A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

Rune Priests are a weird bloody subject, because they actually claim they aren't psykers to begin with - they say they're channeling the power of Fenris, the planet itself, not the warp. It's an ancient tradition on Fenris completely disconnected from "baseline" Imperial culture, like a lot of things about the Wolves. Whether they're actually right and Fenris has some form of world-spirit that provides their abilities or they're just a really weird psychic tradition inexplicably impossible to replicate unless you're a Fenrisian is, I imagine, a lot like the orangutan in Edgar Allen Poe's works in terms of its propensity for causing fistfights.

Unless the Wolves themselves are present, in which case the fistfights are skipped because everyone knows they'd win.
The Space Wolves definitely do use psychic powers, but the way they do it and draw upon the power to do so, is veiled in multiple layers of esoteric principles and mysticism and whatever they do which causes the powers they draw on to manifest in a filtered form.

It's not as if there is such a thing as a "Basic Bitch Imperial Psyker". The imperium as a whole has a tradition as significant, if not more significant, than Ferris.
When I refer to a 'basic bitch psykers' it is referring to Psykers which have primarily been trained to work with the 'scientific' school of psychic powers. Setting people on fire by manifesting fire and lightning.

Exceptions exist, ofc, as Sanctic Demonology is steeped in ritual, metaphor, and prayer, and is a very potent school of psycraft.

Si that means the Prosperan traditions used by the Thousand Sons pre-Heresy were similar to Fenrisian ones?
They both grew from Psykers learning by natural selection how to survive. The Prosperan Tradition was a healthy mix of mysticism and scientific method, but leaned towards the latter. Thanks to Prosperan civilization having kept the scientific method.

It wrote down all the basics of how to manifest psychic power and how to use these powers. It explored them with scientific detail, what happened depending on how power was channeled or used. Rituals and symbolism were understood and utilized, but to a much lesser extent, and with less reverence.(Still seriousness though)

This did however mean, that the Prosperan Tradition struggled when it came up against stuff that defied conventional understanding, and instead of giving those subjects a wide berth and avoiding them, the Thousand Sons fixated on trying to solve and bypass these problems. (I.E they believed in perfectly rational and scientific Psykers, and this world view ignored demons)
When I refer to a 'basic bitch psykers' it is referring to Psykers which have primarily been trained to work with the 'scientific' school of psychic powers. Setting people on fire by manifesting fire and lightning
I don't think there is anything first hand written on Psykana training methods cause GW does not care about the Psykers as a whole...unless they are Space Marines then they get a shred of relevancy
I don't think there is anything first hand written on Psykana training methods cause GW does not care about the Psykers as a whole...unless they are Space Marines then they get a shred of relevancy
Black Crusade's corebook claims the Astra Telepathica and Scholastica Psykana train and indoctrinate their Psykers to be as hidebound and stolid about the use of their powers as possible, because a less vibrant personality acts as camouflage against Daemons trying to possess them.
Personally, I've always kind of felt like the Fenris runepriest's insistence that it isn't psykery held some grain of truth. Because what they're talking about doing, channeling the power of a foreign 'entity' to achieve mystical ends, that already has a name; its warp sorcery.
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Personally, I've always kind of felt like the Fenris runepriest's insistence that it isn't psykery held some grain of truth. Because what they're talking about doing, channeling the power of a foreign 'entity' to achieve mystical ends, that already has a name; its warp sorcery.
Space Marine Librarians, Grey Knights and Inquisitors often label 'sorcery' as advanced psychic techniques that just require incense, ritual componentd, and chanting. Because Sorcery has a very dirty name in the 40k galaxy.

When stormseers and rune priests both practice sorcery. The former drawing upon primal elemental energy from the world and weather around them, and the latter from... Whatever Fenris is.


"No, fellow inquisitor. This act I am performing using my blood, incense, and prayer to sanctify this silver blade is just an *Advanced Psychic Technique*"
"No, fellow inquisitor. This act I am performing using my blood, incense, and prayer to sanctify this silver blade is just an *Advanced Psychic Technique*"
Pretty much, yeah. It probably started off as purely a protective political fiction after the Horus Heresy, and over 10k years it's come to be believed by the Fenrisians as dogma in addition to being the political shield.
"We're straight Warpin',cuttin' straight to the metaphysics"

"I was flippin' planets for the Emperor before y'all even became a type 1 civillisation"

"Snorked up on that Tzeentchian Crystal Maze pack, that Slaanesh goon fuel, that Nurgle's garden stank, saw my opp try and cast a Doom Bolt and he melted like ice on a hot Summer's day.

This shit aint nothing to me, man."

- Konrad Flow.
Well, we did it, everyone. We finally found something related to Warhammer that was a greater offense to the English language than the Inquisition War trilogy.
Pretty much, yeah. It probably started off as purely a protective political fiction after the Horus Heresy, and over 10k years it's come to be believed by the Fenrisians as dogma in addition to being the political shield.

No, it started pre heresy - there was a whole thing where Russ was one of the most hardline Primarchs about the Edict of Nikea, yet he never disbanded the Rune Priests. As far as Russ was concerned, there was no hypocrisy involved - because Rune Priests, as far as not just the Wolves but every Fenrisian are concerned, are not Psykers, and thus Nikea did not apply to them.
Annoying Master Shenanigans: Run a psyker through basic exercises until they have acceptable self-control for newbies, then travel to a different arena for "more testing". Along the way, there will be a large boulder/crate/equivalent, impossible for even an Astartes to life unaided, placed in your path by servitors when no one's looking. Insist that the psyker must move the boulder unaided without touching it because it's in the way, despite clearly being able to walk around it. This will help break their conceptions of their own limits and get them used to exercising their powers when stressed.
---In the case of Pyromancers, make it a large wooden/plastic or equivalent object, treated to be moderately resistant to flames. They must burn it to ash/melt it into a puddle without getting out of control.
---Biomancers who use bio-lightning will have a large crane/platform that they must charge up enough to be used to move it out of the way. Those who use body enhancement will have an extra large and bulky crate or something that they must enhance themselves and maintain balance to move.

This is more of a temper control/precision thing, vitally necessary for shock troops.
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Honestly, our students are gonna end up looking and acting like Proto-Astartes by the time we're done.
Focus on biomancy for powers like one punch man or anime characters like the Breathing Forms in Demon Slayer and boom, this is now an isekai anime in a sci fi horror setting.
I really wish we went in the support direction but this is fine.

I do wonder when the "disappointed apothecary" is going to show up and what they will think about this.
[] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
In the depths of the Sapphire Keep, The Scribe Clan live to perform transcription services for the administration of the sector's astropaths, and are always in need of additional velum. Near to them live the descendants of sanitation workers that have gone feral and reorganized as a tribal society dedicated to the maintenance of the Saphire Keep's trash incinerator, regularly sacrificing interlopers to their flaming altar to the God Emperor. The Scribe Clan regularly raids the Incinerator Tribe for velum they can scrape clean, that the tribe would burn for fuel. The Scribe Clan's primitive black powder rifles and cleaning chemical bombs clash with steel swords reforged from iron scrap, crossbows, and padded velum armour of the tribe.

The old Psykana section lies on the other side of their territory and has not been visited in fifty years, since the last expedition ended in tragedy at the hands of an impromptu alliance by the two sides.

Costs two turn actions due to the length of the journey.
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How dare you imply the Ecclesiarchy anointing objects with sacred oils, incense, prayer, to create items with supernatural properties is anything but a miracle of the god emperor.


I mean it had better not be a form of sorcery, Tzeench is the god of magic and no one's contesting him. :V

Seriously if they admitted the similarity their rites might actually start working less.
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The sanitation workers have gone feral but recently discovered metallurgy. The scribes have organized into a clan and field an armed militia armed with pipe rifles and primitive chemical explosives to defend themselves from being sacrificed to the trash incinerator. And they team up on any outsiders that enter their territory.
The sanitation workers have gone feral but recently discovered metallurgy. The scribes have organized into a clan and field an armed militia armed with pipe rifles and primitive chemical explosives to defend themselves from being sacrificed to the trash incinerator. And they team up on any outsiders that enter their territory.
The 40K version of a stack of A4 papers and a trashcan, everyone.

Wonder what's in the old Psykana section.
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So long the trash keeps burning, the Keep could care less that the Sanitation Workers went Conan and are feeding scribes into the incinerator as sacrifices to the God Emperor.