Back at my computer, time to write up responses to everything I missed and do the daily index update...
Since Stranglethorn is "basic" DA. If we can take something as good, which I would qualify Crown as, waiting to see all our options before committing is entirely prudent choice. We do have limited number of DA slots; while power of getting one sooner rather than later is undeniable, we shouldn't be hasty in grabbing it too.

I don't disagree that simple focus has value; however, I don't agree that focus at any cost of efficiency is a good idea. Simply put, I don't see any combination of 33 Arete being anywhere nearly as powerful as Crown+OaF would be; directly empowering build we are going for is hardly chasing something unrelated.
Stranglethorn's a rare four-pick, gated behind a fight that guarantees a death chance if we don't manage to get a +1 bonus going into an applicable 3-pick fight. If we're not going to try piecemeal purchasing SJUC, it's a good use of Core Panoply's bonus, buffing both stats and Rank acquisitions. It becomes even better once we get ADS. Ironically, it'd be synergistic with Be the Change, since Hunger could Establish himself as a fixture of Sovereignty society. And sure, weighing our options and seeing more blurbs has its appeal, but unlocking this Defining Advancement comes with a hefty opportunity cost. Besides, visiting the Walls also qualifies as 'waiting to see all our options'.
One of common misconceptions player base seem to have is that long term planning refers to picking exact six options in an order or something. This is incorrect due to number of factors - for one, we always plan with incomplete information, and as such our plans are play-as-you go kind of deal. Crown is a good example - no one assumed that we'd get offered something as good as Crown, but it sure as hell would be included in our plan if we knew about it.

More importantly, "sticking to the plan" is not valuable because magic, it's valuable because of efficiency created due to preplanned synergy. However, other options can be more efficient still. I've mentioned this more than once, but Rihaku goes out of his way to make votes competitive, which means that value of not sticking to the plan options tend to be very high too.

And Crown provides us insane amount of value for our build. Crown+OaF is absolutely most value we can get for our Arete which, in turns, means most value we can extract out of Tower with minimal danger. Not taking Crown means more danger once we get to Tower, simple as that.
I already outlined how Crown's 0.5 Rank bonus is worse than it seems if you take a medium-term view incorporating our Errantry gains from the Tower. The time required to Be the Change also effectively bars us from exploring the Walls beforehand, and depending on our actions they may or may not be there when we leave. So we'll be going in blind with less Arete to spend and fewer opportunities. OaF is at best an uncertain proposition, since we're going to be presented with the rewards of reform/travel/Tower-toppling in the wake of buying Crown. In conjunction with OaF it would be shitload of power, but it seems staggeringly unlikely to me that we're actually going to get that combination before the conclusion of the Tower arc with present activity levels, if at all.
It's not like the walls going anywhere. We can stop by on our way back to check it out since we'll have time after Ber arrives.
That would be nice, but isn't guaranteed:
Assuming you don't destroy everything (a not entirely safe assumption), you can always stop by the Walls on your way back!
The primary benefit we'd get from the Walls is information about the Realm we're about to enter, which is obviously less valuable on the way out. And it's entirely possible matters will have developed elsewhere or the voterbase won't want to prolong the Tower arc, meaning we'll miss out completely. I need my DEEP LORE fix!
I believe it's only bringing things out of the voyaging realm that triggers tribulation? Should be possible to trade through it or the colonists who founded the Sovereignty probably should have died.

The plan after getting Core Panoply was to increase our rank, that's why we took errantry earlier and part of the reason we're heading to the tower. Crown happens to be a fairly efficient conversion of arete into rank so it makes sense to pick it up now while we can since OaF isn't going anywhere.

Stranglethorn only costs picks so there's nothing preventing us from getting it and Crown or alternatively picking up the new DA if it turns out to be better. Given getting a substantial amount of rank involves extreme risk, the ability to just pay arete to buy nearly twice as much rank as the tower would give us can only be good for our long term health.

Assuming the other two feats Crown unlocks also give rank, which seems safe since all feats have so far, then we'll be much safer in the long run since we won't have to take as many risks to acquire the last bits of arete we need to reach the high rank bracket in our base with the OaF bonus. By then we should have stranglethorn as well so they'll be benefitting from the extra +20% rank.
The Elixir Sovereignty was founded by separatists, not colonists. We know they have a dwindling supply of Armor Prototypes and an automated industrial base that's producing outdated Imperial technology for them. It's unlikely that they're trading with the Empire when so much of their national identity is bound up in being independent from it. Navigation/communication out of the Voyaging isn't easy either, even discounting the risk of provoking the Realm. It's true that we don't know the preicse bounds of the problem, though. The possibility of discovering additional hurdles to reaping the full benefits of ruling the Sovereignty is one reason Hunger shouldn't commit to it!

Regarding the Saber and Orb Feats, there's no guarantee those are going to be safe. Given the first's name, the opposite's likely to be true: you really want to constrict your build with another Trinity-like effect that will likely require extremely dangerous or otherwise challenging feats to acquire?
Well, you guys are certainly vastly more optimistic about our chances against Tower than I am. So, what if you end up being wrong? For example, I feel confident about getting OaF in time, but in case we don't manage, i have WDS as a failback against any sudden threats. What's your failback if OaF/ADS end up with us still needed to take % to die?
Actually being able to afford All-Defeating Stance on a whim on account of having Arete reserves is a good start. It would've been enough to trivialize the end of the Temple arc. World-Defeating alone is a pretty anemic panic button, honestly, +0.2 Rank isn't going to make that much of a difference against a foe sufficiently terrifying that long-term planning gets tossed out the window in favor of survival. Putting all our eggs in the Bloodcasting basket and hoping we don't run into anyone immune to its debuffs is risky in its own right. It doesn't provide direct offense, just expedites exsanguination and reduces their stats.

We'll have Stranglethorn, which doubles our Might/Con/Will pluses, the first of which scales with the All-Defeating's automatic Power of Ruin usage. That perk is also synergistic with Rank, another layer of defense alongside our Pressure. If the Tower is that risky after Stranglethorn & another EFB along with all the other picks and purchases we'll get along the way, then frankly we have no business being there and should just leave, Decimation or no.
Inherit the World was a Defining, no downsides whatsoever.
(Unless you count the Wits cost for extending the Shadow, but counting that as a downside instead of a cost would be strange.)
Inherit the World came with three pluses' worth of mental contamination that makes Hunger fly easily into a violent rage and disdain cowardice. We saw Sten murder his own child, so I'd hardly call that downside insignificant.

Anyway, in the process of skimming through recent posts I found these gems, which I'll quote for everybody's viewing pleasure:
Ber is coming and you need OaF to take him!
Seems to me that OaF is vastly more powerful and efficient in the short term!
The index has also been updated.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jul 29, 2020 at 8:11 PM, finished with 651 posts and 69 votes.
I don't want to step on the positivity, but isn't an impending Arete Bomb (along with other lesser wishes) a good reason to think that Walls + Be the Change is entirely feasible?

I support giving aabcehmu votes for their contribution to the community, but wouldn't it also make sense to re-evaluate the votes now in light of that largesse?
Ber+Tyrant we could probably possibly Arete our way out of, but I think it's less likely that we can guarantee we won't start to nom anyone, so I'd like to play it safe. Ish.
The issue with that combination was largely timing, which is not affected significantly by this.

We probably can build up enough arete to fight Ber+ whatever the tower's final boss is at once, but I really think we should avoid that.
I'll say that I'm cool with Walls as well as Tower. I switched to Tower early on out of fear of getting Ber'd.


But yeah, Byz and Projectile have a point. Even if we have a get out of jail free card, it's still nice to avoid spending it unless we really need to.
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The issue with that combination was largely timing, which is not affected significantly by this.

We probably can build up enough arete to fight Ber+ whatever the tower's final boss is at once, but I really think we should avoid that.
Speaking of Timing, now that Gisena's got the Ring, Conclusion (the 7 Arete Huntress' Moon upgrade) would be more amazing than it already was. If it wasn't a one-time offer after the first Satiation, that is. Man, if we weren't such a scrub back then... :>
Speaking of Timing, now that Gisena's got the Ring, Conclusion (the 7 Arete Huntress' Moon upgrade) would be more amazing than it already was. If it wasn't a one-time offer after the first Satiation, that is. Man, if we weren't such a scrub back then... :>
Indeed. That or an equivalent 7-arete option is why we do need to reserve 7 arete for that. With the production bonus that doesn't require actually having a reserve, but may force us to give up unique options. Still, we must get it.

A Hunger Sated - Temporary condition that causes the Decimator's Affliction to abate completely for a time. You may upgrade it with Arete. By default: Reduces progress from Hunger by 10% for a month. During that month the Decimator's Affliction slumbers.

[ ] 2 Arete: Quelling - Instead halves the drain rate of the Decimator's Affliction for six months. Additional unknown effect.
[ ] 7 Arete: Conclusion - Reduces progress by 25% instead, but lasts 2 years. It is easier for the hero to find some measure of peace with regards to the losses suffered at the Tyrant's hands, and is less likely to be emotionally compromised by events that remind him of such. Gives you the moral high ground and the ability to travel to lands barren of life, like outer space. Additional unknown effect.

For anyone that's forgotten what the effect was. Given the nature of the Tower it will probably offer Conclusion again. The xp loss is sad, but a necessary sacrifice to travel the human sphere without issue for a time.
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Good fights, good art, good poses, everything anyone could want except Gisena!

[Ji] The Lone Ranger
[Ko] But Really, Study the Fist

Show the Orcs the strength of your fist! The Unchallenged Godfist should protect the village by the most straightforward method, killing all the orcs!

Also Gisena is probably in the Orcwaste somewhere so this gets Jiko to her sooner!
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Actually being able to afford All-Defeating Stance on a whim on account of having Arete reserves is a good start. It would've been enough to trivialize the end of the Temple arc. World-Defeating alone is a pretty anemic panic button, honestly, +0.2 Rank isn't going to make that much of a difference against a foe sufficiently terrifying that long-term planning gets tossed out the window in favor of survival. Putting all our eggs in the Bloodcasting basket and hoping we don't run into anyone immune to its debuffs is risky in its own right.

Your mechanical ally was all but crucial to Vanreir's undoing, it would be cosmic irony for similar to be your own...
It wouldn't be particularly unreasonable for Bearic's System to evolve him into being a war machine.

Does that mean he's degenerate enough to return as a robot Seralize? You decide!
Update in 30-40.

Many called for a re-organization of the Sovereignty at the highest levels, and the renunciation of such policies as the mandatory conscription of Elementalists.

"The people are effectively unanimous," Aobaru said quietly, eyes wide. "They sincerely want you to be their king."

Though there had certainly been misrule and corruption, Hunger empathized slightly with the current government. They had simply lacked the power to address their people's troubles, and Hunger had not. That was no accident of circumstance - they had strived relentlessly to reach their current heights - but neither was it some great moral or intellectual victory for himself and his party.

Hunger sighed and rubbed his eyes, while Letrizia gave him a commiserating back massage. "It's okay, Lord Hunger! As we say in the Empire,
noblesse oblige! Elevating nobility to the position of sovereign occasionally is merely what's done around these parts."

"Oh really?" He scoffed. "And when was the last time that occurred?"

Letrizia hummed and paused the massage to tick off her fingers. "Hm... I suppose it was a couple minutes ago!"

"I'm glad you find this so amusing."

Aeira tentatively gripped a stack of paper held against her chest. "Um- sir- If I may, I have a few suggestions as to the administration of this province, once you undergo your accession..."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Hunger grumbled.

"It's not like you want to be their king or anything, stupid!" Gisena sang cheerfully, sweeping by with, of all things, a duster in her hand.
Alright, that was funny enough that my disappointment is mollified somewhat. Leave it to Rihaku to make even the boring option somewhat entertaining.
"The people are effectively unanimous," Aobaru said quietly, eyes wide. "They sincerely want you to be their king."
Step 1 complete. That was easy. I'm shocked.

You know all those things I was saying about how we know nothing about Aeira's relatives and it would be wildly irresponsible to put them in charge? Yeah, I'm tsking at these guys a bit. Only a bit, though, because even if Hunger's a trashfire as a leader it would bind his strength to them.

They only know he killed a Prime, killed the Rotbeast... stopped the Armor, somehow managed Surgecraft, improved with it rapidly, and trained with- damn, actually, Hunger's looking pretty talented. Nevermind, I take back my tsking.
I like that Gisena just pops into scenes these days doing some random thing. Like last time she was dismantling a phone and now she's dusting. What one weird thing that Mages hate will she be doing next time?