Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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A part of Sayaka wondered if Kyoko would've been better off on her own and if having Sayaka around was holding her back. X had been fairly adamant about not letting people go alone if possible, and everyone had agreed, but now it was starting to feel like less and less of a good idea.

Having you there give Kyoko something to protect, give the very likely to happen mental traps less to work with.

Kyoko is great on the physical side of thing, but she's not in a good state of mind, you can help on that.

If her parents had that time.

Don't worry, I am sure they're closer than they ever where!

For a brief moment she struggled, fighting the tug on her magic, but the curse have way before Sayaka did.

I think you meant *the curse gave way*?

Also, the pink light arrows makes me fear the worst... please, tell me it's not a brainwashed Madoka.

There's nothing to vote on right now, but I do have other things for you to read! I have more than one story for ProjectMoon fans who want a little more of the setting or characters, as well as some other side-projects in the works. Anything not in the snippets thread will be finished eventually, though I am keeping my focus on this Quest for the foreseeable future.

All the links are broken, some more than others.
Don't be mean to Sayaka, she's doing her best. I don't think she's screwed up catastrophically in this timeline.
Looking back, Sayaka would probably have been able to recognize that this was a poor move. In the moment, however, it was the only decision. She had to do something.

Also, the pink light arrows makes me fear the worst... please, tell me it's not a brainwashed Madoka.
It's pretty clearly her, or at least her clone or something. Real 'equpping Lowell's page for the Xiao fight' vibes.

I like how her arrows drain away other people's magic. Since, in a sense, it's an inversion of how Madokami operates in canon.
It's worrying for Homura honestly, if there's one thing that would make her irrational, it's the mere suggestion that Madoka contracted.
I will say that you dodged a massive bullet in not assigning Homura to this area. She and X are the only ones who would connect the arrows to Madoka, and... well, she wouldn't have reacted well.
I wonder what hint did we miss this time around? I know we shouldve expected something with the Adult being shown messing with Madoka but what else gave the location of Madoka's "arrows" being present at the lighthouse?

Though saying that, we should probably start worrying for Homura. If there's a way to make her rush into the Court alone, it's showing pink arrows.
I wonder what hint did we miss this time around? I know we shouldve expected something with the Adult being shown messing with Madoka but what else gave the location of Madoka's "arrows" being present at the lighthouse?
Best I've got is this:
We know that the Observation Tower has familiars disguised as magical girls and traps. We know furthermore that one of the magical girls checks on it occasionally, as per the description.

Why would it only be checked on occasionally? If it were called the Observation Tower due to it being an observation post, ie a place to keep a lookout, it ought to be constantly staffed. Ergo, it's not a lookout tower.

The roots of the word 'dungeon' lie in the french word 'donjon', meaning a great tower of a castle. It is a common place to stash prisoners, especially prisoners of war. An Observation Tower could well be a tower for keeping something or someone under observation - especially given that our source is from the time and place where 'donjon' would be a modern term. This would fit with the meguca checking up on it occasionally - confirming that Madoka's confinement is palatable (it's not, but they don't know of the tethercat principle) and making sure she's being fed.

Furthermore, all opposing sides are fond of stories. We all know you put the princess in the highest room of the tallest tower, yes?
Of course, given this is the Adult Who Tells Lies, there's better than even odds it's a fake, but it is the sort of place they'd expect people to look for Madoka... and thus the place to lay traps for someone with a excessively narrow focus on her.

There's also the practical matter of snipers (such as Homura) liking high places with great vantage points, but that's a boring answer.

Of course, these are all suppositions.
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Each of the target locations other than the Court has been shown in some part in Sidestories leading up to this point. Somebody already figured out what the Tower's deal was back when it first showed up, though I don't think I commented on it at the time.
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There's no vote to close this time, so all I have to say is that the next chapter will be out tomorrow.
2.6.4 - I May Not Understand That Feeling
Chapter 153 - I May Not Understand That Feeling

In the perpetual night of the Emerald City, a streak of blue danced through the onyx-black streets. He tore through the City's defenses like a needle piercing cloth, weaving elaborate patterns in the emptiness left behind. It was not at all like the first time he had traversed the blackened streets. Then, he had been fleeing and hiding from an impossible opponent. The Blue Reverberation was a Color Fixer, a fighter of inhuman skill and power bolstered further by his dear muse's gifts, but he was not invincible. Without allies and in unfamiliar ground, the Adult Who Tells Lies was not a foe he could confront. So he had scattered, fleeing from imitations of his former companions until being blessed with a new one to guide his path out. It had been, despite his best efforts, horribly undignified.

Things were different now. Though Leonie was not with him at the moment, Argalia once again had allies by his side. And what allies they were! While used to taking the lead in any collaborative efforts he was involved in, working to bring out the best in everyone and ensuring that each individual could see in each other what Argalia saw in them, it was an interesting change of pace to take the backseat for once.

Truth be told, Argalia could not keep his thoughts entirely on the task at hand. He certainly did not allow his focus to slip like some rank amateur when faced with such an important task, but a part of his mind remained fixed on the Composer practically since they had met. They were at once everything he had expected and not at all like he'd thought they would be. She was certainly quieter and more subdued than he was, but held an undeniably commanding presence nonetheless. The woman exuded authority in every sense of the word. She was not as warm as his muse's voice, but in place of that warmth was a firm and immovable certainty and reliability. And while he hadn't experienced it personally, having already reached the point of awakening, Argalia was not blind to the way she acted around the children she brought with her. The way she encouraged them, advised them, protected them… she wished to see them reach their full potential, and they knew it and loved her for it. It was not the method he would've used, but his time had come and gone already. It wouldn't be right to try and seize command now when X was doing such a good job already. Argalia could be patient.

A ripple of something vile and hungry sang through the air, and Argalia could not help but take notice. The Distortion scanned his surroundings until his eye settled on a particularly durable-looking Witch and rushed forward to cleave it open, then hooked Al Fine's blade into the gaping wound and used his newly-made leverage to pull the creature's body over him as an impromptu shelter. Horribly undignified, yes, but effective. The moment's reprieve allowed him to better tune his senses towards the new sound echoing through the Emerald City.

His first impression had been accurate: the strongest thing he could feel from the newcomer was hunger. Not in the sense of starvation or gluttony, but closer to the way a vine might strangle the landscape as it grows towards the sun. Normally an attitude Argalia would endorse with all his heart, but something in the harmony sat ill at ease to the Color Fixer. The note was stretched and amplified beyond what is natural, twisted into an entire melody that it could not truly carry. It held only a bare resemblance to the voice he had heard X negotiating with not an hour ago.

Argalia dismissed the thought and the noise along with it. He'd dealt with unpleasant fellows as allies before. There would be time to deal with that creature as necessary once the matter at hand is concluded. Tuning his senses elsewhere, he felt for the most fragile of his assailants crowding around his makeshift shelter and charged.

The pace of the battle had shifted. While before Argalia was forced to dart from place to place, never lingering for too long lest a proper force mobilize against him, now the enemy was in disarray. His gaze shifted to the horizon for a moment, the place where the Emerald City's interior curve turned upward, and saw something blooming in the distance. It almost reminded him of a sunset in coloration, but bursting from the earth in a directionless mess of wings and claws. Again, Argalia thanked his new friend for their skill in negotiating. Whatever that was would have made for a difficult foe.

Sweeping through the Emerald City's uncoordinated defenses, Argalia made his way to the Mill. There was still some intent guiding the opposition, but it was less skilled than it had been before. It would herd him towards traps or attempt to draw him towards ambushes in unfavorable positions. Now, the enemy's tactics had become simpler. Argalia suspected that one of the poor, deceived children were now at the helm.

That would make things more interesting. Argalia ducked past a trapped street and into a nearby building to deliberate. Was it worth going after the Magical Girl? There were two main possibilities he could see. Either the Magical Girl now commanding this portion of the Emerald City's forces was far away so they couldn't be interrupted, or nearby so they could personally intervene quickly if necessary. Argalia was leaning much more towards the latter possibility. The Emerald City's regent was very much the type to use her subordinates rather than attempt to preserve them. Still, it worked out in his favor. So long as he kept to the planned route, they would be forced to confront Argalia eventually.

Leonie had told him quite a bit about her time in the Emerald City. She only had passing impressions of her colleagues, yes, but that was more than enough for somebody like Argalia to work with. It wouldn't be too difficult to bring whoever showed up around to a more honest way of thinking. X had requested the children be kept alive anyways, and Argalia always made a point to be somebody his friends could rely on.

It wouldn't be long now until he reached his destination. The Emerald City was a terrifyingly deadly place, and Argalia had nearly fallen for its tricks more than once already, but his unique abilities made it incredibly difficult for the more lethal consequences to reach him. He had been given ample opportunities up until now to familiarize himself with the frequency of the Adult Who Tells Lies' magic, enough that both tracking and dismantling it as it approached was no longer an impossible task.

Argalia danced back into the thick of the battlefield, gliding from place to place always barely out of reach. With how insufficient his current opposition was proving, it was only a matter of time before a proper response was sent. Would it be one of the Magical Girls, or perhaps one of those disgraceful copies? Whatever the case, he had a lot to look forward to.


Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED
And this time, there is something to vote on. We're having another interlude, since there are rather a lot of characters to keep track of right now. Approval-style voting is encouraged since the top two or three will be selected, I haven't quite decided yet.

[] Corbeau
[] The Wizard of Oz
[] Ashley Taylor
[] A Puppet
[] Junko Kaname
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One interesting thing Argalia gave away in this one.

The Adult was focused on Argalia before she got interrupted.

Perhaps there would've been a similar reaction had X been the one to attack the Court directly. She does consider X the greatest threat (especially after that bitch slap X gave her), so maybe sending X to the Court or the Observation tower could've lessened the burden from other locations.

Though I hope the girls are safe, Argalia mentioned a lot of traps.

But then again, thanks to him and X (More him, X meeting the Bird probably just makes the Adult slightly worried) the Adult probably didn't pay too much attention to the girls.

As for the interlude...

Darn it, there are a lot of good choices...

[X] The Wizard of Oz
This one is required, so we should vote for it regardless. Knowing what she's up to will be useful.

[] A Puppet
This one is...worrying to see it appear here, but it's better to rip the bandaid off before we get the jumpscare. However, I'm not quite sure.

[] Junko Kaname
This one is a curious one. I want to see her too, but we don't have alot of choices.

[] Ashley Taylor
Another curious one. Seeing the other MG's P.O.V would probably help us out a bit, ESPECIALLY if she is near Madoka. We last saw Sarasa and Futaba visit Madoka, so some hint could be good.

[] Corbeau
Seeing what Isabeau and her family are up to would be good too, give us a timeline of how long they would last fighting the Adult.

Ultimately only 1 is absolutely required, and that's the Adult's pov. The other two are...somewhat shared amongst the rest of the votes.

[X] Junko Kaname
[X] A Puppet

I'll go with these two. First, because I'm curious. Second, because I'm (scared) curious too.
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Argalia, so friendly and convincing he is thinking of making allies while figthing against said potential allies.

Go, Argalia! I belive in you! Show them how defeat means friendship is a real thing! (Consent not necessary.)

Sayaka's parents?

[] Ashley Taylor
Another curious one. Seeing the other MG's P.O.V would probably help us out a bit, ESPECIALLY if she is near Madoka. We last saw Sarasa and Futaba visit Madoka, so some hint could be good.

I personally hope that this is the girl that will meet Argalia, seeing the friendship from real close, you know?

[X] Ashley Taylor
[x] Corbeau

I think Corbeau's POV is more important than the Adult's right now.
Argalia, is so friendly and convincing he is thinking of making allies while fighting against said potential allies.
To be fair, he hasn't been causing us any problems at all so far and is more helpful than harmful. Even in his thoughts, he hasn't entertained fighting X once so far.

It's us who are plotting to smack him eventually.

Though imagine if we had to siege the Adult without him. Now that would've been even riskier.

I think Corbeau's POV is more important than the Adult's right now.
Not more important. The Adult's POV might give us direct information on Madoka and how she's doing alongside whatever reaction the Adult is having after the last encounter/the current dilemma she should be in.

Corbeau's POV just mostly Ayin shenanigans + Isabeau's progress report on the rebellion. The Adult absolutely should be prioritized above all the other votes.
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Corbeau isn't the one with Ayin, that's Minou.

Corbeau is the most important of the sisters to get info on, as she is the one Minou would have to most problems getting to agree with her on anything
Corbeau is the most important of the sisters to get info on, as she is the one Minou would have to most problems getting to agree with her on anything
But I fail to see how she's more important to the raid than THE ADULT herself.

Especially since Isabeau is the one commanding the rebellion not Minou, so Corbeau pov doesn't add much.
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