A Certain Scientific XCOM Project

We have Last Order. WORST looks older, and has quite a potty mouth.
Basic MISAKA identification guide:
-Tsundere, hot tempered, actually 14 - Level 5, Original Model
-Tiny and excitable, appears 10 - Last Order, Network Admin
-Emotionless, goggles, appears 14 - MISAKAS 10032-20000. Mass production model. Level 2 equivalent. Network boost makes them Level 3. Capable of Level 4 feats when working together all at once. Not actually emotionless, but they were programmed with stunted emotions to prevent things like wanting to kill the assholes using them as XP drops for Accelerator.
-Cybered, potty mouth, edgelord, appears 16 - MISAKA WORST. Level 4. Augmented everything.
-Not entirely in reality, random flickering - MISAKA of MISAKA. Hivemind manifestation.

Anyway, Level Upper is mostly useless on MISAKAS, their Radio Noise network is more powerful than Level Upper. Level Upper is for those who don't have a convenient power based channel to communicate on, and it's basically just psychic load balancing, taking unused power from one node for another.
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No I mean 33/35 can see the right side door from the hole they'll make in the wall and 34 can see the back door through the counters, from there they can keep track of anyone getting out, probably even which way they run at that.

Hmm, good point. However, my idea was to use 10032 to trigger the front demo charge, with 34 immediately firing, while 33 would trigger the second charge and 35 grenading. If no aliens come out of the right side door, 32 will spent the first turn of combat doing nothing, and we're already badly outnumbered.
-Not entirely in reality, random flickering - MISAKA of MISAKA. Hivemind manifestation.
Is this Level 6 Misaka or does that need to be put on the list as well?
Anyway, Level Upper is mostly useless on MISAKAS, their Radio Noise network is more powerful than Level Upper. Level Upper is for those who don't have a convenient power based channel to communicate on, and it's basically just psychic load balancing, taking unused power from one node for another.
But if we hook at least one up to Level Upper then could we get a bunch of Accel clones to use their processing power for the MISAKAs? Could probably study their network to make LU safe and possibly better as well.
Hmm, good point. However, my idea was to use 10032 to trigger the front demo charge, with 34 immediately firing, while 33 would trigger the second charge and 35 grenading. If no aliens come out of the right side door, 32 will spent the first turn of combat doing nothing, and we're already badly outnumbered.
34 can still see the demo though as well? I don't know, either or is useful, but having her easily able to get to the right alley for flankers/runners would still be good.
Is this Level 6 Misaka or does that need to be put on the list as well?

Nah, that's just regular Misaka overloaded by the network. Screw you, Kihara.

34 can still see the demo though as well? I don't know, either or is useful, but having her easily able to get to the right alley for flankers/runners would still be good.

I don't know. Ref? If she can, then that's perfect.

Anyway, right now, the plan has been edited to reposition 10032. We'll see if we need to move her for the assault.
Is this Level 6 Misaka or does that need to be put on the list as well?
That's just Misaka Prime being overloaded until she stops being human entirely. Not all that different from Black Wing/White Wing Accelerator

But if we hook at least one up to Level Upper then could we get a bunch of Accel clones to use their processing power for the MISAKAs? Could probably study their network to make LU safe and possibly better as well.
Nope, doesn't actually work like that. The Level Upper network is basically a generic version of the Radio Noise network. It means a pyrokinetic on the network only shares pyrokinesis power, and only while they're not actively using their power. It has diversity however.

Besides the processing power thing is specific to math heavy vector-based powers like Accelerator, Kuroko, etc. It's complicated to explain, but esper powers don't actually NEED the math, it's just a concentration prop for their personal mythology.
Sorry, with this I meant Succeed/Fail in getting a genetic sample.
Not really. He still eats, sleeps, changes clothes, and uses the toilet. If we really need a blood sample, we might try dosing his food with blood thinners and harvesting the nosebleed.
It's only if we need a live blood sample that things get tricky. Also maybe superpowered teens complaining about having been cloned to make child soldiers. Fortunately, they're all probably susceptible to knockout gas, or failing that, Sarin.

Wow, writing [evil] options is fun! @MadScientist, I hope you're watching.
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Alright, threw together a basic map + floor plan for you guys. Hopefully this will help you guys make everything work fine.
This seems like impractical amount of work to do for every update in order to keep the "tactical" aspect of the game even in quest format.
I would think that it might be better to make some abstractions. Like "scout", "proceed cautiously", "proceed with haste", etc. with dice rolls and modifiers for rolls. Maybe some opposed rolls too, to avoid ambush, ambush enemies, etc.
This seems like impractical amount of work to do for every update in order to keep the "tactical" aspect of the game even in quest format.
I would think that it might be better to make some abstractions. Like "scout", "proceed cautiously", "proceed with haste", etc. with dice rolls and modifiers for rolls. Maybe some opposed rolls too, to avoid ambush, ambush enemies, etc.
Abstracting it like that kills most of our control, turning a game of skill into a game of chance. Also, I presume @Skarmory won't need to draw a new map every time, given that the most we can do is deploy breaching charges.
Well, it's normal for us to try things right now. Maybe we're trying to micro too much in this mission, we'll see. This mission is a test run for everyone involved, after all. I'm sure we'll manage to find a good balance between micro and macro. Eventually. :whistle:

Anyway! Plan Dynamic Entry, version 3.0! This time, with assault orders!

[X] Misaka 10032 : move one square to the right, overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : move to curtains, set up a demolition charge
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move to corner on her left, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 2 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : double move toward left side of the building, a bit past the counter
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move behind the... steel... plot... thingy? on the left side of the building, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 3 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : set up a demolition charge, move back toward the south west corner of the building
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

[X] Misaka 10032 : triggers front demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10033 : triggers left demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10035 : fragmentation grenade ; aim for the wooden counter ; try to get as many aliens as possible in the blast radius
[X] Misaka 10034 : open fire ; prioritize 1) aliens out in the open ; 2) wounded aliens

Well, it's normal for us to try things right now. Maybe we're trying to micro too much in this mission, we'll see. This mission is a test run for everyone involved, after all. I'm sure we'll manage to find a good balance between micro and macro. Eventually. :whistle:

Anyway! Plan Dynamic Entry, version 3.0! This time, with assault orders!

[X] Misaka 10032 : move one square to the right, overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : move to curtains, set up a demolition charge
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move to corner on her left, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 2 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : double move toward left side of the building, a bit past the counter
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move behind the... steel... plot... thingy? on the left side of the building, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 3 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : set up a demolition charge, move back toward the south west corner of the building
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

[X] Misaka 10032 : triggers front demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10033 : triggers left demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10035 : fragmentation grenade ; aim for the wooden counter ; try to get as many aliens as possible in the blast radius
[X] Misaka 10034 : open fire ; prioritize 1) aliens out in the open ; 2) wounded aliens

Should I remove my other vote?
Maybe wait for the OP input. If he feels my vote is far too complicated, I'll default to yours.
This seems like impractical amount of work to do for every update in order to keep the "tactical" aspect of the game even in quest format.
I would think that it might be better to make some abstractions. Like "scout", "proceed cautiously", "proceed with haste", etc. with dice rolls and modifiers for rolls. Maybe some opposed rolls too, to avoid ambush, ambush enemies, etc.

Abstracting it like that kills most of our control, turning a game of skill into a game of chance. Also, I presume @Skarmory won't need to draw a new map every time, given that the most we can do is deploy breaching charges.

Most of the work involved with the map is done when I actually lay things out at the beginning as HVB suggested.

Paint.NET allows multiple layers that can be edited independently, so what I do is draw out the background 'map' on the bottom layer, then start a new layer and set the units up there. This allows me to easily move units around without having to redraw the whole thing every time. Even the breaching charges don't complicate things too much, because all I have to do is go to the bottom layer and erase the terrain you guys blew up, then return to the top layer and place objects/enemies as needed.

If the maps end up being too much work, then I'll just stop doing them, but I think that as long as I can go every other day with combat updates and keep the scope of the missions limited, it should be fine. 48 hours is a better schedule for a quest like this anyways since it guarantees that everyone will have a chance to get on at least twice before deadline, allowing people to attempt to swing the votes.

Well, it's normal for us to try things right now. Maybe we're trying to micro too much in this mission, we'll see. This mission is a test run for everyone involved, after all. I'm sure we'll manage to find a good balance between micro and macro. Eventually. :whistle:

Anyway! Plan Dynamic Entry, version 3.0! This time, with assault orders!

[X] Misaka 10032 : move one square to the right, overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : move to curtains, set up a demolition charge
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move to corner on her left, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 2 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : double move toward left side of the building, a bit past the counter
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : move behind the... steel... plot... thingy? on the left side of the building, overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

TURN 3 (if no alien response)
[X] Misaka 10032 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10033 : set up a demolition charge, move back toward the south west corner of the building
[X] Misaka 10034 : overwatch
[X] Misaka 10035 : overwatch
[X] All : avoid windows, crouch if necessary

[X] Misaka 10032 : triggers front demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10033 : triggers left demolition charge with Spark ability
[X] Misaka 10035 : fragmentation grenade ; aim for the wooden counter ; try to get as many aliens as possible in the blast radius
[X] Misaka 10034 : open fire ; prioritize 1) aliens out in the open ; 2) wounded aliens


You don't necessarily need that much micro in your vote. If the 'hard mechanics' option had won, then yeah I'd ask you to give me that much, but I'm fine with assuming a reasonable level of caution while you carry out your plan.

The original intention with the riot system was that everyone would submit one '[q] MISAKA 100XX: [order]' each, and you'd have to work together to coordinate your orders and take down the alien forces, but (this update at least) it ended up being 'Nobody vote at all until we've reached a consensus', followed by a single mass vote. Which is totally fine, by the way, as it seems to have accomplished my intention to make it much more difficult/dangerous for people to just silently vote and then leave before the next update-but it's a sort of subversion of the way Riot Voting has worked in other quests, where everyone had to submit individual votes to accomplish a greater goal as a team.

I'll tell you guys what-I'm fine with the 'big plan in one vote' idea so long as no enemies are on screen. Once enemies are in sight, you'll find that it's probably better to submit individual actions in order, person after person. Or maybe you'll keep doing things the way you're doing things, in which case I'll consider going to a normal quest voting system for combat. I'm not too attached to the riot voting system, so if people seem to prefer regular voting with some sort of system to force discussion, then I'm fine with that.

Also I'd call to End the Vote but we have two plans now. *Sigh*

Since there seems to be some confusion on this, I'll make the end vote rule explicit:

Once three consecutive 'End Voting' votes have been submitted with no combat votes occurring in between the first and third 'End Voting' , voting will be closed. Please don't abuse this rule to silence debate.

There seems to be a relatively solid consensus on the broad strokes, so I'm going to begin drawing the map and writing out the update. Expect an update in the next few hours unless a different plan starts to gain support.
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Plan looks good to me. We're going to spot things before T4 likely anyway.

[x]End Voting

The original intention with the riot system was that everyone would submit one '[q] MISAKA 100XX: [order]' each, and you'd have to work together to coordinate your orders and take down the alien forces, but (this update at least) it ended up being 'Nobody vote at all until we've reached a consensus', followed by a single mass vote. Which is totally fine, by the way, as it seems to have accomplished my intention to make it much more difficult/dangerous for people to just silently vote and then leave before the next update-but it's a sort of subversion of the way Riot Voting has worked in other quests, where everyone had to submit individual votes to accomplish a greater goal as a team.

I'm just waiting for the spite votes.
Ok, I'll leave it as such right now, and we'll keep it simple next time.

[x]End Voting
[X] End Voting
I'm just waiting for the spite votes.
Brought this up earlier, he said he'd ignore troll votes.
Most of the work involved with the map is done when I actually lay things out at the beginning as HVB suggested.

Paint.NET allows multiple layers that can be edited independently, so what I do is draw out the background 'map' on the bottom layer, then start a new layer and set the units up there. This allows me to easily move units around without having to redraw the whole thing every time. Even the breaching charges don't complicate things too much, because all I have to do is go to the bottom layer and erase the terrain you guys blew up, then return to the top layer and place objects/enemies as needed.

If the maps end up being too much work, then I'll just stop doing them, but I think that as long as I can go every other day with combat updates and keep the scope of the missions limited, it should be fine. 48 hours is a better schedule for a quest like this anyways since it guarantees that everyone will have a chance to get on at least twice before deadline, allowing people to attempt to swing the votes.
Ohhh... That's what RIOT voting is. I was just following everyone else. *Shrug* There's like 6 or 7 of us actively participating, so that might work alright. We'll probably still be discussing and changing stuff around before we vote I think. Unless that's part of the way its supposed to be played is not having/being able to do that.
[X] End Voting

Brought this up earlier, he said he'd ignore troll votes.

Not troll votes, but someone might get tired of debating and just make their own plans, non-troll ones will a chance of work, eventually. If that starts happening the entire debate block will dissolve and it'll just go back to no discussion votes again. Riot voting seems pretty self-defeating for the purpose of promoting chatter, we've just had a good small group.
Operation Electric Dawn, Part 2
[x] Plan Look to the Left / Macros

"Units 10035 and 10033 to the left, 10032 and 10034 hold position," you order. Almost immediately, you see the camera feeds respond, the girls behind the video goggles moving forward to their designated positions. "10033, plant one breaching charge near where the front door would be, and the other on the west wall of the building. 10035, get in cover behind the trash can on the west side of the building, and prepare for breach."

The girls follow your orders dutifully-a little too dutifully. Within seconds, 10033 has rigged her charge on the front shutter, then runs around the side of the building to plant the second charge. Then she stops short.

"Interrogative, Commander," 10033 says, her voice echoing around the room as it's piped in from the goggle camera. "Is there a specific location where MISAKA should place the charge?"

You quickly consult the floor plans of the building supplied by Academy City, silently thanking god that the tellering windows were built into the building and not added later. "Ten paces north of the southwest corner," you say back. As 10033 follows your orders, you watch her progress closely on the camera, as she quickly strings out a segment of detonation cord in the rough shape of a doorway, and slaps down the shaped breaching charge in the middle.

"Charges placed, commander," 10032 says a moment later. "Awaiting permission to breach."

"10033, return to the southwest corner from the building. On my go, 10033 will detonate the charge on the western side of the building, while 10032 will detonate the charge on the shutter. As soon as the charges are blown, I want 10034 to open fire on any hostile targets while 10035 throws in a grenade to clear the room. Is that understood?"

The four MISAKAs mutter various words of acknowledgement, and move to their designated positions.

"Detonate your explosive in three...two...one...now!"

Two explosions rock the camera feeds. Before the smoke can clear, you hear the pin being pulled on a grenade, followed a few seconds later by a third explosion inside the building. Assault rifle fire rings out from 10034's feed as she fires blindly into the smoke.

A barrage of clicks and guttural screams come from within the room, followed by a volley of returning fire. All of the MISAKAs' camera feeds duck low, showing the ground.

"Status report, 10032!" you call out. "Who's been hit? How many casualties?" On the screens above, you see 10032 peek her head over the edge of the car she's crouching behind as the other MISAKAs follow suit. From there, the reports flood in.

"10032 reports one X-ray down and two wounded. A third live X-ray was spotted fleeing towards the building's northwest corner, but is out of my line of sight." A barrage of gunshots rends the air as 10034 trades fire with an alien crouched behind a teller station; while her burst of fire slams harmlessly into the counter, you can see a splatter of yellow fluid behind the alien."

"10035 confirms 10032's report, and adds that the fleeing X-ray descended the stairs in the--AHH!"

You pivot to your left, examining 10035's feed as she cowers behind the trash can. 10035's view angles downwards and to her right, revealing a bloody wound surrounded by the smoldering remains of her ballistic vest.

"MISAKA is wounded, but operational," 10035 reports, glancing around the side of the can, only to dive back into cover as a yellow burst of plasma fires into the ground from above her.

"What the hell was that?" you demand.

"That was some sort of flying robot!" 10033 reports, glancing around the corner at 10035's position. Green plasma projectiles rain down on 10035's position, slamming into the increasingly battered trash receptacle and the concrete wall next to the embattled MISAKA. A small, black robot that looks roughly like a more menacing cannonball is hovering over the hole in the wall, floating towards 10035.

"10035 is pinned down by enemy fire," 10033 reports, craning her head back around. "Request permission to--"

10033's feed collapses to the ground as the hiss of a yellow plasma blast flies over head. Almost immediately, the view pans upwards to see another cannonball robot floating overhead.



MISAKA 10035

Currently targeted by enemy suppressing fire. Accuracy is decreased and the suppressing enemy is given a free shot if 10035 attempts to change positions.

HP: 3/4 | Armor: 0/1

Rifle ammo: 3 bursts before reload
Frag Grenade: Used
Esper Abilities: Available
MISAKA 10034

HP: 4/4 | Armor: 1/1

Rifle ammo: 2 bursts before reload.
Frag Grenade: Available
Esper Abilities: Available
MISAKA 10033

HP: 4/4 | Armor: 1/1

Rifle ammo: 3 burst before reload
Frag Grenade: Available
Esper Abilities: Spark unavailable (1 turn recharge)
MISAKA 10032

HP: 4/4 | Armor: 1/1

Rifle ammo: 3 bursts before reload.
Frag Grenade: Available
Esper Abilities: Spark unavailable (1 turn recharge)



S1: Deceased
S2: Damaged, behind teller booth; visible to 10034
S3: Damaged, behind stairwell wall; currently suppressing 10035
S4: Unknown, Moved into the stairwell proper (no longer visible)

D1: Hovering overhead at entrance; visible to 10032, 10033, and 10034; currently flanking 10033.
D2: Hovering overhead at west breach location; visible to 10033 and 10035.


[ ] MISAKA 10035
[ ] MISAKA 10034
[ ] MISAKA 10033
[ ] MISAKA 10032


[ ] Change positions
-[ ] Write in

[ ] Fire at an enemy.
-[ ] S2
-[ ] S3
-[ ] S4
-[ ] D1
-[ ] D2

[ ] Assume an overwatch position.

[ ] Use a frag grenade (if available)
-[ ] Write in

[ ] Use an esper ability (if available)
-[ ] Write in