Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Using Homura abilities, we can spent in the library as much time, as we want.

Only making them more tired, great.

I think I wasn't clear enough: it's not just that you don't improve at fighting to a considerable point in a day, it's that you don't in a week, in a month, not when you have the basics, it becomes a thing about repetitions along years at this point.

And also, disconnecting them from normality to this extent just for the sake of some nebulous *advantage* in a quest that combines two settings where the one of the most important thing is relations between people really isn't something I think helps.

The adult don't just attack the body, she also uses mind tricks, having the girls as fresh as possible is absolutely a surviving tool anyway, we know our opponents already have problems with them, and can't even train against our best combatants, be they the distortions or us and Argalia, we also created a possibility of a schism in their ranks during the fight thanks to Corbeau and co being likely to fight with us and not against. I really don't think the fight is going to be the problem, the mental health is more likely.
I think I wasn't clear enough: it's not just that you don't improve at fighting to a considerable point in a day, it's that you don't in a week, in a month, not when you have the basics, it becomes a thing about repetitions along years at this point.
They don't actually have the basics, though? MGs fighting each other isn't a routine occurrence, especially with the intent to kill. They're mostly complete novices at this. The 101st day of training may not make much of a difference, but the 1st or the 2nd certainly does - my impression is that most skills are like this.

And also, disconnecting them from normality to this extent just for the sake of some nebulous *advantage* in a quest that combines two settings where the one of the most important thing is relations between people really isn't something I think helps.

The adult don't just attack the body, she also uses mind tricks, having the girls as fresh as possible is absolutely a surviving tool anyway, we know our opponents already have problems with them, and can't even train against our best combatants, be they the distortions or us and Argalia, we also created a possibility of a schism in their ranks during the fight thanks to Corbeau and co being likely to fight with us and not against. I really don't think the fight is going to be the problem, the mental health is more likely.
If we're going to talk about this angle, then how about the very real psychological comfort of having done something concrete in advance, and at least a little sense of being prepared?

This whole magical girl business already has such a strong vibe - something like "you're going to do something very important, but also completely novel, with no set guidelines, in fact no real way to know if you'll do well in advance, a totally uncharted path - so treasure the fleeting moments of normalcy you still have, they're what will sustain you!" - Okay, fine, sometimes that's just how things are, but this state of affairs is not something to actively aim for. There's no need to artificially construct a sense of 'normalcy' today that, anyway, only serves to accentuate the unpredictability of tomorrow. I think it feels much better to see this 'tomorrow' as...well, if not predictable, then at least capable of being predicted, and prepared for. It's not always how it is - but in this case, it's possible to impart some of that attitude without being disingenuous or deluded, and the way to go about it is taking concrete, legible actions to improve our chances of success.

(Yes, I'm aware the vote's closed already. This technically doesn't matter anymore and I really should've been saying these things earlier, if at all.)
Also, beyond the comfort of taking steps to prepare for future troubles, a lot of the people at the library are people they could benefit from talking with. (I.E: Talking with their Sephirah counter parts, The bunch of other magical girls that can give them advice on magical girl combat specifically and how they dealt with that emotionally, and Binah inoculating them to manipulation by being Binah)
Also, beyond the comfort of taking steps to prepare for future troubles, a lot of the people at the library are people they could benefit from talking with. (I.E: Talking with their Sephirah counter parts, The bunch of other magical girls that can give them advice on magical girl combat specifically and how they dealt with that emotionally, and Binah inoculating them to manipulation by being Binah)

You do know that the vacation is in the library? And thus that they will talk to these people?
They don't actually have the basics, though? MGs fighting each other isn't a routine occurrence, especially with the intent to kill.

Hadn't pointed it out, but they do have the basics, not only is it prepackaged in the magical girl transformation, MGs fighting each others is a common occurence, Mami, Kyouko and Homura would absolutely have experience in it, and Sayaka trained with Gebura, who would absolutely have hammered those in with prejudice.
They have turf wars, for God's sakes. Why wouldn't they have experience in fighting each other?
Especially considering they are fighting for essentially a stockpile of magical girl life saving meds, The magical girl takes hold of a city, Keep the city safe, farms grief seeds, and because human nature someone desperate enough is going to try to take the grief seed. if the magical girl or this city aren't willing to share. they are gonna fight each other.
And in that scenario, mami definitely knows how it feels to fight another magical girl.
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mami definitely knows how it feels to fight another magical girl

In fact, we even have examples of how good she is at it, Rebellion with her fight with Homura (that also shows Homura's abilities), different story against Kyouko (that shows Kyouko's abilities) and Oriko magica, where Kirika rolls over all the other magical girls close by, but lose against Mami.

The show creator also referred to her as *a war god* at least once when discussing how good she is at fighting.
2.5.2 - Can We Change Our Fates?
Chapter 140 - Can We Change Our Fates?

True to your word, you spend the remainder of the night watching the Miki house, ensuring nothing unnatural goes on. A nearby rooftop makes for a perfect angle to keep an eye on the entrances and a peek inside. Sadly it does mean you don't get to see if Homura took the chance to cuddle with her crush, but you have a feeling you'd just end up disappointed by the result. She wasn't the type to take the first step in a relationship like that even before becoming a Distortion. Luckily for the two of them, Madoka's a lot braver than she lets on.

The night goes on without incident, but Sayaka's parents don't make an appearance. You didn't scan Sayaka's memories very deeply during your operation on her days ago, but from what you recall this isn't anything unusual. Both their jobs involve irregular hours, and working overnight is pretty common. Still, you can't shake the feeling of unease as the moon falls and the sun rises. Nothing ever goes according to plan. Expecting no interferences to arise would be the height of foolishness. But so far, you haven't seen any hints of disturbance. Everything is peaceful.

Kyubey's finished some more prep work on your end, both for the raid and the eventual work you'll have to do on the cloning machines you've been planning. None of the more rare or exotic materials have arrived, but all the pieces you need now are in place. You could attend to them now, but at the moment keeping watch is more important. You promised Homura you would, and you'd rather not disappoint somebody who looks up to you.


The morning comes, and you descend from your perch to wake the kids. The night was completely uneventful, and the greatest danger you managed to detect was the boredom that comes with sitting in a single place for hours on end scanning for the slightest sign of something out of the ordinary. Aside from ordering Kyubey around and worrying about the near future, there was nothing to distract you from the sheer tedium.

Oh well. Boredom is better than excitement in times such as these.

You knock three times on the front door, calmly waiting for a response. Just inviting yourself in feels rude, even if you know you're welcome. A moment later, Homura silently opens the door and then walks away.

Everyone has woken up by now, though not all of the children are morning people. Yuma is happily chirping away to an equally-energized Madoka while Hitomi, who still seems a little sleepy, sits beside them and occasionally nods. Sayaka has flopped over the back of the couch and looks half-dead. She barely reacts to the occasional prodding from Kyoko, who looks only marginally better. You just barely catch Mami, hair down and shambling into the nearest bathroom to begin her morning routine.

"Should I come back later?"

"Don't worry about it." Madoka says. "Sayaka's always like this in the mornings. I just didn't expect Mami or Kyoko to be the same way with mornings."

"We're normal. You're all just weird" Sayaka grumbles. Kyoko pokes her again. "And stop that."

Dissatisfied by Sayaka's unenergetic response, Kyoko continues. Sayaka slides forward off the couch and lands on the floor, just outside of the other girl's reach.

"It's nice to see Kyoko in good spirits." Mami says, having just returned from the bathroom looking not the slightest bit disheveled less than a minute after you saw her enter.

"This is good spirits?" Sayaka says doubtfully.

It's Homura who answers. "Kyoko's behavior since her restoration has been unusually subdued. Confrontational behavior like this is more expected.

"Just gonna call me out like that, huh?" Kyoko complains. "What can I say? I was bored."

Hitomi, not having lived with her for multiple weeks, is still staring at Mami and trying to figure out how she did her hair up so quickly. "Miss Tomoe. You were rather quick. I'll admit, I expected you to take much longer to ready yourself."

"I used some magic to speed things up. It's just a little trick I learned to save time." Mami admits bashfully.

"What, you had enough Grief Seeds to spare the magic for stuff like that?" Kyoko says. "And here I was barely scraping by. If I'd known the hunting was gonna be that good around here…." She pauses, realizing where her own joke was headed, and trails off. It wouldn't feel right to say something like that after everything. "Eh, you get the point."

"Mitakihara is a large area for a single Magical Girl to patrol. Even if it wasn't always quite so populated, it was more of a struggle to find Witches before they could do too much damage than at all." Mami says. A somber air has settled over the room, the early morning light feeling less gentle and more faded.

"Well, today's the last day before we head off, so there's a few announcements I need to make." you say, projecting your voice as you would over the facility speakers. The effect is immediate, calling everyone in the room to attention.

"First off, today will be a vacation of sorts for you all. There is a distinct possibility for the fighting to spill over from Kamihama to neighboring cities, so to be safe Kyubey's scheduling a full evacuation. As such, you won't have school today."

"Wait, a whole evacuation? Isn't that a bit excessive?" Sayaka asks.

"It's completely necessary. You remember your last encounter with an Aleph-class Abnormality, I'm sure?" you say, and she flinches. You might have won against Nothing There in the end, but that fight was brutal on all sides. "Nothing There was the most personal-scale Abnormality of its class. The others are expected to render the entire world uninhabitable if allowed to act uninterrupted. This is just a necessary precaution to prevent casualties." You turn to Hitomi, pull out your spare Invitation, and hand it to her. She accepts the small sheet practically unthinkingly, then stares at the elegant text with mild intrigue. "Hitomi. Will your parents be picking you up?"

"No, we have a driver. She should be arriving soon, I believe." Hitomi answers.

"When you get home, be sure to sign this along with your parents. It'll bring you to a secure location." you instruct. Though she hasn't done anything of the sort so far, you wouldn't put it above the Adult Who Tells Lies to take hostages. And knowing her, she'd absolutely pick somebody personal over a random civilian.

"As for the rest of you, you'll all be spending the day in the Library as well. No training unless you feel like it, just take the time to relax and unwind. We'll leave as soon as Argalia gets here to pick up Leonie. Does anyone have any questions?"

Argalia's definitely not welcome in the Library, and Leonie lacks the ability to sign an Invitation. While this does mean they'll be alone for the rest of the day, you're not worried about the pair of Distortions. If they were able to escape the Emerald City when hunting them was still a priority for the Adult, they'll be able to keep out of trouble now.

"Could you evacuate more people to the Library?" Madoka asks. "It's completely safe there, so wouldn't it be better to get as many people there as possible?"

You hmm to yourself. "It's a good idea, but not a practical one. Explaining the situation and the Invitation to everyone in a city neighboring Kamihama would be infeasible. On the other hand, you're right for people who already are in the know. Angela can send your parents an Invitation when we're there. And on a related note…"

Your attention turns to Sayaka. "When do you think your parents will get back? I really would prefer they know about all this before we head off."

Sayaka exhales uncomfortably. "I'm… not really sure. They don't usually work overnight, but when they do they come back pretty much any time over the next day. Oh!" She exclaims happily. "When the evacuation alert goes off, they'll definitely be back here to pick me up! You can talk then!"

Good to know. That might be after you've already left, but in the end satisfying this particular moral imperative at this time comes second to your duty of protecting people from Abnormalities. You can only hope the Mikis are as understanding as the Kanames, though asking for that feels like pushing your luck a few steps too far.

"'Nother question here, what's the game plan gonna be? 'Cuz I wasn't there for the fight with that thing," Kyoko chimes in, "but I remember it going pretty poorly even from my end, and it was holding back hard. How're we gonna stand up to something like that again?"

"You'll all be briefed when we get to the Library. There's a chance we're being watched out here." you explain calmly. It's funny just how quickly you switched back into your Manager role. Giving orders, delivering information, holding authority… it leaked into every facet of your life, and now you hardly feel any different acting like you're back at the Facility.

But now, things are different. You're not grinding along for a glimmer of hope anymore. You aren't seeking an ever-distant goal as a part of an endless cycle. This is it.

The end of the line.

"But don't think this will be anything like what happened with Nothing There. We'll be prepared this time, and you've all grown so much since then. Everything is going to work out. So just take this time to decompress, yeah? No use in getting wound up before it's time to go."

Your encouragement has the desired effect, washing away some of the tension that had been building. Today should be about resting, not stressing out about tomorrow. Is that a realistic thing to expect? No, but you can certainly hope.

So of course, that's when Madoka collapses.

Hitomi reacts faster than you'd expect from a civilian, catching her friend before she manages to hit the ground and scanning her with a nervous energy. When the pink-haired girl remains unresponsive, that nervousness quickly turns to panic and spreads through the room like a wildfire.

"Madoka? What's going on?"

"Is she alright? What just happened?"

"What can we do to help? Is there anything at all?"

A chorus of indistinct chatter sounds out as the girls crowd around Madoka's unconscious form. Homura is the first to her side, followed not far behind by Sayaka. Mami and Kyoko trail just a little further back, pulled forward by morbid curiosity. The cause is hardly a mystery, though, not with the dark green symbol glowing on Madoka's back.

"I- I think she's just asleep." Hitomi says shakily, dispelling one layer of fear but leaving the rest behind. "But why is this happening? Madoka wasn't going to fight, right?"

No, she wasn't. But this would hardly be the first time an innocent person has been caught up in a battle they weren't a part of.

And it seems like this battle has already begun.


The Curse…
[] Remove it with Lobotomy
[] Direct Sayaka and Mami in trying to break the spell
[] Request Kyubey's analysis and act accordingly
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Hello friends and fans! It is I, delivering to you upon this fine (not) Night of Walpurgis a gift! (it's suffering) As you can see, the usual update schedule has returned and will remain as such until further inevitable interruptions occur.
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Well scheisse, The Adult drew first blood. What's the plan now, guys? I don't think X's gonna pass that up. Should we risk ourselves and try to remove it on our own? Or are we asking for assistance? Personally, I would rather have X rush towards the Library and do the removal there. At least there are less variables to consider once we're inside.
Personally, I would rather have X rush towards the Library and do the removal there. At least there are less variables to consider once we're inside.
Madoka can't enter the Library at the moment, as it requires a person to sign the Invitation of their own will to enter. Otherwise, that definitely would have been the best plan.
You know...the Mikis being missing is awfully convenient isn't it?

Here's hoping they didn't bumped into judgement bird or something.

As for the important part.

View: https://youtu.be/bDDMv6mPk2o?si=zqn507M-lPv2xslC

Uh...when did Madoka get that curse placed on her?! Let's not be too hasty here, the Adult's curse is usually played like a puzzle, so we should try to figure things out rather than brute force it.

Maybe try using Order/Lobotomy to force Madoka into signing the Invitation?

Call Argalia and Kyubey to help figure things out since they are smart?

Throwing a doozy at us like this right from the start of the day, it seems like that vacation is going to be put on the shelves aftet all.
Madoka's a lot braver than she lets on.

Or that she thinks she is.

Everything is peaceful.

*This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind*

Also, X may have dismissed it, but the remark on Sayaka's parents is beginning to have alarms setting off in my mind.

Hitomi, not having lived with her for multiple weeks, is still staring at Mami and trying to figure out how she did her hair up so quickly.

It's magic!

No, seriously, it is magic.

And knowing her, she'd absolutely pick somebody personal over a random civilian.

Personally, I would do both, you know, just in case, you never know, someone unexpected may come up and then a personal hostage is a waste to use, better have a generic one on hand.

What do you mean, *you monster!*?

You can only hope the Mikis are as understanding as the Kanames, though asking for that feels like pushing your luck a few steps too far.

Yeah, at this point there is a part of me that is just hoping they are alive, you know?

So of course, that's when Madoka collapses.

Begin swearing, profusely.

The cause is hardly a mystery, though, not with the dark green symbol glowing on Madoka's back.

Fuck you, Adult who tells lies.

The Curse…
[] Remove it with Lobotomy
[] Direct Sayaka and Mami in trying to break the spell
[] Request Kyubey's analysis and act accordingly
[] Write-in

So, Kyubey I don't trust on this, but this is a thing that is stopping Madoka from contracting… still, wouldn't believe his diagnostic to help long term.

Sayaka and Mami… could? The Adult may anticipate us not wanting to delegate, and has reasons to know about Lobotomy, I don't think she understands trust enough to anticipate us asking our daughters, and thus there are less chances of traps.

Us as the problem of potential traps as I just said, not without taking precautions, lots of them.

@Lepidoptera, does X thinks Madoka can be moved to the library safely right now? Because I am thinking of going to Angela for the healing, or hell, even maybe Binah and try to give her EGO right here and now… hmm, this last idea is interesting, pinning it, at the very least this would not be a thing TAWTL would see coming.

Madoka can't enter the Library at the moment, as it requires a person to sign the Invitation of their own will to enter. Otherwise, that definitely would have been the best plan.

Ah shit.

There goes asking Binah for EGO.

You know...the Mikis being missing is awfully convenient isn't it?

Here's hoping they didn't bumped into judgement bird or something.

Good to see I'm not the only one who is beginning to have alarms blaring on that one.

Maybe try using Order/Lobotomy to force Madoka into signing the Invitation?

That's an idea… Lepi, does X thinks it can be done?
Can anyone say what might happen when we mess with Madoka? I assume we're worried about hurting her, but can she hurt us? I always feel in the dark during these kinds of decisions because I don't have much background info.
Can anyone say what might happen when we mess with Madoka? I assume we're worried about hurting her, but can she hurt us? I always feel in the dark during these kinds of decisions because I don't have much background info.

Given the curse is from the Adult, maybe, maybe not.

The way Library of Ruina shows the Adult don't give much information, we know she loves giving poisoned gifts (Oz didn't want to govern and want friends? Great! She is now a pumpkin monster that transform everyone into pumpkins, can't govern like that! Also, the pumpkins counts as friends!) and has extremely powerful magic (the moment she gets serious, she hits you with a card that will insta kill you, no questions), but she is also prone to have her own misdeeds come back to blow up in her face (you spend her entire fight having help from some abnos she tricked, and stop the attack by making her a pumpkin via the aforementioned curse.).

That curse was probably directed to make us react, so it is likely to have a contingency against us in particular.

It can kill Madoka, it can attack us, it can attack anyone nearby, who knows? That Adult is perfectly able to do any of that.

The question becomes how to minimize the chances of this kind of shenanigans while still removing the curse, since I seriously doubt it is just going to make her sleep.
Not relying on either Kyubey or anyone else is absolutely out of the question here. X is smart, but she's not exactly the kind of person to solve puzzles on the first try kind of smart.

Can we call Chesed? We would like to use our chance to call family on this gameshow puzzle please.
Maybe try using Order/Lobotomy to force Madoka into signing the Invitation?
An Order wouldn't work, since Madoka can't actually understand the order while she's asleep and even if she could it doesn't actively compel people to do things.

Similarly, Lobotomy doesn't directly puppet people around, it just changes how they think/feel/act/remember/perceive/exist.
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An Order wouldn't work, since Madoka can't actually understand the order while she's asleep, and even if she could it doesn't actively compel people to do things.

Similarly, Lobotomy doesn't directly puppet people around, it just changes how they think/feel/act/remember/perceive/exist.
Ah, you also reminded me.

Maybe we shouldn't try using Order/Lobotomy for that kind of thing. It's...well, we can call it necessarily evil but it's still evil, and X shouldn't have to use that kind of justification with the kid.
Honestly... looking at what we have available, I am thinking Kyubey is our best bet. Maybe it bears repeating, but even if the Incubators have no desire to be friends, they have a vested interest in Madoka contracting and in getting the Adult Who Tells Lies dislodged. Their resources far surpass those of any other person X has available to look at this, and I doubt even the Adult understands how the Incubators work or can lay a trap for their capabilities like she most likely did for X and Lobotomy, or maybe even Magical Girls now that she had time to study them.

Seeing that there were notions of Homura using her magic and that time will not be an issue, I would need a refresher on her current capabilities; if she can turn back time to a point Madoka was not hit by this, that would be a no-brainer. If she can only dilate time, then that could still be used to give the science team as much of it as they need to figure this out.

And personally speaking, I kind of like the idea of X and Kyubey teaming up for this one. Especially with a title like the one for this Update, that sort of outside-the-box actions may be what is needed.

With all that said...

[X] Team up with Kyubey to remove the curse safely
-[X] Use Homura's powers where possible to get as much time as possible without allowing the Adult to move freely in the meantime
-[X] Send everyone else to the Library for now to tell Angela the news and ask for whatever support she can get to you

Note that the last line is also to not have a gaggle of worried teens there to potentially disrupt the work.
[X] Team up with Kyubey to remove the curse safely
-[X] Use Homura's powers where possible to get as much time as possible without allowing the Adult to move freely in the meantime
-[X] Send everyone else to the Library for now to tell Angela the news and ask for whatever support she can get to you

That seems about right.

We also need to have Argalia come over to take Leonia away, but that's for later. Plus, Leonia might be helpful if we need to have an emergency evac if the Adult decides to nuke the house.

Actually, the immediate thing we should probably tell Kyubey to do is to get started on evacuating Kamihama.
I absolutely hate that Kyubey does seems like our best bet here… I have a strong dislike of the cabbit.

[X] Team up with Kyubey to remove the curse safely
-[X] Use Homura's powers where possible to get as much time as possible without allowing the Adult to move freely in the meantime
-[X] Send everyone else to the Library for now to tell Angela the news and ask for whatever support she can get to you