A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

I am Sir Frederik, the strongest knight of the kingdom, I would never betray my lord, even though he be fallen. @Evenstar

(Wish I was vig though... would have an out to these mistakes.)

I replaced during the night phase, and like if you believe me scum why wouldn't you just assume I was lying about any reason behind any night action I took at that point I'd just ask my ally what to do or what was going on.

So you're claiming bodyguard, or...?
So you're claiming bodyguard, or...?

Not a bodyguard. I'm just legitimately night immune, whatever full info bleed. One time only. Like as I said the play of my predecessor really took up my ability to try and suck in a night kill so I had to come up with different solutions how to be effective for town given my poor performance day 2.
Not a bodyguard. I'm just legitimately night immune, whatever full info bleed. One time only. Like as I said the play of my predecessor really took up my ability to try and suck in a night kill so I had to come up with different solutions how to be effective for town given my poor performance day 2.

Of what possible use is a straight 1-shot bulletproof townie? :thonk:
At this point I'm essentially vanilla so I don't really care, I'm never going to be shot by scum, I'd suggest a town vig attack me if they want but only if it isn't limited shot if they want to prove that but that seems ineffective and unlikely to actually clear me.

As I've said I should be eliminated at some point I'm too much of a liability for mislynches later, but I still want town to win so I'm not going to just fully give up.
... you do realize you're literally claiming "bulletproof vig" there, right?

I'm not a vig, I have no ability to have night actions at all, I've not even received anything besides my role PM from LDJ since replacing in. My flavor indicates I'm an unmatched warrior but all I get to do is defend myself mechanically night immunity is my only power. I really don't get how you are reading that I'm claiming anything else.
On a different note than all this, I'm still shakily suspicious of Absum, as I mentioned last night.
The reasons:
-Absum's initial confusion in the discussion with QTesseract: This is a weaksauce reason, and really not worth justifying a lynch on.
-Voted on Nanimani D2 (disregarding reasoning): This isn't even really scum indicative if last night's pulping was meant to hit Nanimani, so unless I'm right about Nanimani having been bodyguard this is meaningless. Even if I'm right, it's only weakly scum indicative.
-Bad reasoning for voting Nanimani, specifically
The timing and Reasons (though on current ISO I do actually like the now provided actual reason) of the -Rosen vote and importantly the timing of leaving the -Rosen vote,
this chunk, since the timing of leaving the -Rosen vote in question is actually town indicative.

So... not a whole lot to convince me Absum is scum, but enough that Abscum is plausible. I'd like to see other's arguments before dropping my vote.

@Nictis, @ComiTurtle, @Evenstar, anything further to add, or links to old analyses? I don't have enough suspicion to justify a lynch as is, and if you guys have provided your reasoning I missed it.
(Though I guess Evenstar's reasoning is "well it's better than no lynch")
At this point I have no idea who I want to be lynching. Things have gotten extra confusing bleg. I do agree that a lot of the fights so far seem town verses town though, even if the ruse stuff still feels poorly.
So the parts needed for my computer won't arrive until wednesday at the earliest, which is especially frustrating and stressful given I can't really work until I get it (on top of not having my notes). Probably going to be about as useful as I have historically been this day phase.
You're tied for lynching with @ComiTurtle now. Anything you want to say?
I already talked about Nictis' reasons the previous Day, Comi and ES literally didn't provide any and InterstellarHobo's main reason seems to be disagreement over whether something Nani did looked scum or not.

So not really. I'm still planning on looking at less active people but haven't actually done anything yet and I don't really want to waste time defending myself again before that.
Aside from that I think the Comi vote is understandable but not sure I want to join it. I do still want to vote Nictis but Ban is making me suspicious so I wanna wait until after I've checked.

Evenstar is also right that it's better to have a vote on board though and it's not like it's hammer anyway so I guess I actually will vote anyway

[X] Lynch Nictis

Might switch to someone else later but depends on what I find.

Also @Happerry and @DimensionalGuy you should post some things (preferably reads or new analyses if you have them) because you're still below QT in post count.
Er, to be clear that was prompted by the "It's better to have a vote on board."
I'm still super iffy about this lynch.
[X] Lynch Absum
[Pyrros and 1K Stuff]
Why are people so focused on trying to make sense of what the setup is with fluff, but also ignoring the GM basically outlining what a scum goal is?
Because there likely being some kind of VIP involved has been pushed since Day 1 and the fact that it is called the "Hidden Crown" protocal already adds to that. There is nothing to talk about dude, hence why we were talking instead about how the Bloodletters faction revealed last Day fit with the invaders being a faction (or not being a faction as 1k suggested). Don't be obnoxious about this please.

Even on the possibility that you and Evenstar are both scum and therefore lying about the win condition to mislead everyone, it's not like my own win condition is incompatible with the thought of protecting a specific player anyhow since they still lead to the same outcome. Bickering over the goal in my position is rather pointless.
We've already talked about how you can't call Survivors for fluff.

Also, I am not happy with you claiming over that.
No we didn't. You told me your thoughts, and I gave a reply that you and everybody but Comi ignored. Furthermore, it wasn't just based on fluff if you had been following the conversation. I had been objecting to Survivors as a possible role in multiple angles the whole Day.

It's basically an affirmation of what I said in Day 2 in the before-mentioned reply to you anyways, so it's not like I am particularly revealing anything new. I saw something suspicious, and I took a stab at it. Given my position, it's not like I am useful in any other measure anyhow. I am doing what I can with what I have, and I'd appreciate if you weren't so hostile about it.

As for the lynches going on, with Nictis I feel he is either an important Town PR like he claims or absolute scum. That whole "king's name" thing says as much about it (assuming he wasn't just making up info). I don't feel there is enough reason to suspect him as lying or misleading at the moment, so I will absolutely not back a lynch this early in case he actually does turn out to be Town because then Town would lose a leading voice. I don't like how he was so quick to go from being the only person voting Comi to switching as soon as the possibility for the Comi lynch to gain momentum opens up though. It could be opportunistic depending on how the rest of the game rolls out from here on out. In summary, he is someone to keep an eye on.

Comi is the safe lynch due to his lies, but the direction he is taking feels odd. I am still not going to take my lynch off him right now though unless there proves to (somehow) be a safer lynch or he pulls off a miracle and makes me trust him, but I could at least entirely see a possibility of him being a Townie who tried to pull off a stupidly hair-brained scheme and failed even though said scheme appears completely nonsensical to me.

Absum feels like it is turning into a greater part of the Nictis vs. Absum debate, and I am really uncertain as to whether either of them makes for a good lynch at the moment. I feel like Nictis keeps pushing this based on information he claims to have; but since I don't have any of that information, I don't particularly know what is so convincing about it.

I do want to hear more from @BanTheFairyKing though since he's been lurking despite being logged on to post at least something.
Also Urg...I didn't think comi could actually throw something at me that would make sense for that back-pedaling but yeah...

[X] Null

Work has mostly been keeping me from formulating a good post but another part of it is me just not wanting to do anything when I get home so I'm gonna get to work on something good
Because there likely being some kind of VIP involved has been pushed since Day 1 and the fact that it is called the "Hidden Crown" protocal already adds to that. There is nothing to talk about dude, hence why we were talking instead about how the Bloodletters faction revealed last Day fit with the invaders being a faction (or not being a faction as 1k suggested). Don't be obnoxious about this please.

Even on the possibility that you and Evenstar are both scum and therefore lying about the win condition to mislead everyone, it's not like my own win condition is incompatible with the thought of protecting a specific player anyhow since they still lead to the same outcome. Bickering over the goal in my position is rather pointless.

No we didn't. You told me your thoughts, and I gave a reply that you and everybody but Comi ignored. Furthermore, it wasn't just based on fluff if you had been following the conversation. I had been objecting to Survivors as a possible role in multiple angles the whole Day.

It's basically an affirmation of what I said in Day 2 in the before-mentioned reply to you anyways, so it's not like I am particularly revealing anything new. I saw something suspicious, and I took a stab at it. Given my position, it's not like I am useful in any other measure anyhow. I am doing what I can with what I have, and I'd appreciate if you weren't so hostile about it.

As for the lynches going on, with Nictis I feel he is either an important Town PR like he claims or absolute scum. That whole "king's name" thing says as much about it (assuming he wasn't just making up info). I don't feel there is enough reason to suspect him as lying or misleading at the moment, so I will absolutely not back a lynch this early in case he actually does turn out to be Town because then Town would lose a leading voice. I don't like how he was so quick to go from being the only person voting Comi to switching as soon as the possibility for the Comi lynch to gain momentum opens up though. It could be opportunistic depending on how the rest of the game rolls out from here on out. In summary, he is someone to keep an eye on.

Comi is the safe lynch due to his lies, but the direction he is taking feels odd. I am still not going to take my lynch off him right now though unless there proves to (somehow) be a safer lynch or he pulls off a miracle and makes me trust him, but I could at least entirely see a possibility of him being a Townie who tried to pull off a stupidly hair-brained scheme and failed even though said scheme appears completely nonsensical to me.

Absum feels like it is turning into a greater part of the Nictis vs. Absum debate, and I am really uncertain as to whether either of them makes for a good lynch at the moment. I feel like Nictis keeps pushing this based on information he claims to have; but since I don't have any of that information, I don't particularly know what is so convincing about it.

I do want to hear more from @BanTheFairyKing though since he's been lurking despite being logged on to post at least something.

I've been asleep, not lurking, but sure. I don't particularly like either the Comi or Absum lynch. If I had to choose one it'd probably be Comi because I didn't like the way he was responding to Nictis, but while I agree that voting every round is extremely important getting on bandwagons I don't particularly like two days early seems premature.