A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

Was this always a planned event or is there a random occurrence table to roll on each turn?

Let's all agree that investigating the Keep should be done at the next opportunity, because these people sound fascinating and I wonder what mad secrets lie in their homes.
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Was this always a planned event or is there a random occurrence table to roll on each turn?

Let's all agree that investigating the Keep should be done at the next opportunity, because these people sound fascinating and I wonder what mad secrets lie in their homes.
Hey, I have been trying to send Occam down there since turn 1... But apparently most voters have other priorities...
Iconoclasm and Dogmatism. New
Iconoclast - Dogmatic - Telepathica:
Reputation and status within the Imperium are vital, and therefore how you are perceived is of great importance.

Iconoclast Renown:
Iconoclasm doesn't always mean heretical or recidivist action in the Imperium. Its the belief that the current social order isn't sacrosanct. Be it a rich hive noble throwing a fortune into charitable efforts, an Ecclesiarch taking a vow of poverty and donating all his wealth to the poor, a Commissar that rarely executes their troops, or an Enforcer that doesn't immediately resort to physical violence. All these actions are Iconoclast in nature.

This reputation might make some consider you a dangerous radical, just weird, hopelessly naive, or an exemplar of humanity. Many Imperial Heroes are Iconoclasts deep down, being the people whose actions and deeds remind one that, as rotten as the Imperium is, good people still live in it. Few heroes are openly Iconoclastic, either being so early in their lives before being beaten down. Or becoming openly Iconoclastic when they can easily get away with it.

Dogmatic Renown:
The Imperium is Eternal.
The Imperium is the last great bastion against Chaos. It must survive.
The God Emperor established the current social order.
We are beset from enemies without and within.

Dogmatism is the perceived adherence to the Imperial Creed and the dedication to the defence of the Imperium against threats beyond, within, fictitious, and very real. Dogmatism is not Fanaticism. It means the acceptance of the Status quo, through a lack of hope, by being satisfied with one's position, or thinking that there is no alternative.

The more Dogmatic you are perceived to be, the less 'dangerous' you are considered to be. A high dogmatic renown can therefore shield Iconoclast actions.

Telepathica Renown:
The status, influence, and authority of the Astra Telepathica is what you care about. As an Adept of this august organization, its status and your position in society are intertwined. This reputation tracks how much people think you care about the power and status of the Telepathica above the rest of the Imperium.

How this system works:
Dogmatism and Iconoclasm are separately tracked reputations, with the highest renown deciding the dominant perception of you. Actions can be taken to intentionally cultivate a public persona that differs from your actual opinion.

This system does NOT track your actual opinions or beliefs. It tracks what you are believed to be.

Individuals with means and/or influence will not believe your perception at face value.

An example of this is Ciaphas Cain, who if tracked by this system, would be an Iconoclast at heart, but perceived as a diehard Dogmatic.

Your dogmatic or iconoclast renown will be seen in the context of your Telepathica renown. Actions that might be shrugged off if committed a Psyker perceived as not unfairly favouring the Telepathica, might be alarming in the extreme if the Psyker is seen as a Supremacist who'd tear down other Imperial organizations to empower their own.
Public perception is key.

You can be a massive iconoclast who hates the Imperium for what it has become, but still be seen as a stout dogmatic Imperial, by wearing the right clothes, saying the right things to the right people, and attending the right functions.
This will be a fun mechanic to mess around with.

At the moment, I'm pretty certain our Dogmatic Renown is the lower end, what with us taking in a Ratling under our protection.

I wonder if we can offset this by going after the 'bad mutants', gangbangers and anyone else on the wrong side of the law like going to the Underhive and using the criminals hiding there as target practice for our students. Sell it as training and 'purging the filth who have violated the Emperor's law" or something along those lines.
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I wonder is understanding of psychic powers and the Warp one of the few areas where the Imperium has advanced in compared to the Great Crusade. I know tech has degraded but is there a point where it starts getting made up for by developments in psyker powers.
I wonder is understanding of psychic powers and the Warp one of the few areas where the Imperium has advanced in compared to the Great Crusade. I know tech has degraded but is there a point where it starts getting made up for by developments in psyker powers.
Not really you have to share that knowledge to actually get others to improve it, like the instructions our boy has made will be heavily guarded and likey never transported anywhere else because it would be incredibly bad if a heretic got it.
Not really you have to share that knowledge to actually get others to improve it, like the instructions our boy has made will be heavily guarded and likey never transported anywhere else because it would be incredibly bad if a heretic got it.
True but the students who learn from it can still build on it and write their own more advanced tomes it will just be like most developments in the Imperium very localized. Plus there is nothing stopping Occam from writing a volume 2 of his book.
I wonder is understanding of psychic powers and the Warp one of the few areas where the Imperium has advanced in compared to the Great Crusade. I know tech has degraded but is there a point where it starts getting made up for by developments in psyker powers.

The astronomicon as it was, was a complicated structure, but the additions made since, are MASSIVE, and make the original look small.

Hive Spire sized reactors. Continent-spanning cable networks to conduct Psychic power. Generations of Psi-Artisans expanding and improving the systems.

The original Astronomicon was closer to a psychic construction supplemented with technology.

The Astronomicon -since- is a nearly purely mechanical construction that does the job of the original astronomicon.

And the largest Astropathic Choirs and Warp Beacons the Imperium builds these days, are basically mini-astronomicons.