Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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"Everyone, of course." you reply casually. "There's not a person alive who couldn't use a little help and encouragement, wouldn't you agree? People are fundamentally good, they just need some guidance to get where they need to be in life."

It's funny how what was originally a statement made just to commit to the act melds into something more honest. People are better off when they have somebody to speak to, to feel like they're heard by. Humans are social animals; they function best when close with one another. Even someone like Binah can find a better place in life with just a little bit of assistance and some healthy relationships.
Um, I don't think anyone could have accused Garion, Arbiter of the Head, of not having found her place in life. She had the perfect job for someone of her proclivities and talents, and seemed rather happy with it. And I don't know about her relationships, but it's very hard not to beat being tortured in Ayin's basement for ten thousand years in terms of healthiness. Even granting that Binah the Librarian is marginally less awful than Garion the Arbiter, it doesn't even make sense to attribute this change to a teleological Force of Human Connection that dragged her from one point to the other, never mind the assumption that this is always a good thing.

Anyway, how does the current Library invitation work, exactly? If X is about to die in the Emerald City, can she press a button and instantly escape? I kinda want to ask Angela to give invitations to everyone, if she's amenable to that. The Adult will definitely gloat that no recall or intervention can save you in her fortress, but Pluto thought the same thing and look where that got him with Iori.
Anyway, how does the current Library invitation work, exactly? If X is about to die in the Emerald City, can she press a button and instantly escape? I kinda want to ask Angela to give invitations to everyone, if she's amenable to that. The Adult will definitely gloat that no recall or intervention can save you in her fortress, but Pluto thought the same thing and look where that got him with Iori.
library's Teleportation is instant teleportation to inside of the library with no restraints. So yeah, I think so.
Problem is we don't have an invitation on hand
It's funny how what was originally a statement made just to commit to the act melds into something more honest. People are better off when they have somebody to speak to, to feel like they're heard. Humans are social animals; they function best when close to one another. Even someone like Binah can find a better place in life with just a little bit of assistance and some healthy relationships.
: YEAH! That's the spirit X! Everyone just needs a little guidance and everything will turn out alright!

As for the goals...

[X] Plan: Guidance
-[X] Check up and spend time with the kids.
-[X] Kamihama
--[X] Analyze the resurrected subjects (Argalia, Isabeau, etc.)

: Ayin and I are rooting for you, X! You and the kids are just so adorable!
"And what would those traits and talents be, if you'll forgive me for being so forward?" Isabeau asks, beginning to lean forward in her bed.

If Kyubey was there and could have PTSD flashbacks, he would be having one right now. :V

It's funny how what was originally a statement made just to commit to the act melds into something more honest. People are better off when they have somebody to speak to, to feel like they're heard by. Humans are social animals; they function best when close with one another. Even someone like Binah can find a better place in life with just a little bit of assistance and some healthy relationships.

Finally, X sees it! That her nature is not the horrible tyranny she fears and that she can live as an Abno...
Of course, that only applies to humans and beings that think like humans. Abnormalities like yourself or the Adult are another story.

*Scream in frustration*

"my children are all precious to me. All things I posses are treasured, and a mother's children are her greatest treasures of all."
Isabeau hardly reacts to her daughter's entrance, not so much as looking at her.

Something tells me X would have caught how untrue that first one is even without the emotion sense.

When Isabeau opens her hand, something sits in her palm. Butterfly wings the color of the sunset blossom out like the petals of a flower from a single glassy pink eye that looks exactly like Kyubey's. Isabeau tossed the Familiar to the ground, letting it land at the side of the bed. Spidery skeletal limbs sprout at random from between the nameless thing's petals, and it rises to its full height around your waist. The Familiar reaches out to grasp a cup of tea before making its way over to you, presenting the cup as one would a treasured gift.

In another thread, a certain *definitely not a witch* is seeing this and telling: "Wait, she gets to make Familiars willy nilly but everytime part of me tries to think on ho to do it there is another big one that begin rambling about how *they could destroy the universe* or *We can't be sure they won't make us despair*? Not fair!"

You wonder what exactly she means by maid staff, given Kyubey apparently actually did something that prevented her from making more.

Don't ask, you won't like the answer...

You ask, drawing a genuine laugh from Isabeau.

Annnnnddddd she just did, well, mention of brainwashing are just what X needed to go through the day....

Especially since any one of the four seem the type willing to die to make a point in the right circumstances. This is going to blow up in the Adult's face, and if you play your cards right you can decide when.

I think that is an accurate statement of what The Adult is, she makes plans, these plans can be very successful until she gets over her head one way or another and suddenly, she's a pumpkin.

"They said that too." Minou admits with a sigh. Lapin, maybe?

Ayin in the background: "Yeah, Lapin, totally Lapin."

[] Training/Experimentation
-[] With what?

Can we use the birds we have to trace the Long bird? That's actually something I am wondering if we should try, having the mere possibility of the Apocalypse Bird coming to her door would make interesting things to the Adult's tension, I think.

- There's an inconsistency between Argalia and the other people the Adult has brought back to life. A little study should be enough to reveal what it is, and maybe even trace the source.


I'll be working on the tracks.

*Make choo-choo noises*. :V

I think we should ask Kyubey about Isabeau before we do anything. As things stand I don't see why X should help her kids 'help' her.

I can already tell you Kyubey's answer: "Lies, lies, and even more lies"

Why would he help us on this one? He consider Isabeau a liability, every single one of his answers will work on making sure we won't ally with her, and nothing he will say will be possible to trust any farther than it can be thrown... by an ant.
Can we use the birds we have to trace the Long bird? That's actually something I am wondering if we should try, having the mere possibility of the Apocalypse Bird coming to her door would make interesting things to the Adult's tension, I think.
Given X's extreme compatibility with the peak Red and Pale side of the Abno family (Apoc Bird and Whitenight), it'd be interesting to see how Apoc Bird will interact...

Though saying that, I'm a bit weary of unleashing that monster, you know since we can't guarantee it won't just fight us and cause even more problems.

Because between the Adult and Apocalypse Bird, the latter is one that can fight The Daughter on even footing and might even win against her.
Anyway, how does the current Library invitation work, exactly? If X is about to die in the Emerald City, can she press a button and instantly escape? I kinda want to ask Angela to give invitations to everyone, if she's amenable to that. The Adult will definitely gloat that no recall or intervention can save you in her fortress, but Pluto thought the same thing and look where that got him with Iori.
X always carries two Invitations to the Library with her which Angela sends after each visit. One so she can visit whenever she wants, and one either to give to somebody else or as a backup.
I can already tell you Kyubey's answer: "Lies, lies, and even more lies"

Why would he help us on this one? He consider Isabeau a liability, every single one of his answers will work on making sure we won't ally with her, and nothing he will say will be possible to trust any farther than it can be thrown... by an ant.
Kyubey only gives factually correct information to the best of its knowledge, and has a stated an interest in keeping on X's goodside for now. It's going to be far more honest then any of the four individuals in that family, as they are either insane or deeply in the coping phase.

Besides, I don't particularly want to ally with them. Blondie says she wants her mother back, but what I know of her seems to paint the situation as wishing back a person who never was. She has an idea of who Isabeau was, and I get the feeling that idea does not match reality. If X goes through with it, she's either turning Isabeau back into a very problematic individual with way to much power, which really doesn't help anything, or she'd be taking the twisted remians of whatever Isabeau is and turning them into Minou's wish fulfillment fantasy. Neither of these things are good.
Something tells me X would have caught how untrue that first one is even without the emotion sense.
It sounds Technically True to me: she values her daughters as possessions, which does not at all mean she cares about them as people. I'm not even sure it's an intentional deception - her mind might be twisted enough to not see the difference, or not see truly caring about them for their own sake as a possibility, or she might simply assume that, as a powerful being like herself, X would naturally feel the same way.
Kyubey only gives factually correct information to the best of its knowledge
Regarding this, is there actually an in-universe, canon confirmation that Kyubey doesn't lie? I've always assumed this for out-of-universe reasons ("it would be super boring otherwise"), but I don't remember any plain statements to that effect in the anime. Maybe it's in a manga adaptation or a spinoff?
Regarding this, is there actually an in-universe, canon confirmation that Kyubey doesn't lie? I've always assumed this for out-of-universe reasons ("it would be super boring otherwise"), but I don't remember any plain statements to that effect in the anime. Maybe it's in a manga adaptation or a spinoff?
He outright says he doesn't lie and doesn't understand the idea of lying in the show. He leaves out key information (unless you directly ask about it), lets you assume incorrect information, and will lead you to false conclusions, but he'll never make something up.

Yes it is splitting hairs at that point, but as long as you throughly grill him you can get him to spill the beans. He also doesn't seem to know you can just not respond with answers, so he'll always talk.
[X] Hunt Witches/Abnormalities
[X] Plans For Kamihama
-[X] Barrier Plans

I am fine with either of these as there are still at least 3 abnormalities out there and the barrier is the most immediate obstacle in Kamihama. The kids will be fine without us hovering over them. Although I'm not confident in leaving them with no means to contact us.
Kyubey only gives factually correct information to the best of its knowledge, and has a stated an interest in keeping on X's goodside for now.

Kyubey is a specialist in the matter of lying while telling the truth, and him wanting to stay on our good side would actually incite him to not have us ally with Isabeau, who he knows is against him.

He doesn't do *honest*, and he constantly mislead, meanwhile, Minou actually has Ayin whispering in her ears and giving counsel to do good.

Blondie says she wants her mother back, but what I know of her seems to paint the situation as wishing back a person who never was. She has an idea of who Isabeau was, and I get the feeling that idea does not match reality.

Isabeau before the witchout was almost certainly a far better person and definitely far more emotionally stable. It is in our interest to work on it anyway, since it also is a way to work on undoing becoming a witch.

Ayin seems to believe her goal is worthwhile too.
Isabeau's original, unmodified morality is a it of a mystery, and I'm content to leave it as such until the truth is revealed. She was, what, thirteen when she Contracted? After which point she was part Incubator, a species not exactly known for their capacity for empathy. Then she Witched, got shoved back into her body, and things escalated from there. Again, there is Teenage Isabeau from Magia Record, but that only tells us so much.

Whether or not to cure Isabeau will be a choice later down the line, and I intend for there to be at least a little ambiguity regarding the correct choice.
Ayin seems to believe her goal is worthwhile too.
I'm not sure whether or not we should assume that. Since Dadyin isn't exactly communicating clearly with us (Wow, big surprise there, the entire family seems to lack social capabilities outside of X), it's hard to know what he wants. I don't think he considers her goal worthwhile, but he might consider her worth saving.

However, since Dad is clearly struggling to help people, we should give him a hand anyway.
To be fair, X hasn't exactly gone out of her way to try talking with Carmen or Ayin, beyond I guess asking them to carry a message to Argalia. And X was kinda forced to interact with Angela...

Do any of you remember an instance of X trying to contact Carmen and/or Ayin?

Maybe before we write them off completely, X should give shouting into the telepathic void a try, then we can say they're anti-social when they don't respond.

Maybe they're just being like "Well, they probably don't want to see me, so I'll try not to talk with them" thus won't be the one to reach out first.
She was, what, thirteen when she Contracted?

14 actually, and she was 60 when she died, a long, long time for her normal morals to take a hit from her witching out, particularly since I'm not sure Magia Record's *teenage* version isn't already a witch, don't know enough about the game.

Again, there is Teenage Isabeau from Magia Record, but that only tells us so much.

This version is, what, 18 from what I seem to remember from a little search? Really emphasize my point about her being 60 when she died, she really had more than enough time to change.
Do any of you remember an instance of X trying to contact Carmen and/or Ayin?
She did try to have Argalia ask Carmen to talk to her/assist her, but was declined by Mother Dearest.

Though then again, Carmen only declined to help X, not talk to her.

X hasn't tried to genuinely talk to either Ayin/Carmen yet, outside of a few moments when she considers asking them for help. Like, not asking for assistance or anything, but just asking mom and dad to interact with her.
This version is, what, 18 from what I seem to remember from a little search? Really emphasize my point about her being 60 when she died, she really had more than enough time to change.

Rechecked the wiki, Magia Record's Isabeau is 19 and, more importantly, has Lapin and Minou as magical girls, meaning she is already a witch, so her morality even there is suspect.

That means that when we see her in Tart, she has been a witch for more than 40 years, really not a good benchmark for her behavior prior to her change, we really shouldn't suppose that her current one is close to her non corrupt one.
she really had more than enough time to change.
I mean...Changing is hard tho? Especially for a girl living in the age where 14 years old child marriages were the norm.

I'm not saying it's not Isabeau's fault (from what I'm seeing, she probably didn't bother to try anyway), but at the same time, I don't think we should really blame her for basically having the morality of someone from an age where morality isn't as developed as today.
I mean...Changing is hard tho? Especially for a girl living in the age where 14 years old child marriages were the norm.

Changing when you change species to a new one with a physiology based on grief seems easy though, and that's what I was talking about, that she had 40 years as a being with an altered mentality to make her thoughts unrecognizable from the ones she had as a human by the time we see her in Tart, the period she lived in is completely irrelevant in the face of that.

Plus the fact that the event happened when she was still young enough for her mentality to not be completely crystallized, we do have confirmation that she witched out before the age of 19.
At least she gave you a lot you can use. Lapin, Corbeau, and Minou are Isabeau's biological children, born in that order. She had a son as well, but he sided against her during the French Revolution and most likely died a couple centuries ago. Unlike Isabeau and her children, the Adult had no reason to bring him back.

Most notable is confirmation of the relation between Isabeau and the Adult. She and her children were defeated and killed either during or after the French Revolution, and the sorcerous Abnormality brought them back to life in exchange for assistance fortifying Kamihama. Isabeau has not been enjoying this power dynamic, and it shows.
I just noticed this on a reread - either Tart's plot is way more complicated than I've been led to believe, or this is meant to say "the Hundred Years War" instead of "the French Revolution".
I just noticed this on a reread - either Tart's plot is way more complicated than I've been led to believe, or this is meant to say "the Hundred Years War" instead of "the French Revolution".
Whoops, you're correct. Got my French conflicts mixed up there. Not sure how that happened, those two aren't even close to one another.
Would people want to see some of the Limbus Abnormalities here? It wouldn't be incredibly difficult to justify.
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