[X] Plan: My Body is a Temple
Maybe? They tend to be a bit too dumb to get along with spooky Psykers.
Spooky, scary psykers!Maybe? They tend to be a bit too dumb to get along with spooky Psykers.
You won't be doing Kung fu for very long if you run out of breath quickly cos your blood sucks at carrying oxygen.In an attempt to get people to vote for my plan, I'm going to ask some rhetorical questions.
What profession is constantly shown to be great at unarmed combat? Monks! What does a person need to become a monk? Religious Devotion!
My plan will allow Occam to achieve his full potential as a badass fist fighting psychic space monk. He is already going to have most of the look with the robes and high likelihood of being bald.
Eh, as a local force multiplier Occam is dangerous, sure, but he's not likely to drastically shift the course of the war by himself. Now, if he was a Beta-grade Diviner, that would make him a strategic-scale asset to this conflict, since the Tau don't really have any countermeasures to straight-up precognition and psychic scrying.
For a mixture of balancing and me disagreeing on such a power being easy to use:Mecha are rather less terrifying when you can pull them limb from limb with your mind.
@Mayto as a beta-grade telekinetic do we have access to teleportation powers?