Realms of Myth
Realms of Myth

The winner was [X] The Opalescent Tower with [X] Decimation Lens. A very close vote on multiple fronts, and well-fought by both sides!

With the Decimation Lens pointing Hunger towards a valid Huntress' Moon target, the group prepares to set out from the Sovereignty. But what is Hunger's attitude towards the governance of the Sovereignty itself?

[ ] Laissez-faire - Hunger is unconcerned about the internal politics of this remote Voyaging nation. They've given him plenty of free stuff and there's neither the time nor the inclination amongst most of his party to remain entangled here for long.

[ ] Intervention Mk. I - Aeira's family has some experience ruling this nation, right? They should be in power. Two allied civilizations are better than one. [+1 Arete, Starts Elixir Sovereign sub-plot. Should be fairly brief]

[ ] Be the Change - While the Decimation is a pressing concern, no less so is the governance of this nation on which turns the lives of millions. Given the power and versatility of these High Elementalists, the Elixir Sovereignty is sure to be relevant in greater Voyaging Realm affairs going forward. With Stenallon occupied in the Temple, it falls to Hunger to marshal the courage of his convictions and bring to these people what he failed to in his second world: a well-functioning society, with reasonable laws and free of excessive burdens on its populace. How hard could it be? [+1 pick to next experience point, unlocks a Defining Advancement if successful]

*There isn't time to overhaul everything so he'll have to keep the general framework of their civilization, but there's nothing wrong with an amendment that makes Hunger the constitutional monarch with theoretical veto power over the ministries of government.
*He can then wield this authority to root out corruption and make sure everyone is doing their jobs properly within the bureaucracy, no flagrant abuse of power is occurring, and so on and so forth. Those who Gisena and Aeira vets, he will Ennoble, granting them a near-insurmountable tactical advantage in office politics.
*With the help of his well-feted reputation, and a certain renaissance woman, this task goes from improbably difficult to merely challenging.
*Will saddle you with some modest responsibilities to the governance and protection of the Sovereignty, potentially escalating to major responsibilities should the Sovereignty be endangered again.
*However, you'll also receive massive potential benefits in time, such as an army of High Elementalists with a dizzying away of capabilities...
*Could take a while OOC even if IC it's the whirlwind effort of a few days.


Venturing to the lands enclosed by the Walls of Myth, what is Hunger's primary destination?

[ ] The Walls of Myth - It's a long trip to get there, so why not take a slight detour to examine the fabled walls themselves? There is sure to be high magic in plentiful supply here by the lidless cloud-piercing battlements that have successfully severed all they enclose from a domain as formidable as the Voyaging Realm. Do they wield Foremost magics themselves, or arts of a school of comparable power? Or are the Walls themselves merely some form of trick or exploit, failing to match the Foremost in puissance but superior to their unattended works in treachery? Either way, there is much to learn.

*Detour means your journey will tend towards the longer side of the estimate (closer to 10 days than 7 for the entire trip)
*Magics, artifice, ancient lore - who knows what awaits buried within the Walls of Myth?

[ ] The Tower Itself - Straight to the Tower, all else can wait. Perhaps it's reckless to charge in without an overview of the lands' magics but Hunger wields both the Praxis and the power of Ruin and is assisted by the wielders of Nullity and True Vigorflame. There are very few supernatural threats he would lack an adequate answer for.

*Somewhat riskier, but swifter.
*May generate more picks
*Gain beneficial condition, I Am The Danger for the duration of the Tower hunt.


Finally, Hunger has gotten some experience from slaying Astral Beasts attracted by the healed Verschlengorge these past days. 2 picks were acquired; what shall they be spent on? You currently have 10.9 Arete. Choose only one.

[ ] Towards Stranglethorn
- Commits you to Stranglethorn, but also gets you halfway there! It's a potent Defining Advancement that suits Hunger well and scales greatly with All-Defeating Stance, while the power of Establishment gives Hunger a source of passive power in most timeskips. Doubled Willpower +s are also tremendously valuable given Cut Through's Willpower modifier to physical stats.

*If you don't commit to Stranglethorn now you may be distracted by other options in the future
*Stranglethorn's good, no need to overcomplicate things!

[ ] Honing (2 Arete) - Take Honing and unlock the Blood Advancements beyond it! Combat intelligence and more Agility are rarely bad. It's good value for your Arete and substantially improves Hunger's tactical acumen for most fights.

*Cheap and good, what's not to love?
*Efficient and unlocks future efficient picks.

[ ] The Ring of Power - Pitiless Maw (7 Arete) - A Conjunctional Advancement that requires the Forebear's Blade. How can hunger perish from this world? So long as there is one hungering thing, it will emerge again and again to feast upon this realm of mere phenomena. Passively restore health equal to 100% of the damage you deal in melee combat, and triples the Power of Ruin associated with melee strikes.

*Stacks additively with All-Defeating Stance
*Grants a fairly major combat upgrade, as you already have high Strength and Strength-scaling Ruin
*Increasing your rate of healing works well with your high Health pool from Inherit the World
*You can also take one Echo alongside this ability, increasing your Strength even further!

[ ] Feat: Crown (12 Arete) - Requires Be the Change. Unlocks the potential for Feat: Saber and Feat: Orb. You may find an opportunity to acquire this Feat again, but it is rare and dependent on circumstance...

If you survive, no power will be beyond you.

The Accursed had told him that. These three short weeks have felt like a lifetime, filled with harrowing challenge, foes and travails over every horizon. He has never worked so hard or so furiously in his life, even against the world-pervading crush of the Tyrant's presence. But the reward of discipline is power, and power has been attained at last. Power enough, in some ways, even to eclipse the Hero who stood against that Tyrant of yore, all those long months ago... power to triumph where he failed.

Now, child of Earth. How will you use that power?

At last attain the outcome that Hunger died for, what he set out to do before age and treachery taught him what may have been his final lesson, but for the intervention of the Accursed. Gain +.25 Base Rank; +.5 with modifiers. Rank gain may be reduced (with partial Arete refund) if reforms are not successful. This Feat would normally put you into pick debt, but Be the Change covers the difference.

*That's a lot of Rank.
*A lot of Rank.
*But it's also a lot of Arete...


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[X] Laissez-faire

[X] Intervention Mk. I

[X] Be the Change

[X] The Walls of Myth

[X] The Tower Itself

[X] Towards Stranglethorn

[X] Honing (2 Arete)

[X] The Ring of Power - Pitiless Maw (7 Arete)

[X] Feat: Crown (12 Arete)
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[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself

I honestly don't know which upgrade to pick, beyond knowing I don't want Honing, at least not compared to the others. I do want Be the Change on its own worth, so the fact it enables Crown is a nice bonus in that it doesn't lock anything out.
[X] Be the Change
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown

Sometimes we must do what is necessary. Other times we may do what we wish. But every now and then, should be done what is right.
[X] Be the Change -
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Walls of Myth

I already liked be Be the Change, and this is that much better. As long as we don't die, delaying OaF would be productive with something like this due to the immense power that it gives us. The tree also implies propelling us to the rank we had before. Imagine if we get to rank 8 and then get OaF? Effectively insta-win.

On Be the Change, differently from a Army Made, this doesn't slow us down. We are the monarch, but we do not need to slow ourselves doe to help the nation, and if we create a good enough framework, we can reap the benefits long-term while investing only a little into it.

I love both options and what they represent.

Also, that's a lot of fucking rank.
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[ ] Feat: Crown (12 Arete) - Requires Be the Change. Unlocks the potential for Feat: Scepter and Feat: Orb. You may find an opportunity to acquire this Feat again, but it is rare and dependent on circumstance...
Crown, Scepter and Orb. The second Trinity. Honestly didn't expect to see this so soon.

The fact that it's for accomplishing Hunger's dreams of a fair society, the very dreams that he died for, honestly makes it very narratively resonant. That's enough reason for me.

[X] Be the Change
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown

I chose the Walls too because we'll probably like having more time to generate Arete + more opportunities for shinies.
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[X] Be the Change
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown (12 Arete)
[X] Laissez-faire
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Honing (2 Arete)

Be the Change is alright, but Intervention just seems irresponsible. They have experience, we know this because we know they screwed it up. I'd still prefer to not bulldoze the society in a few days absent evidence of Azure-level horribleness.

Pitiless Maw is pretty synergistic, and Stranglethorn is pretty Stranglethorn, but even apart from the nice +Int in combat, I wanna see the Blood upgrades Honing is hiding. I hold strong against the temptation of the Crown. for now lol
Good options.

IDK. Rank is good, more rank before we pick up OaF is very good, but so is actually picking up Stranglethorn. Keening is a good "SAVE if you can't actually SAVE" option that would finally unlock the Blood 7-arete advancement. Even Maw is pretty good.
[X] Be the Change
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

I'm not decided about the destination either, but I do think Hunger should give nation improving a try. This is a good chance to learn how to nation in a small scope, with good payout for later.

Stranglethorn meanwhile, helps see to it that the ES remains Hunger's, leaving aside its combat numbers.
So! We're going to need tactics for how to best implement change in Elixir society. And also maybe some omakepower regarding what particular issues are worst and need dealing with first?

Also! Be the Change taking longer OOC actually might help us get some real time to think things through with this one.
[X] Be the Change
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

I'm not decided about the destination either, but I do think Hunger should give nation improving a try. This is a good chance to learn how to nation in a small scope, with good payout for later.

Stranglethorn meanwhile, helps see to it that the ES remains Hunger's, leaving aside its combat numbers.
I would encourage you to pick The Walls of Myth for your destination. They lose us some time, and consequently increase the likelihood that we'll unleash some Decimation, which is obviously bad, but more IC time to build power makes the entire adventure less risky, which considering we picked a very risky adventure is important to consider.
[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

Just kidding, lets just actually win with OAF and not have to worry about anything.

Max Arete, max power, least worries.
[X] Be the Change
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Tower Itself

I would prefer to ditch the Sovereignty, but unlocking the second stage of Trinity is to good an opportunity to pass up.

Taking the Tower becuase Time Burns, and if we are the Change, we need to save time somewhere or risk Ber dropping on us just as we hit the mid game of the Tower.
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[X] Be the Change -
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Walls of Myth

Crown is actually better than OaF Arete-wise. OaF will give +0.8 Rank (HDS does not stack with it so -0.2 Rank) and OaF does not benefit from modifiers. We commited to a Rank build so lets go
Crown is asking for too much generation I think.

@Rihaku, are we making any progress on healing some of our conditions by the way? Punctured souls' social/mental malus seems rather relevant for Be the change considering the difficulty.
[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

We have to Follow Through. Intervention gives us a full point of Arete and just that much more time to continue generation while also giving us an allied civilization and likely resolving Aeira's issues. All of this puts Once and Future (and thus safety from Bearic) that much closer. There are god knows how many routes to power available to us, this one is nice but also unnecessary compared to survival.

I would encourage you to pick The Walls of Myth for your destination. They lose us some time, and consequently increase the likelihood that we'll unleash some Decimation, which is obviously bad, but more IC time to build power makes the entire adventure less risky, which considering we picked a very risky adventure is important to consider.

The Walls of Myth + Be the Change would leave us only a day or two from Bearic's potential arrival, which would be horrible. Be the Change gets a major power boost and so can better afford to take the risks of The Tower Itself.
I definitely want
[X] Be the Change
and I think
[X] The Tower
is probably a lot more responsible in some ways, but I'm not sure about the Picks. Stranglethorn is probably the best, honestly - massive survivability boost, indirect Apocryphal mitigation, and we preserve Arete for Once and Future. Feat: Crown reads as more a potential-over-power thing, despite its' excellent blurb.
On the other hand, an even more pick-expensive Defining Advancement would be even better value, given the piecemeal bonus. Not committing it to Stranglethorn might be better. Possibly.
That said, survivability. Stranglethorn is pretty high up there in terms of that, and getting it ASAP is probably closer to optimal play than waiting for something better.
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

I am prepared to sell these votes on an individual basis, depending on the bid.
[ ] Feat: Crown (12 Arete) - Requires Be the Change. Unlocks the potential for Feat: Scepter and Feat: Orb.
Should that be Feat: Saber, or is this more a British Monarchy thing?
[X] Be the Change -
[X] Towards Stranglethorn
[X] The Walls of Myth

Be the change sounds like a extremely fun subplot that keeps our lives from danger with a lot of benefits and it's a challenge we're well suited too. Plus I adore the Sovereignty and the High Elementalists and we've seen how useful they can be to us and the wall detour should make for another good detour that should let us build up Arete. With those detours, I feel like we should be able to get Stranglethorn before long, which costs us no Arete and is a amazing upgrade to our combat abilities, though I'm a fan of Honing as well.