You're getting strange enough signals from this woman as it is.
I mean, that body is a puppet for her real one, so....
Her thoughts are flooded with Grief, the same sickly stench of artificial suffering that pervades a Witch's existence.
Because she is one.
Threaded through the Barrier is a second signature, subtly woven into the air out from the place the woman now sits. It's dug itself into her thoughts as well, shading every flicker of curiosity or judgement that jumps out as she assesses you. More than that, her feelings have… holes in them, is the best way you can describe it. Little sensations that cut off out of nowhere and then start up again as if they had been there all along. It takes active effort to school your expression against the sheer strangeness of it all.
Hmmm... her original mindset partially restored by Lapin's wish? Something else?
Former, it's been centuries, come on Isabeau, live with the times.
That points to either stunted growth, which the woman's too-small frame supports, or having given birth at a very young age. They could also be adopted, but hair color aside you can see enough similarities between the three sisters and their mother to rule that out.
Funnily enough? Probably all three.
The sisters are adopted from implications in the manga. They may be her actual daughters, but it's not sure at all.*
Isabeau contracted and witched out not that old, leading to her not growing anymore. (She contracted at 14, there are no real signs of her growing past that, she is 60 by the time of Tart, she still looks 14.)
She did have children, and she did have them young, as was *normal* for the time.
*Actually, I rechecked the wiki about Isabeau for a quick reminder about if Charle was her son, and it contains a remark that while the english translation implies adoption, the original text clearly
doesn't, as such, I am going to classify the girls being adopted as a translation error, and consider the girls as her actual daughters from now on. Meaning it's only two of X's hypothesis.
"I have heard much about you, but you learn so much more talking to a person yourself, yes? So please, tell me about yourself. Satiate my curiosity."
Ok, for information this is this insatiable curiosity that led to the problems of Tart magica, you see, Isabeau asked to know everything about Kyubey before wishing, asking questions after questions to know more about him, when she finished? She wished to have everything he has, leading to her abilities to make magical girls like him, amongst other things.
Then she became a witch, and while she wasn't a good person before, she was improperly restored after, and her madness led to Kyubey working to stop her via Magical girls.
By the way, while she is right that Kyubey will not act himself to stop anything given the precedence of her own case, she is wrong about one very important thing:
Even discounting Madoka and her incredible potential, there
wasn't any magical girl able to stop her when she began her plan, Kyubey just searched and contracted girls until he found one that would, basically, there being none
now doesn't mean there won't be one
I have very little idea of what Isabeau is like as a person, so maybe we shouldn't be too friendly just yet.
In one word? Ambitious.
In more? She is known as *the woman who sold France* and is quite hated for that in universe (and partially out, she's not that well known, we talk more about Joan of arc in France), she learned as much as she could about Kyubey because she wanted to take his place, she wants to rule the world, she was changed by her becoming a witch and is now slightly (or more) insane. She is perfectly willing to sacrifice lots of innocent girls for her ambitions.
However, how much of these problems are due to her becoming a witch is not certain. She wasn't a good person before, but witching out and *coming back* warped her.
Given Ayin's talk to Minou, I do wonder if we can reverse or mitigate her witch part, and make her more stable as a result.
I am still going to introduce ourself as an abnormality just because I want X to acknowledge what she is.
[x] As an Abnormality
This strikes me as an important choice, not so much for Isabeau's sake as for X's. I feel like the other two imply a sort of discontinuity between facility-X and current/abnormality-X, which is bad for her internal coherence if nothing else.
*Sees that*
Still going to vote for abno, we are not as we were, we are as we are right now, we are no longer the manager that was, we are the Daughter of the sun and moon, our past isn't our future, it only guides it.
I find hiding from what we are more dangerous in terms of dissociation than introducing ourself as and Abnormality. In fact, that option that I see more likely to lead to discontinuity is the one you chose, because it is staying in the past like Hokma was, not acknowledging that things change and us with it.