A Certain Scientific XCOM Project

Double post, but I think the next part is figuring out what the enemy is most likely going to do next.

Anyone have a guess or idea?
Okay, that could have been worse.

Spark abilities should be able to deal with the drones, I think? Though maybe 10032 & 10033 have it on cooldown.

EDIT: okay, tentative ideas.

The priority right now is downing the drones, because they can flank us like nobody's business. Fortunately, the MISAKAs are especially suited for the task, each of them having a Spark attack dealing extra damage to mechanical enemies. Having 34 & 35 (I'm assuming that the ability might have a 1-turn cooldown X-COM style, might be wrong) each deal with the nearest drone by shocking it seems like the best plan.

With luck, that's enough, but if not, 32 & 33 can fire at them to finish them off. If there's no need for that, I'd have 32 relocate and grenade S2, and 33 relocate and grenade S3 (this is X-COM. There's no such thing as "too much explosives")

Addendum : I realized 35 is being suppressed, which means 33 should act first. However, there's the risk that Shock wouldn't be enough to one-shot a drone, leaving her in an awkward position.
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Bah! You always end up shooting a few of them anyway, explosives usually just soften them up just enough to gun them down with impunity (and deprive them of their precious cover). Plus, setting stuff on fire is fun!

(but seriously, grenades are a rookie's best friend. Noisy ones, though.)
35: Spark Drone 2
32 Pin/Engage S2
33: Break window and grenade S3 and S4
34: Spark D1
Are we doing this by turns? I'm pretty sure most of the aliens attacked with the exception of S2 who is probably on hidden overwatch.

Okay, so 34 has the high ground. We need to get rid of the drone first before we do anything so I'm thinking have 32 frag it, and then have 34 shoot it. If necessary, then we have 33 shoot it too. Then have 35 half move to full cover and overwatch.
Sparks a 1 to 2 and the rifles are a 3 to 4. The bonus for Spark vs. Mechanical needs to be either a x2 Damage with auto-succeed aiming or x3 Damage (or greater) in order to be worth using over the rifle.

Or disabling them for a turn (or more). Honestly that'd be great.
Right, if I wasn't clear, I meant to ask what exactly the bonus against mechanical units is for the Spark power? Sorry.

You get a flat +4 damage if you hit, regardless of what your damage roll is. If you level up your MISAKAs and your abilities get stronger, you'll still get the same flat +4.

I didn't want to overwhelm you guys with numbers, but I'll add it into the ability description now.
You get a flat +4 damage if you hit, regardless of what your damage roll is. If you level up your MISAKAs and your abilities get stronger, you'll still get the same flat +4.

I didn't want to overwhelm you guys with numbers, but I'll add it into the ability description now.
Any way to know how much HP they have?

And will shooting the guy suppressing 35 make the suppression end even if it doesn't kill him?

I'd like to take a drone alive, but we need 35 to be safe.

Assuming a Spark will kill a Drone:
34 Sparks D1, 32 and 33 shuffle around to fire at/suppress the guy shooting at 35 and then she can Spark D2.

If it doesn't...:
343 Spark D1, 32 runs up and tasers it, 33 shoots up D2 and we hope 35 can hit with something while suppressed.

I think they can act while suppressed, right?
Then pray we kill them in one hit.

With 1-2+4 damage, I'm pretty confident it will. And since that power also has an accuracy bonus built-in at short range, I'm liking our chances here.

So, have 10033 break the suppressive fire pinning up 10035 (grenade?), have 10034 and 10035 zap the drones, and have 10032 engage the closest alien (grenade? suppressive fire?)

I'm personally against trying a capture at this point. Numbers of hostiles could be as high as ten (with only one down right now), and we don't really have a room for error right now ; each rookie will pay cash the slightest mistake. We need to reduce the enemies numbers as fast as possible. If it goes well, maybe we'll try to capture one of the last aliens, but right now it's still a bit premature.
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With 1-2+4 damage, I'm pretty confident it will. And since that power also has an accuracy bonus built-in at short range, I'm liking our chances here.

So, have 10033 break the suppressive fire pinning up 10035 (grenade?), have 10034 and 10035 zap the drones, and have 10032 engage the closest alien (grenade? suppressive fire?)

I'm personally against trying a capture at this point. Numbers of hostiles could be as high as ten (with only one down right now), and we don't really have a room for error right now ; each rookie will pay cash the slightest mistake. We need to reduce the enemies numbers as fast as possible. If it goes well, maybe we'll try to capture one of the last aliens, but right now it's still a bit premature.
32 run up to grenade S3 and possibly the injured S1 and have 33 overwatch I was thinking.
I'm thinking...

34 shoot d1
32 shoot d1
33 shoot d2
35 ark d2/grenade.

Obviously we should move 32-34 too.
Plus, 35 is under fire from S3, so we need to do something about that, lest her attempt at shocking a drone ends with a plasma bolt to the chest.
Alright, let's get this under way. Riot vote style this time?

[X] 10034 Spark on D1

Like I noted, 33 Overwatching to cover 35 would probably be good... I think. 33 or 32 if the latter moved up to the pillar maybe? No, 33 can't grenade through the window since we didn't shatter it... nvm.
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Ok, so... assuming that takes care of the drone.

[X] 10032 moves toward the right pillar (just behind D1) and grenades S3 (with luck, S4 might be in the radius)