A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Oh right, seeing that as I've got the largest number of votes now, what do y'all want me to do wrt claiming?

I do plan to claim if I think I'm gonna get lynched, this is mostly if you'd prefer it tonight or tomorrow.
Oh right, seeing that as I've got the largest number of votes now, what do y'all want me to do wrt claiming?

I do plan to claim if I think I'm gonna get lynched, this is mostly if you'd prefer it tonight or tomorrow.
I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say.
Apologies for the short abscence. I've no clue who to trust, and those that I've earlier read as town-ish is pretty quickly dropping down to more scummy territory. At the very least, Comi is reading pretty scummy to my inexperienced, easily swayed eyes. Absum vs Nictis is town vs town, on that I'm fairly certain at least, but I really didn't like Comi or Even this day. Also, Est remains completely invisible to me. Can't remember a single thing about them once more, even thought they are posting.
Give me more time guys

Its near impossible to quote 20+ things on a phone, and I dont get my laptop back until tonight
I can post this for now, at least...

Here are my incomplete reads as of the beginning of D3, which I will expand on later:

Sort of trusted - Cyri, PW, Absum, 1K

Null - Happerry

Neutral (leaning scum) - Comi, Ban, Nictis, ES

Scum - Meso, DG

Im betting on 2-3 wolves (not including LttL), so at least 1 guy from my Sort of Trusted and/or 1 from my Neutral list is prolly scum
Okay, so, a few thoughts now that I'm catching up.

1: The roleblocker is almost definitely scum, because Nani was blocked N1 and then killed N2. If you are the roleblocker and you are not scum, this is very much your last chance to claim.

2: Note the accuracy of the block/kill. Nanimani was the Captain Of The Guard, almost certainly a power role. (Bodyguard? Gunsmith?) They got exactly zero chances to use their night power. That points towards "someone experienced is scum" - that, or scum are better informed than usual.

3: Let's assume it was player skill for the moment. Who then should we suspect? Well, there's me, but I'm town and also not actually that great at night kills. Cyri? They're known for strong SK play, and a lot of that is knowing who to kill when. Nictis? Having GMd for Nictis The Busdriver, he's got suprisingly good accuracy even when his reads are terrible. Nanimani is dead. QTesseract ia dead. Could it be Comiturtle? They definitely have the analysis skills, and they're acting weird regarding what they did last night. (Stressing that they acted pretty much at random... but then claiming that they have no night action? What's up with that?)

Definitely stressing more about Nictis' alignment as well.

4: BanTheFairyKing is getting near-universally scumread but has seen no real pressure. I think I'd like to address that.

... But after doing the below readslist I think I have more pressing concerns.




Actually now that I've built this... gut says DimensionalGuy is scummy as hell, and they seem to be sliding under the radar. Let's have a look at that.

[x] Lynch DimensionalGuy
How in the world did I end up on the top of that list?

Well, anyway, time to go read everything that was posted while I was asleep.
I agree with pressuring DG, and I'm honestly going to say I really don't know how to feel on comiturtle despite them posting a lot recently. The disorganized nature of their posts, and their untimely ending of their ruse does point to them not being a part of a team, or at least to them not paying attention to them. I also can't really see what scum!comi would be getting out of this, outside of distracting from something more important. I'm gonna try and take a look at what that might have been later, but for now...

[X] Null

Now that Look to the Left has flipped scum, would you like to explain this comment?
Err. I had a new theory on Nictis being scum but I could also easily see him as this guard captain. So I guess I'll wait with typing up a post until we know who's dead?

Also nothing happened to me.
The only posts from LttL that I think could be used.

I guess the only notable thing (to me) is liking Absum, and disliking Evenstar. This doesn't mean that Absum is Scum and Even is town, but that goes without saying.
I mean, I'm still operating on the assumption that a SK wouldn't be included in this game, but even then the kill flavor seems to be pretty gruesome? And the name 'Bloodletter Brotherhood' makes me think 'more than one.' The part about leaving an assassin lying around does suggest working alone, but there seems to be hints either way. Also an SK seems less likely given we've had only one kill each night. At least that's my thought process.
A collection of possibly relevant posts/topics broached before Comi's claim. Not sure any of these are really so dangerous for scum they'd intentionally chaospost... liking this theory less and less. Rereading Comi's posts is leaving a town impression on me, but I am pretty susceptible to read people differently when I'm feeling empathetic towards them. Need to think more...
Could it be Comiturtle? They definitely have the analysis skills, and they're acting weird regarding what they did last night. (Stressing that they acted pretty much at random... but then claiming that they have no night action? What's up with that?)

Well, I didn't want to jump into the game claiming I don't have a night action, so I specifically obfuscated that whilst being honest to the game as a whole I'm pretty sure I used an "If any" in that post though. And early day 2, I felt I could turn around the slot into someone night kill worthy, didn't expect how busy I'd end up and then I was stuck in the muck.
Earlier, my Even read was suspicion, and now that suspicion is way worse.
1: The roleblocker is almost definitely scum, because Nani was blocked N1 and then killed N2. If you are the roleblocker and you are not scum, this is very much your last chance to claim.

2: Note the accuracy of the block/kill. Nanimani was the Captain Of The Guard, almost certainly a power role. (Bodyguard? Gunsmith?) They got exactly zero chances to use their night power. That points towards "someone experienced is scum" - that, or scum are better informed than usual.

3: Let's assume it was player skill for the moment. Who then should we suspect? Well, there's me, but I'm town and also not actually that great at night kills. Cyri? They're known for strong SK play, and a lot of that is knowing who to kill when. Nictis? Having GMd for Nictis The Busdriver, he's got suprisingly good accuracy even when his reads are terrible. Nanimani is dead. QTesseract ia dead. Could it be Comiturtle? They definitely have the analysis skills, and they're acting weird regarding what they did last night. (Stressing that they acted pretty much at random... but then claiming that they have no night action? What's up with that?)
(Stressing that they acted pretty much at random... but then claiming that they have no night action? What's up with that?)
Ah. Damn.

I think that's the biggest indicator of Town Comi now that I've connected it and his claim in my head. Blegh.

Anyways, had a long shift today, gonna go home and eat, then do a quick check on Meso to see if he could be an Assassin. Probably also read the stuff I skimmed yesterday now that I'm feeling better as well.

Looking forward to breakfast though.
I do agree with Eva on the roleblocker being likely scum, or they're Absum. Or both.
Well, let's start with that I don't buy this logic. At all.
1: The roleblocker is almost definitely scum, because Nani was blocked N1 and then killed N2. If you are the roleblocker and you are not scum, this is very much your last chance to claim.
Someone being blocked and then killed the next night has no correlation at all. The second, blatantly fishing for the roleblocker. As I don't buy the reasoning behind the roleblocker being scum, this just seems reads scum to me.
2: Note the accuracy of the block/kill. Nanimani was the Captain Of The Guard, almost certainly a power role. (Bodyguard? Gunsmith?) They got exactly zero chances to use their night power. That points towards "someone experienced is scum" - that, or scum are better informed than usual.
While they did not get a chance to use their power, that can merely be attributed to chance, or do you propose that scum has a rolecop, that thet sent with their supposed roleblocker? If you believe that they have another means of gathering that information, then please present it.
3: Let's assume it was player skill for the moment. Who then should we suspect? Well, there's me, but I'm town and also not actually that great at night kills. Cyri? They're known for strong SK play, and a lot of that is knowing who to kill when. Nictis? Having GMd for Nictis The Busdriver, he's got suprisingly good accuracy even when his reads are terrible. Nanimani is dead. QTesseract ia dead. Could it be Comiturtle? They definitely have the analysis skills, and they're acting weird regarding what they did last night. (Stressing that they acted pretty much at random... but then claiming that they have no night action? What's up with that?)
Okay, let's assume. Cyri, Nictis, Comi and you are certainly people that I would call skilled enough to accurately read Nani's role, but I wouldn't call you town with certainty. But either way I don't think that assumption is true. All any scum would need to kill Nani would be to think that they were a contribution to town, since it's known that Nani is skilled.

Either way. Due to this, earlier posts and odd voting, I'm inclined to think that Evenstar is scum. I think they are fishing for good power roles to kill, or maybe fishing for power roles to narrow down who the VIP is, if there is one.

Gonna go through the thread and check every Evenstar post for comments or plays that feel off to me.