A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

and the next morning the sanctified stakes becomes a crate full of sanctified steaks and there was much rejoicing :V
Hopefully that particular last stand will be butterflied with an early Imperial response.
Well... Even if we alert the Imperium early of the Tyranids Macragge is still the most fortified world in the Segmentum, so the Battle of Macragge will likely take place. Still, it won't be the Ultramarines and the Macragge Guard soloing the Hive Fleet...
Well... Even if we alert the Imperium early of the Tyranids Macragge is still the most fortified world in the Segmentum, so the Battle of Macragge will likely take place. Still, it won't be the Ultramarines and the Macragge Guard soloing the Hive Fleet...
And even then, what exactly would make the Imperium take it seriously enough to respond in a large enough force?

Because before Behemoth hit Macragge, odds are it was just viewed as a typical mindless Xeno horde.
An attempt at Astro-Telepathy. New
Purifying incense fills the air with sweet smells, awakening primordial human memories of clear skies and soft winds. The incense clears the area of malign psychic influences, providing a clean slate from which to work.

A choir of Astra Telepathica choristers surrounds the throne, all of them behind marble pews decorated with real wood, singing immaculately, their vocal cords optimized for the task they've been given. The singers hold hands, voices unified as one.

A Tech Priest with two sets of arms, both mechanical, sits at a grand organ the size of an Imperial Knight, furiously playing a mighty orchestral performance that makes your heart soar. Another stands close to the Astropath's throne, managing her vitals and operating the machinery.

The Astropath, a middle-aged woman with thinning hair and a veil in front of her ruined eyes, sits strapped into her throne, neural plugs at her wrists and ankles connecting her to high-capacity data spikes. The woman is focussing all her power upon her task, the incense-filled air clearing away local contamination, while the prayers and music allow her to remain anchored to her body.

You observe the process, hoping beyond hope that the Astropath might survive what she is going through. She twists and spasms on the throne, as her mind's reach is extended lightyears beyond her body, reaching through the cold dark and into the darkness that comes from beyond.

"I am approaching the darkness." The Astropath says, grimacing painfully. "It lies across the warp…" A tension begins to fill the air. "The warp is calmer on its edge." Her voice is equal parts awe and horror.

+Keep going.+ The Lord Prefect demands. +Penetrate the barrier.+

More incense fills the air, and the prayers start a new verse, invoking the Emperor's protection. The Astropath groans, spitting out a handful of blood. "Reaching through… The warp beyond is… calm."

She yells out in surprise. "It sees me!"

You leap into action, manifesting a barrier of psychic energy around yourself in the form of a rectangle. "Reinforce the Hexxagramic wards!" You yell.

"It… It is…" The Astropath yells. "No Daemon.-" She is wracked by painful spasms, and you hear the cracking of bones and the rending of flesh. "-Eating… Hungry… It… It hates me!"

Not a daemon.The thought sticks in your head. The room erupts in ordered chaos as the choristers and technomats are forced out of the room by the Black Sentinels. The Tech Priest next to the throne begins trying to shut down the systems and bring the Astropath out of the system.

She begins crying, tears flowing from ruined eyes and bloody snot flowing down her nose. "They blot out the stars!"

You rush forward, attempting to telepathically reinforce the Astropath's mind. The Tech Priest lets out a burst of angry binharic screaming as he works. The Lord Prefect touches your mind and snaps your connection to the Astropath.

Before you're able to say anything, you feel something moving on the other side of the veil between reality and the warp, rushing towards the weakened Astropath and latching onto her. The Tech-Priest freezes up.

The room goes dead silent.

The Astropath spits out a stream of blood as if she were a beast breathing flames. Where it touches the Tech Priest, the cyborg melts like he was sprayed with acid. As droplets bounce into the choir, the blood begins to burn, or turn flesh to stone, or freeze like drops of near-absolute zero, the liquid sticking to choristers like gellied Prometheum.

Your telekine shield stops a spray of the caustic blood from melting you, and you reach out to the Astropath, snapping her neck and clenching her throat shut as a mercy.

The Lord Prefect's hand slams down onto the button that will engage the mercy protocol. A pneumatic spike crushed the back of the Astropath's skull, but the screaming does not stop. She begins to burn, her head a blazing skull.

+Tyran dies. Astropaths… screaming!+ Her voice twists and malforms, another voice not made by mortal lips mixed into her own. Her screaming continues, jaw dropping, the flesh of her cheeks extending, until her mouth becomes an inferno large enough for a person to squeeze into.

The Black Sentinels have opened fire, lasbolts and sanctified silver bullets slamming into the corpse. Briefly it stops moving. A Black Sentinel steps forward, emptying the magazine of his autopistol into the astropath's forehead.

A feathered arm and a beak begins to squeeze in through the astropath's unhinged jaw. A claw is pointed at the Black Sentinel, and he lets out a scream of pain as his legs are pulled into his torso and out through his mouth, feet first, turning him inside out.

You telekinetically call upon all your strength and crush the astropath, the daemon, and the throne into a compacted sphere, shredding the room around the concentrated gravity.

A Telekinetic grip suddenly wraps itself around you, and you are thrown out of the room, landing on the ground and skidding across the floor to come to a stop in front of the Lord Prefect. The door to the astropathic chamber slams shut, shutting off the noise inside, and locking two of the Black Sentinels inside.

A second later, fire consumes everything within the room.

The Lord Prefect observes the room's interior through the window, a frown visible on her biological face. Her telepathic voice is calm, as if she isn't bothered in the slightest by what she saw. +Curious.+

You look up at the Lord Prefect, trying to find the right words for what you just saw. "What the hell have you seen that makes -that- 'Curious'?!"

Her head turns to glare at you, and for a moment, her perfect facade cracks. The Lord Prefect's mind is filled with a memory called forth by your words, a memory, a memory so potent that it radiates from the forefront of her mind. You can taste the emotions of the memory. It is a memory of-

Blood and Skulls.

Dead Space Marines.

A burning sky.

Blood for th-

The Lord Prefect puts her hand on your forehead and squeezes. She reaches into your mind and pulls on the memories that leaked into your mind and yanks them all back, wiping away any trac-

You blink. What were you doing? You're lying on the floor outside the Astropathic sanctum. You see an inferno raging through the window set into the door. The Lord Prefect is patting you on the head, comforting you.

Ah yes. You only just got out of the room before the contingency activated.

The Lord Prefect stands up straight. +Refresh and compose yourself, Prefect. I will handle this situation.+ A small band of scribes and assistants emerge from side passages and swarm around the Lord Prefect, summoned by mental command. You catch her final instructions. She must be more stressed than she let on, if her thoughts are reaching so far away from her. +Contact Inquisitor Kryptmann, I believe this is a matter for the Ordo Xenos. He still owes us a favour.+

You rub your forehead, feeling just so slightly off. You head towards your chambers to go to sleep.

Something to tide you lovely people over.
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thing is, kryptman's ideas were not even bad or wrong. problem was he did not do more, like say begin evacuating the military supplies and industries and tech priests ahead of time since he knew which planets were going to be devoured, setting up exterminatus warheads on the planet to destroy it ONCE the tyranids were on the planet and lured down sufficient amount by the remaining defenders and defenses to not just starve the tyranids but to destroy their biomass invested on taking the planet.

even octarious could have been a great idea if he could set up a exterminatus method on the ork held planet, or used a planet on their borders to lure both the orks and nids there for both to funnel onto a preplanned death trap with a present exterminatus warhead.

preferably something that is not the virus bomb, maybe a cyclonic torpedo
Still not dead, just real life...

Purifying incense fills the air with sweet smells, awakening primordial human memories of clear skies and soft winds. The incense clears the area of malign psychic influences, providing a clean slate from which to work.

A choir of Astra Telepathica choristers surrounds the throne, all of them behind marble pews decorated with real wood, singing immaculately, their vocal cords optimized for the task they've been given. The singers hold hands, voices unified as one.

Really love your ability to bring a scene to life. Miracleofsound makes for good mood music when reading your stuff.

A Tech Priest with two sets of arms, both mechanical, sits at a grand organ the size of an Imperial Knight, furiously playing a mighty orchestral performance that makes your heart soar. Another stands close to the Astropath's throne, managing her vitals and operating the machinery.

The Astropath, a middle-aged woman with thinning hair and a veil in front of her ruined eyes, sits strapped into her throne, neural plugs at her wrists and ankles connecting her to high-capacity data spikes. The woman is focussing all her power upon her task, the incense-filled air clearing away local contamination, while the prayers and music allow her to remain anchored to her body.

Really drives home what lengths humanity has to go to in order to communicate among the stars in this setting. How far it has fallen and yet refuses to go quietly.

You observe the process, hoping beyond hope that the Astropath might survive what she is going through. She twists and spasms on the throne, as her mind's reach is extended lightyears beyond her body, reaching through the cold dark and into the darkness that comes from beyond.

"I am approaching the darkness." The Astropath says, grimacing painfully. "It lies across the warp…" A tension begins to fill the air. "The warp is calmer on its edge." Her voice is equal parts awe and horror.

...a darkness that lies over the Warp...a...shadow, you might say. Concern levels rising!

+Keep going.+ The Lord Prefect demands. +Penetrate the barrier.+

More incense fills the air, and the prayers start a new verse, invoking the Emperor's protection. The Astropath groans, spitting out a handful of blood. "Reaching through… The warp beyond is… calm."

She yells out in surprise. "It sees me!"

Beyond calm..or dead more like...oh the signs are not good, very not good, all the bad even!

You leap into action, manifesting a barrier of psychic energy around yourself in the form of a rectangle. "Reinforce the Hexxagramic wards!" You yell.

"It… It is…" The Astropath yells. "No Daemon.-" She is wracked by painful spasms, and you hear the cracking of bones and the rending of flesh. "-Eating… Hungry… It… It hates me!"

Not a daemon.The thought sticks in your head. The room erupts in ordered chaos as the choristers and technomats are forced out of the room by the Black Sentinels. The Tech Priest next to the throne begins trying to shut down the systems and bring the Astropath out of the system.

She begins crying, tears flowing from ruined eyes and bloody snot flowing down her nose. "They blot out the stars!"

Welp, that tears it, we're some of the first to figure out that the Tyrannids are a thing, or at least are getting the warning signs and registering them. This is oh so bad.

But also, really, REALLY like how you bring the horror of what even the tyrannids could do just by being AWARE of them.

"His words were followed by a troubled silence. Then one of the officers spoke up, his expression rigid as he battled to meet Castamon's gaze. 'Governor Seroc sent us here to discuss the rioting and insurrection, but also the dreams and the madness. What does that have to do with aliens at the edge of the system?'
Castamon was impressed by the man's nerve, but he replied in a tone that made it clear this was a briefing, not a debate. 'My Apothecary Biologis has theorised that the tyranids are behind this psychosis. There is much he cannot explain, but his underlying logic is sound. I have seen this happen before. Whether it is intentional or not, the presence of tyranids in a system induces hysteria.'
The man looked incredulous. 'People are burning down manufactories because of something that's happening on the other side of the system?'
'People are burning manufactories because, even from here, even from light years away, they feel the hunger of the Great Devourer.' Castamon looked at the red lights, pulsing blood-like above the table. 'They are unfathomable. They are your nightmares given form.'"

Excerpt from the Novel Leviathan

Fear the Xeno, the Unknowable.

You rush forward, attempting to telepathically reinforce the Astropath's mind. The Tech Priest lets out a burst of angry binharic screaming as he works. The Lord Prefect touches your mind and snaps your connection to the Astropath.

Before you're able to say anything, you feel something moving on the other side of the veil between reality and the warp, rushing towards the weakened Astropath and latching onto her. The Tech-Priest freezes up.

The room goes dead silent.

Aaaand Chaos strikes, deLIGHTful -_-

The Astropath spits out a stream of blood as if she were a beast breathing flames. Where it touches the Tech Priest, the cyborg melts like he was sprayed with acid. As droplets bounce into the choir, the blood begins to burn, or turn flesh to stone, or freeze like drops of near-absolute zero, the liquid sticking to choristers like gellied Prometheum.

Your telekine shield stops a spray of the caustic blood from melting you, and you reach out to the Astropath, snapping her neck and clenching her throat shut as a mercy.

gods in asgard, pretty sure that techpriest is toast, and that's if he's lucky. This is your body on Chaos. It is not good.

The Lord Prefect's hand slams down onto the button that will engage the mercy protocol. A pneumatic spike crushed the back of the Astropath's skull, but the screaming does not stop. She begins to burn, her head a blazing skull.

+Tyran dies. Astropaths… screaming!+ Her voice twists and malforms, another voice not made by mortal lips mixed into her own. Her screaming continues, jaw dropping, the flesh of her cheeks extending, until her mouth becomes an inferno large enough for a person to squeeze into.

And we get an added bit of confirmation that Tyran has fallen. Time for the angy man to go ree at the Ultramarines.

Looks like it was already too late for that spike to work, and this is why we cannot afford to risk delaying when deploying it. This is what happens when the daemon is given time to spread beyond the mind and into the rest of the body to make further a home in it.

The Black Sentinels have opened fire, lasbolts and sanctified silver bullets slamming into the corpse. Briefly it stops moving. A Black Sentinel steps forward, emptying the magazine of his autopistol into the astropath's forehead.

A feathered arm and a beak begins to squeeze in through the astropath's unhinged jaw. A claw is pointed at the Black Sentinel, and he lets out a scream of pain as his legs are pulled into his torso and out through his mouth, feet first, turning him inside out.

I am pretty sure that the innards of the Astropath were turned into a portal or a portal was formed inside her or something cause that's a mollusk daemon right there.

You telekinetically call upon all your strength and crush the astropath, the daemon, and the throne into a compacted sphere, shredding the room around the concentrated gravity.

A Telekinetic grip suddenly wraps itself around you, and you are thrown out of the room, landing on the ground and skidding across the floor to come to a stop in front of the Lord Prefect. The door to the astropathic chamber slams shut, shutting off the noise inside, and locking two of the Black Sentinels inside.

A second later, fire consumes everything within the room.

Good show of MC's gravity training but at this point it isn't remotely enough. The prefect is right, gotta cut and run.

o7 to the Black Sentinels that did not make it out in time.

The Lord Prefect observes the room's interior through the window, a frown visible on her biological face. Her telepathic voice is calm, as if she isn't bothered in the slightest by what she saw. +Curious.+

You look up at the Lord Prefect, trying to find the right words for what you just saw. "What the hell have you seen that makes -that- 'Curious'?!"

Probably a lot.

Her head turns to glare at you, and for a moment, her perfect facade cracks. The Lord Prefect's mind is filled with a memory called forth by your words, a memory, a memory so potent that it radiates from the forefront of her mind. You can taste the emotions of the memory. It is a memory of-

Blood and Skulls.

Dead Space Marines.

A burning sky.

Blood for th-

The Lord Prefect puts her hand on your forehead and squeezes. She reaches into your mind and pulls on the memories that leaked into your mind and yanks them all back, wiping away any trac-

You blink. What were you doing? You're lying on the floor outside the Astropathic sanctum. You see an inferno raging through the window set into the door. The Lord Prefect is patting you on the head, comforting you.

Nope, not something MC should see, get that contamination right out.

Ah yes. You only just got out of the room before the contingency activated.

The Lord Prefect stands up straight. +Refresh and compose yourself, Prefect. I will handle this situation.+ A small band of scribes and assistants emerge from side passages and swarm around the Lord Prefect, summoned by mental command. You catch her final instructions. She must be more stressed than she let on, if her thoughts are reaching so far away from her. +Contact Inquisitor Kryptmann, I believe this is a matter for the Ordo Xenos. He still owes us a favour.+

You rub your forehead, feeling just so slightly off. You head towards your chambers to go to sleep.

Thank you Lord Prefect...but im not gonna lie, teeny concern that she is still keeping those memories.

Oh hey, we are apparently working for someone that knows Angy boi himself. Ngl, I do like that we are apparently the ones that are going to set kryptman on the path early. Nice little tie into the lore.
The Kryptmann after 250 years of trying and failing to stop the Tyranids isn't the same person who found them at the start.
Was about to mention that. Kryptman honestly saves almost as much as he killed. Like he played a key role in defeating Behemoth with a tailored poison. Leviathan breaks him. Sadly that's the fate of possibly m ost Inquisitors
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You start a Puritan, and die a Radical.
It's a common saying for the Ordos for a reason.
I always felt that isn´t quite true. I got the impression Eisenhorn tries hard to cope with the fact that he is becoming everything he is sworn to destroy. And grasps for justifications "Everyone is doing it! You can´t blame me!".
No, Gregor, other Inquistors occasionally not shooting all Eldar at first meeting doesn´t mean you are justified running around with a Daemonhost. Both actions are technically radical, but they are not equal. One gets you other Inquisitors side-eyeing you, the other results in getting hunted down.
I always felt that isn´t quite true. I got the impression Eisenhorn tries hard to cope with the fact that he is becoming everything he is sworn to destroy. And grasps for justifications "Everyone is doing it! You can´t blame me!".
No, Gregor, other Inquistors occasionally not shooting all Eldar at first meeting doesn´t mean you are justified running around with a Daemonhost. Both actions are technically radical, but they are not equal. One gets you other Inquisitors side-eyeing you, the other results in getting hunted down.

The issue is that an Inquisitor literally cannot do their job long term without falling into one heresy or another, because they've been denied all the tools they need to do a good job of it, so they have to figure out workarounds, and eventually you will run into a situation where you either accept that the bad guys will beat you and surrender (And nobody who gets the Rosette will consider that), or you need to do something forbidden to counter them--even if that's as simple as "Patronize a heretek" or "Make common cause with an alien".
Turn 4 New
2.001.603M41 Primary Terran Calendar.
2.001.743M42 Terran Primary Calendar.
2.001.639M40 Ordo Chronos Calendar. (Revision CLXXX(Revised on 0.168.639M40 of previous Ordo Chronos Calendar.))

First of Quartus.

You are sitting at your table, as a man in the garb of the Brotherhood of Kel examines your hand, poking each muscle and joint with a finger that has unfolded into a dozen tiny manipulators. The gunsmith makes a grunt of observation, then reaches for a small wooden box.

The man wears the same overcoat and toolbelt as the others of the Brotherhood, and shows signs of gene-modding and cybernetic enhancements. His brown hair is starting to thin slightly, but retains colour. He looks a bit swollen, well-fed even, but his hands are strong and muscular. He smiles as he works, greatly enjoying what he's doing.

With tools that are equal parts ornate silver artwork as instruments of creation, he modifies a glove lying in the box next to a well crafted pistol. Gyroscopic stabilizers the size of the eyes of Terra's lost hummingbirds are programmed, while memory-metal threading is programmed in accordance with the observations.

The gun is a fine auto pistol, devoid of the garish ostentatiousness of golden ornamentation. It is made of a dark alloy with nickel trim. It has a grip that appears to be made of bone, carved specifically for your hand. Were it not for the symbol of the Astra Telepathica carved onto the side of the barrel, it wouldn't look out of place in the hands of Enforcers or Probators across the galaxy.

You examine the bullets prepared for it. There are three magazines in the box, each able to hold up to eight rounds. A wooden drawer can be pulled out, revealing three rows of square caseless bullets lying on velvet backing, each colour-coded. Red for high explosive rounds, green for hollow point, and blue for the armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot. You pick up one of the blue bullets, examining it with your free hand as the gunsmith examines your right hand.

The bullet is worth more than your entire family might have earned in your lifetime, and you have as many of them as you want. After all, each bullet you acquire, the Brotherhood of Kel charges a small fortune for, being handmade artisanal bullets of dark age provenance.

The gunsmith slides a glove over your hand. The recoil-glove linking to the machine spirit of the pistol. Your augmetic bridle takes a moment to incorporate the new machine spirit. A crosshair appears in your eyes.

The gun suits your personality quite well. It is unremarkable among the many firearms of the Imperium, hiding a truly lethal amount of firepower, and wielded in the name of the Astra Telepathica.

"You'll want to perform some target shooting every so often. The recoil glove needs some manner of weekly use to remain optimal." The gunsmith says.

And use as many bullets as I can, right? You find the sheer audacity of the Brotherhood of Kel amusing. They want you to buy as many bullets as possible.

Martha steps inside your office, carrying a tray of sandwiches. She looks up in surprise at the Gunsmith, who returns the look of surprise. "I'll come back later."

"No need, please put the plate down on my desk." You look at the gunsmith. "Would you like some refreshments, perhaps?"

The man looks surprised at being offered such a courtesy by one of your station. It takes a few seconds for him to process the offer. He glances at Martha, and something about her seems to convince the man of your good intentions. Most likely her loving smile. He nods.

Soon, you three are sitting around your desk, enjoying the carb-loaf sandwiches Martha has prepared, the gunsmith enjoying the food with gusto. You've never tasted carb loaf quite so fluffy, or with a sucrose paste that's this delicious. "What did you use to make this, Martha?"

The ratling smiles, then eyes the gunsmith with that cheeky look of someone who knows of an impending reveal. "The Lord Prefect rewarded me for my service. A jar of real sugar and a bag of strawberries."

So not Nutrient paste then. This 'Jam' is delicious. You'll need to get more.

The gunsmith stops eating, holding a slice of bread with a layer of jam on it. He looks incredulously at the food. "Excuse me, 'Real sugar'?" He takes another bite.

Martha shrugs. "That's what the jar said. The sucrose was made from something called 'Sugar cane'. No idea where she got the strawberries though."

You find it amusing that even the Lord Prefect has a bit of a sweet tooth. You turn to the Gunsmith. "How is the production of Autoguns going?"

"Everything is prepared. We're just waiting to examine the future users of the weapons so we can personalize them. When will that be? If you do not mind my inquiry, Lord."

You consider the question. "The Alkata Cartel is currently running trials and selecting those inductees with the right aptitude. By the end of the year, I believe they'll have winnowed out those with the capacity for being frontline infantry. At which point, I'll select those I intend to work with."

[][NAME] Name your pistol:
Kel Sidearm

A fine auto pistol hand-milled from a dark alloy fitted with a subtle nickel trim. The gun is made specifically for your hand. It is featureless except for the symbol of the Astra Telepathica carved in silver along the left side of the barrel.
Comes paired with a recoil glove for improved aiming.

Ammunition types:
Hollow Point: For killing lightly armoured targets.
Solid Shot: Regular jacketed bullets.
High Explosive: Explodes on penetration or impact, detonating inside the target.
APFSDS: Able to punch through human-scale powered armour.

That night, you call Martha to your quarter.

"Martha." You say, tapping a finger on your desk, and motioning for a large metal crate that has been brought to your chambers. Your personal servitor is charging in its alcove after bringing it to you.

"Yes, dear?" She asks in that voice which makes your heart melt.

"How… why… Do you know why I received a shipping crate full of-" You look at the manifest of the crate. "Sanctified stakes made from the trees of the Cemetery World of Ruan."

"Providence of the Throne, My Lord?" Martha gives you an innocent look.

You raise an eyebrow, not impressed.

She walks up and examines the crate more closely. She pulls up a plastek flimsy on the side of that contains the shipping information, pulling out a parchment sheaf hidden behind it, putting it down on your desk. "Well… Going by this information. I believe it was originally intended for 'The Sons of Gamorth', a Death Cult known for Ratling hatred."

You frown. A Death Cult that stands out in their hatred for abhumans? That is an impressive amount of hatred.

"I might have let it slip to The Family that you were looking to acquire something like this. And they might be seeking to earn your favour."

The Family has sent you a gift. Sanctioned Stakes. A little reminder that your kindness towards Ratlings is not forgotten.

Contact important officials:
Oaths, pledges, bonds, and vows of fealty are what keep the Imperium together. Meetings of any kind are always pre-planned, and require a proper amount of protocol and propriety to be upheld. This means that you can only organize a meeting with an official group once per turn.
You can decide to choose one group outside of the Scholam you wish to negotiate with. This is not required.
Write in what you want from them.

[] Brotherhood of Kel:

Master Gunsmiths and artificers of renown. The Brotherhood of Kel are an ancient order of artificers and smiths who produce fine Autoguns according to ancient designs that predate the Imperium. Each gun and round they make is produced according to the finest of quality control.
High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers. Specialized ammunition. Assignment of a master Gunsmith.

[] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
A mysterious force of abhumans that operate in The Pit. They operate from a hidden redoubts from where they trade technology with the Nautillans, while they work their secret plants.
1: A band of licensed Abhumans named Squats, according to the Administratum.
2: A band of Non-Imperial Abhumans named 'The Votann' according to the Arbites.
3: A band of foul Xenos named 'The Demiurge' according to the Ministorum.
Energy weapons, Power-weapons. Possible contact with the Leagues of Votann. Psi-Tech for Wyrdvane augmentations.
Note: This is not officially sanctioned technology and the Mechanicus is legally allowed to seize this technology, if they so wish.
Addendum: You have a better reputation with the Mechanicus. They won't take everything, if you give them a cut.
All interactions cost an additional favour.

[] The Family:
An organized syndicate of ratlings that is spread across Nautilus, protecting their own kind from oppression while also enriching themselves through espionage, petty crime, and lesser conflicts. They avoid breaking Imperial laws as best they can.
Information on activity within Nautilus. Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers. Hooks into 'soft' organized crime.

[] The Alkata Cartel:
A cartel of hired muscle that provides every social strata of the Hive with muscle and protection. Built around a core of former Imperial veterans, the Alkata Cartel avoids breaking the Imperial Lex, and seeks a measure of legitimacy.
Muscle. Combat experience. Combat training. Drugs. Narcotics. Hooks into hard crime. A steady supply of violence in The Pit.

Each item/skillset/piece of knowledge provided by a group will cost two favour with the Lord Prefect.

Offering to do wetwork in The Pit for a group will provide you with two favour's worth of value.

Personal Psychic Studies:

Research and studying is considered an important part of the Astra Telepathica. You will exercise this rare privilege as an Imperial Citizen in order to become a better master for your students.
(you can choose one Personal Psychic Studies option each turn.)

[] Develop one of your Schools:

You attempt to improve your ability to master one of your Psykana Schools.
-Write in which school of Psykana you want to train in your spare time.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Biomancy:

Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the way the biosphere is able to draw impossible amounts of calories from their nutrients to maintain massive forms.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Telepathy:
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the sea predators that are able to telepathically compel their prey to move into their mouths.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Telekinesis :
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study a genus of pistol shrimps that is able to shoot bolts of telekinetic force at its prey.

[] Study Planetary Biology - Pyromancy:
Odium's biosphere has an abundance of psychic abilities performed by the local fauna. Study the creatures that live around the magma vents and which are able to endure the heat of magma and draw nutrition from it.

[] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
Continue developing your Gravity manifestation technique to try and improve your Telekinesis. Focus upon developing your personal abilities by experimenting upon your Psychic abilities.

[] Pyromantic Las-weapon infusion:
Hans has a technique by which he infuses his las shots with his power, greatly increasing the strength of his weapons. Ask him to share it.
Costs 2 Influence with Hans. Increases relations by one.

[] Telekine Rounds:

An ability that you know, although you rarely use, is to infuses solid projectiles with telekinetic energy, increasing the speed and impact of each round many times over. While a taxing process, this can allow Autoguns to hit like heavy stubbers.
Teach this to the tutors of the Scholam so they can pass it on to the new arrivals.
Costs 3 Influence with the Lord Prefect for borrowing the time of so many tutors.
Required to unlock Psi-Munitions Production

Choose four of the following actions.
The Saphire Keep:

The Scholam Psykana is still under construction, but the Astropathic Choir it is connected to is an ancient structure, containing a mighty Astra Telepathica fortress named The Saphire Keep.

[] Assist Prefect:
You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will cooperate on a mutually beneficial development.
You gain +1 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect

[] Do a favour for another Prefect:

You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will aid them in a way that only assists their program.
You gain +3 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect.

[] Getting to know the teachers:

The Eta-grade Psykers of the Scholam Psykana do a lot of the grunt work involved in training Psykers, and to your shame, you've not actually gotten to know them well.
Speak with and get to know the staff of the Scholam, get them around to your way of thinking.

[] Schedule classes:

You personally assist in the processing of incoming Psykers by hosting a series of classes on Telekinetics.
5 Favour Action Per Turn.

[] Planetary Psykana variations:

Planets with unique environments have a tendency of resulting in Psykers with abilities that fall out of the Imperial norm. Perform research into the sort of variations you might find among the people of Nautilus.

[] Research Heat manipulation:
Pyromancy is the manipulation of heat. Heat is energy. What if you stop trying to manifest fire, and instead focus on increasing your understanding of heat or even just energy? It would fit with your attempt to separate telekinesis from the manifestation of telekinetic fields, to the direct manipulation of physical objects
Your discovery of Odium Pyromancy appears to be close to, if not the same thing as this very idea.

Nautilus Actions:
The great city beneath the waves of Odium is a thriving metropolis by Imperial standards. It might be worth establishing connections with groups within the city.

[] Find suppliers outside the Adeptus Terra:
While the Munitorum will replace any equipment they lose, they will not improve your base equipment, you are to improve this base level yourself. There are weapons and armour technologies not controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus which are used on Odium. Advanced equipment and gene mods for instance. Try and acquire some of this.

Costs 2 influence with the Lord Prefect upon success.
You will roll on a table of possible equipment suppliers you get in contact with.

[] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:

As part of their training. Telekines will assist in the creation of components for the Brotherhood of Kel. A clean room will need to be constructed within the Scholam where the Brotherhood can operate, and the telekines will train their talents by performing delicate micro-assembly.
Considered a distraction from your task of training Wyrdvanes. The Lord Prefect does not approve.
Costs 4 Influence with the Lord Prefect.

Recruitment and training:
When the recruits begin arriving, they will be processed by the Scholam Psykana Majoris and worked over to ensure they'll be ready for dedicated Wyrdvane training. The more prepared your students are for their training, the better it will be for them.

[] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
The question is not if, but where the Rogue Psykers of Nautilus reside. Go looking for them and offer to bring them gently into the Astra Telepathica instead of dragging them or getting the Enforcers or Arbites involved.
Chance to discover planetary psyker variations.

[-]Tarrot-assisted Psyker gathering:
With the aid of the Emperor's tarrot, potential Psyker candidates of exceptional value are sought out and taken to the Scholam.
Requires 5/10 Relationship or 3/10 Influence with Alfonse, or training your Divination to Zeta level.

Iconoclast - Dogmatic - Telepathica:
Reputation and status within the Imperium are vital, and therefore how you are perceived is of great importance.

Iconoclast Renown:
Iconoclasm doesn't always mean heretical or recidivist action in the Imperium. It's the belief that the current social order isn't sacrosanct. Be it a rich hive noble throwing a fortune into charitable efforts, an Ecclesiarch taking a vow of poverty and donating all his wealth to the poor, a Commissar that rarely executes their troops, or an Enforcer that doesn't immediately resort to physical violence. All these actions are Iconoclast in nature.

This reputation might make some consider you a dangerous radical, just weird, hopelessly naive, or an exemplar of humanity. Many Imperial Heroes are Iconoclasts deep down, being the people whose actions and deeds remind one that, as rotten as the Imperium is, good people still live in it. Few heroes are openly Iconoclastic, either being so early in their lives before being beaten down. Or becoming openly Iconoclastic when they can easily get away with it.

Dogmatic Renown:
The Imperium is Eternal.
The Imperium is the last great bastion against Chaos. It must survive.
The God Emperor established the current social order.
We are beset from enemies without and within.

Dogmatism is the perceived adherence to the Imperial Creed and the dedication to the defence of the Imperium against threats beyond, within, fictitious, and very real. Dogmatism is not Fanaticism. It means the acceptance of the Status quo, through a lack of hope, by being satisfied with one's position, or thinking that there is no alternative.

The more Dogmatic you are perceived to be, the less 'dangerous' you are considered to be. A high dogmatic renown can therefore shield Iconoclast actions.

Telepathica Renown:
The status, influence, and authority of the Astra Telepathica is what you care about. As an Adept of this august organization, its status and your position in society are intertwined. This reputation tracks how much people think you care about the power and status of the Telepathica above the rest of the Imperium.

How this system works:
Dogmatism and Iconoclasm are separately tracked reputations, with the highest renown deciding the dominant perception of you. Actions can be taken to intentionally cultivate a public persona that differs from your actual opinion.

This system does NOT track your actual opinions or beliefs. It tracks what you are believed to be.

Individuals with means and/or influence will not believe your perception at face value.

An example of this is Ciaphas Cain, who if tracked by this system, would be an Iconoclast at heart, but perceived as a diehard Dogmatic.

Your dogmatic or iconoclast renown will be seen in the context of your Telepathica renown. Actions that might be shrugged off if committed by a Psyker perceived as not unfairly favouring the Telepathica, might be alarming in the extreme if the Psyker is seen as a Supremacist who'd tear down other Imperial organizations to empower their own.

Iconoclast actions:

You are tolerant. Perhaps a bit -too- tolerant towards Abhumans. Some Imperials will worry that this means tolerance towards mutants as well.
2 Iconoclast Renown.

Drive them back.

You see no reason to resort to lethal force. You try to put an end to this senseless conflict by using telekinetic walls to push attackers away.
Your inclination to show mercy is clear in how you respond to others
1 Iconoclast renown.

Dogmatic actions:
An example.

A servitor assigned to cleaning your suite is known to have been the man who plotted an assassination attempt against you. A brutal statement.
1 Dogmatic Renown.

"I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.":

Your features have been slightly reshaped to resemble the formidable figure of Lord Admiral Spire, a legend of the Imperium. You look dangerous and imposing to say the least.
1 Dogmatic Renown.

[] Order the Astropath to do it anyways:

Death in the service of the Emperor is the lot of the Astropaths. There is no point in delaying this. Order the sending. This is likely to kill a highly trained Astropath.
Gain 2 Dogmatic Renown.
The act of ordering someone to their death quickly becomes easy.

Telepathica Traits:

For each point of Renown that your active Renown exceeds the other, you gain a +5 to each roll for actions where your renown is relevant. Or a -5 if your action is used against someone opposed to your dominant renown.

Your True Opinion:
You are an Iconoclast that hides themselves through Dogmatic acts. You have Telepathica-supremacist views you keep to yourself.

You claim to want to work with the Inquisition, but deep down, you'd rather the Astra Telepathica solve all its problems internally.
Nautilus Scholam Psykana Internal Hierarchy:

Like any Imperial organization, the Astra Telepathica is rife with factionalism and groups intending to climb to the top at the detriment of others.
The Scholam Psykana currently has five Prefects, one from each of the five major schools of Psykana, all of whom have been granted a great deal of freedom and leeway by the Astra Telepathica in the pursuit of setting up an efficient training schedule.
Your fellow Prefects are:

-Prefect Biologica Astrid.
Universal Epsilon Psyker.
Astrid is a middle-aged woman with black hair, blue eyes, and an eerily symetrical face. She routinely uses her biomancy to change or optimize her appearance how she sees fit. She has few visible implants.
Currently training Biomantic Support Choirs:
Astrid's Wyrdvances are taught to both be nurses as well as biomancers. While lacking the control for fine surgery, when they put their powers together, Astrid's Wyrdvane is able to perform miraculous feats of healing and regeneration.
Lord Prefect favour: 20/100
Your relationship with them: 6/10
Your influence with them: 2/10
Combat Biomancy Development Unlocked.

-Prefect Telepathica Silvia
Astropath Transcendant, Delta-Grade Telepath.
Silvia's skin is weathered and etched with the lines of countless years. Her blindfold is made from a deep indigo fabric. The robes she wears are adorned with subtle psychic wards, their intricate patterns barely visible unless caught in the right lumen light. Her cane is carved from dark wood, its surface polished smooth by years of use and imbued with latent psychic energy that hums gently under her touch.
Currently training Bonded Telepathic Choir:
Silvia's Wyrdvanes are trained to function as living relays for communications, providing a safe and instantaneous form of communication across a battlefield between each member of a Wyrdvane.
Lord Prefect favour: 15/100
Your relationship with them: 3/10
Your influence with them: 1/10
By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Silvia will assist in training Dedicated Telepath Vox Operators.

-Prefect Pyromania Hans:
Gamma-Grade Pyromancer, Delta-Grade Telekine
Hans is a dark-skinned Psyker with a head covered with cybernetic plugs and cables that connect to an imposing psychic hood. His middle-aged appearance belies the combat prowess he possesses, with every movement echoing the precision and power of his pyromantic and telekinetic skills. Despite the constant sheen of sweat from overheating, there's an undeniable aura of intensity that surrounds him.
Currently training Pyro-Telekinetic Psychic Artillery.
Hans's Wyrdvanes are taught to be Psychic artillery. They are to rain down hellfire and telekinetic strikes from a distance, destroying everything in their path.

Hans is currently working on cracking the secrets of Odium Pyromancy.
Lord Prefect favour: 40/100
Your relationship with them: 3/10
Your influence with them: 3/10
Hans believes your Psychic Shock Troops plan is doomed to fail and does not wish to involve himself.

-Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse:
Delta-Grade Diviner, Combat Cartomancer,
A pale-skinned man in simple clothes, rarely wearing robes, with dark black hair shaped over the cybernetics in the back of his head. Routinely seen wearing a bracer connected to a silver pane marked with six small rectangles.
Currently training Reading the Emperor's tarot. Sanctic sorcery.
Alfonse's Wyrdvanes are taught to read the Emperor's Tarot as well as divine the course of events. They are a support force meant to provide Imperial Commanders with knowledge of future events, or the likeliness of enemy actions.
Lord Prefect favour: 30/100
Your relationship with them: 3/10
Your influence with them: 1/10
By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Alfonse will aid your Psychic Shock troops to train their Precognition abilities.

Prefect Telekinetica Occam:
Beta-Grade Telekine:

Your favour with the lord Prefect:

You have gathered up a following of servants and allies that help with running the Scholam Psykana.
Scholam Psykana Faculty and Staff
-Martha Sternback, Ratling:

A diminutive ratling woman whose dream job became a nightmare after a friendly Master of Service had her prepare meals for Imperial Guard officers kept as guests aboard her ship, the Sword of Integrity, instead of just the Junior officers. After deserting from the ship, you found her and offered her a better life. Due to the genuine kindness that you have shown her, you have her undying loyalty and friendship.

While a curious sight among the largely terran-norm members of the Astra Telepathica, few who actually speak with Martha don't find it easy to not be charmed by her smile, manners, and jovial attitude. Of those unable to get over their disdain for 'abbies' or 'gene filth', none dare to be rude to her, lest they face your considerable wrath.

Martha as a Ratling chef is a master of understanding the ability of food to motivate, encourage, punish, or break down an individual. She also has learned to work in the underbelly of society to survive, and finds it easy to make black market connections with the ubiquitous ratling communities across the Imperium.
-Gives a +20 to any rolls involving nutrition as a factor in Psyker education.
-Allows you to develop black market contacts.

Friend to Ratlings:
Martha is not afraid to let people know that you have her back. And you treat her kindly and with respect when she's around you. You treat her as well as a human!
All rolls interacting with Ratlings are rolled with Advantage.
Your goal is to train Psychic Shock Troops.
Current Armour: Carapace

Current Arsenal:
-Kel Autogun.

A fully automatic gene-locked autogun firing caseless ammunition, capable of corrective aiming with an integrated cogitator. A heavy design, requiring above-average physical strength to carry. The Kel Brotherhood went to great efforts to not appear like they were creating a bolter derivative, focussing on a high tech aesthetic for the rifle, and a wide variety of attachments and modifications.
Special ammunition types:
High Explosive.
Hollow Point
Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot.

-Kel Sidearm
Each Wyrdvane member will be provided a gene-locked autopistol or stubber, partnered with a recoil glove, depending on the wielder's preferences. Each custom design is capable of single shot, burst, or fully automatic fire.
Special ammunition types:
High Explosive.
Hollow Point
Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot.

-Kel Shotgun:
The Kel Brotherhood designs a variety of shotguns, ranging from double-barreled break action, to fully automatic heavy combat shotguns. A potential design for your Wyrdvane, is the Kel Combat Shotgun. The Kel Combat Shotgun is sturdy, reliable, and possesses a variable barrel and bore which can change to accommodate different shells loaded in the same magazine. Comes in box magazine and internal magazine configurations. Each design is tailored for the user.
Special ammunition types:
High Explosive.
Armour Piercing.
Hollow Point.

Psyker Implants:
-Sanctioned Psyker Warp Bridle:

A template fully understood by the Sapphire Keep's tech priests. This implant, while not as high quality as the artisanally produced ones from the City of Silence, is nevertheless an excellent implant.
Stores 6 Warp Charge.

Combat Training: Imperial Guard Veteran
-Close Quarters Combat: Alkata Cartel provided trainers will teach the Wyrdvane how to fight dirty in close combat, teaching them all the nasty tricks that only a veteran could ever truly learn.

Sanctified Stakes: Acquired

Micro-Explosives: Acquired

Biomancy Training:
All dedicated Biomancers in your Wyrdvane will learn the following abilities.
-Biomantic Meatball Surgery: A skilled Biomancer can, by placing their hand upon a fallen comrade, knit bones together, grow back lost organs, restore ruined flesh, and ensure a fighter can keep going. Your Wyrdvanes will be trained extensively on how to get a soldier back into the fight quickly. These changes can be undone by a medical biomancer after the fighting is over.

Telepathy Training: Simple

Pyromancy Training: Simple

Divination Training: Simple

Telekine Training:
Your writing upon Telekinesis are already being spoken of highly by the tutors of the Astra Telepathica. They will ensure your Wyrdvanes receive excellent training.
-Crush: A Telekine focuses their power upon a single point in space, manifesting a brief moment of intense gravity akin to a Grav-Gun.
-Telekine Dome: The Telekine, if equipped with a force staff or a potent enough focii, conjures a dome of Psychic energy for the squad to take cover in. The dome will absorb small arms fire and indirect shrapnel from artillery.

Wyrdvane Skills:
A Wyrdvane is telepathically linked, sharing power, skill, and training. This allows them to tap into each other's shared powers. Several abilities will be shared by each member of the Wyrdvane Choir.
-Telekine Personal Shields: The Wyrdvane Choir pools their collective Telekine potential and spreads it evenly among their members, wrapping each soldier in a protective regenerating energy shield that deflects kinetic and energy small arms fire. The power of the shields can be adjusted by the Choir, or overcharged by an able Telekine among the Choir.
-Biomantic Self-Optimization: Using subtle Biomancy, the senses of the soldier are optimized and improved beyond baseline humanity. Soldiers can smell hormones in the air, see in near complete darkness, and hear the most minute of noises, and achieve levels of strength comparable to the Tempestus Scions and Sororitas. This is a passive improvement that can be adjusted as needed by the Psyker. Part of this includes a low-level healing factor that actively clears the muscles of lactic acid, and allows cuts and lesser bullet wounds to heal by themselves.

12 Hour Moratorium as usual. Plan voting.

Seperate name and plan voting.
Last edited:
Scheduled vote count started by Mayto on Mar 3, 2025 at 6:52 AM, finished with 64 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations (Now With Psytech)
    -[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
    --[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
    -[X] Getting to know the teachers:
    [X] Plan: Pop Quiz Predict The Class Syllabus
    -[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
    --[X] Purchase Power, Energy Weapons, and Psytech using Lord Prefect Favor
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
    -[X] Schedule classes:
    [X] Plan Paperwork and Patronage
    -[X] The Family:
    --[X] Negotiate above board payment and limited exchange of services for the locations and minor no-contact aid in finding rogue psykers.
    -[X] Pyromantic Las-weapon infusion:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Do a favour for another Prefect
    -[X] Getting to know the teachers:
    -[X] Schedule classes:
    [X] Name your pistol: Terminal Sanction
    [X][NAME] Name your pistol: Precision
    [X] Plan: Preparations and High-Tech Negotiations
    -[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
    --[X] Purchase Power and Energy Weapons using Lord Prefect Favor
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
    -[X] Getting to know the teachers:
    [X] Plan: Tele-Bullets
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Do a favour for another Prefect
    —[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Planetary Psykana variations
    -[X] Research Heat manipulation
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    [X] Lessons in Force
    [X] Name your pistol: The Razor
    [X] Name your pistol: Duty Upheld
    [X] Plan: GUN MAXING (and preparing for the Recruitment Drive)
    -[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
    --[X] Offer to help with Wetwork and pay above-board currency exchange for specialized ammunition for our Wyrdvanes and the assignment of a master Gunsmith.
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse
    -[X] Do a favor for another Prefect:
    -[X] Getting to know the teachers:
    [X] Lessons in Force
    -[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
    --[X] Purchase Power Weapons and Psi-Tech using Lord Prefect Favor
    -[X] Telekine Rounds:
    -[X] Psychic Micro-Assembly for Psykers:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Prefect Pyromania Hans
    -[X] Schedule classes:
    -[X] Recruit Rogue Psykers: