'rough outline' and established characters/personalities remains the same, including past events; the Slaughterhouse Nine still formed with roughly the same roster as nowadays, Armsmaster is still the leader of the Protectorate ENE, and the Triumvirate is still among the strongest capes in America. Some of the specifics may be partially altered or refitted to confuse you.

However, this renders metaknowledge of the Worm setting largely useless. If you make strategic or tactical assumptions on the meta-level, based on something "you know," the QM is specifically allowed and even encouraged to punish you for it by flipping the results on their heads. Never make choices based on expectation!
An Exploration of Possibility
An Exploration of Possibility

A Soldier like Alexander had many abilities. Among those, the foremost were discipline and conscientiousness that bordered the ultracompetent. All his life, he'd barely even done anything except play soccer during PE class, and rarely exercised on his own. Although on paper, the Nocturnal Protectors were supposed to be the guardians of the people, in truth, none of them ever trained or did anything to prepare themselves, in truth, for such an arduous task. And that's understandable - they were love-starved children desperately seeking attention where their peers might consign them with the label of being complete losers, or their families might've offered insufficient support.

There was no heroic dream there, ever. It was motivated by a selfish desire, but one that stemmed from pure naivety, more than active malice or avarice. Did they know it was stupid to fight gangs? Of course, but stories of success blinded them to the potential risks of choosing any other path.

The Nocturnal Protectors and their creed was more of a feverish purgatory than any kind of dream or deal.

And Alexander was the sole survivor of that purgatory, the one who survived by a stroke of luck. And now he needed to fulfill the dream. This, and his understanding of the discipline as a Soldier, pushed him onward to train harder than ever before; to invent, to think, to push, to seek.

He reeled in the widespread fiber of intrigue, like a spider accumulating the individual strings of its magnificent cobweb, gathering prey, and even as he did, he loosed new threads to replace the ones he spooled up. He was a greedy arachnid, one that wouldn't eat his prey until there was enough for a complete feast.

"So," he asked, languidly stretching on the couch during his break, and putting down his phone after looking through the new drone readings, "As one of its native inhabitants, I have to ask - how are you enjoying our world, Ms. Legrand?"

Across the room from him, Averlee practiced a number of martial katas at speeds that he'd consider blinding, her limbs a virtual blur to his eyes, visible only by the aftershocks of every punch and the shockwaves coasting in the air, the Pressure of her Astral Rank pushing and tugging on her limbs to aid in motion and recovery as well as to deafen the noise of her blows, fists wreathed in shimmering auras of spirit energy which glinted explosively with pale platinum shine every time she struck her target.

Her target was a dummy, hung from the ceiling, made from wood scraps and scavenged bits of soft material, with a kitchen pan tied around its chest using a length of twine. Every direct blow chipped wood from its mass, or dented the metal parts further and further, and didn't seem to hurt her fists in the slightest.

And she was holding back her true strength to a stupefying degree, one that frankly scared him, and made him ponder as to exactly what kind of family or society she came from. At her most basic, without significant exertion, she was both faster and stronger than he was, to roughly the same degree by which he was faster and stronger than an average and untrained civilian. And when she actively used her Astral Rank and infused her actions with Essence, burning spirit to assist in her motions, her physical abilities were more than five times as great - she couldn't maintain that exalted state for particularly long, but in most cases, he imagined she wouldn't have to.

More terrifyingly, Alexander was forced to admit that in observing her actions, he saw her progressing modestly at a rate that matched his own; every now and then, she'd decrease the effort she put into her blows and katas by a notch, and yet the effects would stay on the same level.

As far as he knew, she didn't have any gifts of Progression from the Gunman.

"I don't rightly know, Monsieur Reeves," Averlee replied, stopping her practice. She extended a hand, and, reading her intent, Alexander tossed her the water bottle next to the couch. She caught it perfectly and drank from it. "I... so far, I'm not very impressed, but I suppose that's natural, to be expected. I volunteered for this place, knowing how bad it'd be. My world, the one I was born in, was filled with such wondrous magic and technology that it'd be scarcely imaginable for the people here. A normal citizen could expect to live out a relatively satisfied lifespan of four hundred years, and they were only expected to work or partake in education for a portion of that."

He nodded. "A utopia?"

"Maybe not," she frowned. "There were still unhappy and marginalized people, but a far lesser proportion than here. And there were no big monsters or... men and women with superpowers, rejected by society, forced to use their abilities for various ends such as crime. And it was getting better over time. But the Gunman doesn't look inwards. He looks outwards, at the world, and looks into the future. War on the idea of war; on the idea of conflict. That's his creed, and that's why I want to do more."

"That became incredibly philosophical," he dryly commented.

Her sour look was replaced by a cheerful smile. She threw the bottle at his face; a twitch-instinct and he barely managed to react in time to catch it. His heart quivered.

"What about you?"

"Me?" He considered. "I don't think there is much to say. I made a bunch of stupid mistakes, and the Gunman made me... smarter. I asked for it, I guess. So now I realize why I made those mistakes, and I want to... I want to make a better world. A world where people don't have to get hurt because of mistakes."

"You want to coddle them?" Averlee frowned, folding her arms.

"I don't look at it that way," he said, decisively. "People should have the choice, the ability, to feel safe and to be safe, no matter what. And the punishment should equal the crime - childish stupidity should never lead to death. I've decided to give up my own private life for that. I can find more happiness in what I'm doing."

She didn't respond to that, ruminating on his words and continuing her katas.

As he left, to resume his own training, she merely said, "Monsieur Reeves? I find that admirable."

He simply nodded.


At the moment, you've got 10.8 Merit, a frankly impressive amount.

Observing Averlee's constant progress has motivated you to do even better than before. As such, the overall scale of your Training Intensity options has been altered across the board (see below.) Whether this change is permanent or temporary remains to be seen.

Determine the intensity of your training

[ ] Rest
(45% Progression speed; +2 Merit, +3 Actions)
[ ] Placid (75% Progression speed; +.7 Merit, +1 Action)
[ ] Default (125% Progression speed, +1 Action)
[ ] Devoted (150% Progression speed)
[ ] Serious (200% Progression speed; -1 Merit)
[ ] Intense (350% Progression speed; -3.8 Merit, -1 Action, +1 Training Focus)
[ ] Extreme (500% Progression speed; -7.8 Merit, -2 Actions, +2 Training Foci)
[ ] Go Beyond (1,000% Progression Speed; -15 Merit, -2 Actions, +2 Training Foci)

-[ ] Alternative Measures: Time Over Effort - Alternatively, a single Action may be burned off to lower the cost of a higher training option by 5 Merit Points. If you use more Actions than you have, it'll eat into your possibilities in the next turn.

Determine the focus of your training

[ ] A Step Forward
- Assuming 100% Progression speed, it'll allow you to attain the following benefits:

-[ ] Walker
*Another ten feet to your translocation range.
*Another tenth of a second off your translocation cooldown.
*A modest (20%) reduction to the mental strain of thinking, a modest (20%) improvement to long-term memory and fact retention.

-[ ] Methodology II
*Another +Intelligence and +Wits for Sherlock in Shadows.

[ ] Surgecraft - Assuming 100% Progression speed: At goddamn last, integrate the sadly underused Imaginary Element of Worldwave into your fighting style, allowing you for its proficient use as well as the invention of techniques. ++Worldwave Control.

[ ] Gun-Katas of the Bullet Forge - Allows you to make around 20-40% progress towards Proficient Skill within a single Gun Spell (assuming 100% Progression speed.)

Alternatively, divide skill progression between multiple spells, or learn a new spell to add to your repertoire. If you wish to learn a new spell, roughly describe its purpose or function and Alexander will learn the one that fits your description most closely. Keep in mind the Gun-Katas are a system largely devoted to warfare and its spells often keep within such themes; it'd be considerably easier to learn a modified version of Magic Bullet that makes the bullet 'fiery' than to learn to fire a raw elemental blast of flame.

[ ] Mortal Combat - All physical conditioning and training in martial arts/novel parahuman tactics. +Might, +Combat Skill.

Actions (Choose two, or however many your training intensity allows.)

[ ] Craft Gadgets - At your fingertips lies the skill of a master blacksmith, with any tools and materials you desire. Harness it.

A crafting action; Alexander spends a significant amount of time making useful tools. Include a sub-vote describing the manner of items he should focus on. If left blank, he'll concentrate on self-defense implements and experimentation with prototypes/random ideas.

A few recommendations:
-[ ] Refine Minidrones - Make some headway into figuring out how to make a more advanced drone network capable of hive cooperation, as well as more advanced software for detection and image capture, and craft some more drones while you're at it (should be able to make one more, or two if you're lucky while updating the tech in the rest.)
-[ ] Refine Cane Technology - Make research into the overall creation of better canes.
--[ ] Refine Detective's Cane - Allows you to add another gadget slot into the Detective's Cane.
--[ ] Hard Refinement - Grants a 20% chance of undergoing a design breakthrough, which provides immense progress to cane technology, equivalent to picking this option three times in a row. It'd double the gadget slots on any given cane, increase your options for canes, and overall boost the quality of said options. However, there's also a 60% chance that you make absolutely no progress instead.

[ ] Onto the Streets - Done alongside Averlee. Go onto the streets of a chosen district or gang territory of Brockton Bay (the Docks, Downtown, Empire, ABB, etc,) and disrupt low-level gang activity, anonymously if possible. Avoid larger confrontations if possible, but make attacks of opportunity on capes if they are isolated/weak.

A decent opportunity to weaken gang operations within a given area.

[ ] Establish Yourself - Make a cape identity and carve out a reputation. As per 'Onto the Streets' but with a modest quantity of effort directed to making sure your actions are more visible to the everyday citizen, and that your voice is heard. Make sure the scum of the Bay is aware the pool cleaner's in, and he's here to fish.

If selected, pick a valid cape name and overall theme/ideas for identity.

[ ] Side Mission - Signal your readiness to accept a Mission Assignment from the Gunman.
*Allows you to select one of several Missions of varying difficulty levels and rewards, to be performed locally within your own reality. Alas, without a valid Red Bounty Listing, these missions are likely to be, relatively speaking, the "bottom of the barrel;" time-consuming, bothersome to deal with, somewhat more difficult and irksome than for your Bounty-bearing Soldier-peers, and somewhat less rewarding upon completion, but the Gunman will ensure that you are compensated anyhow.

[ ] Special Mission - In your heart, there is a feeling not unlike a distant clarion being sounded, its noise a morose and droning call to battle. It seems like the Gunman has need of your services for a specialized task.

A Mission bestowed upon you directly by the Gunman, one of very substantial difficulty and considerable length, but with incredible rewards if all of its objectives are completed successfully. A mall risk of death, modest risk of complications, but even if the mission is failed and you screw up, you'll receive some fraction of the rewards for your trouble. This Mission will only be available for several (4) turns, until late December. If you wish to prepare, then do so, but make sure to do so in a swift, orderly, and optimized manner - the Mission dossier is blank for now, saying only that you must "expect heavy resistance."

Until you select this option, no more shall be known to you.

[ ] Write-in - Any action that would take a substantive amount of time away from training or any of the other actions above.
Gadgets and Mission Selection
After a brief look at your vote this turn, I realized that it'd be possible to make an Action Vote turn even without a story update, and in fact rather practical to do so given some of your choices. It'd allow you to discuss a bunch of options you'll have to discuss anyway even as I finished up my work for the rest of the week.

You have 17.2 Merit Points. A full single point of Merit, as well as 2x Modifier, was awarded for the thread's inspiring act of forgiveness (as well as the apology attached,) towards player Wolfy, followed by a feat of rousing cooperation. You've discounted potential future (end-game) Advancement [Army of Many Soldiers] from 21 to 15 Merit.

Almost enough to earn you a medal, Soldier...

It's recommended to vote by plan.

At 45% Progression speed, the Imaginary Element of Worldwave has been partially implemented into your fighting style. +Worldwave Control. If you desire, Alexander may optionally complete his integration next turn, at the cost of a 55% Progression reduction from whatever you select.

[ ] Complete Integration
[ ] Complete Integration [1 Merit]
- No Progression reduction.
[ ] No Completion


And now, on the crafting of gadgets. Alexander has started work on the second line of spy mini-drones, the "Mark 2," of this gadget - however, he is not yet at the level of omnidisciplinarian genius where he can freely and broadly develop every aspect of his crafts at the same time. Distribute five points of abstract focus below.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Software]; 3 Focus Points - Apply sustained effort into coding the drones in a superior manner, imbuing them with an intellect on par with a low-intellect AI and therefore making them far better at noticing patterns (where crimes happen most often, under what circumstances, what are the common elements of a 'rough neighborhood,' how to optimize activity for battery and data saving, etc.) Makes your drones vastly more efficient in every way, lets them save battery and camera life, and makes them better at self-concealment.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Network]; 2 Focus Points - Makes your drones far better at networking together with each other, actively communicating and exchanging data and teaming up to obtain better angles. They can essentially operate and make decisions as a hivemind, rather than separate units. High synergy with [Software] upgrade.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Swiftness]; 2 Focus Points - Apply a three-rotor radial symmetry, makes drones overwhelmingly faster (they can avoid gunfire simply by flying in a straight line so fast that most gunmen won't be able to track them,) and exceedingly more maneuverable; lets them get on-scene faster, eliminating the risks of dead time between 'drone battery shift swaps,' or, for example, track suspects fleeing in vehicles or getting away from the active drone monitoring. There is no escape.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Simplicity]; 1 Focus Point - Simplify, overhaul and mainstream the overall design of the drone to make them much easier and faster to construct. Allows you to produce twice as many drones with a single action. Make 4-7 minidrones this turn instead of 1-2.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Ruggedization]; 1 Focus Point - Ruggedize the fuckers into flying cockroaches. Nothing short of getting hit by an eighteen-wheeler and driven over six times will even moderately affect them. Also extends battery life by 50%, and offers good protection against EMP, high and low temperatures, and wetness.

[ ] Minidrone, Mk2 [Armaments]; 1 Focus Point - Attach a gun (with non-lethal rounds), melee-distance taser arm, short-distance suppressive Worldwave sprayer, and grappling hook launcher to every drone for the purposes of proactive thug subdual. Why bother tracking the bastards and informing the police when your small little friends can record evidence of the crime, subdue the offender, and deliver them to the police station alongside proof? Active engagement with foes can rapidly exhaust drone battery. Makes your drones [Terrifying] to face in large swarms, especially as they develop a reputation. As the purpose of your minidrones is no longer chiefly spying, their name is updated simply to 'Drone.'

As you may notice, two builds immediately jump out: Smart Minidrones (Network + Software) and Combat Drones (everything except Network + Software.) Decide what's superior, or mix-and-match as you please. Maybe the Mk3 Minidrone design will be even better than this?!


And now come the matters of your super-suit.

[ ] Detective's Attire - An outfit of dark blue-and-violet cloth, studded with genuine amethysts, its threads have a significant content of soft metal in order to render the outfit possible to enchant. Includes a black Phantom of the Opera-style mask that covers up your facial scar, it contains lenses that alter your visible eye color to sparkling green and provide a heads-up display that includes basic conveniences such as night vision, zooming, and interfacing with your phone (and as a result, your drones.)

An enchantment using All-Steel Mustering gives the Attire an effect that considerably boosts Sherlock In Shadows, strengthening the positive effect on oneself and the negative effect on observers by 10% while the Attire is worn. Also, it offers Stage I Mitigation (12.5% direct reduction of effect strength) for the Wretch.

Also contains numberless pouches and pockets for hiding items and gadgets.

Emphasis on versatility and personal style. It meshes considerably with your use of the Detective's Cane.

[ ] Mysterious Suit - A suit of lightweight alloyed plate underneath folds of dark blue cloth, including a hood and visored helmet that covers the entire face and has a similar heads-up display function to the option above, but considerably more extensive in both functionality and ease of use.

An enchantment using All-Steel Mustering gives you +++Agility and +10% to the worth of Agility +s while the Suit is worn, and awesomely elevates your attempts at sneaking and infiltration, giving a kind of sixth sense when it comes to avoiding detection by foes and bystanders alike.

Also contains numberless pouches and pockets for hiding items and gadgets.

Emphasis on stealth and agility.

[ ] Battle Armor - A suit of extremely heavy armor made from the hardest and strongest alloys of metals that you were able to devise given your current capabilities, painted red and black for style, with a short (easily) detachable cape that stylistically resembles the Gunman's cloak. Amazing protection from harm.

An enchantment using All-Steel Mustering gives you +++++Might, +++Protection, and +20% to the worth of Might +s while the Suit is worn. Considerable investment into your ability to punch through all manner of issues.

Emphasis on protection and brute strength.

[ ] Write-in - Although the choices above are three different paths, each optimized for its own core purposes, you can make any other style of suit with an innumerable amount of potential enchantments such as reinforcing the effects of your magics or mitigating another of your afflictions. I may veto this/ask for permission first.

There won't be any (active) vote/selection of combat trinkets. Instead, I shall proffer you a list of what Alexander will make by default, and if you wish, you may optionally choose to exclude specific items from this list in favor of others, or specifically include other items not mentioned. Alexander will craft:
*3x smoke grenade [miniaturized] (to be replenished manually as needed)
*3x flashbang grenades [miniaturized] (to be replenished manually as needed)
*3x normal grenades [miniaturized] (to be replenished manually as needed)
*A grappling hook launcher with a magnetic tip and a modestly speedy reel function.
*A wrist-mounted, concealed dart shooter with a supply of knock-out darts.
*A pair of handguns and high quantities of many types of ammunition.
*A sub-machine gun with ammo.


And now, lastly, for your choice of Side Mission from the Gunman. At the moment, he offers you the following tasks to complete:

[ ] <A Heroine's Panoply> - Your comrade-in-arms, Averlee Legrand, is a practitioner of the magic system of Accretion, but her Panoply is not yet full. You are tasked with crafting a magical item synergistic with her own capabilities and fitting her 'theme' and personal desires that she may bond with using her Accretion. It'll most likely require no less than two crafting Actions to accomplish this. If you manage to create an item of superb quality (or even better), the Gunman may further reward you.

Potential Rewards: a variable and powerful enchantment to be applied to one of your items or gadgets (or) improve All-Steel Mustering to Proficient and retroactively apply its bonus to Averlee's item (or) +Gunman Favor and substantial consideration from him in the future.

[ ] <Cleaning Your Room> - It's a damn pigsty in here. Defeat at least a hundred local gangsters or miscellaneous criminals and make sure the law sees them arrested and charged with their crimes, beyond any possibility of immediate release from prison. They don't have to be capes.

Potential Rewards: Another Title slot, Title: "Crime-Fighter," and +All Stats (or) +3 Merit and +Gunman Favor.

[ ] <A Case To Be Made...> - This mission, should you choose to accept it, is marked as Confidentiality Level 3, meaning that you may not divulge its exact details or even mention its broad outline to anyone except Soldiers who are your rank superiors. Averlee Legrand is exempt from this.

In short, you are tasked with breaking into the PRT database, and then downloading or gathering all relevant information on Case Files numbers 81, 66, and 103, and loading them onto a hard drive, which shall then be displaced elsewhere.

Potential Rewards: Substantial Advancement in A Step Forward (or) +3 Merit and +Gunman Favor.

[ ] <For Revenge> - There shall be no more waiting. The Gunman demands that you take retribution for the grave sins of the Dragon of Kyushu.

You must defeat and either subdue or execute the supervillain known as Lung. You may use any means you desire, including the presence of companions or allies, but must also face the enemy directly, otherwise, this mission will be considered a failure and you will not receive any rewards.

Potential Rewards: Another Title slot, Title: "Dragon-Slayer," the ability to heal your facial scar, Stage I Mitigation to each of your curses (or progress towards next Mitigation step if you've already achieved Stage I), and various other minor benefits (or) +21 Merit, +++Gunman Favor and rank up to Private First Class.
Smoking Barrel
Smoking Barrel

"So," tested Averlee, blinking twice, "this... quaint location used to be your school?"

A three-score or so students moved ahead of them on the streets, dispersing away from the school gates; going out to eat fast lunch, enjoy a break, or in some cases, go back home, more than a few passing by their comfortable alcove right in between buildings. They stood concealed next to trash cans, as well as a large green dumpster with a black lid; shoulder to shoulder, with Averlee's Rank cast into the streets around like a subtle blanket of perspicacity-deflecting redolence, making people's gazes slip off to other places, or redirecting their focus very firmly back to whatever conversations they were participating in. No one noticed the pair of capes standing there, watching.

"Yes. Bayshore High, in all her wicked glory." He was only half-sarcastic.

"Pardon? Wicked?"

"I was bullied rather thoroughly. When they couldn't fuck me running, they fucked me senseless," he bemoaned with a touch of self-deprecating humor. "For both my own flaws and those of the company I had kept."

He was actually being truthful about the bullying.

Although it never quite became fully physical in nature, he'd been mocked behind his back on a daily basis and called various unsavory names. Sometimes, it went further, with childish pranks, such as people donning cheap masks and mockingly challenging him to 'cape combat,' maybe shoving him if he came too close while stumbling past.

Most hurtful was the moniker he'd been called repeatedly, almost a defining title from his persecutors, 'the Pretend Superhero.'

Although people more often laughed at him being Lung's ironing board - a meme of its own right - he'd never forgotten 'the Pretend Superhero.'

It had stuck with him, because most of anything he'd ever been called, that one was the closest to home - a hypersonic bullet that pierced the heart and sprayed his rib chunks and blood over the wall every time it was said. And why wouldn't it be? It was a perfect microcosm of the quest for recognition he'd embarked upon with his friends - with Karl, Tommy, Paul, Santi, Will, and Ben. The so-called Nocturnal Protectors had been nothing but kids playing in the street at being heroes, seeking attention even at the cost of severe danger: Pretend Superheroes. The only reason the name wasn't shared amongst them, perhaps, was that he'd survived their shared mistake.

And though a flame rose in his chest at the very mention of that name, calling to memory a cornucopia of black and red events like frenzied blurs in his brain, and making him feel the icy cold resolve to fix this world spike in his veins, Alexander understood on an intellectual level that he needed to stay patient for now. One step at a time.

Averlee, apparently unaware of his inner turmoil, soon provided a distraction.

"Well, Mon Snoop," Averlee smirked with glee, "Perchance we'll luck into your tormentors on your way, and I shall give them a sound thrashing?"

"Maybe." It'd be amusing if nothing else. "Also, I prepared something for you."

"Tu quoi? And what is that?"

"I have performed an extensive and thorough analytical study of your last fight against the ABB," Alexander remarked, as he reached around for his backpack. "And my opinion is that your Havenshroud is completely insufficient to protect you from concentrated gunfire."

A length of silky cloth briefly manifested to slap him on the shoulder, gently but in a chastising manner.

Alexander paid it no heed, taking out a slab of kevlar from the backpack he'd put down when they arrived. "It's called a bulletproof vest. It's this-"

"Very funny, Monsieur." She folded her arms, eyes cold with exasperation. "I laugh. Ha-ha."

"Hey," he bumped his shoulder into her own, putting the kevlar slab back inside. "Don't be glum, alright buddy?"

"Buddy?" She blanched at the nickname.

"I'll see you up on the rooftops." He translocated away before she could get on his case.

After selecting the <Cleaning Your Room> mission, very drolly named, they decided to make Alexander's former haunt the first step on their way to success. Although Bayshore was by no means the least prestigious and most corrupt of the schools in town, that honor reserved for debate between several other institutions of learning located further north in the city, it had its own share of teenage dealers and petty thieves. It made a certain amount of sense, on a symbolic and personal level, to finally grow up and face his own demons, now that he had access to the proverbial cross and holy water.

However, Alexander prepared for this outing extensively - he'd upgraded the basic design of his minidrones, and created a less-lethal combat drone variant that he named, at least tentatively, the Riotdrones. They were faster, stronger, and better in every way - faster and easier to make, hardier, and outfitted with a bunch of weapons.

And he'd finally made a proper costume.

A crisp suit of detective's attire, sharp and dapper, in cool shades of dark blue and violet, its buttons studded with round amethysts, and its threads extensively infused with metals like cobalt. A black opera mask, heavier and larger towards one side, covered up his scar, and he wore lenses that altered his eye color to sparkling green.

It was a... stark contrast to Averlee, who simply wore a length of Havenshroud tied around her face - and body - with holes for the eyes, on top of civilian clothing in shades of lavender. She hadn't even bothered with so much protective gear for her knees and elbows, prompting his earlier remark about kevlar.

He navigated the heads-up display with subtle eye motions and double-blinks, soon receiving a direct feed of a drone recording a deal in progress.

It seemed like the seller was a local Bayshore student, one Phillip Haynes, backpack still wrapped around one shoulder as he sold packets of white powder and other 'confections' to fellow students, and in some cases, even young adults. None of his clientele seemed to be the stereotype of downbeat middle-aged men and women in need of an escape; most of them seemed like well-off businessmen and office workers that wanted something more interesting to do in the afternoon than watching sports bloopers. A barren handful of them were more typical delinquent types or gang members, but only a few of those, especially in the latter category.

Alexander and Averlee didn't swoop into the scene instantly to intervene, but rather, allowed the dealer to accept the money and speak to a few more clients, amassing a quantity of payment that must've been well into a few thousand dollars, even with relatively few buyers spread out across the afternoon. A study of his actions over the numerous sales suggested both a supplier, a good network, and some amount of street cred, and therefore gang association - the seller was white and lived downtown, therefore excluding him from the ABB and making Merchant connections overwhelmingly unlikely. And that, rather obviously, left the Empire.

Alexander vaguely recalled his first nights on patrol. Not as a Soldier, but as a Nocturnal Protector.

He remembered, back then, how he and his friends lamented the lack of actual criminal targets to police - or rather, harass, given their later encounter with ABB toughs and street mooks. Although comic books, TV shows, and written works of fiction liked to simplify things, actually finding a major criminal stronghold or uprooting an operation wasn't as simple as walking to the nearest warehouse - or indeed, abandoned warehouse - and knocking on the door and punching the guy who opened it in the teeth. Most often, one couldn't stumble down the street to find crime, especially as a group of people in weird outfits with visible weapons riding on bicycles.

Although in most depictions they were a lousy, bald, and unintelligent sort, in actuality, criminals - at least the successful ones - were relatively intelligent, guarded, secretive, and maybe the point most to their credit: as time went on, they refined their methods. As soon as some point of vulnerability was found; a dealer or distributor or lieutenant or whoever, got arrested, they'd cauterize that entire section of the organization, pay off the right bribes, and prepare the money for the members who didn't talk and the prison shivs for the ones who did. It prevented the spread of arrests to the rest of the organization, ended matters right there, and allowed the criminal leadership to swiftly find out what happened - what, exactly, was the root cause for their sorrowful system failure.

And so, if you found a criminal stronghold, they'd move elsewhere, diversify, spread their assets, lock down - do whatever's necessary to keep you from locating another. They'd become increasingly, almost exponentially, harder to locate, reach, or breach. If you hurt an organization enough but did so over time rather than in fast, debilitating chunks, it'd lock itself down completely to prevent further injury: in ninety-five cases out of a hundred, a criminal would prefer to cease their activity altogether, no matter how profitable, than go to jail for several decades.

It wasn't so much that crime was a hydra that'd regrow heads if you cut lobbed one off. It was closer to a troll or a Crawler, rapidly stitching together wounds and acquiring levels of resistance to whatever hurt it. Actually fully shutting down a major, established criminal organization was almost hopeless as an endeavor.

However, it wasn't fully hopeless, and that was enough. A troll can survive five consecutive grenades, spaced a few seconds apart. However, if you instead spend that time out of its sight, preparing a nuke, what can he do except cry out a last, desperate breath and perish?

After several deals, the drug seller made his way down the alley, out of the sight of any potential witnesses. And that's when they made their move. There was no flashy takedown, no glorious arrival, and admonishment for wrongdoing.

Alexander fired a knock-out dart into the neck of one Phillip Haynes.

A few seconds later, Philip stumbled and caught onto a nearby wall for balance, almost drunkenly. He raised a hand and touched it to his neck, where the dart was embedded, red fletching sticking out visibly. He seemed to shiver at the feeling, realizing the sensation of metal piercing his flesh, and then he finally dropped.

Alexander leaped down, checked him over to make sure that Phillip was fine, thoroughly photographed the contents of his bag as well as the scene overall, and then slung Philip's unconscious form over one shoulder and translocated back to the rooftops.

And then, he and Averlee, with the help of her Rank, made their way back to their safehouse.

They weren't here to stab the troll. Why even bother with such nonsense? Stab it five dozen times - five hundred times - it wouldn't bleed anyway for longer than a second, wouldn't hemorrhage more than a few drops of blood, and it'd grow almost immune to knives over time.

No - not to stab the troll.

They were here to figure out what kind of uranium isotope is best for the nuke.


And like that, for several days, Alexander and Averlee systematically kidnapped low-level grunts - the sort the Empire wouldn't notice missing - and interrogated them for information, blackmailing them with the photographs not to speak to anyone of the matter, and utilizing Averlee's Rank and Essence to seal the deal. All of their targets were so thoroughly convinced it'd be a terrible idea to mention even the slightest detail to their leaders that Alexander would've felt comfortable letting them go without any blindfolds, but the operating procedure and basic security protocol dictated they should be knocked out and carried out in the same manner they entered.

The A-Team found much about the Empire, the names of key distributors and dealers, leaders and thugs, gangsters, and various assorted bandits in the Empire's employ. And they learned, most importantly, where the dealers received the drugs and left the owed cut of the money they'd earned. And later, drone observation of the gang activities managed to lead them higher up the chain, into finding what must've been another dozen fronts, and nearly a fuckshitton of the most popular meet-up places and hotspots for Empire activity. And most impressively, they found their golden goose.

A stronghold.

An inland warehouse, close to the parts of the city where a lot of construction was going out, in the territory that was being contested by Coil.

It made sense for the Empire's strong involvement in that defensive front, then, since they wanted to protect their interests. The warehouse itself seemed to be a major link in the criminal chain, used for the storage of illegal contraband of all sorts: guns, drugs, chop-shop vehicles, dirty money, and other goodies. All day and night, every day and night, stuff was being moved inside, stored, and moved outside for distribution. Alexander gave credit where it was due, the Empire kept its ledgers clean because he couldn't find a direct one-step connection to any other major business or front - the warehouse was owned privately by one Mr. James Fliescher, who happened to be the owner of a major pharmacy chain. It was something most people would've overlooked, but not he - half the power in sleuthing was thoroughness in checking every lead, in placing every clue into the puzzle to match together something resembling a picture. And slowly, Alexander was starting to understand the Empire and its use of pharmaceutical fronts.

Credit was useless, even if it was due. A minor effort to locate the headquarters of said pharmacy, an even smaller one to see Mr. Fliescher coming into work. And then, naturally, twenty-four-hour monitoring to confirm his identity as a cape. In his other identity, he was a short-distance kinetic manipulator known as Krieg.


A pretty stupid name, all things considered. He might as well have called himself 'Spear' or 'Sword.' At least other capes had the scarce bonus points of using interesting-sounding synonyms. Krieg, in comparison, was a very simple abstract and social concept, translated into German.

It sounded exactly like something a neo-Nazi American would pick to sound elaborately and elegantly in theme.

All that was left was to decide what to do with this information.


Averlee's Progress (Last 2 Turns)
It should be noted that during her latest bouts of training, Averlee made heavy (70%) progress towards Proficient in [Elemental] Hammer, making her enhanced punches strong enough they'd probably impede even someone the likes of Lung. Her Astral Rank, after every applicable factor, is now 2.85, a small chunk better than before, if nothing to write home about. She managed to get another 2x [Unbound Sheltering], giving her a total ++Protection, ++Constitution. She's also gained +Might, +Agility from raw body conditioning and training. If she were to be spontaneously moved back in time to her first bout of combat in this world, she'd likely have made a far better showing.

If you'd like, given Alexander's foresight in this situation, we can have it so he suggested a different training schema for her retroactively. Pick one.

[ ] Leave It - Averlee has progressed as outlined above.
[ ] Defender - No progress in [Elemental Hammer], but in return, Averlee has Astral Rank of 2.9, and yet another [Unbound Sheltering].
[ ] Skirmisher - No gains of [Unbound Sheltering] this turn, but in return, Averlee is made fully Proficient in [Elemental] Hammer.
[ ] Myth-Knight - Fuck everything. Averlee Legrand focuses on minor street errantry to achieve Astral Rank 3.0. No other gains in any department.
[ ] Aspirant - Averlee instead focuses on refining her own Essence. All other progress is cut in half, but she might gain an Advancement in her Soul Evocation.

[ ] Bide Your Time - Do not strike yet. A hundred gangsters and a cape may sound like a tasty morsel, but even if you bite off the troll's arm and chew thoroughly, it'll be unperturbed in the long run. Gather more data on this stronghold and seek connections to any others no matter how scarce, study Krieg's schedule and sleuth the people he meets, and find more gang activity hotspots. A hundred gangsters and a cape is nothing - you want no less than a thousand gangsters and all of the Empire's villain roster served on a silver platter to the courts with a side dish of justice-bringing lingonberry and cured social order salmon.

[ ] Attack Now - A hundred thugs, as per the Mission objective, and a villain cape to boot. What's not to love? Perform a coordinated attack - strike the iron while it's hot, they say. Make an effort to take down the downtown criminal stronghold, with you, Averlee, and your drones assaulting the location simultaneously. At the same time, apply your studies of Krieg's daily plans to make sure he's close by when you attack, to make him the first responder from the Empire side. The relative advantage of the speed and overwhelming force you have will allow you to ambush him and take him down.

*60% chance of outright victory with no complications for either you or Averlee. This'll allow you to succeed in the Mission <Cleaning Your Room>.
*20% chance of minor complications for either you or Averlee, but also some kind of victory nonetheless.
*15% chance of being forced to flee before a satisfying resolution can be achieved. Afterward, it'll be equal parts impossible and useless to assault this location again.
*5% chance of major complications.
*No risk of death.
*Even if you succeed flawlessly, the Empire will learn from this attack, mark you as an open enemy, and do their best to never repeat their mistakes ever again - security will increase, at first with bodyguards accompanying dealers, and then in other forms; and finding any more data will be exponentially more difficult.

[ ] Invite PRT - As per, 'Attack Now,' but also give Armsmaster a courtesy call and inform him of your intent.

His complaint last time was that Averlee acted recklessly and alone, and it'd probably be the same for these circumstances, given the appropriately higher resistance you'll face. A joint operation such as this would put his concerns to rest, marking you as a more likable and responsible pair of young aspiring heroes in his eyes, as not only is it immeasurably safer, but an excellent way to curry good reputation for yourself, and favor with the PRT and Protectorate overall. As long as you face the thugs directly as well, it'll count for the purposes of the Side Mission you've taken on, letting you rake in all of the benefits with minimal risk.

However, it might somewhat diminish and dilute your reputation and status in cape society. A humble pair of independents tagging along on a PRT raid isn't nearly quite as impressive as a pair of battle-hardened madmen taking on a small criminal fortress and a combat-trained veteran parahuman entirely on their own.

No matter which option you select, either going alone or with the PRT, you may optionally select how much of your abilities you wish to reveal and conceal in the attack. As one might expect, holding back excessively is sure to hurt your performance and make the whole venture much riskier.

[ ] Write-in - If you'd like, you may abandon this venture entirely and target another gang. Alternatively...

[ ] Monofocus Mission - Leave the stronghold like the sleeping dragon it is, as per Bide Your Time, but complete the mission anyway, using simpler means: take down street-level criminals, petty thieves, and minor burglars in order to complete the mission. With the coverage offered by your drones, this will take a few (2-3) days of crime-fighting grinding at worst, right on time to allow you to begin your next turn of Training & Actions without any form of impediment or loss. It'll also leave the stronghold itself for another day when you are better prepared to tackle it and make the wound hurt.
Kriegsmarine (pt. 1)

Although Alexander knew, in rough technical details, the composition and blueprint of both the interior and exterior of a law enforcement police van, the infamous 'paddy wagon,' he was nonetheless fascinated by the experience of riding in one. It appeared the PRT model had subtle deviations from the conventional police and army model.

Among the most notable features was the containment foam sprayer emplacement on top; a tripartite division allowing for a single gunner to comfortably and accurately operate it while separated from the transport and driver section. Also the tanks of foam and solvent located under the seats on the left side, next to the first-aid supplies. Alexander was fascinated and desired to study the substance, but also knew it was tinker-made, and therefore likely to break down upon extensive interaction; there was little to could actually gain from stealing a container, although he was confident he'd be able to steal it in a manner that couldn't be traced back to him. It was a minor dilemma.

Averlee, sitting to his right, gently hummed the anthem of Sanctuary, an upbeat marching tune that involved the occasional whistling section or rejoinder composed of rapidly tapping her fingers against the empty plastic seat to her right. And opposite of them, three PRT agents watched in silence as she did this.

He'd asked Averlee about the Sanctuary Realm, but she wasn't too comfortable with oversharing. Alexander didn't mind her lack of openness. If the Gunman believed in her, that meant she had reasons for not telling him.

"Almost there," said the agent in the front passenger seat, via the intercom. "ETA is a minute and thirty seconds. We only need to verify ourselves on the radio."

A moment later, they were on the hardlight bridge to the Protectorate ENE Headquarters; Alexander had a distinct impression every major gang in the city, every criminal, every three-bit thug, and their mothers probably kept tabs on this highly visible logistics method to better remain aware of the PRT's movements, but there weren't any openings in the van large enough to properly discern who was inside. It was a good issue to contemplate, even in theoretical ways, as he anxiously awaited their arrival.

Another minute or so later, they stopped at the gate for another step of the verification. An agent opened the back door, checked the inside, made sure everyone was in their supposed place, closed the door, and the van proceeded through the opening hardlight gates. They disembarked.

"Hello there. I'd like to welcome you to the Protectorate East-North-East Headquarters. Armsmaster told me that you'd be coming."

Ahead of them stood Miss Militia, a dark-haired and olive-skinned woman in elegant army fatigues, ones designed specifically to accentuate, maybe even exaggerate her curves, and work boots. Around her waist hung a sash, and her lower face was covered by a tight scarf, both in the colors of the American flag. Her eyes were visible, bottle-green irises peering at them with polite interest, the sort that a store owner doing bad reserved for a client, or a priest in a dying church reserved for potential flock members. Maybe not quite to that same extent of utter desperation, but it was the same emotional vector, he thought - she was trying to make herself look affable, nice.

"Yeah," Alexander agreed, "I wonder why?"

Miss Militia frowned under her scarf. "I'm sorry?"

"Normally," he continued, "we'd have been invited to the PRT building for a calm discussion if that. The Protectorate has been known to engage with independents in less official ways. Frankly, I'm confused why there's even any planning that we need to get involved with - you could've simply briefed us by online message or, or... phone call, or even simply on the spot, or on the way to the spot. A hundred different ways. I mean, sure, it wouldn't have been halfway as effective in preparing us for cooperation, but... I mean, at first, I believed that I fucked up somehow and this was going to be a stealth arrest. You know? Lure the rookie in, slap some cuffies on him-"

"I assure you we're not like that," she replied.

Alexander kept his train of thoughts going, though, "I know, I figured that out. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't, ma'am. Although, going back to the topic of the operation; I mean, it's not like you won't take the lead anyway, right? We're just independents."

At the combination of words 'just,' and 'independents,' Averlee, who had been nodding along in agreement up to that point, suddenly turned to stare at him with the particularly indignant look of a cat angry at their owner. Meanwhile, Miss Militia looked beyond exasperated.

Nice job, Alex. One minute in, and you've made two women completely done with your shit. Gunman must've picked me for my chromosomes after all.

"Pas bien. Bad Snoopy," said Averlee, gently karate-chopping him in the forehead, a flicker of flame dancing at the edge of her palm.

"Ow," he said in genuine pain - it stung.

"Snoopy?" Miss Militia asked.

"Ah, yes." Averlee smiled at her with open and unrestrained delight, arms opening, like a frenzied butterfly's incandescent wings. "Adorable moniker, is it not? It is his-"

"I don't have a cape name," he interrupted resolutely, hand raised to draw attention. Miss Militia deliberated on which of them was telling the truth and decided to go with Alex's insistence. "For now, I suppose you may call me the Detective."

"Détective Mystérieux," whispered Averlee, in a hushed tone. And, explosively, she flung a hand up into the sky, another to her chest: "And moi! I am Mademoiselle Averlee Legrand, but you may call me Havenshroud, s'il te plaît et merci."

Alexander noticed that, in public spaces, and especially in conversations with people of import, she thickened her French accent, increased the frequency with which she used words in French, and seemed to deliberately act with considerably more eccentricity. An interesting social confusion tactic, but he'd never dare to try it.

"At any rate," Miss Militia took over the conversation with the deftness of a serpent protecting its eggs from a swooping bird of prey, "I believe that Armsmaster can explain this more adequately than I once we're indoors."

And so, she led them, alongside the escort of three armed and armored PRT agents, forward and past one of the major security checkpoints, into what seemed to be a central administrative section. The interior of the BB Protectorate HQ wasn't particularly interesting - drab hallways of poured and tiled concrete, crisscrossed with large support beams of titanium and steel. It was a huge, almost empty place, to the point where Alexander was forced to wonder if some of its opulent size wasn't for show. At various points, they crossed paths with people in domino masks, a few PRT agents, and people who he recognized as capes from areas surrounding Brockton Bay.

They reached a large meeting room, where Armsmaster waited, sitting down in an office chair that managed to miraculously support his weight. Maybe his armor didn't weigh as much as expected? A lightweight material design was the prime explanation for why he'd be able to move so fast, outside of tinker drugs. He looked oddly peaceful and prim as he sat there, hands steepled, looking at them expectantly as they entered the room, and leaning back as they approached within comfortable talking distance.

"Hello, Havenshroud and Detective," Armsmaster said, before gesturing to the chairs. "Have a seat."

As they sat, Alexander grabbed a nearby empty paper cup and filled some of it with water. If they reserved a full meeting room with its own projector for this, it'd probably be a conversation on the lengthy side.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this manner, so deep into our defensive perimeter as one might call it, but I've recently detected swarms of unidentified drones patrolling the streets of the city," Armsmaster reported; Alexander carefully suppressed any natural reaction he might've produced, but it was difficult. He nonchalantly took a sip of the water he'd poured into his cup, eyes crossing with Militia's for a moment. "I suspected that you're responsible for this, but until I verified this data, I didn't want to meet you out in the open. Not when the topic is something as important as a major anti-gang operation."

"I see," Alexander replied, done thinking at the same time as he was done with his drink. A law enforcement officer - or a superhero fulfilling the role of one - wouldn't have said that without something at least resembling evidence, and Armsmaster's tone of voice didn't suggest he was lying to get a reaction out of them and have the reaction act as its own confirmation. Armsmaster had them dead to rights. As such, Alexander was left with two options - deny and press against the accusation, or accept the facts. There was a significant risk in doing the former, breaking what little diplomatic progress had been made between their duo and the government organization.

"You'd be right, then," Alexander said, ambiguously. "I apologize if I caused any public disturbance, I programmed the drones to stay out of sight, but I suppose that I am too shoddy a tinker to make it work. At least, in this department."

Armsmaster chuckled, and shook his head, "No. Your programming was not at fault here, Detective. It's simply that your attempts at hiding don't compare to my ability to detect your actions. I am impressed, however - because nothing except my algorithms and personal scanners noticed any disturbance. You're good, Detective. And to acquire usable information on a major gang, only within a couple of weeks since your first recorded appearance - it's quite a feat. Actually, I suppose that I'll skip the pleasantries, I can see from your expression that you're getting bored."

Alexander indicated a modest nod - enough to agree, but insufficiently deep or fast to be impolite. "Yes."

"Yes, indeed. Before we speak of the raid itself, we - the PRT, that is to say - would like to offer you a place in the Heroism Incentive Program, as Grade 1 Heroes. Maybe higher, if you'd like to sign that kind of contract."

"I've read about that," Alexander said, leaning forward with a little squint. "You're offering us free money."

"I won't beat around the bush," Armsmaster said. "Yes."

A lot of money, too, according to what Alexander had read. Although heroes and officially hired parahumans rarely bothered to share their salaries with the public, it was known that a Grade 1 Hero in the program could earn, on average, around $250,000 per year. And sometimes more, depending on involvement or abilities in question, or their influence upon a given city or area. All they were expected to do was show a public commitment to doing heroic things, cooperate with the authorities in a limited sense, and participate in a few mandatory training courses.

And in return, they'd get a dead minimum of twenty thousand dollars a month, frequent deliveries of free policing equipment like handcuffs, handheld radios, and a Protectorate-issue PDA, and the benefits of experience that came with those training courses - although Alexander already knew most of the data he might learn in them.

There was a risk, though. Alexander didn't know if the contract required them to disclose their identities. If that happened to be the case, he could get in trouble for not only faking his suicide but a damn plethora of other things, such as being a legal minor living on his own. He couldn't live on his own legally as a minor until he passed the GED among some other requirements, and that'd require him to be a minimum of sixteen years of age. A similar issue applied to Averlee, and that was ignoring the fact she didn't legally exist in this world as a person.

Maybe if they accrued some more goodwill with the PRT, showed them their usefulness, they'd overlook those issues and provide for them. Alexander was intrigued - maybe tempted, even - by Armsmaster's offer, but couldn't force himself to acknowledge it as anything but too risky to take instantly.

"I won't sign any contracts for now," he started, "and neither will my partner."

"I hoped and expected you wouldn't," Armsmaster interjected agreeably, "It'd match the insight and caution you've shown so far."

"But I'm open to the idea," Alexander said. "You?"

Averlee nodded slowly, hand on her chin. "Mmm. Yes, I would like that as well."

"I'll give you a phone call after we're done here," Alexander said, "And maybe you can send me a digital copy of the relevant documentation. It doesn't have to be anything official, we'd come over to sign. All I'd like is a digital version to look it over, make sure we're up for it."

"Naturally. Now that that's settled," Armsmaster said, moving up from his chair and over to Miss Militia, "Let's discuss the raid itself."


Armsmaster's Plan

As far as Protectorate resources go, Armsmaster has full dispensation to assign any full-time Protectorate member or Ward that he wishes to this operation, but it'd be less than ideal to overtax the organization's logistics by drawing upon too many individuals at the same time. As such, he'll gladly help himself to your direct aid.

His plan involves a pronged attack - the holding warehouse you'll be raiding has two major entrances: a single docking area where trucks and vans arrive for loading and unloading goods, and a "civilian/worker" entrance with a parking lot, next to a small Italian restaurant. As the warehouse is relatively lightly guarded (according to your combined observation, no more than around 12-18 gang members are inside at any given point in time, most of them disguised or hired as workers), the Empire not expecting any major raids here, a division of forces is acceptable: there will be two primary strike teams, with a support team on standby to provide reinforcements.

Armsmaster is also going to involve your idea to bait Krieg into an attack in his plan, but he's going to slightly alter how this is going to be carried out by adding a fourth capture team whose goal is primarily to intercept and arrest Krieg and any capes or Empire soldiers that might accompany him. As such, the first phase of the raid will have to be disguised and done slowly in order to give the Empire some time to tip him off. It's a complicated, multilayered plan - no fuck ups can be tolerated here.

Here is Armsmaster's proposed team composition --

Strike Team - Alpha

Alpha Team will attempt to infiltrate the warehouse from the docking bay area, after it's determined that Bravo has made sufficient 'noise.'

Armsmaster (Team Commander)
A tinker specializing in compression, miniaturization, and efficient technology. Has a number of useful inventions, such as an entire armory of halberds with specialized gadgets or effects that he can teleport to himself with the press of a thumb, a suit of power armor, a pack of combat drones, his motorcycle, and several other inventions of minor note.

An obvious choice for the mission. His field and strike team experience are sure to be invaluable, and given his veterancy as both a hero and leader, he's best utilized as team commander.

Triumph (Second-in-Command)
A powerful offensive audiokinetic, blaster-type, especially in the vein of focusing his roars into tangible and narrow sonic energy blasts that concuss, stun, and throw foes around. Also has a moderate brute ability, notable for being able to effortlessly punch through concrete, regenerate from wounds, and being far more durable than normal.

A good second choice. Although Triumph is relatively fresh as a hero, he's spent many years in the Ward program and has considerable experience as team leader from it. He could stand to learn more, and this is a prime opportunity for him, but he's primarily chosen for experience he already has.

Also a support team of five PRT agents in full armor with rifles and less-lethal ammunition, and a single agent with a grenade launcher that can be used to launch containment foam grenades among other useful munitions.

Strike Team - Bravo

Bravo Team will attempt a direct assault from the front of the building and draw attention before making a minor retreat to set up conditions for the rest of the raid operation to act in accordance with their roles. It's expected that Alpha and Bravo teams should breach the building at roughly the same time from two opposite sides.

The Detective (Team Commander)

Havenshroud (Second-in-Command)

Also a support team of three PRT agents in full armor on standby, to be called in should trouble occur, equipped with standard rifles and munitions.

Support Team - Charlie

A support group of two PRT teams (six agents per team, with rifles, confoam sprayers, grenade launchers,) Ward Vista to enhance support team mobility and provide cover should the need arise, and Ward Clockblocker for aid with the wounded - his power can be utilized to freeze an injured person in time until better medical resources can be requisitioned and brought to the scene or to freeze unsecured suspects in place to greatly mitigate the potential of an escape.

Capture Team - Delta

A combination team of Assault, Velocity, and Battery, whose powersets make them uniquely capable of fighting a cape such as Krieg. It's expected that Krieg won't come alone, either having more Empire capes or perhaps unpowered followers with him, so the Capture Team will also have a support team of a sniper and spotter on a nearby rooftop, a PRT APC with a team of agents, and other measures as a precaution. If Krieg hasn't been successfully captured, their mission will be to pursue and update the other teams on location and heading so that a parallel pursuit may be started to capture the supervillain.


[ ] Sign Off - Armsmaster's plan is fine, let's go through with it.
[ ] Actually... - Write-in; proposed revisions to Armsmaster's plan. He's likely to agree to most of your propositions except very major ones, consult QM before such major changes. Keep in mind that simple is often best.

Wordcount: 19.8k
Although some of that wordcount is votes and character sheets. Also the colors didn't carry over when copying, but the original has color codes for almost everything. See in this thread.
So, I'm thinking about making a Final Patch to fill in a last few gaps left by that second patch, but I'm kind of feeling like it's pretty good with about 18k words total. I'm also interested in making a God CYOA, in the sense that you're essentially playing as the Faction benefits for a Faction, and the whole point being to make overpowered combinations to carry your Faction to victory. What do you guys think?
Damn this thread really do be dead. Some omake, everybody? Some Arete to mine? No?
New Commentary - Status Screen CYOA DLC 2


[-1 Bit] Regenerating Health. The benefits for repeat purchases aren't great, since it's ultimately a linear increase for limited character-creation resources, but the initial purchase isn't bad. It's a notable increase to initial safety, especially for builds which don't (ab)use triple-mana-bars-and-endless-mana- but even for them, they don't actually heal you and it's not out of the question some things would bypass mana/health bars to injure you directly, like Perfect Attacks as I formulated them earlier. Sure, you can probably just get some healing magic, but it's a one-Bit purchase,it doesn't have to be perfect at everything.

[-1 Bit] Barrier. It's not clear how quickly the energy-shield regenerates- maybe not at all without Mana, since there's no mention of regeneration?- but it seems notably superior to the Regenerating Health option for immediate safety, with the initial defences of a tank. The protection scales with you, what with Mana feeding into it, but it does potentially lose out to Regenerating Health in the long term since it's a drain on your resources rather than an addition. On the other hand, in Mana-ultraheavy builds like idle wizard, you really aren't going to notice the loss- it's a fundamentally minor concern. and scaling with Mana in the first place means it'll scale better- for those builds- than health regeneration, since it works with the build instead of parallel to it.

It also has much better repeat-purchase benefits than regenerating health, exponentially increasing both the durability and the esoteric comprehensiveness of the barrier into the range of things which I'd otherwise perhaps struggle to figure out how to resolve. The second purchase level sounds like it's mostly applicable to... I'm not quite sure how to put this, 'the kinds of things which have other solutions' maybe? places with dimensional rifts which they go into detail on usually let you go into the rift and not die. The third-purchase level on the other hand applies to things I don't know would be resolvable otherwise, like vacuum collapse. Narratively, It's the kind of thing which normally doesn't happen in the first place and so doesn't come with premade solutions in worlds you can head to. Fourth purchase expands that up to 2.99ISH from thirds 1.99, which suggests vary favorable things if further purchases afterwards are indeed possible. Though there's a bit of oddity in the general high-level scaling here, with so many 'high-cursebearer-notable' entities running around and entities which haven't been noted as likewise being notable to Those entities, even this favorable interpretation stops being particularly useful past a point, unless it's instead assumed the even-more-favorable 1.1ISH->1.3ISH->1.99ISH->2.99ISH curve applies by accounting for the 1 and 2 purchase esoteric protections, implying exponential or possibly hyperexponential ISH value growth from more bits- but that's stretching credulity, I think.

[-1 Byte] Harvest. A convenient method of secondary growth for a combat build seems like the main takeaway, I think. However, acting like you have extra purchases in cases where this is a convention is also a notable thing, and means that it doesn't take two bits to get the scaling feature, it's just a bit situational. And not overly so- you can just have more games made, or a game remade with a mod for RPG drops. Sure, a lot of games this drop won't fit at all, but betraying artistic principals for an extra Byte is a worthwhile trade.
...until this point I thought it was a Bit purchase and then I looked again. The effect is left ambiguous enough that it can be worthwhile at both levels, at least, owing to the second-purchase scaling in RPG settings. There also might be some ways to mess with the order-of-magnitude chance-ups; If you have a game which operates on methods analogus to the ISH within the limits of what you can figure out how to represent(enemies have default drops which give you stat boosts, 10% drops which give you conceptual boosts (whatever that means. At a first approximation, apply an external boost to [stat] so its like it reaches the next qualitative threshold, and after a point thresholds just exit the numerical range because the difference from 10e999999999 to 10e9999999999 is in conceptual terms 'you went from way too much to way too much' and so not a conceptual step.), 1% drops which give you Perfect abilities (per previous), and maybe 0.1% drops which let you edit the raw code of the program as meta abilities(and if I'm trying to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND then perhaps there are achievements and real-money affecting things which you aren't allowed to affect with the meta abilities due to the post-meta real world considerations, and then you can affect Those with 0.01% drops. though in practice I think the drop rate for that kind of thing would be even more extreme and protected from meta-modification and luck etc, like a 'you've reached the pinnacle of the game go hog wild' sort of thing.)) and then a new set of items is unlocked in line with these kinds of things, you might be able to get ISH 6 items using this, whatever that even means (It'd probably need to be a multiplayer game since the AI for that would be a challenge, not sure how that works out with enemies but it'd be brute-forceable with money for people to run the mooks.).
and once you figure out what it means you can represent it in a new game, grind yourself all the way to ISH 9 with 1 Byte.
Another thing to note is that technically, the Five-Byte version of this option is accessible- if you buy it four times and fight in an RPG-like world. I have no idea what that does but it's presumably suitably incredible.

As an aside, I don't think this makes Luck your Godstat. Luck will help you with drops from nonrepeatable foes... which there will be zero of, because video games make universes and you can just make more. Luck improves the reliability but other stats will help you with the upper bounds so it evens out. Can be repeat purchased.

[-1 Byte] Event Flags. Well! I did say I valued this quite a bit, didn't I? not much more to say about the general effect(well it's missing parts but that's because they're in the next feature), but there's something to be said for the specifics. As mentioned, this is gameable. By finding an important decision, you can perform a timestop. And you can't leave, but you Can explicitely have a sandwich. Which means you can perform Candy Prestige Training in the resulting timestop. Possibly other training as well? you can sit down and cast spells, after all. As long as your cap is high enough, this lets you outscale whoever, as long as said whoever isn't immune to it, and technically, nobody is listed as immune to it. (It doesn't work on zombies but that's in the sense that you can't talk to them not in the sense that they will come eat you while you're thinking about whether to dramatically order your friends to go on without you.)
The second purchase helps with the direct value of this choice, making better decisions. insofar as it shares your values, it also provides ~all the further benefit that can be gained in that regard; knowing what the choices entail isn't going to help you make better choices than the best choice. So I definitely wouldn't spend more than 2 Bytes on this.

[-1 Core Feature] Plot Non-Progression.
And the rest of the parts of it! This is something I definitely take, even if I need a drawback to do so. It doesn't have the added bonus of stopping 'all bad things', but bad things which aren't plot you can resolve while you're avoiding the plot. Just kill all the heartless. easy enough!
More importantly, this means you'll never be underprepared for something important. A path to victory exists, because that is also the nature of plot(...and the nature of such power growth as you are guaranteed by other means), and this affords you the Time to find it. And if you can't find that way, you can simply live out life- all parts of it that aren't 'Plot', at least. Purchase two resolves even that theoretical limit, though on the whole the greater part of the value here is from purchase one, given I think victory is reliably-feasible-in-generality with just purchase one. purchase three is... a minor convenience, mostly. it makes things Faster but it doesn't Add anything new, and doing other things for a month isn't exactly... difficult. Not worth a third Core Feature.
There are also a lot of drawbacks in conjunction with which the drawback-entity is clearly 'the next boss'; then all the benefits of this option mitigate the dangers of the drawback, particularly if you take care to arrange things so your 'plot', your journey-through-life-after-discounting-all-nonessential-portions clearly leads to a confrontation. At least, presupposing that said drawbacks entity lacks the ability- or perhaps inclination- to override a Core Feature.

[-1 Core Feature] Save Files. Time Travel. what more is there to say? Well, first of all, it's apparently not absolute against others capable of similar- I'm not clear on why, though, as their capabilities generally don't include 'remove users of alternate paradimes of time travel'? but it's probably a problem you can mostly avoid- none of the Drawbacks are time travelers iirc for fairly obvious reasons of defeatability without this Feature. it's not perfect against people who outclass you by a conceptual leap, but that also confirms the abilities puisance is growing with you. Tier 2 and 3 Omnipotents ignore it because they're vastly above you, but if you become so yourself, it is implicit you will retain the ability on your new level so it's a very ambitious yet safe choice. The repeat purchases are more like the kind of benefit I'd price at 'an additional byte' personally, the main importance of this ability is its existence not its convenience. Raising the threshold does make the ability slightly better but it's a 'slight' threshold raise, not a qualitative increase- just progress faster 5head or something.

Like with the Harvest option, I disagree with the inference that this makes Willpower your godstat. Being stronger by other means reduces willpower costs etc etc. It does make Willpower better, but... anything you need to do to survive isn't a matter of willpower, there's no other option for you to give up and accept. there is the matter of mental conditions but that's not quite the same as willpower I think.

[-2 Core Features] Seven Souled.
...It's a useful ability, but I wouldn't call it 2 Core Features. The only part that might justify the second feature cost is the existential protection thing, but it'd have to be strong enough to at least slow down the 'high-cursebearer relevant' tier 2 omnipotents waltzing around, because that is the primary category of opponent you can't survive at 1 Core Feature already via save files while getting more benefits (from the solitary feature), since I'd put seven souled aside-from-that at 1 Core Feature. It's just... really hard for a single stronger ability to be worth more than two separate abilities which can synergize, at the power level and utility a Core Feature offers.
(It's especially true because value is relative, like, if the drawbacks didn't establish HC-relevant tier 2 omnipotents I'd consider the soul blunting worth it at 'just' an extra ISH step or something, but because those HC-relevant entities exist the likelihood of encountering them is higher and if you have to deal with one of them anything which doesn't measure up doesn't matter. Not sure how clear I'm being at this, but it's not overly relevant since it'd apply anyway at the level of power and utility available here.)
The multipliers to how much Mana's available and stuff are ridiculous but we're starting at ridiculous and going up from there- especially with cross-universe or purpose-build-universe cheese- so...
Oh, it's also possible this would bypass Transcensions temporary weak period by letting individual souls reset individually? But that's uncertain and I nonetheless wouldn't call it Two core features.


[-1 Bit] Krak Pot.

The tier-up effect sounds potentially abusable- performing a recipe which cannot be coherently improved without expanding beyond the scope of what you can normally access, like a potion of 3.9999ISH All Stats or something- but not overly so, and it's reasonably likely his capabilities are limited to whatever versatile alchemy system he started with and won't apply to purpose-built alter-systems. might have synergy with that other bit purchase that gives stats... Hm, it's not especially uncommon for inputting a single item into a crafter to just give you the item back, I remember some minecraft recipes like that. What if you just put the same item into the ingredient slot repeatedly and let him exponentially tier it up?

[-1 Bit] Lucky Penny. Can be purchased multiple times.

A very convenient lifesaver, and affordable. depending on interpretation, it might also give you out-of-combat immortality, since it'd reset instantly with no engaged enemies. Not the sort of thing you'd want to rely on for obvious reasons, but.

[-1 Byte] Heart Locket.

depending on interpretation, this is either extremely abusable with huge mana bars (counting as thousands of new bars owing to a lopsided ratio), or a moderate combat boost. you can also abuse it via repeated blood sacrifice

[-1 Byte] Phantom Hourglass.

This is like the classic- well, no. It's like one of the several classic 'everything trivializer' abilities. directly converting prep time into power for battles less than five minutes/day(as is common for higher-power battles in stories) is a ~300x multiplier to power, it's extremely powerful...
oh yeah and scaling over time makes it worth far less. it still gives you the bonus power in the short term, if your scaling doesn't speed up over time, but anything you did earlier is wasted. If you can make stored actions conditional it's a bit better, but it's still... not as great as in the non-scaling case. However, it does give you a new way to abuse Prestiges and mitigate their downsides! Sometimes there will be actions you can take which give you experience/progress/etc, but only after X progress. store those actions, prestige, skip any weak period. similarly for the higher-tier forms. It's still pretty situational, though.
If you don't take Prestige or Cursebearer, or something else for scaling, then this is a powerful option indeed.

[- 1 Core Feature] Endless Labyrinth.

My main problem here is that it 'scaling, well, endlessly' doesn't tell me the rate at which it scales. going 1 hp 2 hp 3 hp 4 hp... is endless scaling, but strictly inferior to one infinity. Something about the way it's all written suggests to me that... well, I don't think it's a Linear scale, but I don't get the impression that it scales like Progression- I get the impression that completing one level per second and being as powerful as the composite might of the strongest level you've cleared would still leave you in the human-comprehensible range, even years later. (in fact the scale exponential is actually slowing down over time with the examples given, though that might be more to keep the stairs from becoming so excessively hard to find that it has to wrap around to easy to be possible.)
Even if you presume this scales as goodly as Prestige does, I think the added danger- not to mention the exponential increase in floor size and so time to scaleup, assuming floor danger roughly equates to the power you have from reaching that floor- is a higher cost than prestiges pseudo-optional progress-resets.
the scattered secrets have interesting implications for skipping ahead to things you'd normally only be able to 'detect' once you're good enough for numerous floors down, by bashing through the walls until you stumble across a hollow section or different material. Or if the walls are indestructible (something not stated or particularly implied) through other kinds of brute force- revisits with 'improved senses' doesn't mean revisits with improved ability to traverse this maze via arbitrary key items, so you can just do what you might have to do until you stumble across what you Do have to do. But, I wouldn't consider this a worthwhile trade for a core feature even so, unless indeed this scales as well as prestige, and brute force ensures you can travel safely through such abuse and skip huge steps of growth.

[-1 Core Feature] Collected Memories.

This is the (uncomplicated[1]) 'Immediate safety' Core Feature option; it immediately gives you an equipment set which brings you to the apex of at least some types of games. It grows over time as well, but that is a side-feature to the immediate power and somewhat lackluster for that reason... outside certain circumstances. Presumably its power is also somewhat a multiplier on whatever else you have since the items are guaranteed to always be relevant- it's not only an immediate safety option.
(x0.01 spell cost +9900% Spell Power is not 'always relevant' because you eventually get into spell power levels which cannot be represented by finite numbers, like any Perfect effect.)
back to the 'outside certain circumstances' part, 'Collected Memories' with the Save Files option is an unambiguous immediate resolution to, at least, the Sonic.exe drawback. As a power which scales directly from 'forming new memories', something which definitely comes back with you when you load a save, its scaling can be immediately jumped to any point it will eventually reach, so there's no worries for progressing prior to some point.

[1]Save Files is also immediate safety because you can rewind time if you die to anything which isn't higher-ISH than you. plot non-progression would stop important dangers from reaching you. the Simple Transaction has a curse attached. seven-souled doesn't seem to actually give immediate power but the kind of exponential you could get with seven copies of every upgrade in an idle game equates to within-Minutes 'arbitrary real numbers'(but costs 2 core features ofc). Companions are companions.


[-1 Bit] Cactuar.
in pokemon games after, like, gen 1, this is a free pass to defeat every* enemy you face because minimum damage is 1 and it hits 1000 times. even a level 100 eternamax eternatus has less than 1000 hp. though Cactaur presumably has a speed of 0 owing to a lack of speed stat.
*Aevian Paras in pokemon rejuvenation is an exception. it revives when killed and ends multihit attacks when doing so

A reasonably good immediate safety option if you didn't pick something else which grants it. Theoretically it can scale but I imagine you'd have an easier time finding more Cactuar-equivalent allies than evolving it.

[-1 Bit] Magic Pot.

the Bit version of Harvest, i suppose? the valuables scaling with you suggests that once you reach infinite power the valuables have to do the same to keep up, but on the other hand you might kill the pot by accident if you get that strong. They default to crafting materials, which is a minor inconvenience I suppose... also, It's not clear if healing-then-attacking is viable for Magic Pots but if so that's a viable way to abuse them.

[-1 Byte] Moogle Genius.

so an ally that can do one type of crafting/backline task for you. It's.... something? not overly appealing, I'm eh on it.

[-1 Byte] Ink Sans.
Makes you wonder why he doesn't just... get a soul. There are absolutely going to be undertale settings where you can do that. In fact, it's even canon that absorbing as many souls as the underground normally contains is sufficient; and while that is for monster souls and he is a monster who would therefore lack the absorptive capability, there are definitely undertale settings where Human souls have a similar effect (off the top of my head, Delta Sans absorbs a bravery soul and it makes him braver, or whatever.) and further, settings where human souls can be mass-produced in some moral way, so it's really a solvable problem. The possibilities of universe creation are indeed endless!... but he doesn't really help with them. The power is within you all along! and he may be experienced at 'universe creation', but the aim isn't 'make as many interesting universes as possible', it's 'make universes with the most broken, exploitable bullshit you can get to cohere'- his 'experience' is useless and he won't even be loyal.

[-1 Core Feature] Yukari Yakumo.
This is kinda like a pure power option, albeit the power belongs to someone else and she does require... managing. I have a vague understanding of yukari but not overmuch, and I'm reasonably sure that reaching power levels comparable to Yukari is feasible with zero bits, bytes or features, just the absolute baseline enlightenment. If a video-game can represent it, you can gain it, and video games can definitely represent 'manipulate time', 'timeline jump', 'instantly kill or revive target' and so on, although it would take a while to code the game, particularly if you need to actually represent the ability as obtainable and usable instead of leaning on gameplay-story segregation to make a three-hallway game with copious dialogue... perhaps if you make a cyoa-like game where you can choose powers but You aren't the one using them, your character is, and once your choices are over an ending dialogue tells you what'll happen? and set up the cyoa so the lore says anyone who arrives into the world immediately recieves the same choices... the combinatoric possibilities would be annoying if you have too many options but you don't need that many options per game, just make seperate games... though there would need to be at least plural options(and more options than available selections) for it to be a Game, really... still, feasible.

[-1 Core Feature] Deadpool! Yeah!
I'm actually about equally familiar with deadpool as with yukari
Based on the internet, Deadpool doesn't actually have the continuity gem 99.9% of the time, losing it at the end of the same issue he gains it.
also, spending half your time sleeping isn't that much more than normal people. As for whatever 'mask the joker with toonforce' thing, uh, that seems like a very. odd benchmark. How does him being pseudo the joker augment his toonness to surpass meta-powers? or is any toon stronger than the continuity gem? or is this an implicit acknowledgement Deadpool doesn't actually have access to the continuity gem? Or is it like, 'the joker with the toonforce is something something the kind of character type which wins against deadpool due to post-meta considerations'? I'd actually expect post-meta/real life threat considerations to argue in favor of Deadpool because I've actually heard of him before, so the only way for him to have lost that matchup would seem to be being actually weaker then the mask, and therefore, weaker than the 'continuity gem' level.
writer forgetfulness is an ISH 7 force because even if you threaten a writer with a gun they aren't suddenly going to remember random details they don't... remember. It's not an ISH 7 power, however, because it's basically useless..


[+1 Bit] Goblin Commander.

Eh, should be fine. His scaling ability consists of 'draw on other goblins', which is inherently inferior to 'make as many new goblins as there ever were, except instead of goblins, antigoblins'. He's also defeatable. He could be a threat to a potential-oriented build for the first like, ten minutes though.

[+1 Bit] Missingno.

Similarly manageable. Its theoretical upper limit is higher since it might eventually absorb non-pokemon and sounds like it's actively trying to make more such powersets exist. Luring it to a pokemon game you don't care about and performing the metaphysical equivalent of turning off the game should do it, if you get to it before it absorbs anything non-pokemon. It is however slightly riskier-seeming than the goblin commander, as it's less predictable what a 'glitch' will do than what 'smartish goblin' will do.

[+1 Byte] Dr. Wily.

Wow! this adversary could very well be an incredible threat! he's trying to actually abuse the structure of this reality. His ramp-up time isn't so short, though, as his strategy is known to be the creation of new universes rather than the exploitation of the old, and he can't create the games himself. If he's trying to force Capcom to actually make games instead of force some random people, then it may take years, simply for the game to be properly made. With the ability to... warn capcom... not to mention the various scaling opportunities available before he gets his first leg up, this is probably managable, but it's not a free space so to speak.

[+1 Byte] Error Sans.

This guy on the other hand... I don't think he's likely to try to make a new universe to steal powers from to kill me with. It's not clear how quickly he'll attack, but interface screws don't do much about ludicrously large healthbars so he should be manageable in personal combat. universe destruction is somewhat worrying, but he doesn't want to destroy, like, the one main universe which is being poluted by the others or whatever, so he can't destroy the world.

[+1 Core Feature] Sonic.Exe.

Seems pretty fine to me. just pick up Sonic.Exe and Plot Nonprogression and then you can just... get around to it... eventually. He won't scale because that would be like the poster child for plot nonprogression. ooooh he's out there growing stronger until you confront him oooooh his level is set to a specific integer and will not be rising while you train actually.

[+1 Core Feature] The Dark Master.

kay, kay, seems handleable. and a useful grinding tool! jump into hell for a million times training multiplier! make sure to bring a house with you or something so you don't die of boredom and bleh. maybe the labyrinth door, if there's nothing better for the core feature here. I may not know where to find his soul sphere, but I do know what the internet is! I may not know where it can be used to resurrect him, but I do know what the internet is, and also, resurrection spells from Other sources. and the resurrect location might be holy and restrict bloodshed, but there's nothing mentioned about restricting 'moving people around'. just get him... somewhere else. teleporter or something.
and he's apparently not planning to storm earth. Outscaleable.

[+2 Core Features] Ultra Instinct Shaggy.

Since he isn't trying to actually make you dead- though he also isn't making sure not to, he wouldn't go out of his way to make it actually the case- the Save Files Feature should be enough to survive him. If you have enough will to live as opposed to giving up, at least, but he's Fighting you, not Torturing you.
If this assumption is wrong, and his '3-4 pick fight' benchmarker means 'about as much risk of actual permanent death as a 3-4 pick fight is for hunger, irrespective of how much your ability to avoid permanent death outscales your other parameters and any upgrades you have which wouldn't affect pick count if hunger had them, like rerolls', then this isn't worth it, you'd be dead within a month tops.

[+2 Core Features] The Scarlet King. Khahrahk. Crimson Monarch. True Red Demon God Emperor. King of the Darkness Below.

Technically, he isn't stated as being a High-Cursebearer level threat, unlike shaggy and Garfield, and going simply by the capabilities given here he's sub-ISH 8 for obvious reasons, making him a worthy selection. But going by intent, he's a lot like Garfield and, y'know, not worth it.
Though, it says at the end that even if he dies he could be reexisted by people in real life (wait, is there even an SCP game with the scarlet king in it?). Which implies you could make another copy which is identical except instead of being evil its Scarlet Kingalike, which has all the scarlet kings powers, only cares about stopping the other scarlet king.
Alternatively, if I assume his vulnerability to Narrative Manipulation is actually relevant and that he's unable to bypass Narrativey Core Features, picking up Plot Non-progression would allow him to be stalled/avoided indefinitely, until you're ready to just beat him.


[+1 Bit] Hatred of Slimes.

Free Space.

[+1 Bit] Negative RGB.

Pragmatically free space. the brain can adapt to this kinda thing. It would, however, be annoying.

[+1 Byte] Plenary Scan.
knowing I'm always at 10e20something or whatever it was and rising is not tactically useful information
the scan upgrade would maybe be a mild problem, but it depends on what defines 'next tier'. Actually, you could abuse this drawback by setting up a system where the scan quality rises several ISH levels between scan I and scan II and use scan II on yourself with this drawback. Maybe foretell the future if Scan I tells you how long until the enemy dies at current rate and Scan II tells you whether the target has any 'fate' or particularly likely important events like plot oncoming, like scanning aeritsh saying 'she will die shortly' or something. Or a system where being scanned gives you stat buffs.

[+1 Byte] Monster Bait.

Almost skipped over this option. It's probably not too bad- I assume the beings it affects aren't likely to outscale the kind of things you have after you get this far and there are often anti-encounter options like Repels. Probably antisyngery with Killer GM for obvious reasons... synergy with any drawback that makes a monster that would theoretically scale up, just take this option several times (which you can apparently do) and they will abandon all considerations to rush you immediately.

[+1 Core Feature] Killer GM.

Since it's trying to kill you in ways which maybe would've theoretically happened anyway without much creativity, Save Files should handle it. oh dang rocks fell, let's try that again, now I know where to dodge, etc etc. It also sounds like it's not particularly applicable to active combat, though even if it was, why ever fight someone when you don't have enough power to tank everything they do risk free.

[+2 Core Features] Shards of Enlightenment.

Considering there are a number of drawbacks which might destroy the entire world, I'd say... don't pick this. It's like taking several world-affecting drawbacks, each potentially up to core features of danger... That is, unless this is as-inferible from particular focus on different option lists; If only people who actually know about an ISH8+ Setting would receive drawback options in the 8+ range like all these high cursebearer peers, then... well, some searches inform me that actually there are other settings which have a similar "Beyond everything, including logic, and beyond those other beyond-logic entities, and beyond that, and beyond that, [expletive] you" sort of design philosophy, but I hold to the assumption it's rare and so that if drawbacks are so tied to preconceptions you'd mostly end up with world-rending drawbacks that are at least theoretically possible to outscale with Prestige or whatever.
Ironically, the +4CF version of this drawback is actually safer, because if this has happened before other 'Godmodes' must either have already defeated their past ISH Infinity foes and now be protecting the world at large, or not be receiving ISH Infinity foes in the first place. Or to be more accurate, since one might argue logical necessity isn't strong enough to defeat the ISH infinity foes, the +4CF version of the drawback as described cannot create ISH infinity foes prior-to-now in the first place because it is describing a scenario where there are no ISH infinity foes present. And the +4 CF version details it enough that you can also know there is no Godmoder who has thoroughly outscaled the world while also having the desire to be its hegemon since otherwise you'd just have the one king and his swiftly-recruited and swiftly-Ranked-On subordinates- you might run afoul individual action, but not just for existing.

I get the feeling the meat of this option is Supposed to be the rivals who might oppose you but at the power scales we're working with for both drawbacks and self, 'rivals' is completely overwhelmed with '10 more high cursebearers are looking your general direction' and rivals-which-are-problems are a tiny section of rivalspace between 'rivals which are trivial say because they're an RPG fighting an idle game' and 'rivals which are impossible say because their idle game has been running for an extra 20 seconds', So once you know you aren't facing the '10 high cursebearers' or the 'rivals which are impossible' most of what's left is 'rivals which are trivial'.
Build 1: 99% Drawbacks Free.
[+1b] Hatred of Slimes. The exceptions are my free spaces as it were.
[+1B] Dawnbringer. I'll just avoid final fantasy until I outscale it. Which I was probably going to do anyway.
[V]Mystic Energy, 1b. Mana (Idle Wizard) selected. It's still very high value for very low cost!
[I] Barrier. 2b. It has good synergy with endless Mana, and hopefully prestige will allow it to get tiered up.
[D] Skill Points 1b. Same reasons as the first go around, and likewise for Seeds.
[E] Seeds of Excellence, 1b. +Luck selected. Because Luck is the strongest stat to get a single + of. except maybe progression, and even then.
[O ] Contractual Boss Immunity, 1B. To handle esoteric vectors alongside Barrier.
[GA] Harvest, 1B. Items don't reset with prestige and more training booster items will mean faster training for higher prestiges etc.
[ME] Three Bars, 1B. Barrier sorta handles this but it's not clear how automatic it is and if it has any capacity limit and stuff..
[ DLC] Prestige, CF. There's no real need for explanation here.

Build 2: Drawbacks, but no Special Offer.
[+1b] Hatred of Slimes. it's a free space.
[+1b] Punch Goblin. It's likewise, if you pick up barrier that is.
[+1B] Dawnbringer. I'll just avoid final fantasy until I outscale it. Which I was probably going to do anyway.
[+1b] Goblin Commander. oh no he might ally with the punch goblin pretty handleable as previously established.
[+1B] Error Sans. Adding on to earlier considerations about'm, with all these bits I can get the maxed-level Barrier which eliminates any worries about universe-destruction of a world I'm in.
[+1CF] Sonic.Exe. No clue how fast he scales so it's a good thing the intention is to make that question almost irrelevant.
[+1CF] The Dark Master. He's not like, someone you Want around, but he doesn't seem likely to be a threat before scaling up is available. base on pluto and whatnot.
[+1CF] Killer GM. You see I'll be fine because Save Files.
[N] Plot Non-Progression. CF. So sonic.exe won't scale and neither would the dark master.
[e] Save Files. CF. And so even if they do I can fix that
[w] Prestige. CF. So I can scale instead, faster and better.
[G] Collected Memories. CF. making Extra sure that I can outscale Sonic.Exe by the power of repeatedly loading a save file. Also helpful against the killer GM making rocks fall immediately by surviving the rocks.
[a] Barrier. 4b. It's quite the defensive measure!
[m] Mystic Energy, 1b. This is still good!
[e] Seeds of Excellence, 1b. +Luck selected. Bit less good with the killer GM but he is trying to kill you, not make things bad for you, and has a poor attention, so luck should still affect all the things the killer GM isn't paying attention to, like your coin flips.
[P] Job Magic 1b. For about the same reasons as last time.
[l] Three Bars. 1B. It's probably not necessary with Barrier IV and Mystic Energy but worst case it's still a x3 multiplier
[u] Three Actions. 1B. I took three CF enemies so clearly this will let me handle all of them seperately-It's Good. x3 training speed will make things all the easier, etc etc.
[s] Harvest. With so many enemies (and particularly the killer GM) it's all the more important that I have a source of power which is not reset by Prestige during the reprogression periods. Collected Memories is there but for all I know it counts as a system, considering the memory ties; better have another layer of redundancy.
[.] Event Flags. 1B. Mwa-ha-ha! Fear me and my four distinct ways of avoiding all confrontation! Not only can I reverse time, I can also ignore you, spend years debating how to answer a question, and pop the body you're trying to confront at any moment!

Build 3: Special Offer and we'll see if there's any need for drawbacks after that.
The above is about 6100 words, added on to the last go arounds 6200ish, for a total of 12,300 words. Depending on if I get another 200 here(probably not), that's either [+5 CF, +10B, +20b] or [+4 CF, +8B, +16b], we'll see I suppose. I expect some use will be made of Bit to CF conversion...

[Sp. offer taken as: 7CF 7B 14b, per 10kWords.]
[^] Prestige, 1CF.
[^] Save Files, 1CF.
[⌄] Plot Non-Progression, 1CF.
[⌄] A Simple Transaction, 1CF (stored for an eventual future).
[<] Collected Memories, 1 CF
[>] Event Flags, 1B
[<] Harvest, 4B.
[>] Three Bars. 1B.
[🅱] Three Actions. 1B.
[🅰] Contractual Boss Immunity. 1B.
[S] Phantom Hourglass. 1B.
[t] Barrier. 4b.
[a]Mystic Energy, 2b. (as last time- idle wizard + determination-maybe-it'll-synergize-with-Save-files.)
[r]Seeds of Excellence, 2b, +Luck and plant it.
[t] Job Magic 1b.
[k] Skill Points 1b.
[o] Lucky Penny 1b.
[n] Elemental Immunity 5b for the time absorb on the ludicrously off chance that, somehow, nothing here or in any game grants agelessness. and null, space, and poison immunity why not.
[a] Magic Pot 1b
[m] krak pot 1b
[i] Seven Souled, 2 CF.
[code] World Overlay, 1CF.
Like last time, there's not much to say about this build because it has all the answers and none of the questions, as it were, and there isn't much of an ideatic throughline besides 'the things that seemed pretty alright for reasons covered earlier'.

Well, I ended up sort-of running out of options again for the Special Offer build but I guess that's more of a measure of how much I can talk about this stuff and the special offers scaling than anything. Option count definitely isn't a problem anymore for builds which don't take x5 base resources out of the gate. I have the vague sense I should maybe say something else but I probably made most of the points I can make within the 6000 word commentary above, so.
(technically 6483 words if you count all the builds option name copypastes, BBcode, and this line)
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For whatever reason, the idea that Knight of Holly was a trap option kept going through my head today. It turns out I'd confused Knight of Holly and Slayer Knell. Slayer Knell would've been a trap option until the finale, at which point it would have unlocked a truly broken Anti-maiden tactic. Oh well.

Defining Advancements weren't a mechanic that had a particularly big impact on my own decisions. But, they were consistently pretty dope advancements. So let's look at them:

Hunger - Stranglethorn (4 picks)

Age and treachery made flesh.

The might of beasts is not the only province of the ring Hunger. It bears witness to a deeper and elder power as well, the strength of root and stem that bleeds life from the earth itself to thrust upwards towards heaven. The might of oaks, ancient and thousand-ringed, which crumbles stone and blunts steel, which repels the wind and absorbs the tide, which stands unscathed even in the face of heat and fury. That juggernaut stubbornness like a gnarled fist: the power to push through problems with patient, unyielding strength, to break them down and see them crushed beneath you.

Defining Advancement - You may currently have no more than three Defining Advancements.

Increase by 20% the value of all Rank +s
Double the value of Strength and Constitution +s
Double the value of Willpower +s
Reduce by 20% the value of Agility +s
Establishment: By committing meaningful resources towards a given context, and staking out a solid position, you slowly but increasingly accrue power and influence within that context, becoming ever-more inescapable and impossible to dislodge.

Works in any context where you are a significant factor.
Really helpful for ruling empires, for example...
Willpower was the FB's godstat, so picking this up early would have been very on-brand. However, early combat involved rocket-tag (especially when gearing up to fight the Tiller Wurm) so I remember being very wary about giving up Agility. In retrospect, I was being an idiot and should have voted for this. Giving up 20% AGI in exchange for doubled Might seems like a steal.

Hunger's current incarnation doesn't really need assistance to accrue power and influence, but this reads like an alternative magic system that would have been easy to apply in both the Nilfel and Human Sphere conquests. Good synergy with Accretion, which involves reputation / infamy / gravitas.

[ ] Knight of Holly - 2 Arete. Defining Advancement. The knight out of legend, unbowed and alone, who withstands the terrible blow to strike back threefold.

You may only have three Defining Advancements.

*Gain +++AGI, +++Might, and +Protection while in your flesh body.
*Gain +Luck, -20% Experience.
*Once per battle, ignore one wound to your physical form. You suffer no wound penalties from it and gain temporary Health equal to the Health lost from it. Even decapitation is no problem with this. Temporary Health fades slowly over the course of 24 hours.
*Choose one: -20% to INT, WIS, WITS, or CHA, and to subsequent growth of that Attribute.
*Increase by 10% the value of Rank increases associated with martial valor, honor, or purity, but decrease by 30% the value of other Rank increases.
Knight of Holly didn't get much traction when it dropped, and I don't have much to say about it now. Losing EXP feels egregiously bad, and it's not clear how much of Hunger's Rank qualifies as 'honor or purity'. Even if "martial valor" is flexible enough to catch most of Hunger's abilities, +10% Rank just isn't very impressive anymore after all our other modifiers.

I will say that having 1x Reverse-card for wounds might have made the thread think twice about Silver of Evening, which was taken to beeline our way into Trinity at the expense of Elixir. Silver of Evening wasn't the best advancement we ever picked. (Though the most memorable use of that ability, to take Augustine's Deathly Star, would not have been replicated by Knight of Holly.)

[ ] The Ring of Power - Inheritor (3 picks, 2 Arete)

He whose soul contains multitudes, may inherit the legacy of those fallen.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.

*Choose one Soul Evocation user you have slain. You may use their Soul Evocation at a substantial fraction of the original wielder's skill. Apply [To Shatter Heaven] to their Soul Evocation, but gain fragments of their selfhood.
*+50% to the value of that user's highest Attribute +s.
*+50% the value of that user's second highest Attribute +s.
*-10% to the value of future Rank +s, but you may train Rank manually.
*++Mental Contamination from the user you target. Their soul lives on as your prisoner.
*Available Evocations: The Librarian. The Correspondent. The Unerring.
We didn't take this. Getting the Librarian early would have undercut a lot of the arguments put forward by the Mage Gang. On the other hand, +STATS from the Librarian weren't particularly comaptible with Hunger's build so it would truly have been another anti-synergy proc. Nobody needed color-commentary from the Librarian either, so I'm not too upset about missing out on this. Slowing down the Rank Train isn't great either.

[ ] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera - 25 Arete

Defining Advancement. If chosen, you may have no more than five Defining Advancements.

Super Juggernaut - The character may manifest an Armament Shroud even if they are not Rank 9+. His Pressure has no influence outside the Shroud. Within the radius of the Shroud, the character's effective Pressure is massively intensified, massively increasing the difficulty of opposition to him and allowing for the manifestation of character-unique effects.

If the character is already Rank 9+, halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him and double his Shroud's effective radius and any numerical values in his Shroud effects. Manifesting a Shroud is taxing to the will.

Undead Chimera - Gain the memetic benefits of undeath without the penalties. Immune to most poisons and diseases, not hampered by the loss of most internal organs, no need to eat, breathe, drink or sleep. For each type of undead the character can be said to represent (no more than five), choose one Attribute to apply a +100% bonus to, or increase his current Rank by 10%. Attribute bonuses affect present and future levels. You may stack choices, but each consecutive stack reduces the value by half. Thus, choosing AGI twice yields +150% AGI, and choosing Rank twice yields +15% Rank.
Wolfy made a lot of posts assuming that we'd get this, but it suffered from the fact that it was always better to get it later after Rank went up a little more. (Plus it wasn't offered to us very often.) Super Juggernaut is disabled by Once and Future II, but Undead Chimera's Rank bonus would still be outrageously good even at the final chapter where Hunger's Rank is set to infinity (because the non-infinite rank value is still relevant).

[ ] Inherit the World - 7 Arete - The Worldkeeper's power, yielded to the Imprisoner's. Shattered in mind, whole in body, their spirit given over to the grasp of their successor.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.

*Acquire the Soul Evocation of the Penitent, whose shadow is a thing of stained glass and light, and whose figure can absorb punishment unending yet burst forth with ceaseless might. Ignore wound penalties; the user's body is held together by its shadow and cannot be slain short of total annihilation.
*The Penitent may call forth his shadow in an expunging tide. Those fallen beneath are physically encased and magically suppressed, though some arts of power vastly greater than that of Soul Evocation as a whole are immune to this effect. Overuse may decrease the user's WITS, WISDOM and finally INT, but would require many years of continuous deployment; penalties imposed are reverted once the shadow is recalled.
*Outrageous destruction and sober atonement are writ into the Penitent's place within the cosmos. Halve the social penalty from, and double the effective forgiveness for, escalating to violence in otherwise inappropriate situations. This is bound into the fabric of reality and is treated as a 'natural' social phenomenon, the expected baseline.
*Combined with high Charisma, the above effect is exceptionally useful for those possessing the Doom of the Tyrant. Mechanically it's represented as halving/doubling; in-universe the difference in actual sentiment can be an order of magnitude or greater. Still, a dangerous power to possess - and not to be used lightly, lest one be tempted to abuse it.
*+50% to the value of Might +s.
*+50% the value of Protection +s.
*+400% Health.
*+20% to the value of future Rank +s; you may train Rank manually.
*+++Mental Contamination. The wielder disdains cowardice, has little patience for torturers, and easily flies into a violent rage against those he considers morally repugnant. Willpower + alternate Mental Contamination to resist.
We did get this. Hunger quickly scaled to where 'atonement' for acts of violence would be largely irrelevant, but I do like seeing these conceptual effects in early blurbs. Progression is a hell of a drug. This blurb inspired one of my favorite artworks from Priest - where Hunger is standing on a stained glass design.

[ ] Forebear's Blade: Fisher King [12 + 12 Arete] - The hand that steadies the rod, rules the world.

Or perhaps that is not always so. If not, then make it so.

Fish, even if it cannot be fished.

Costs five picks total. One of the Defining Advancements that could have been unlocked by [Feat: Crown].

*Double the proc rate and mitigation effect of Huntress' Moon against fish-based targets
*+50% to All Stats for purposes of fishing. Only works on literal fishing.
*++Wisdom, +Int, +Wits, +50% Rank growth
*Wait for it
*+10 Accursed Favor
Holy fuck
*Grail Keeper: At any time while within a land he rules the wielder may take on the Decimator's Affliction into himself. For the duration, the Decimator's Affliction merely poisons the land, rendering it barren and and its residents infertile, rather than claiming lives. Territories not under the wielder's rule are not affected by this mitigation. This causes him to suffer the Affliction of Leprosy and the Mutilating Affliction for the duration.

*No immediate power, costs a lot of Arete. You are only required to spend 12 at this juncture.
*Immensely powerful Decimator's mitigation, allowing it to be weaponized against opposing polities
*May be used to immediately unlock Sword in the Stone in lieu of one of its requirements
We got this, but I don't remember if we completed it?

[ ] The Ring of Power - Ring of Essence [5 picks, 50 Arete, Defining Advancement].

Requires Chief Dominion: Blood, Crimson Flare. Incompatible with Ruling Ring.

Hail Nameless king, of shadowed throne, your golden glamours tell
of Winter's maze, your sloven's gaze, was steward for a spell.
Thy Essence raised, by sage's thews,
by hated toil grasped;
Now heeds the world, of distill's news:
comes Grail and Fire, clasped!

The wielder acquires a restricted version of the Colour Magic, the Emperor Red, as mediated by his Ring of Power. This reduces the personality-warping effects of the Colour, but ensures the Colour may only be channeled directly through his Ring. Its chief function is to broaden the Chief Dominion of the Ring, incorporating Essence into the nature of Blood such that any sort of being with a foundational essence can be affected by the Chief Dominion, including modifiers from other Advancements (chiefly, Crimson Flare). Advancements acquired by slaying enemies gain +Progression if those enemies are absorbed by the Emperor Red.

This Advancement does not grant any skill with Colour Magic on its own, but in time the wielder will be able to use most of the facets of the Red with the proficiency of a native: He may drain the essence of foes by touch, and eventually affect first nonliving, then even abstract or conceptual objects: depleting a fireball as it strikes his skin, unmaking magics that target or encompass him, even reducing the effects of plagiarism upon his repute, or age upon his form.

Effects that physically touch his blood are much easier to affect in this way. Conversely, by expending essence he may reinforce the fundamental existence of his body, implements or allies, augmenting their physical and spiritual power to superhuman heights. This effect is similar to, and does not stack with, the blood augmentation Hunger already possesses, though with a greater spiritual component. Infusing essence into an attack, he may amplify its effective damage; into a verbal argument, its emotional salience.

*As the Colour suffuses, and is directed, by the Ring of Power, the wielder cannot directly employ the compounding function of the Colour. Though he and the Ring are one and the same, the Colour simply is not present within those body parts that are 'not the Ring.'
*Allows Hunger's Second Stage to benefit fully from Quickening and subsidiary Advancements.
*Can pretty much fix Versch.
*With training, Hunger's disgustingly powerful Bloodcasting can now be applied to enhance or diminish all sorts of phenomena. An absurdly, almost unfairly versatile ability that can eventually be leveraged into full scale reality alteration.
*That said, at present this doesn't offer 50 Arete worth of power. Much of its cost is justified only by potential.
*Still, an Ascendant Ring cannot be Ruled, and is free from the petty strife of the Ringwar.
*Only your ability to buy Defining Advancements piecemeal allows you to take this, so:
*You'll basically have wasted the Fisher King Arete until you get more Defining Advancement slots.
Would've put FK on pause. I think the price tag was too high anyway, so the FK thing was more of an afterthought. Essence seems to be a strong power in the Rihakuverse, but this ability is limited in a lot of ways. The thread didn't want to get in the robot so repairing Versch wasn't a strong enough argument. Plus we kept sticking our hands into garbage disposals so it wasn't surprising that we'd need more power right away. Pure potential advancements are a tough needle to thread.

At the end of the Quest, our DAs are Inheritor and FK. Stranglethorn would've been dope but we couldn't quite make it happen. Now that we've seen the various capstone builds (Forebear vs Blood Halo) these options aren't exactly relevant anymore but they are good reminders of past build-votes & knife-fights. (Or bad reminders, for some of these blurbs.)

At the end of the day, what really matters is that I remind you of the most underrated advancement of the entire thread:

[ ] Slayer Knell - Conjunctional [Evening Sky + Forebear's Blade]. Upon slaying an enemy of a particular type, gain increased damage and overall effectiveness against other enemies of that type. A substantial immediate boost, plus a small permanent boost that stacks indefinitely. After slaying roughly one hundred peer-level opponents of a type, you would murder them in a single blow and dance untouched around their attacks. More powerful enemies yield more effectiveness per kill.
Slayer Knell was a trap option because every time we kill something, we Progress beyond it pretty much immediately. Thanks to the power of capitalism, even some Armaments got killed off-screen relatively quickly after the big showdown with Procyon.

HOWEVER. The Maiden is a Sorceress. Gisena has the capacity to create more sorceresses. The Slayer Knell advancement could have allowed very specialized anti-Maiden training while Hunger hid behind his cloak of evening at ISH 9 PROT (or whatever).

Thank u for coming to my ted talk.
Not sure how reliable Slayer Knell would be against Ms. Bliss, she'd probably just, I dunno, throw together a way to divide the value of numerical advancements within her presence. Or reverse our progress by making us hit the conceptual opposite of a Maiden, somehow.

The Chad Hunger vs. The Stacy Ceathlynn
Final round. Fight!