A Certain Scientific XCOM Project

Once again : freakin' Kihara. :V

Kihara right now:

We have to collect new material every other time? I mean they produced all the MISAKA's off of one sample, but I guess I can see why.

You might have benefited from all of Academy City's past cloning research had Mikoto Misaka not gone and blown it all up.

That said, there are research projects available that might be able to reduce your consumption of genetic material, or even allow you to derive successful clones of your existing soldiers (granting you unlimited genetic material for any soldier you've produced before). Currently, though, random mutations make such efforts unreliable.
Anyway, I noticed the SHIRAI unit powers now have maximum range, which make them not quite as OP as before. Still, useful to avoid overwatch or reach high ground, and if we do not manage to have fun with Telefrag, we're doing it wrong.

Tentative ideas for a plan :

[X] Purchase off-duty clothing for all soldiers. ($1 per soldier; increases the cost of hiring new soldiers by $1)

I know it's a bit pricey, but we're asking them to die for Humanity, the least we could do is buy them some clothes. -20$

[X] Produce a SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit ($15, 1 SHIRAI genetic material unit)

Best to have two. -36$

[X] Attempt to acquire additional genetic material from espers with known locations. (All options cost $10 each; some may require field deployment)
-[X] Shirai Kuroko (Level 4 Teleporter | Success Rate: Moderate)

See discussion. -10$

[X] Interrogation: Drone (5 days; converts 1 Inactive Drone to 1 Drone Wreck)

Finishing up with the captured specimen. I wanted to follow up with Weapon Fragment analysis, but that would make the plan go over budget.

[X] Build Esper Development Facility ($25, $10/month upkeep, 10 days)

We're going to need to improve our esper abilities to gain an edge. -61$

[X] Supervise the Barracks

Let's make sure our little SHIRAI doesn't die from sheer bliss when being surrounded by MISAKA. Or that she doesn't harass them 24/24.

[X] Organize a few outings for the clones to various locations around Academy city. The girls are fighting to protect the place so it would be wrong to deny them the chance to at the very least experience it like normal girls.

No idea for a write-in for now. Fortunately, others do.

This leaves us with 9$, maybe we could scout for another genetic material. I'd be tempted to try for a MISAKI next time.
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When your researchers had down time, they broke into a disused genetic laboratory in southern Academy City and, using the blood samples they collected from Shirai Kuroko as well as existing samples of MISAKA units, created a prototype SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit. While the prototype could not teleport with the accuracy, range, or frequency of the original, she was successfully connected to the Radio Noise network and will likely prove extremely useful to future XCOM operations.
Oh, for an interlude of her waking up. So what were the MISAKA samples used for? Eggs?
*looks forward to explaining that SHIRAI is effectively Mikoto's grandchild*
Our current number of scientists can only support one concurrent research project, Commander. You would do well to attempt to acquire additional manpower.
[X] Build more of an existing facility.
-[X] Laboratory ($20, +3 Scientists)
Hmmm, I see. However, do we have the resources to run two research project together to begin with? I admit I'm tempted to delay that one for next turn. It's not like we're lacking options to throw our money at anyway (it's really expansive, but the security drone sounds like something we should get not too far in the future too).
So, guys, I hate to feel like I'm putting pressure on you, but...vote, please. I would prefer not to update on Thursday with only one vote, but I'll do so if necessary.

I'd be happy to delay the update if you guys were still debating and didn't have votes cast for that reason, but since that's not the case here...
[X] Plan Real life of middleschool girls
-[X] Purchase off-duty clothing for all soldiers. ($1 per soldier; increases the cost of hiring new soldiers by $1)
-[X] Produce a SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit ($15, 1 SHIRAI genetic material unit)
-[X] Interrogation: Drone (5 days; converts 1 Inactive Drone to 1 Drone Wreck)
-[X] Build Foundry ($40, $10/month upkeep, 14 days)
-[X] Supervise Research

[X] Organize a few outings for the clones to various locations around Academy city. The girls are fighting to protect the place so it would be wrong to deny them the chance to at the very least experience it like normal girls.
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Your plan makes us go over budget by 16$, by my account (20 to buy clothes, 16 to recruit a second SHIRAI, 20 for the research, 40 for the foundry). However, liking the write-in. Yoink!
I'd like more discussion here. Firstly, since we only have one more sample of SHIRAI, I'd like to keep that in reserve (it won't spoil, right, @Skarmory?) at least until we know what Gene Recombination does.
Secondly, I'd like to, what is it, quadruple our research abilities as early as possible.
Thirdly, I have an IC question for the Heaven Canceller and Kihara: What sort of research or engineering should we be doing if we want to increase our income?
[X] Purchase off-duty clothing for all soldiers. ($1 per soldier; increases the cost of hiring new soldiers by $1)
[X] Interrogation: Drone (5 days; converts 1 Inactive Drone to 1 Drone Wreck)[X] Build more of an existing facility.
-[X] Laboratory ($20, +3 Scientists)
[X] Supervise the Barracks
[X] Organize a few outings for the clones to various locations around Academy city. They are fighting to protect the place, they should at least have the chance to experience it.
-[X] Keep weapons close by, of course. It might be a comfort thing, or it might let them be first responders for the next attack.

Writein adapted from @Sinsystems'. It did bring up another problem I had with the MISAKA program, though. (Aside from the fact that Accelerator would have needed to kill something like three per day for the last three years, and they didn't seem to vary the MISAKAs' equipment much between tests.)
Namely, with almost ten thousand members, let alone twice that, they're a significant fraction of Academy City's populous. Even with very low space requirements, they'd need at a small suburb to house them. How were they such a well-kept secret?
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Namely, with almost ten thousand members, let alone twice that, they're a significant fraction of Academy City's populous. Even with very low space requirements, they'd need at a small suburb to house them. How were they such a well-kept secret?

Right now, most of them are not in Academy City anymore, the Board of Directors (read 'Aleister') send most of them overseas to each go to places where they can receive treatment to stop the fact that they're growing at an accelerated rate. (officially. unofficially, it's also to establish some sort of network over the globe to do... stuff. academy City, yay!)

Before that, though, they were kept underground most of the time. The first clones were not allowed outside until quite late in the experiment (and, surprise, as soon as that happened, they started meeting people who started to butt in.)

About the Laboratory. My problem is, right now, we don't really have the resources to take advantage of quadruple research increase. Heck, in fact, my plan underutilize our research abilities, because of our lack of money to follow up our first project with a second (like during first turn). At some point, probably next turn, a Laboratory certainly will be needed. But right now, I simply don't see it as an urgent matter.

However, I admit keeping the SHIRAI sample is worth discussing. I do think having two teleporters right now would be a good thing, but I'm a bit on the fence for this matter.
Personally I want us to get two SHIRAI's for three reasons. First because at the moment she's our best flanker and the person we're probably going to give all the explosives to in the near future, making her something I want on each squad so we should have a spare to replace her if she dies. Second I want a second SHIRAI so as to allow easier integration into the MISAKA's as the two SHIRAI's will be able to better understand and support each other. Finally we should consider force rotations as we want to avoid sending the same units on missions one after another without adequate downtime.

it should also be noted that getting DNA samples of Kuroko is still relatively easy at the moment so we shouldn't be too stingy with them.
I'd like more discussion here. Firstly, since we only have one more sample of SHIRAI, I'd like to keep that in reserve (it won't spoil, right, @Skarmory?) at least until we know what Gene Recombination does.

Gene samples never spoil, correct.

Secondly, I'd like to, what is it, quadruple our research abilities as early as possible.

You start with 5 scientists; Heaven Canceller is just the director who keeps everyone on task and leads the designated projects. +3 Scientists is a 60% increase of your active research staff, which, while not as dramatic as a fourfold increase, is no small thing.

Thirdly, I have an IC question for the Heaven Canceller and Kihara: What sort of research or engineering should we be doing if we want to increase our income?

OOC, research will never increase your income; it may decrease prices for actions you already have, but it won't directly increase your cash flow. The best way to increase your cash flow is to do more missions for Academy City (as each mission success results in a cash bounty), as well as improve your early-response measures like security drones and other potential options that will be revealed soon.

But it's intentional that you don't have quite enough cash on hand to do everything; you have to make choices about what to invest in and what research paths to pursue.

Writein adapted from @Sinsystems'. It did bring up another problem I had with the MISAKA program, though. (Aside from the fact that Accelerator would have needed to kill something like three per day for the last three years, and they didn't seem to vary the MISAKAs' equipment much between tests.) Namely, with almost ten thousand members, let alone twice that, they're a significant fraction of Academy City's populous. Even with very low space requirements, they'd need at a small suburb to house them. How were they such a well-kept secret?

IIRC most of the MISAKAs were preproduced and held in stasis tanks for much of the time prior to their deployment, with only twenty or so MISAKAs wandering around in Academy City to serve the dual functions of scouting territory for their individual Accelerator encounter and cleaning up the evidence of previous Accelerator encounters. After the Level 6 Shift project was canceled, the city saw no further purpose for the MISAKA clones, and allowed them to disperse around the world.
For what it's worth, I could add a sample hunt in my plan, there's enough money to do that. I initially wanted to try our luck at Misaki, but we might ask Kuroko for one more instead.

"Sorry, we lost the first sample."

(however, it's worth noting that this strategy might require us to make contact with Mikoto sooner rather than later. If Kuroko tells her roommate that strange guys came at her work to repeatedly ask for her DNA, her friend might begin to suspect something is up, having been here, done that.)
IIRC most of the MISAKAs were preproduced and held in stasis tanks for much of the time prior to their deployment, with only twenty or so MISAKAs wandering around in Academy City to serve the dual functions of scouting territory for their individual Accelerator encounter and cleaning up the evidence of previous Accelerator encounters. After the Level 6 Shift project was canceled, the city saw no further purpose for the MISAKA clones, and allowed them to disperse around the world.
It was after all less upkeep intensive to keep them in stasis. IIRC they had larger groups facing Accelerator early on though. The original production MISAKAs are only level 2s, with zero combat experience. Around the halfway point even individuals could give Accelerator a bit of a challenge.

(officially. unofficially, it's also to establish some sort of network over the globe to do... stuff. academy City, yay!)
AIM network synchronization and relay towers. Basically Kazakiri's central nervous system.
For what it's worth, I could add a sample hunt in my plan, there's enough money to do that. I initially wanted to try our luck at Misaki, but we might ask Kuroko for one more instead.

"Sorry, we lost the first sample."

(however, it's worth noting that this strategy might require us to make contact with Mikoto sooner rather than later. If Kuroko tells her roommate that strange guys came at her work to repeatedly ask for her DNA, her friend might begin to suspect something is up, having been here, done that.)
Alright. But can we please tell her what we're going to do with it?
OOC, research will never increase your income; it may decrease prices for actions you already have, but it won't directly increase your cash flow. The best way to increase your cash flow is to do more missions for Academy City (as each mission success results in a cash bounty), as well as improve your early-response measures like security drones and other potential options that will be revealed soon.

But it's intentional that you don't have quite enough cash on hand to do everything; you have to make choices about what to invest in and what research paths to pursue.
Fair enough. By the way, why did Kihara requisition as much money as thirty sets of clothes to make two "basic packs of gauze, sterilizing alcohol, sutures, epinephrine, morphine, and duct tape"? Can we reduce the cost of equipment by firing him?
Around the halfway point even individuals could give Accelerator a bit of a challenge.
As in 'almost able to escape', or 'almost able to do superficial damage'? I did read up to the point that Mikoto gives up and tells the MISAKAs to reverse the windmills, and Accelerator still hadn't been hurt by anything but Touma.
Alright. But can we please tell her what we're going to do with it?

I don't know, can we? So far, the characters have been rather insistent to keep the whole thing secret. Not really a long term solution, and we already set in motion some plans to have Mikoto in the confidence, but not sure how Kuroko would feel about this.

Anyway, I'll edit my post to add a DNA hunt.

Can we reduce the cost of equipment by firing him?

If only. :rolleyes:

As in 'almost able to escape', or 'almost able to do superficial damage'?

As in, "it may lasts a few minutes before he gets bored", I'm afraid. Though 10032's trick was probably the first time they used a tactic that had some potential.

Just curious, which medium are you reading? Light Novel, Index manga or Railgun manga?
Hmmm, it depends, I suppose. When it comes to the Sister arc, I think the Railgun manga was my favourite way to depict it, but opinions varies.
[X] Macros

I'll admit, I'm rather surprised no one is rushing for alloy research to get better armor. As things stand the current units are rather horrifically vulnerable to being killed in a single exchange of fire, and even if they survive they will require non-trivial downtime for medical recovery. If possible, I'd recommend both expanding the laboratories in the immediate future and quickly developing better armor, or at least expendable combat drone assets.