On the Crown
On the Crown

Public opinion had shifted enormously in the wake of the Rotbeast's defeat. The powerlessness and apparent incompetence of the government stood in stark contrast with the single-handed valor of 'Lord Hunger,' who had ventured alone into the depths of the Rotbeast and put down that primeval monster for good. Many called for a re-organization of the Sovereignty at the highest levels, and the renunciation of such policies as the mandatory conscription of Elementalists.

"The people are effectively unanimous," Aobaru said quietly, eyes wide. "They sincerely want you to be their king."

Though there had certainly been misrule and corruption, Hunger empathized slightly with the current government. They had simply lacked the power to address their people's troubles, and Hunger had not. That was no accident of circumstance - they had strived relentlessly to reach their current heights - but neither was it some great moral or intellectual victory for himself and his party.

Hunger sighed and rubbed his eyes, while Letrizia gave him a commiserating back massage. "It's okay, Lord Hunger! As we say in the Empire, noblesse oblige! Elevating nobility to the position of sovereign occasionally is merely what's done around these parts."

"Oh really?" He scoffed. "And when was the last time that occurred?"

Letrizia hummed and paused the massage to tick off her fingers. "Hm... I suppose it was a couple minutes ago!"

"I'm glad you find this so amusing."

Aeira tentatively gripped a stack of paper held against her chest. "Um- sir- If I may, I have a few suggestions as to the administration of this province, once you undergo your accession..."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Hunger grumbled.

"It's not like you want to be their king or anything, stupid!" Gisena sang cheerfully, sweeping by with, of all things, a duster in her hand.

"You did say you'd go with what the people want," Letrizia pointed out. "And this is what they want. Hail to the king!"

"It's impossible for me to stay here and rule."

"They're well aware of that," Letrizia rejoined. "That's part of what makes them so willing to elevate you to that position! Vacant yet uncontested at the same time - who could challenge such a throne?"

"The dangers of supernatural charisma," Gisena tittered, laying a hand on Hunger's shoulder. "What'll it be, my Lord? Learn to say no or take up this burden upon yourself?"

"If they really only desire an absentee monarch," Hunger sighed, "I suppose it's an opportunity to do some actual good with the power we've gained."

Letrizia cheered, pounding him enthusiastically on the back. "The seat of our sub-Empire rises! I'll make sure you have favorable trade terms with my fiefdoms. There are a couple of planets that would really benefit from even a few Elementalists!"

"We'll have to be careful that our reforms don't end up doing more harm than good," Hunger continued, "Especially with the populace so zealous. If we were to emigrate Elementalists on top of that, provoking the Voyaging Realm... Aeira, you've mentioned that your family are not the biggest fans of the current government. I trust you to give an objective evaluation. Is this mostly a matter of factional strife or is there truly considerable abuse of power in the current regime?"

Aeira considered carefully. "Certainly there is a great deal of corruption in the system, though I do not know if it rises to malfeasance on the level of, say, the Republic. But our education on the matter has likely been skewed. Our sources are mostly Imperial, and the Republic has long been embroiled in a rivalrous contention with their border Houses."

Nothing for it but to decide. He contemplated deeply for a moment.

"A constitutional monarchy," Hunger finally said. "With technical sovereignty in theory, but limited powers of appointment in practice. The main objective will be an overhaul of the current government structure emphasizing the elevation of officials that are both capable and well-meaning. We can skimp somewhat on the former as long as we prioritize the latter; at my current Rank I can permanently augment them with Blood enhancements. All of you will pitch in and assist with both the design and execution. We've only got a week and a half before the Decimator's Affliction returns, so we can budget no more than five days here."

"F-five days," Letrizia blanched. "To overhaul their entire apparatus of state? That's-"

"What the people want," Hunger said, eyebrows raised. "And we're going with what they want. Isn't that right, duchess?"


Afterwards, as Hunger retired to his room, Gisena dropped by with her newly completed Artifact. "This will make hunting for Decimator's mitigation much easier! You may praise me now."

"Truly you are a genius among geniuses," Hunger said dryly. "A star of grace come to earth and enlightening us by your presence. I simply don't know what we'd do without you."

"Ah~ wonderful!" Gisena fanned herself. "Praise me more!"

He took the Artifact from her to examine, a lens comprised of red quartz that could be placed before the eye. Already two figures were apparent on the display, potential targets with a high probability of replicating the phenomenon he'd tapped into against the pirate captain. Gisena had indicated that the first was most promising, a faraway tower woven from ancient magics that held some connection to his cloak of sky.

"How does it work?" He mused. That the Artifact was capable of interfacing with his Curse was no surprise - Gisena had always demonstrated keen insight into the nature of his afflictions - but he hadn't expected it to be capable of pulling such volumes of data from the world itself.

"It's connected to our Rings," Gisena explained brightly. "Among the lesser domains of my Ring is the Domain of Truth! Gathering a limited subset of data from our semi-immediate vicinity weighs against its ontological budget, but removing the Decimation's Affliction is absolutely a worthy cause!"

He smirked at the Azure. "Trying to escape our accusations of slacking? It's an ingenious design. I expected nothing less."

"Naturally," Gisena feigned demureness. "But let's talk politics. Are you sure about this, hun? You've got a mission to follow and it doesn't involve this Sovereignty, charming as it may be!"

He nodded seriously. "If we can make things better for these people, then we should at least make the attempt. Their society has been structured around Rotspawn defense for nearly two decades now. I don't want to see this place collapse into a military junta when their armed forces try to reclaim political relevance. Imperial culture places a fairly high regard on martial valour, from what Letrizia has told me. Edifying in times of war, but in peacetime..."

"This has been an odd turn of events," Gisena mused. "I'm surprised the powers that be allowed their official organs to broadcast such results! It's all but tantamount to treason."

"The groundswell of organic support put too much pressure on them," he said, "According to Aeira. I wonder if her family pulled some strings. They were previously discredited... but now their daughter is one of the only Elementalists confirmed to associate with our party. It wouldn't surprise me if some of their old contacts suddenly rediscovered their affection for her dynasty. Aeira herself seems earnest enough, but I don't know far to extend that trust..."

"Always trying your hardest," Gisena said fondly, resting her head against his shoulder. "Cursebearers deserve vacations too!"

"If only we all got what we deserved," he deadpanned.

"Exactly!" She rejoined, eyes wide. "So much acclaim would come my way! Perhaps I should be Queen instead?"

"Aren't Sorceress queens the very stereotype of jealous evil? But if you want the job, I wouldn't be opposed. My strengths trend more towards matters military. Not everyone can be a truly all-encompassing genius."

"Sorry!" Gisena chirped. "Flattering as the position would be, a genius knows never to take direct responsibility when she can instead deflect it onto others."

"How cruel, baiting me with false hope like that."

"Aren't you a master fisherman? For shame."

"I'm but an enthusiastic amateur. For a genius of your calibre to bully me is truly reprehensible."

She giggled. "My apologies! Let me make it up to you."

"Sure thing, I'll make you regent in my stead. You can do the hard work of vetting and selecting all our appointments."

"So long as it isn't Queen Regent. I'd hate to be a stereotype!"

"Princess Regent, then."

She batted her eyelashes at him. "How about Princess Consort?"

"How about another three Artifacts? We've Curses to be mitigating."

"Yes, your Majesty!"


[X] Crown with [X] Be the Change and [X] The Tower Itself has won. Where now shall Hunger focus his efforts? The option selected will be prioritized with the majority of his and Gisena's attention directed towards it, while the other option will be largely delegated. As both are major undertakings, it would be most efficient to direct their time to fully understanding one facet of the task before them.

[ ] Constitutional Design - There's not much time, so Hunger will have to work within the limits of the Imperial framework to some extent, but he's popular enough that major revisions are feasible. People are impermament, but a structure of government can outlive generations both great and timid. Focus on establishing the soundest possible foundation for the long-term stability of the government, guaranteeing basic civil rights and balancing the arms of government while maintaining enough of a continuity with the prior semi-Imperial system to maintain legitimacy in the eyes of the powerful traditionalist faction.

*A powerfully encompassing, but adaptive document can rein in the excess of would-be tyrants and clearly delineate the lines between public and private interest.
*A sufficiently well designed system of incentives, cultural norms and ingrained checks/balances can create aligned values from departments that would otherwise devolve into factionalism and internecine strife.
*This is a tremendous undertaking and not guaranteed to succeed, but may translate into effective rule at greater scales by use of similar systems.
*People go where their incentives lead them. How many evil viziers only turned out so because the system failed them at some crucial point? If officialdom rewards the pillaging of public coffers, even the staunchest idealist might find himself compromised.
*It is one thing to conquer, quite another to rule. Success here would ensure a steady foundation in both arenas.

[ ] Finding Capable Administrators - The intent behind any given document matters little in the face of its implementer. What's most important is to find people who share Hunger's vision and are reasonably capable at their job. Genuine well-meaning combined with a modicum of judgement should suffice to advance the public interest in Hunger's absence.

*An effective, but likely temporary solution to the problem of governance.
*Given Hunger's power of Ennoblement, very unlikely to fail
*If Hunger's hand-picked administrators are assassinated or otherwise indisposed, the system is vulnerable to collapse.
*Formal systems tend to be patched and compromised countless times in the process of actual rule. What matters most is that the people doing the patching are as competent as possible, with values strongly aligned with your own. Let the rest be sorted out empirically.


What faction will Hunger emphasize the interests of? This will affect the benefits you may receive from ruling the Sovereignty. That said, any tithes from the Sovereignty to its monarch will always be modest enough to minimize damage to its long-term prospects, except in situations of exigency.

[ ] The Elementalists - Ultimately the military and utility value of the Sovereignty lies in its Elementalists. Though naked advantage is not the purpose of Hunger's rule, it would be blithe idealism not to maximize the benefits of conquest in order to defray its considerable cost in time and attention.

*Strongly incentivize, but do not require, the training and advancement of powerful or useful Elementalists into coteries loyal only to the throne.
*May occasionally produce Elite-tier Elementalists such as Aeira and, more rarely, Super Elites in the vein of (though not quite reaching the heights displayed by) Aobaru.
*Many applications in battle and outside of it.

[ ] The Traditionalists - The Elixir Springs are the core of their eponymous Sovereignty, and its resorts the beating economic heart. Encourage cultivation and stewardship of the Spring waters and their healing powers, even at the cost of reduced Elementalist numbers.

*Great economic benefits; reliable and powerful healing magic of this scale is somewhat rare, and the Sovereignty sits at a Voyaging Realm crossroads where travelers are likely to stumble upon it.
*May acquire artifacts or sophisticated technology via trade.
*+50% to Gisena's Artifice crafting speed while within the Sovereignty
*You may be able to research further the properties of this water...

[ ] None - Seek only the welfare of the nation. You've no interest in self aggrandizement on such paltry scales. [+1 Arete]

*Selflessness is commendable, and your power is vast, but is this really the time or place for such sentimentality?
*You will fail to receive any concretely relevant (on your level) benefits from rule even as you spend blood, treasure and sweat defending the Sovereignty from all comers.


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[X] Constitutional Design

[X] Finding Capable Administrators

[X] The Elementalists

[X] The Traditionalists

[X] None
I am awfully tempted by the bare minimum option combo, since it both grants arete and is actually pretty good.

Not half-assing it will probably grant picks, though. Do remember that we gain picks for all sort of achievements, not just martial stuff.
While the update was very fun, I don't find myself invested in this vote at all. Hopefully this is not a sign of the gigantic drop in thread participation that I was worried about.
[X] Finding Capable Administrators
[X] The Traditionalists

Administrators has little chance to fail which is important. Crown depends on us succeeding. Its possible that it won't give as much Rank as a successful constitution but at least it's guaranteed to succeed.
Last edited:
[X] Constitutional Design

[X] None

I'm extremely tempted by The Tradationalist, given how useful understand the water could be, access to advanced technology and artifacts could end up extremely useful to us, and how amazing the gadgets Gisena can make via Artifice are. Not to mention that this would enrich the average citizen of the sovereignty and make their lives better, while giving many, many people across the realm access to incredible healing.

Going for CD because very soon we're going to be gone, from here and eventually the voyaging realm itself, while the geass will mean we'll have to leave the universe one day. If Hunger wants to do good here, he should built a system that lasts long after he's gone to maintain it.
[X] Constitutional Design -
[X] None -

Risky. I think taking capable adminstrative +Surge crafters can likely devolve into a autocracy from the most powerful once Hunger Is gone, unless they create a system to avoid it until such a time comes.

Might change my vote, but I am honestly not too attached to any of the options. On the other hand, the traditionalists might help in getting Elixir...
While the update was very fun, I don't find myself invested in this vote at all. Hopefully this is not a sign of the gigantic drop in thread participation that I was worried about.
a good opportunity to sell a vote, then!

I think that I have opinions here, so I'm not for sale yet. Though, I've got some residual Omake power so I'm optimistic that maybe there'll be a buyer for my vote if things are neck and neck later in the cycle
This is a tough vote. I'm going to let the argumentation develop until tomorrow evening before committing to a vote.
[X] Finding Capable Administrators
[X] None

My first thought is that a strong foundation is important, therefore we should do it later. I am aware of the flaw in this statement.

I'm going to flop on the People/Paper vote a dozen times, but I like None. Isn't "blithe idealism" what Hunger wants in his rulership? Or power enough to not have to compromise, at least.
[X] Finding Capable Administrators

A law is only as strong and as real as the person or people who stand behind and support it.

[X] The Traditionalists

I'm a sucker for mystery boxes and further research into the properties of the water is a pretty cool one. And given that these springs will peak soon and then slowly decrease in power it could be argued that this better sets them up in the long term as well.
I'm a sucker for mystery boxes and further research into the properties of the water is a pretty cool one. And given that these springs will peak soon and then slowly decrease in power it could be argued that this better sets them up in the long term as well.
Yeah, it's not like encouraging the Elixir people to cultivate their eponymous natural resource is bad for them, which takes some of the wind out of my None sail.
While it might be weird, I think going for constitution + none might be synergetic? A lot easier to make a fair constitution when you don't actually have a bias, I think.