A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

And largely I feel like this is my fault for being so visibly upset. If I hadn't I don't think nictis would've done this.
Honestly it's partly on me for being grouchy about lurking (I hate being inactive) and beibgunwilling to produce reasons. ('cause so much of my work is based on discussion in mason chat.)
ebwop: *being unwilling

I can't type tonight

I am probably going to go sleep

if anyone has further questions/fishing they'd like to do, please leave it at my place at the table

I originally thought you were Even's Neighbor...but ah...obviously not now.

Oh right, seeing that as I've got the largest number of votes now, what do y'all want me to do wrt claiming?

I do plan to claim if I think I'm gonna get lynched, this is mostly if you'd prefer it tonight or tomorrow.

Ahh, no, scumhunt 1st. You can claim much later, still a good chunk of time in the game

I am the firstborn son of King Hubert, Prince Geralt. After my father and the Magi, I am probably the most knowledgeable to the workings of the Veil, considering that its continued existence is tied to my own. With the threat of both the Assassins (Who I personally had been referring to as "The Dark Brotherhood" until LttL flipped) and the invaders looming over us, my guard, and acting bodydouble, Aaron has been tasked to test the loyalty of others in a private environment, and to eliminate those who pose a threat to the continued existence of the Crown. Aaron is, in actuality, a Bomb that explodes twice. Which isn't going to be of much help if people I'm pretty sure are Town decide to lynch her.

So it's been a bit of a ruse, I've been near constantly hinting that she is more important than all others, and acting the role of the over zealous guard in pulling attention away whenever she comes under suspicion or serious threat, and she's been... Well, she's been acting like she's been acting. As if she doesn't need to act Town, because everyone knows she is Town. And I know it's been... incredibly frustrating, and me brushing everything over and pulling attention hasn't helped, so I'm sorry @1KBestK.

As for why it's time to stop? I think that people might be right, I had thought that there were more assassins because it was plural in my rolecard, but if LttL had any allies they probably would have put it together by now and either killed me or been exploded, and the Invaders don't seem to care about the Veil to the best of my investigations, so that might be it. Evenstar is the one person I am 100% sure is Town, and if it's gotten pointless for us to keep up the ruse then I should drop it to avoid a mislynch.

I'm just...what? I...wha? Okay.

Nictis, next time wait to discuss this shit; you're just going to disrupt the gamestate even worse if you keep telling half-truths like this.

Yes, Nictis is the VIP. I'm one of his bodyguards. We're all masons, but we're night chat only. No I will not say who else is in the masonry; there are enough of us that we can confirm each other even if one of us eats a NK. I've been lurking hard partly as an information security measure, because any of my reads could give potential leads on the other masons.

I would guess Nictis is trying to come clean while still keeping up the "I'm in a neighbourhood" tale from D1 here - the whole idea was that I'd look scummy and important to try and draw either pressure or kills from scum. (I could always claim mason if I got under heavy pressure.) It looks like instead I got roleblocked, which says the RB isn't ours. Eh. You win some, you lose some.

Consider antispew mode fully active. If a mason is seriously up for lynch, I might intervene. Don't count on it though.

Nictis: I'm not impressed.We're going to have words tonight.


*Sips Pepsi*

Okay. Here's how I look at this

Scenario 1-
Nicits/Evenstar is trustworthy.

Scum now have a better target selection, this makes some people suspect.

Top of that list is Absum, who this day has tried to spin this around to lynching Nictis a few times, especially Early.
Comi, A random 1-shot bulletproof town in a VIP game? Set-up wise I'm thinking something suspicious here.
DG, I'm not really sold on this, this is partially gut partially thinking I should be seeing more but the Even post pre-reveal looks, at least solid, decent.
and finally Interstellar...who am not liking the directions they took in reads and such. Something feels off

Scenaro 2-
Nictis: "Hi, my name is Prince Geralt and this is my favorite Kingdom"

Like...if this is a crazy scum gambit bravo...you fooled me. Now this brings me to well...Obviously this means NIctis/Even are scum together and played a galaxy brain level play knowing it would be suicidal for a real VIP to reveal to counter claim this but at the same time make anyone who could push against them look super suspect.

Ugh...I'm going to redive into absum

[X] Lynch Absum

But tomorrow, now i have to do more in-depth set-up spec but I'm pretty sure Roleblocker is scum now. Was on the fence about it but not really anymore. Like...jesus h...
The following people are 100% town for reasons.


Take this list with a grain of salt, obviously - I'm probably wrong about someone on it - but I'm never lynching inside it today.

I make no claims as to the mason membership or non-membership of the people on this list.
Going with an Absum lynch because I don't think they'd be lynching their own doc and I'm so paranoid at this point of someone flipping doc and it being game over. I don't like blindly trusting people like this, and I'm unsure if they're actually scum, but I can know with a decent amount of certainty that they aren't someone we lose by lynching. People have also raised other points against them in the past, and they did push early against nictis... if there's some fault in this logic, holler, but please nobody reveal too much (or anything, if you can help it).

[X] Lynch Absum
What a mess Ive returned to... here I was, wondering how much I could say in a game like this, where information is to be treated like precious diamonds, and then I see claims all over the place...

It should go without saying that nobody should be claiming Anything. Right now, scum needs to find the protective roles and take them down before getting to nictis. Every claim narrows their pool down a little more.

I agree 100%
Uh, it is unclear who protectives should protect now.

If they protect Nictis will it get caught by Even instead and be wasted? If they protect Even will they get killed?

Also, tbh, I don't believe this at all and consider it another fishing attempt and bluff. It's probably a risky move trying to get a flawless win.
Also it's great that you all think nobody should claim but obviously I am going to claim later today and you're all going to be pretty fucking sad (except for scum, I suppose).
god fucking damnit I need to stop leaving parts of deleted posts into my new posts, that first sentence was there for a longer post that I decided to delete
Not sure if this is any help, but for those who missed it the first time, I toneread people

And from what I saw of Nictis, the easy camaraderie he shared with ES made me wonder about the two of them, especially when compared with some of his interactions with others...at least, from a tonereading standpoint

Wont post all of my notes here, but here are some highlights:

*) Whatever rolecard Nanimani pulled, he is NOT cooperating with Nictis

*) Similar to the above, 1K and ES are NOT working together

*) Due to the nature of the Veil, there is a possibility that nobody (with a single exception I can name off the top of my head) has the ability to coordinate via QT, including the maf

*) The Veil supposedly renders us unable to recognize one another, so why did ES claim to be in a neighborhood? Does this have something to do with how friendly he was with Nictis (and viceversa) even as early as D1?

This is just a peek into why I kept Nictis/ES as Neutral, because on one hand I thought they were either townies heavily involved with maintaining the Veil, or mafs with powers that could possibly circumvent or exploit a loophole in the Veil...

If they were really town, it was my responsibility as a fellow townie to not bring too much attention to them, and if they were maf they needed to be taken down yesterday

Thats why Nictis was one of the 4 on my must ISO list during D2, because to me it was imperative that I figure out whether to back him (and ES by association) or to start wailing on him/them

My thoughts on the roleclaim Nictis made can be summarized as the following:

"Well...Sounds plausible, and could explain some things...but I just dont know."
Hmm. Est. Hm.
Real talk, it's pretty inconclusive. We're going to try to do two reads of this, one where we call everything and it's grandma scum and the other where we're wrong about it's grandma. (How the fuck does the grammar on that work anyways) ((The grandmmar if you will)) (((it's late shut up)))
We're going to try to build two narratives, and see whether they make sense.
Be warned, walls of text ahead. I didn't even analyze any D3 stuff.

Read 1: Est is 100% Scum!
D1, Est begins by asking a great many questions and giving very few answers. Not gonna support this with quotes, I ain't got that kinda time. There's a fair number. Go to page 8 or 9 ish to fact check. Notably, some interrogation of Evenstar re: neighborhood

Then Meso starts suspecting -Rosen, very tentatively. Est starts out by vaguely supporting the Rosen lynch- notably before Nictis had jumped aboard the disaster train.
Now that Ive read the thread until the latest post, if Rosen were truly scum I see him trying to set up a helpful persona, then propose different camps with his talk of the current setup, giving his homies a chance to infiltrate these factions. Thereby dividing the town.

...except he then immediately reverses that.

My current thoughts after my third reread of the thread:

At this point in the game, Rosen looks like certified USDA approved Mislynch Bait. Meso made some good points, but my personal experience speaking with Rosen was NAI, as it was too short-lived. I'll wait till he comes back for another chat, in the meantime I'll try picking up new lines of questioning.
If we're dedicated to scum!Est then this could be laying the groundwork to push the mislynch if necessary- or simply opposing the lynch for town cred, while still trying to sow suspicion. Or, well, just opposing the lynch for town cred.

There's a couple more halfhearted defences of -Rosen, setting up for cheap town cred.
Another thing @Absum , you focused on Rosen for using RNG to guess who's scum but what about the others who went along with question 3? why are they exempt from this line of questioning?
Thanks Meso

Ok this is my last post before I leave

I mostly agree with everything you said, but sometimes a townie makes an ice breaker post that doesnt really help with wolf detecting but the wolves swarm and respond to it, to look busy and add to their post counts, etc.

With that said, @-Rosen if you really are town you better start hunting because multiple people have been pinged
The following (real time) day, Est mostly postulates about the game setup. Didn't analyze this section too closely, but this quote in particular could easily be fishing for power roles.
If the game is neighborhood based, then the Merovin faction and the invaders faction would each start with 2 people, and then each would auto-grow by vote. Bringing into the fold people they believe they can trust.

So each faction may have an investigator type role to help with that.

Invaders would also have an additional vote to night kill someone, because this is still mafia and thus they must be aiming for the king or whatever important PRs the townies have
Est then goes inactive for a while, citing a death in the family. We won't be so gauche as to analyze that.

When they return, we have this, seeming to argue that -Rosen isn't a mislynch.
Before I get into my personal reads I want to say, that while there have been some general fear of Rosen being a mislynch, no one has provided a reason as to why this could be a mislynch

Ugh, explaining is hard

Skimming the thread there was a mention of 1) Rosen being proud of being a hard to read player (playstyle argument), 2) Rosen just flat out making a bad play/mistake, etc., 3) not enough damning evidence to lynch Rosen, and 4) gut feeling that Rosen is a mislynch

These could explain why Rosen might not be maf, but it doesnt explain why Rosen might be town

Like, I try not to read people asymmetrically, especially if Ive never met them before, and the people who gave the reasons stated above didnt follow up on it as far as I can tell, or maybe they just kept their reasons to themselves?? idk

But I havent seen anyone take the extra step, critically thinking about why Rosens thoughts might be coming from a town mindset, they just looked at the general case and said "yeah, but could be townie, because x"

@Cyricubed if you see this before we hit EoD, could I ask you why Rosen went from a scum read to a neutral read?

Finally, late in the day when it's quite clear that -Rosen will be getting lynched, Est distances himself from the proceedings.
ISOing people confuses me when I try to do it on D1, because Im afraid that I may end up putting the horse before the cart

What I focus on D1, is not the content of the post, but the tone of the posts

(yeah yeah, laugh it up)


During the awkward "getting to know you stage" Rosen seemed like a joker, life of the party, went along with my dumb joke, etc etc

+Clarified himself when I asked him why he was asking people about the ES/Pawn dynamic despite Pawn being a GM not a player

+Said the random/RNG thing was a joke, which lined up with what I was reading on him so far

Then the accusations started happening, and when I try to see this from his POV, I would think:

"crap Im definitely town but at this rate i might end up mislynched and mislynches are BAD because while trying to hit scum D1 is hard as #?!$, as town its my responsibility to save my fellow townies from mislynches so i should try to calm them down"

When Nictis and Meso started pushing him in earnest, again if I try to see this from his POV id be getting really frustrated at them for FOSing me, frustrated at myself maybe for poorly thought out responses, this wasnt supposed to happen, etc

Moving away from this, Im not throwing shade at Nictis and Meso or accusing them of tunneling because as weird as it sounds, pushing people you scumread until you end up townreading them is not anything new, and people like to argue

And this is why I am NOT voting for Rosen, but someone else
Eventually dropping a doomed-to-fail lynch on Ban.

Day 2, Est is lying low. He votes Ban immediately, without providing any more justification than he did last night. He posts the following fairly weak reads. When pressed to justify the Ban vote, he cites the first of these posts. All in all, Est essentially just dodges attention D2. The Ban vote is pretty much doomed from the start, so it's little more indicative than a NULL
I still have to read page 30-34 but here, have my current reads

Absum: Chill dude, gets the point across, asks pointed questions, almost everything I want in a town player right here...used to be rated higher but the fact that 2 people townread him on D1 with no explanation made me wary, because the cake could be a lie
1K: Seems to genuinely be trying to win the game her own way
PW: Frustration at not knowing anything is a town mindset, but combined with the reveal of a possible 'twist' of the current game setup, I cant put him any higher...plus I am self aware of my weakness to appeals to emotion

CANT MAKE UP MY MIND (but verging on scumlean)
Cyricubed: A lot of going back and forth on this one, his deep ISO of Absum and TD simultaneously on D1 felt like useless busywork to me especially with the weak conclusion at the end and all the NAI posts that didnt need to be included, BUT I am liking his later posts
Nictis: Some grit I dont like, and some refusal to be tamed that I do like, plus that decision to do a partial-reveal of his in-game knowledge could be seen as a masterful play by a maf to cover his ass...I wouldnt lynch him early either way, because if he were maf his posts provide content to bounce off of, and if he were town it would be terrible if we lost 3 strong townies in a row...
Ban: Toneread them as distant, or perhaps disconnected from the thread on D1, and then came his vote to lynch ES which contained a backdoor in the same post, both which would make sense from the lens of a maf, but recent reveal of RL stuff has me reconsider my scumread anew
ES: see Nictis

Cyri, Absum, 1K, Nictis: The sooner I can confirm my reads on them, the less I have to worry about – especially Nictis

Some quick hits:

Almost every read on this list is the direct opposite of mine... have my shortcomings caught up to me once again?

@Absum if/when you see this, you once said you found some interaction between Nictis and ES on D1 strange/weird/off, care to explain/expand on why that is?

Now, since basically anyone could be found scummy under a reading like that, we're going to try again except being charitable.
Est asks a bunch of questions, but supplies few answers. This is actually somewhat hard to justify as town, but also not super important since we're still basically in meme phase.

Meso posts suspicions of -Rosen. Est presses him on these suspicions. Meso responds. Est concedes that there is a scum explanation for -Rosen
Now that Ive read the thread until the latest post, if Rosen were truly scum I see him trying to set up a helpful persona, then propose different camps with his talk of the current setup, giving his homies a chance to infiltrate these factions. Thereby dividing the town.

...but he doesn't think it's likely.

My current thoughts after my third reread of the thread:

At this point in the game, Rosen looks like certified USDA approved Mislynch Bait. Meso made some good points, but my personal experience speaking with Rosen was NAI, as it was too short-lived. I'll wait till he comes back for another chat, in the meantime I'll try picking up new lines of questioning.

Est then proceeds to defend -Rosen, though somewhat halfheartedly.
Another thing @Absum , you focused on Rosen for using RNG to guess who's scum but what about the others who went along with question 3? why are they exempt from this line of questioning?
Thanks Meso

Ok this is my last post before I leave

I mostly agree with everything you said, but sometimes a townie makes an ice breaker post that doesnt really help with wolf detecting but the wolves swarm and respond to it, to look busy and add to their post counts, etc.

With that said, @-Rosen if you really are town you better start hunting because multiple people have been pinged

The following day, Est mostly postulates about the game setup. Didn't analyze this section too closely, but postulating about the game setup is quite possibly just curiousity.
Est then goes inactive for a while, citing a death in the family. We won't be so gauche as to analyze that.

When they return, we have this, some frankly rather good advice about how we should have been arguing against the -Rosen lynch.
Before I get into my personal reads I want to say, that while there have been some general fear of Rosen being a mislynch, no one has provided a reason as to why this could be a mislynch

Ugh, explaining is hard

Skimming the thread there was a mention of 1) Rosen being proud of being a hard to read player (playstyle argument), 2) Rosen just flat out making a bad play/mistake, etc., 3) not enough damning evidence to lynch Rosen, and 4) gut feeling that Rosen is a mislynch

These could explain why Rosen might not be maf, but it doesnt explain why Rosen might be town

Like, I try not to read people asymmetrically, especially if Ive never met them before, and the people who gave the reasons stated above didnt follow up on it as far as I can tell, or maybe they just kept their reasons to themselves?? idk

But I havent seen anyone take the extra step, critically thinking about why Rosens thoughts might be coming from a town mindset, they just looked at the general case and said "yeah, but could be townie, because x"

@Cyricubed if you see this before we hit EoD, could I ask you why Rosen went from a scum read to a neutral read?

Finally, we get a very plausible reason for not joining the -Rosen train.
ISOing people confuses me when I try to do it on D1, because Im afraid that I may end up putting the horse before the cart

What I focus on D1, is not the content of the post, but the tone of the posts

(yeah yeah, laugh it up)


During the awkward "getting to know you stage" Rosen seemed like a joker, life of the party, went along with my dumb joke, etc etc

+Clarified himself when I asked him why he was asking people about the ES/Pawn dynamic despite Pawn being a GM not a player

+Said the random/RNG thing was a joke, which lined up with what I was reading on him so far

Then the accusations started happening, and when I try to see this from his POV, I would think:

"crap Im definitely town but at this rate i might end up mislynched and mislynches are BAD because while trying to hit scum D1 is hard as #?!$, as town its my responsibility to save my fellow townies from mislynches so i should try to calm them down"

When Nictis and Meso started pushing him in earnest, again if I try to see this from his POV id be getting really frustrated at them for FOSing me, frustrated at myself maybe for poorly thought out responses, this wasnt supposed to happen, etc

Moving away from this, Im not throwing shade at Nictis and Meso or accusing them of tunneling because as weird as it sounds, pushing people you scumread until you end up townreading them is not anything new, and people like to argue

And this is why I am NOT voting for Rosen, but someone else
Eventually dropping a doomed-to-fail lynch on Ban.

Day 2, Est doesn't have much to say. He votes Ban immediately, without providing any more justification than he did last night. He posts the following fairly weak reads. When pressed to justify the Ban vote, he cites the first of these posts. All in all, Est essentially just doesn't do much D2.
I still have to read page 30-34 but here, have my current reads

Absum: Chill dude, gets the point across, asks pointed questions, almost everything I want in a town player right here...used to be rated higher but the fact that 2 people townread him on D1 with no explanation made me wary, because the cake could be a lie
1K: Seems to genuinely be trying to win the game her own way
PW: Frustration at not knowing anything is a town mindset, but combined with the reveal of a possible 'twist' of the current game setup, I cant put him any higher...plus I am self aware of my weakness to appeals to emotion

CANT MAKE UP MY MIND (but verging on scumlean)
Cyricubed: A lot of going back and forth on this one, his deep ISO of Absum and TD simultaneously on D1 felt like useless busywork to me especially with the weak conclusion at the end and all the NAI posts that didnt need to be included, BUT I am liking his later posts
Nictis: Some grit I dont like, and some refusal to be tamed that I do like, plus that decision to do a partial-reveal of his in-game knowledge could be seen as a masterful play by a maf to cover his ass...I wouldnt lynch him early either way, because if he were maf his posts provide content to bounce off of, and if he were town it would be terrible if we lost 3 strong townies in a row...
Ban: Toneread them as distant, or perhaps disconnected from the thread on D1, and then came his vote to lynch ES which contained a backdoor in the same post, both which would make sense from the lens of a maf, but recent reveal of RL stuff has me reconsider my scumread anew
ES: see Nictis

Cyri, Absum, 1K, Nictis: The sooner I can confirm my reads on them, the less I have to worry about – especially Nictis

Some quick hits:

Almost every read on this list is the direct opposite of mine... have my shortcomings caught up to me once again?

@Absum if/when you see this, you once said you found some interaction between Nictis and ES on D1 strange/weird/off, care to explain/expand on why that is?

Honestly, there's a fair amount that's definitely fishing for information. There's a decent amount more that's quite possibly circumspect fishing for information. This alone is making me scumlean.
Also, Est's posting has been very low impact, and they haven't really pressed any argument to speak of.
Day 1 they do argue against the -Rosen lynch, but they are drawn away by commitments for too long to make a difference.
Day 2 their posts are barely above zero-information, and they don't argue for their chosen lynch at all.

The scum-explanation for Est's behavior applies to literally anyone who didn't follow the -Rosen lynch. There's a bit of suspectness in how halfhearted it was, but... that's weak reasoning. Really weak. That chunk can't honestly be considered scum indicative.

I'm considering switching from Absum to Est. Gonna look at one more first, and hope there's an actually compelling case for someone.

As an aside, I noticed Nanimani voted Est D1, went to see if there was anything to glean from that.
So, it's 1:18, and I still don't feel like there's anything new on either lynch. In addition, feels like there's just... Six people posting, max?
The major argument for Rosen not being scum, in my mind, is that it's getting to the point where people won't be back before day end, and pretty much no one's trying to get the vote off them.

Also, Rosen, I can only say the same thing so many times before I stop bothering. If you want to make a mountain out of this, fine, but I'm going to get bored if no one joins in.
That was not an invitation for a train. If I wake up lynched, I will be rather upset.

But seriously, the reasons for Rosen, as much disdain as I'm feeling for their arguments, only really come out to a mediocre lynch, and there's evidence against it. I don't see a better lynch, but there are lynches that aren't near the end without people arguing against them.

Though that said, now that I'm looking at lynch votes, he's still only at a 2-person wagon at this point, tied with TD/Evenstar. Taking my vote off would put him below both wagons. Est is eh, but. Hm. Only yellows I have are Rosen and a couple associations that were the Reasons I wanted to check, and hm. Well, this is the sum total of my notes for Ban. "Going after the person that knows things because "Cult cult cult" Feels like trying to pawn away a valuable role."

There's also Absum, but I think that was probably me being trigger-happy with notes early. And I *still* didn't get many people. That was just... Not understanding that someone might be confused they're town when we all thought the Merovin people were gonna be maf insurgent cell or w/e rang wrong to me, but well. It feels like scum'd probably be able to understand that too, come to think of it, so should probably put them back to neutral. Need to adjust Nictis read to cyan too. Need reads. Notes are way too sparse. Also need sleep.

Also, not gonna update this based on Est's post a couple seconds ago.

At this point I'm essentially vanilla so I don't really care, I'm never going to be shot by scum, I'd suggest a town vig attack me if they want but only if it isn't limited shot if they want to prove that but that seems ineffective and unlikely to actually clear me.

As I've said I should be eliminated at some point I'm too much of a liability for mislynches later, but I still want town to win so I'm not going to just fully give up.

Guys, I cant fight it anymore; this is a townpost from Comi...I think that those voting to lynch him might just be wrong

I spent the majority of the game just trying my hardest not to make a mistake instead of just going with my reads the whole way, not sure why...but not this time! If Im right, I get a taste of glory, and if Im wrong Im going to look like a total softhearted and easily influenced moron, but f### it if Im not stepping up and saying something now
Some time ago I gave Comi a light scumread for posting that giant textwall of his to "look busy" and therefore earn some easy town points, and he responded that yes, he wanted to look busy and he wanted people to react to his notes to generate discussion/content

I left this line of questioning alone, both for future analysis and because I wanted to latch onto something else before I brought it up again

Fast forward to the present...

During an exchange with ES, Comi said the following when questioned about his role:

Literally to look townie enough to get shot. That it.

This answer, combined with everything else, convinces me to lay off Comi during this Day phase

(But rest assured Im still eyeing him for the...whatever it is he tried to do earlier)
Uh, well then. I, uh, might've been mistaken about Evenstar, it seems. Nictis has reliably seemed town to me this game (then again, Nictis) and I trust them, so I'm just gonna get this vote off Even. Gonna look for someone else to vote instead. I've been getting a town impression earlier this game from Absum, so I'm gonna have to reread their posts before actually committing to that lynch, and Comiturtle's claims seemed odd to me. Gonna have to check their posts as well. Anyways.

[X] Null Evenstar
I ended up not having the time/energy to do a second big inspection, so what I'm going to do is Null for now.

[X] Null

I'm gonna post a "happy to lynch/willing to lynch/willing to vote to save" list, so that my vote is predictable. I don't expect the list to change, but if there's compelling arguments maybe it will.
Hopefully, by the time I check tonight, someone will have something that makes one of these people a more compelling lynch than the others.

This list is made under the assumption that Nictis + Evenstar roleclaim is true.

Happy to lynch- I think they scummy, but on poor evidence. Will vote for one of these four in absence of tactical considerations.
Est (see iso)
BanTheFairyKing (Vague sense of disquiet. Would have been next on my examine list)
DimensionGuy (Too quiet)
Happerry (Too quiet)

Willing to lynch- will lynch one to save someone. Will not otherwise lynch barring new and compelling evidence.
PyrrosWarrior (too quiet, but not that quiet.)
mesonoxian (Bad D1 lynch, some odd poking about)
Absum (interactions re Nanimani)

Willing to let die- I think they are town, but am not willing to stake my vote on that belief. Will not lynch them to save someone.

Willing to lynch to save:
ComiTurtle- believe the roleclaim (faking that would take some real 4d chess)
Nictis- by assumptions
Evenstar- by assumptions
InterstellarHobo- because dying isn't fun