A Certain Scientific XCOM Project

Accelerator's autoreflect, near invulnerability, and general disposition towards Academy City researchers are all very good reasons why his chance of success is Extremely Low.

That's also why Kuroko has such good odds; as a member of Judgement, she's likely to be easily swayed by appeals to her sense of civic duty.

EDIT: @theflyingbiscuit : Yeah, all clones will be leveled up the same way for simplicity.
On the matter of Accelerator, I think that a honeytrap approach would produce much better results. He is a socially isolated teenager which makes him very vunerable to something like that. It would also make "genetic material" exceedingly easy to aquire.

Also, our troopers need some kind of pocket periscope to look around corners. That would make the overwatch thing less of problem

Also, our troopers need some kind of pocket periscope to look around corners

What we'd really need is getting them the detection abilities of the original.

That and maybe her ability to dispel plasma projectiles, but that particular trick might be a bit advanced.
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So for Accelerator's sake, we should really hurry up with those sedatives so we have an option to deal with him nonlethally. (I presume losing control of skincontact infinite leverage telekinesis is not very survivable.)
Extremely bad idea unless you intend to kill him.
Accelerator bears grudges like you won't believe.

Even after turning 'good', he is merciless to anyone using dark side tactics. He's only weak to genuinely heroic people. And also having his chuunibyou torn apart, but people who aren't Touma don't survive the resultant embarrassed fury well.
Best ballpark for his personality: Fate's Gilgamesh, except more tunnel visioned.
That or deciding to fight the alien threat herself. Which is good, but game-breaking.

Damn, now I want a final mission fielding the six original level 5 (that we know of).
That would be pretty amazing.
A type of soldier based on that girl with X-ray vision in Kuroko's judgement branch would probably be useful as it would allow us to see through walls without much issue which can allow us to avoid things like that Thin Man Overwatch ambush.
A type of soldier based on that girl with X-ray vision in Kuroko's judgement branch would probably be useful as it would allow us to see through walls without much issue which can allow us to avoid things like that Thin Man Overwatch ambush.

Problem is, if she's level 3-, she's not even eligible for cloning. Even if she's level 4 (and I honestly doubt it), having a pretty limited ability downgraded means it probably won't do us much good.

I think a better option would be to try to pick up Mikoto's sonar and magnetic detection. Or maybe getting some sort of mindsight with a MISAKI clone (now that I think of it, I think I'd rate a MISAKI higher than an ACCELERATOR, as far as combat units go.)
Problem is, if she's level 3-, she's not even eligible for cloning. Even if she's level 4 (and I honestly doubt it), having a pretty limited ability downgraded means it probably won't do us much good.

I think a better option would be to try to pick up Mikoto's sonar and magnetic detection. Or maybe getting some sort of mindsight with a MISAKI clone (now that I think of it, I think I'd rate a MISAKI higher than an ACCELERATOR, as far as combat units go.)
True honestly I'm just trying to remember Espers that I know of that can be useful. The closest thing I can think of to another sensor type power is that ITEM girl's ability that basically allows her to tag other Espers for super tracking.

On a side note how long do you think it will be before either Saten or Uiharu (or both) just happen to be at one of the Alien attack sites or for rumors to start to leak out (which we know Saten will hear about). Honestly I would find it rather amusing to see Saten's reaction to being saved by our soldiers.
Problem is, if she's level 3-, she's not even eligible for cloning. Even if she's level 4 (and I honestly doubt it), having a pretty limited ability downgraded means it probably won't do us much good.

I think a better option would be to try to pick up Mikoto's sonar and magnetic detection. Or maybe getting some sort of mindsight with a MISAKI clone (now that I think of it, I think I'd rate a MISAKI higher than an ACCELERATOR, as far as combat units go.)
Yeah, I wanted an ACCELERATOR for their brain, but veekie informed that that's not actually how it works and so they don't have the super-processing ability I was hoping for.

On a side note how long do you think it will be before either Saten or Uiharu (or both) just happen to be at one of the Alien attack sites or for rumors to start to leak out (which we know Saten will hear about). Honestly I would find it rather amusing to see Saten's reaction to being saved by our soldiers.
That's more than distinctly possible. Saten has something going on with her that's trying to kill her, pissed of supernatural entity or family curse (more likely family curse), and only makes it out without a scratch because of a talisman her mother gave her. She took it off in canon once apparently and almost died very soon after.
Yeah, I wanted an ACCELERATOR for their brain, but veekie informed that that's not actually how it works and so they don't have the super-processing ability I was hoping for.

That's more than distinctly possible. Saten has something going on with her that's trying to kill her, pissed of supernatural entity or family curse (more likely family curse), and only makes it out without a scratch because of a talisman her mother gave her. She took it off in canon once apparently and almost died very soon after.
Wasn't that the same Talisman that also gave Touma good luck when he had it?....yeah that thing was legit.
Well, there aren't that many known level 4s to draw on (heck, now that I think about it, I think I know more level 5! There's Kuroko, Kongou, two of the ITEM girls whose names I forgot, one teleporter whose name I also forgot, aaaaaand... ?)

I'm a bit curious to see what a GUNHA would look like, though.

On a side note how long do you think it will be before either Saten or Uiharu (or both) just happen to be at one of the Alien attack sites or for rumors to start to leak out (which we know Saten will hear about). Honestly I would find it rather amusing to see Saten's reaction to being saved by our soldiers.

My guess would be "not long at all". Finding troubles is basically Saten unofficial esper power. :p
Well, there aren't that many known level 4s to draw on (heck, now that I think about it, I think I know more level 5! There's Kuroko, Kongou, two of the ITEM girls whose names I forgot, one teleporter whose name I also forgot, aaaaaand... ?)

I'm a bit curious to see what a GUNHA would look like, though.
Well last I checked all of the ITEM girls are at least level 4, even Frenda albeit discreetly and is noted to not make use of her powers to fight so we can no idea what ability she has.
My guess would be "not long at all". Finding troubles is basically Saten unofficial esper power. :p
Oh I know you should see some of the stuff I have planned for her in my quest.
Extremely bad idea unless you intend to kill him.
Accelerator bears grudges like you won't believe.
The point is to have something that we can use if he decides to kill us, that doesn't force us to kill him. I think we can convince Touma to keep Accelerator restrained for a bit if we knock him out, and I assume he's less likely to murder people/wreck our stuff if we make him calm down first.
If he finds out we doctored his food, it's already a failure mode. I would, however, be fine with getting some other reliable 'sleep/depower now' option, which XCOM Psychics might be good for.
I'm not entirely comfortable with 'carry a couple tanks of ether, hope you can vent enough into the room before he leaves' plan, though.

Actually, I'm just going to ask. @Skarmory, how good at finding and filtering invisible gases is Accelerator? Do we have access to anything that acts fast but with enough of a time delay that he probably won't notice in time? I'm assuming there's been research on the subject, but do we have access to it?
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The closest thing I can think of to another sensor type power is that ITEM girl's ability that basically allows her to tag other Espers for super tracking.
AIM stalker is L4, very nearly 5 when boosted since she can assume control of other powers
Wasn't that the same Talisman that also gave Touma good luck when he had it?....yeah that thing was legit.
That thing was some seriously strong shit yeah
Actually, I'm just going to ask. @Skarmory, how good at finding and filtering invisible gases is Accelerator
The MISAKAS tried to kill him with ozone and he just set up a filter for it. In about the ten seconds after he realized.

Awakened Accelerator btw, temporarily ignores poison and other physical effects, he's actually unconscious in the black winged mode and fighting in a berserker rage.

Best way to deal with a rampaging Berserker Accelerator is the MISAKAs. He is psychologically unable to hurt them though using coercion on them means he WILL hurt you
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The MISAKAS tried to kill him with ozone and he just set up a filter for it. In about the ten seconds after he realized.
Hence, something that can knock him out before he realizes.
Best way to deal with a rampaging Berserker Accelerator is the MISAKAs. He is psychologically unable to hurt them though using coercion on them means he WILL hurt you.
...Yeah, I really don't want to rely on that. If nothing else, the aliens might have mind control.
Hence, something that can knock him out before he realizes.
Depends on whether he's already stoked enough to form black wings, at which point you either flee, throw another Awakened level5 at him, throw a Majin at him, throw an Angel at him or throw Touma at him.

Because all drugging him while he's already pissed does is render him immune to diplomacy
Just checking, about Kuroko apart from the clone thing we can't recruit her as actual hero unit right? What happen if we bump into her as the an alien incident went down?
...Yeah, I really don't want to rely on that. If nothing else, the aliens might have mind control.

No 'might' about that, they definitely have some units who can mind control others. I wonder if our units being networked give them some resistance to that.

Now, in theory, Accelerator can probably redirect it too... as long as he understands the way he is being attacked. Which might not be the case the first time, depending on how the alien psi-powers work.

Just checking, about Kuroko apart from the clone thing we can't recruit her as actual hero unit right? What happen if we bump into her as the an alien incident went down?

I think the more probable scenario is her (and other canon characters) acting like guest stars from time to time. While I would love having a level 4 or better yet, a level 5, on the permanent roster, it seems rather unbalanced.

That, and maybe I actually wouldn't love it so much if we manage to get one killed. "You managed to get Accelerator killed. How did you even do that?!"
Would great if we somehow attract Accelerator toward the alien incidents

Well, that's what happened in the intro. Best not to rely on that too much, though, the aliens are bound to wise-up at some point.

EDIT : since the discussion has slightly deviated from the original topic... New plan version.

[X] Electricity: Remote Serial Bus
[X] Improve furnishings in the Barracks. ($40)
[X] Attempt to acquire additional genetic material from espers with known locations. (All options cost $10 each; some may require field deployment)
-[X] Shirai Kuroko (Level 4 Teleporter | Success Rate: High)
[X] Autopsy: Sectoid (3 days, 3 Sectoid Corpses)
- [X] Interrogation: Sectoid (5 days; converts 1 Sectoid Captive to 1 Sectoid Corpse) (if first research completed before any mission occurs)
[X] Field Medikits ($15 per unit, less than 1 day)
- [X] x2
[X] Build Esper Development Facility ($25, $10/month upkeep, 10 days)
[X] Build Genetic Engineering Facility ($40, $10/month upkeep, 14 days)
[X] Supervise Facility Construction
[X] Check on Misaka 10032 at the nearest opportunity. The last mission seems to have been especially hard on her, which is understandable given her past experiences.
- [X] At some point, ask on her opinion about integrating new types of clones to the Network. Would that bother her or her Sisters?
- [X] Tell her you're also thinking of contacting the original as a potential advisor for them. You know she WILL have issues with what happened, but hiding it will only make it worse (and she trusts you - to some extent). Would that be okay with the Sisters?

Basically, I added a write-in to check on 32, and explore some options a bit (I feel like we really should ask the network if they're fine with us throwing in random clones. I mean, I sure wouldn't be happy if suddenly there's a version of the guy who spent years murderizing 10000+ versions of me permanently linked up.)
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Obviously stuff like that wouldn't happen on screen, but sending someone to seduce him is definitively a valid approach.
If Forum rules would deny us an espionage classic then... I'll have to accept that, but have to say that that is kind of dumb.
...Suffice to say that I disagree with your plan on moral and practical grounds.
However. I wouldn't mind sending him a friend, who volunteered for the position and is not being paid for it, because emergency diplomancy is much better than no emergency option. (Also because getting him another semi-sane anchor should make him less likely to snap in the first place. And he apparently needs friends.)
I would also not object if that volunteer is female, although I'd want to make sure she knows enough about him to not be terribly annoying with fangirlism. (Although I'd do the same if it was a boy. He also probably hates people who presume they know him, and obnoxiously chipper people.)
March 1, 2030 -> March 11, 2030
[X] Electricity: Remote Serial Bus

Over the next few days, you slowly began accustomed to life at XCOM. While you still were uneasy about employing fourteen year old girls in military applications, you had to admit that they were certainly effective at their tasks.

You noticed a distinct increase in static electricity shocks and malfunctioning computers as your MISAKAs slowly developed cabin fever, and decided to put their boredom to good use. Seeing as stray voltage from the MISAKAs was doing an excellent job at tampering with the barracks monitoring systems, you decided to bring a few MISAKAs into mission control and teach them basic computer science and hacking skills. While your soldiers fried more than a few terminals as they began learning, they eventually got the gist of things, and now they're hacking computers like pros. They're so good at hacking, in fact, that you had to resort to removing all unnecessary connection ports from your computers to prevent the MISAKAs from pranking the situation room.

MISAKA-class General Purpose Unit

HP: 4 -> 5 | Armor: 1
AIM: 70 -> 72
WILL: 45 -> 50
Gender: F
Source Esper: Misaka Mikoto (Level 5 Electromaster, ranked third in Academy City)
Standard Equipment:
  • Assault Rifle: An effective weapon for most ranges of engagement, although specialized weapons are more useful at short and long range. Deals 3-5 damage following a successful hit. Fires 3 bursts before reloading is required, and is capable of suppressive fire.
  • Fragmentation Grenade: A grenade that is especially useful for damaging unarmored enemies. Deals 4 damage at the center of its blast radius, decreasing depending on distance and cover relative to the location of detonation.
  • Ballistic Vest: Absorbs 1 point of damage the first time the wearer is damaged. If only the vest is damaged, the wearer requires no recovery time after the mission.
Esper Ability: Level 2.25 Radio Noise (derivative of Electromaster)
  • Spark (improved!): Fires a lightning bolt in a straight line at the target, dealing 1-2 2-3 damage. More accurate at short and medium range then a firearm. Damage is increased by 4 on hit against wet targets and mechanical units.
  • Arc Thrower: Attempts to stun a nearby enemy, disabling them for the rest of the mission and allowing them to be interrogated at headquarters. Requires close range and is more likely to succeed against wounded targets.
  • Remote Serial Bus (new!): Allows hacking attempts on electronic equipment from a short to moderate distance away. Success rate is determined by the unit's WILL and the level of complexity of the target system. Enemy units may not be hacked in this manner.

[X] Improve furnishings in the Barracks. ($40)

You sent some of your researchers out to purchase some furniture for the barracks. While you had the best intentions at heart, it turned out that you were unable to find any furniture that both met your standards of appearance AND was suitably electric-proofed. As a result, you were forced to buy substandard couches and reclining chairs, then modify them in house at great expense.

[x] Attempt to acquire additional genetic material from espers with known locations. (All options cost $10 each; some may require field deployment)
-[x] Shirai Kuroko (Level 4 Teleporter | Success Rate: High)

Over the two weeks that passed, you sent out a few MISAKAs and researchers to secure the support of Judgment esper and Tokiwadai student Shirai Kuroko, who was known for her devotion to the public good as well as her teleporting skill. With a deft negotiating hand, you were able to get Shirai Kuroko to agree to provide some basic genetic samples to you for analysis, although you didn't tell her your real purpose for them. It's likely you'll need to employ other methods if you want to obtain more of her genetic material.

When your researchers had down time, they broke into a disused genetic laboratory in southern Academy City and, using the blood samples they collected from Shirai Kuroko as well as existing samples of MISAKA units, created a prototype SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit. While the prototype could not teleport with the accuracy, range, or frequency of the original, she was successfully connected to the Radio Noise network and will likely prove extremely useful to future XCOM operations.

SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit

HP: 4 | Armor: 1
AIM: 50
WILL: 45

Gender: F
Source Esper: Kuroko Shirai (Tokiwadai Middle School student and Judgement member)

Standard Equipment:
  • Shotgun: A specialized close range weapon that loses effectiveness rapidly at longer ranges. Deals 2-5 damage on hit, with increased critical hit chance at close range. Can fire four rounds before reloading; is not capable of suppressive fire.
  • Fragmentation Grenade: A grenade that is especially useful for damaging unarmored enemies. Deals 4 damage at the center of its blast radius, decreasing depending on distance and cover relative to the location of detonation.
  • Ballistic Vest: Absorbs 1 point of damage the first time the wearer is damaged. If only the vest is damaged, the wearer requires no recovery time after the mission.
Esper Ability: Level 2 Spatial Noise (derivative of Teleporter)
  • Telefrag: Teleports a live grenade or other weapon to a target location within twenty meters and within SHIRAI's line of sight. The item to be teleported must be either in SHIRAI's inventory or in the possession of an immediately adjacent ally. 1 turn cooldown.
  • Teleport: Teleports SHIRAI to a target location within ten meters in place of her normal move. SHIRAI may only teleport to locations she can see, but does not trigger Overwatch or Suppression upon arrival, and can act as if she had made a single move afterwards. 2 turn cooldown.

[x] Autopsy: Sectoid (3 days, 3 Sectoid Corpses)
-[X] Interrogation: Sectoid (5 days; converts 1 Sectoid Captive to 1 Sectoid Corpse) (if first research completed before any mission occurs)

In the meantime, you got to work on the first X-rays you encountered, nicknamed Sectoids by the troops and researchers. Autopsies on the deceased Sectoids revealed that they had circulatory and nervous systems much like our own, but with clear allowances for control via a psionically-based AIM field. While it was difficult to estimate the power level of the Sectoids based on corpses alone, your researchers' best guess is that the Sectoids possessed a power similar to Shokuhou Misaki's Mental Out, but on a much lower effective level; most researchers independently estimated a level of 1 under the Academy City scale, while a few suggested level 2.

When that project finished, you began interrogation efforts on the Sectoid. Since it could not communicate in any language your researchers were capable of understanding, you were forced to employ a device created by Kihara for the forcible extraction of memories and thoughts from the target. The device was successful, but regrettably killed the target, in Kihara's words; you're not sure if he regrets a damn thing, but you did acquire some useful information regarding an energy-based being that apparently resides within alien UFOs and serves as a low level commander of alien forces. You'll have to shoot one of those down to get at him.

You were also able to glean some technological information from the captured Sectoid before it expired. While the Sectoid was not greatly informed on the technical details of its weapon, it was aware of basic operation and cleaning procedures, both of which greatly informed your knowledge of the structure of the alien firearm. No doubt this knowledge will be invaluable when you seek to improve your own weaponry.

[X] Field Medikits ($15 per unit, less than 1 day)
-[X] x2

You ordered Kihara to whip up a few field medical kits, and after hemming and hawing over proper treatment methodology for electric espers, he put together some basic packs of gauze, sterilizing alcohol, and sutures. After you protested to him, he managed to include epinephrine, morphine, and duct tape in the kits as well. You suspect he's screwing with you, but MISAKA assured you that the kits would be perfectly fine.

[X] Build Genetic Engineering Facility ($40, $10/month upkeep, 14 days)
[X] Supervise Facility Construction

You ordered your engineers to begin constructing an in-house genetic engineering facility, and personally supervised their work whenever you had the chance. While the foreman frequently told you to 'go off and command your secret paramilitary organization so I can do my job', he did seem to work faster whenever you were around. As a result, you were able to get the facility operational in ten days, instead of the projected fourteen. With the help of the new facility, it'll be much easier and safer for you to produce new espers.

[X] Check on Misaka 10032 at the nearest opportunity. The last mission seems to have been especially hard on her, which is understandable given her past experiences.
- [X] At some point, ask on her opinion about integrating new types of clones to the Network. Would that bother her or her Sisters?
- [X] Tell her you're also thinking of contacting the original as a potential advisor for them. You know she WILL have issues with what happened, but hiding it will only make it worse (and she trusts you - to some extent). Would that be okay with the Sisters?

Early in the week, you went to visit MISAKA 10032, the unit who disobeyed orders during the previous mission. You arranged for the Barracks to be temporarily cleared so that you and 10032 could converse alone and without suspicion; you don't quite understand the internal social relationships within the barracks, and you wouldn't want to hurt 10032's standing within the group.

When you arrive, MISAKA 10032 is sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at the flower arrangement that was placed on 10034's former bed. While the eyes of all MISAKA units look unnaturally glum at all times, you think MISAKA 10032 looks especially down.

"MISAKA 10032, I've come to discuss the events of last week's mission with you."

MISAKA doesn't look up at you. "MISAKA was under the impression that she had already completed a full debrief."

You get the impression 10032 isn't particularly interested in speaking to you, but you press on anyways. "While that's true, that was me speaking to you as your Commander. This meeting...this is me speaking to you as a..." You're not sure what role you want to play in 10032's life. "...friend? I'm worried about you, 10032."

"There is no need to worry about MISAKA, Commander. MISAKA is in perfect health."

"10032, I'm not worried about your physical health, I'm worried about your mental health. You did see one of your sisters vaporized just meters away...I want to make sure you're okay."

"MISAKAs were designed to be killed, Commander," the girl says emotionlessly. That's what she is, really; a scared girl who's resigned to her fate. "Whether MISAKA's life ends at the hands of Accelerator, extraterrestrials, or Commander's, it makes no difference. Unit 10034 is not the first sister MISAKA has seen dead."

You think about MISAKA's statement for a moment. Does she really think you're a risk to her life? You suppose it's understandable given that you're her Commander, and have to order her into dangerous situations routinely, with her life and health being a second priority at best.

"10032, I want to try to keep you and your sisters alive if at all possible. There will be situations where I will have to order you or one of your sisters into danger, it's true...but I promise you I shall always aim to minimize casualties."

The brown-haired girl sparks briefly, but doesn't immediately reply. Finally, she says, "You don't need to promise anything, Commander. MISAKA is accustomed to her lot in life. MISAKA only wishes to request that Commander not waste her life-that if MISAKA or her sisters are to fall in battle, it accomplishes something for all humanity."

"That's my goal too," you reply, tears springing to your eyes. You mentally reaffirm your commitment never to waste any of the souls under your control. "Which is why I'm trying to add espers with new abilities to the Network. I know that it might be upsetting to add a new voice to the collective, but...are you okay with it, if it might help save your sisters' lives?"

"MISAKA supposes it might take some getting used to...but MISAKA approves," the girl smiles. "MISAKA believes her other sisters approve of the request as well."

"And what about contacting your older sister, Mikoto?" you ask. "We were considering trying to ask her to train you and your sisters. Would you be okay with that? Do you think she would agree?"

The girl's smile spreads wider. "MISAKA is always grateful to see her older sister," the girl says. "But MISAKA suspects that her older sister will not be eager to see you, especially given your current role. MISAKA and her sisters would be happy to provide a positive recommendation if you so command-"

"I won't order you to contact Mikoto on my behalf," you say. "But if you choose to of your own free will...I would greatly appreciate your efforts."

MISAKA pauses for a moment, glancing at her fingers. "MISAKA and her sisters will consider your offer. Will that be all, Commander?"

[Status Report: Base]
Money Spent: $120
Expenses incurred: $10 per month


Shirai Kuroko genetic material acquisition successful; future acquisition from the same target may be increased in difficulty.
Furniture provided for the Barracks; soldier morale moderately increased. (Decreased risk of Panic on next mission)
SHIRAI 1 produced and available for combat; 1 SHIRAI genetic sample remaining.


Sectoid Autopsy completed on time; Gene Recombination research revealed.
Sectoid Interrogation completed on time; intel gained; Beam Weapons research credit unlocked. (Increases the speed of all research and construction relating to beam weaponry)


Field Medikits completed on schedule; item takes up an inventory slot and heals a wounded soldier by up to 3 HP when used. Can be used twice per mission per kit by default.
Genetic Engineering Facility completed ahead of schedule; allows in-house production of cloned soldiers from genetic material; unlocks Gene Recombination research.

Global Resources

Money: $80 (+90 per month)
Weapon Fragments: 30
Alien Alloys: 20

Base Options

The Barracks contain options that are relevant to the training and improvement of our soldiers, MISAKA informs the Commander. While funneling resources to the Barracks will not increase our level of technology rapidly, MISAKA believes it will improve our soldiers' morale and effectiveness significantly. - Last Order

Current Soldiers: 20/25 (Barracks expansion available)
  • MISAKA x19
  • SHIRAI x1
Current Genetic Material:
  • MISAKA (unlimited)
  • SHIRAI (1 samples remaining)

[ ] Purchase off-duty clothing for all soldiers. ($1 per soldier; increases the cost of hiring new soldiers by $1)

MISAKA believes that purchasing clothing for her sisters to wear in a relaxing setting when not on duty will slightly improve their morale.

[ ] Recruit additional MISAKAs. ($10 per recruit)

MISAKA's sisters scattered around the world after the conclusion of the Radio Noise experiments. MISAKA believes that if we require additional soldiers, it would be more efficient to reacquire them instead of creating more clones.

[ ] Produce a SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit ($15, 1 SHIRAI genetic material unit)

The newly-created SHIRAI-class Maneuver Warfare Unit (abbreviated as SHIRAI) possesses low-level teleportation ability that allows her to transport herself or objects she is in contact with short distances without traversing the intervening space. This has numerous obvious combat applications, from flanking enemy targets to transporting allied units, but we will need to give our SHIRAI units combat experience in order to force them to improve their esper abilities.

[ ] Attempt to acquire additional genetic material from espers with known locations. (All options cost $10 each; some may require field deployment)
-[ ] Shirai Kuroko (Level 4 Teleporter | Success Rate: Moderate)
-[ ] Kongou Mitsuko (Level 4 Aero Hand | Success Rate: Moderate)
-[ ] Shokuhou Misaki (Level 5 Mental Out | Success Rate: Low)
-[ ] ACCELERATOR (Level 5 Vector Control | Success Rate: Extremely Low)

MISAKA was told by higher ups that if we could create clones of other espers, integrating them into the MISAKA network under MISAKA's control would be trivial. Unfortunately, we can only attempt to obtain genetic material from espers whose location is known. Furthermore, based on past Academy City cloning research, clones have abilities that are degraded compared to the originals, meaning that there is little reason to acquire the genetic material of espers below Level 4 in power.

[ ] Search for additional cloning candidates. ($30)

There are certainly more Level 5 and Level 4 candidates out there, but we are unaware of their location at present. By coordinating with Academy City civilian authorities, MISAKA believes we can at least ascertain the location of other powerful espers, allowing the creation of different cloned soldiers.

The main goal of the research department is to allow XCOM to know its enemy. Who are these mysterious extraterrestrial foes? Why are they here? And what can we learn from their technology? - Heaven Canceller, Research Head

  • Sectoid: 1
  • Drone: 1
  • Thin Man: 2
Live Captives:
  • Drone: 1
Genetic Material:
-MISAKA: unlimited
-SHIRAI: 1 Unit

Our current number of scientists can only support one concurrent research project, Commander. You would do well to attempt to acquire additional manpower.

[ ] Analysis: Weapon Fragments (7 -> 4 days, 20 Weapon Fragments, $20)

While it is certainly inconvenient that alien weaponry self destructs when the owner is killed, the fragments that remain could be extremely useful to our own weapon design program.

Beam Weapons research credit applies, reducing the duration of the research project.

[ ] Analysis: Alien Alloys (10 days, 10 Alien Alloys, $20)

Some of the pieces of weapons we recovered were not weapon components, but rather an extremely tough alloy coating the outside of the weapon. We should analyze this alloy to determine its properties.

[ ] Development: Gene Recombination (14 days, 1 Sectoid Corpse, 1 unit any genetic material)

The Sectoid specimen showed signs of heavy genetic engineering, incorporating material from several distinct species that are all similarly unknown to Earth. With luck, we may be able to replicate some of the aliens' genetic engineering techniques, allowing us to create more complex and mixed Esper breeds.

[ ] Autopsy: Drone (3 days, 3 Drone Corpses) (LOCKED: Not enough wrecks)
[ ] Autopsy: Thin Man (3 days, 3 Thin Man Corpses) (LOCKED: Not enough corpses)

Knowing our enemy will be essential if we are to defend Academy City.

[ ] Interrogation: Drone (5 days; converts 1 Inactive Drone to 1 Drone Wreck)

Why are the aliens here? With any luck, interrogating a captured alien specimen may provide answers.


Despite your...misgivings, Commander, I am certain that my talents will be of exceptional use to the XCOM Project. We can begin to fabricate any number of useful devices on your orders. - Kihara Amata

Available Equipment Projects

[ ] Field Medikits ($15 per unit, less than 1 day) (2 in stock)

All MISAKAs were originally programmed with basic knowledge of field medicine to treat their own wounds during experimentation. Providing them with medical supplies will likely improve the survival rate of our units in the field.

[ ] Proximity Mine ($15 per unit, less than 1 day) (0 in stock)

Using land mines can help secure our positions against enemy flanking maneuvers, no matter what you might personally think about them, Commander. We can also recover undetonated mines from the field, saving our investment.

[ ] Capacity Down ($20 per unit, 3 days) (0 in stock)

While Therestina Lifeline's invention will prevent our espers from using their psychic talents when activated, we believe it will prevent any opposing psionics or espers from using theirs as well. This could serve to level the playing field if the enemy are more powerful than we predicted.

Available Mechanized Projects

[ ] Security Drones ($50 per unit, 5 days)

While not useful in combat due to their fragility, security drones are an essential part of XCOM's ability to detect alien incursions and rogue espers alike. By partially converting some of Academy City's existing drones, we can create an effective early warning system throughout Academy City, allowing us to respond to missions we could not otherwise reach.


[ ] Build Esper Development Facility ($25, $10/month upkeep, 10 days)

As our espers become more powerful, we will no longer be able to test their functions safely within the Barracks or the Workshop. Building a dedicated testing range will help us conduct experiments more effectively.

[ ] Build Foundry ($40, $10/month upkeep, 14 days)

The newly proposed Foundry is the Research section of the Engineering branch, where off-task engineers can work on original projects or improvements of our existing technology.

[ ] Build more of an existing facility.
-[ ] Laboratory ($20, +3 Scientists)
-[ ] Workshop ($30, +3 Engineers)
-[ ] Barracks ($10, +25 Barracks Capacity)

We can always use more space, Commander.

You may personally supervise the efforts of a single branch of XCOM, improving their morale and potentially speeding their progress on their assigned task.

[ ] Supervise Research

[ ] Supervise Engineering

[ ] Supervise the Barracks

[ ] Supervise Facility Construction

Other Actions

[ ] Write in

Voting for this update opens immediately, and will remain open until Thursday or later. Use the time to discuss your options and arrive at a consensus plan.

From here on, research projects may be interrupted by mission requests at any point in the research stage.
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