A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

The Crushing Depths: A tradition common for telekinetics on Odium where the psyker is forced to understand the effects of ocean pressure upon an object. This is done either by having them observe a poorly made vessel being crushed in the open ocean, or by being upon said vessel and attempting to hold the pressue at bay with their abilities.
If you can think of a scenario meant to trigger the awakening or understanding of a psychic ability, please feel free to post the suggestions.
You know, this is significantly less epic and life threatening than other of the ideas, but it would be an interesting to put several psykers in some sort of casino and have them use their abilities to try to cheat while avoiding to get caught...

A good way of practising precise control for a telekine would be trying to swap their cards without being noticed...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC9Um3E22d0&ab_channel=RBPB2
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Welcome to being a piece of equipment for the Imperium! :D
@Mayto quick question, if we manage Pryomancy in high enough Proficiency, can we make it so when we use lasguns we can alter some effects on it?
Like let's say due to pyromancy we can lower the amount of heating problems lasguns can have and instead redirect those heat problems into advantages where the heat is transferred to the lasbolts, thereby increasing the damage given, so we can basically have las pistols or hellguns have the equivalent damage of Lascannons.
Same also works for Plasma weaponry for if we got rid of the Overheat problems and instead tweak the damage plasma gives out, we can in turn have plasma pistols give out damages that can be found in plasma rifles or Plasma Cannons.
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@Mayto quick question, if we manage Pryomancy in high enough Proficiency, can we make it so when we use lasguns we can alter some effects on it?
Like let's say due to pyromancy we can lower the amount of heating problems lasguns can have and instead redirect those heat problems into advantages where the heat is transferred to the lasbolts, thereby increasing the damage given, so we can basically have las pistols or hellguns have the equivalent damage of Lascannons.
Same also works for Plasma weaponry for if we got rid of the Overheat problems and instead tweak the damage plasma gives out, we can in turn have plasma pistols give out damages that can be found in plasma rifles or Plasma Cannons.
That's definitely going in the tech tree. A very clever way a Pyromancer with a plasma gun might balance the threat of overheating.
Why Psyker Shamans are dangerous. New
That description I gave regarding the teaching of psi-craft is relevant here.

Psyker'ing is not just a strict science, and so mindset is incredibly important. Its why feral world shamans are able to perform feats that regular basic bitch imperial Psykers have trouble with.

Say you got your hands on a piece of kraken bone from Fenris, and you carved a protective rune into it. It wouldn't be as effective as one carved by a Non-Psyker Space Wolf that grew up learning the saga of a famous shaman that defeated a foul beast, and carves the rune with every part of his soul being put into its creation.

This isn't "magic only works if you don't think about it"

Its "it only works if you get it."

What parts of human nature, the collective faith and stories, and beliefs, do you call upon? Do you understand the deeper meanings not just on an intellectual level, but in your soul?

Its like how one might listen to music and enjoy the sound and the skill behind it.

But if you get the story behind who made it, and you start to feel the heart and soul that was put into it, you find yourself wanting to cry.

You could also just learn a warp symbol that repels daemonic energies due to complex esoteric mathematics and use that to do what you want.

This is faster and something you can actually teach in a classroom setting.

Mind. You can learn both. Its what the space Marine librarians from worlds with Psychic traditions do.

Most are as capable of invoking the elemental might of the storm and the tides to wash away daemonic corruption and call down lightning.

But they can also just open their mind to the warp and choosing to manifest this as a blast of flame, telekine sheaths, telepathically empower their voices, Etc. And these can be enhanced through scientific knowhow and expertise.
"We're straight Warpin',cuttin' straight to the metaphysics"

"I was flippin' planets for the Emperor before y'all even became a type 1 civillisation"
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So the Space Wolves might have skald psykers who telepathically inspire courage in their allies through song and poetry because their native culture has a culture of skaldic poetry?
So the Space Wolves might have skald psykers who telepathically inspire courage in their allies through song and poetry because their native culture has a culture of skaldic poetry?
That is definitely a way a rune priests might perform a ritual to psychically empower and motivate their allies. Singing a mighty saga, while playing a bone harp strung with the tendons of a great foe, while burning incense and skimming the surface of the warp for power.

At the same time, he might have needed to learn to be an excellent Skald in order to master a psychic ability like that, which he doesn't need to speak for, and instead just needs him to concentrate while mentally reciting the saga.
Sorry, pal, but I ain't scared of D6 BS 2, S 3, AP 6 shooting attack. Assuming you even cast it on LD 8. :p .

Psykers in Winter Assault are based on Sanctioned Psykers in 4th ed Guard codex for the tabletop, with the lightning arc being one of the powers in the Codex. Infortunatly, both the Psykers and the power sucked ass in 4th ed.
Man, all this getting people going through lethal tests. We're supposed to teach them, not 'check if they already can do it and kill them if they don't.

Telekinesis: Ballsports. Have the psykers engage in some sports involving manipulating balls, purely with their TK powers. Bowling, tennis, football, volleyball
Telekinesis: Physics + Engineering. Get some of the materials they might encounter, and educate them on the various strengths and resistances. What materials are best destroyed by crushing, what by tearing, what bu cutting, what by piercing. Difference between hardness, tensile strength, etc.
Pyromancy: Cooking, reach some finer control of temperature by having the Psykers prepare some meals according to our cook's instructions
Pyromancer facing a horde of cultists swarming his position.

"You call this an assault? You're walking in eachother's firing lines, those cultists are too busy looting to join in, you've got three sub commanders more busy trying to gain the eye of their commander than getting results. THIS ASSAULT IS A HALF BAKED MESS! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS EMPEROR DAMNED AMATEUR HOUR! I knew you traitors don't have honor, loyalty or decency, but I'd have hope for some pride at least! this is a DISGRACE!"

And then all the traitors combust.
Pyromancer facing a horde of cultists swarming his position.

"You call this an assault? You're walking in eachother's firing lines, those cultists are too busy looting to join in, you've got three sub commanders more busy trying to gain the eye of their commander than getting results. THIS ASSAULT IS A HALF BAKED MESS! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS EMPEROR DAMNED AMATEUR HOUR! I knew you traitors don't have honor, loyalty or decency, but I'd have hope for some pride at least! this is a DISGRACE!"

And then all the traitors combust.
Commissar Ramsay: That cultist is so undercooked, he's still breathing!
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Rune Priests are a weird bloody subject, because they actually claim they aren't psykers to begin with - they say they're channeling the power of Fenris, the planet itself, not the warp. It's an ancient tradition on Fenris completely disconnected from "baseline" Imperial culture, like a lot of things about the Wolves. Whether they're actually right and Fenris has some form of world-spirit that provides their abilities or they're just a really weird psychic tradition inexplicably impossible to replicate unless you're a Fenrisian is, I imagine, a lot like the orangutan in Edgar Allen Poe's works in terms of its propensity for causing fistfights.

Unless the Wolves themselves are present, in which case the fistfights are skipped because everyone knows they'd win.
It's not as if there is such a thing as a "Basic Bitch Imperial Psyker". The imperium as a whole has a tradition as significant, if not more significant, than Ferris.

Which, of course. There is no way people on fenris are more indoctrinated than the average Psyker in the Imperium.

I would say that were the psychic tradition of Fenris is so focused on control and purity that they will not, can not, even acknowledge that what they are using are psychic powers, the traditional imperial tradition preaches to "Fear the Psyker", both for his power and for his instability.

And we do see that, because in comparison to imperial psykers, normal psykers from Fenris are so weak they are irrelevant. The only thing that we see of them are some psychic artifacts that they sometimes produce.

I mean, despite all the problems that they have, it is not rare to see a human Psyker going toe-to-toe with an Elder in terms of pure psychic might.

The only exception of course being Space Marines, but I do think it is unfair to compare centuries old, genetically engineered super soldiers, who have a piece of "Divinity" in them with a baseline-human Psyker.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing the consequences of my Omake-Reward in the context of this interpretation of 40k's Power-System