Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Madoka
Honestly if Binah wasn't Binah I'd say Sayaka, but Binah would probably end up accidentally breaking her. Kyoko and Homura are both currently distorted and not likely to help, though I would be shocked if bringing them to Binah didn't invoke *something*. Yuma... really shouldn't be getting involved in this but is ironically the second best option IMO, and Mami is.... well, better then Sayaka, but that's about it.

Honestly, also partly voting Madoka because I fully expect Homura to come along and I do kinda want that, but also in a way that isn't *explicitly* voted for if that makes sense.
So, I like how everyone here thinks Binah is emotionally dangerous and making decisions based on that. Not that their wrong.

We don't even know what's going to even happen to whoever we bring, or what they'll need to do. This is just "Who can we afford to show off to Binah?" with a side helping of "Who gets to feel useful/validated?".
Binah: "I said to bring one. We're you just not listening or has becoming an Abnormality hampered your ability to do something as simple as counting?"
Darn, it!

In that case...well, I guess bringing Madoka along would be alright.

Yuma is the second most mentally stable of the kids...which is saying a lot. She should be fine.
Mami is already having a meeting with Ayin.
Kyoko...Kyoko would be another good one to bring along, probably third place in terms of attention required. But she got Mami and Yuma helping her out so she's not too needy.
Sayaka already have Gebura helping her. And also, she's basically mini-Gebura. She and Binah will probably hate each other guts. Or maybe they won't. Definitely won't bring her up on the list though.
Homura...well...Homura is basically a-okay as long as she got Madoka-

Wait, should we ask Angela later on whether or not it's safe for X to wind Homura's key? I wonder how that's going to affect X's shell which has a 'time limit'.

But anyway, she's fine as long as Madoka is okay. It would be good to have her get therapy, but not exactly a high priority (even though I would rather it be so). Plus, she might come along with Madoka too if nothing else.

Madoka is the only one that lacks some semblance of help rn. It would be nice to get her some, and Binah isn't a bad person to go to (even if I would rather Hokma talk to Madoka), while at the same time taking the opportunity to ask her how it's going on with her parents after we dropped the information on her last time.

So Madoka it is. Nyarky does raise a good point that Madoka probably needs a talking from Binah the most. Just remember to ask for her parents' permission though! We came clean to them for a reason X!

[X] Madoka
So, I like how everyone here thinks Binah is emotionally dangerous and making decisions based on that. Not that their wrong.
It is less that I consider her dangerous and more that I understand her as the sort who challenges people and their views. She deconstructs whatever lies they tell themselves and sees right through them to whoever they truly are.

This is problematic for Sayaka because she faces imposter syndrome and is generally liable to breaking if pressed on her beliefs; Binah may cause damage on accident there, just by doing as she does. Meanwhile Mami's mind is fragile due to loneliness and X's current condition, so she should not really be challenged on her beliefs and the mask she wears either. Either problem is exacerbated by the fact Magical Girls can literally die from emotional turmoil, which Binah is unlikely to know.
Madoka is the only one that lacks some semblance of help rn. It would be nice to get her some, and Binah isn't a bad person to go to (even if I would rather Hokma talk to Madoka), while at the same time taking the opportunity to ask her how it's going on with her parents after we dropped the information on her last time.

I mean, Madoka feels better with Binah than with Hokma, she not *the eye, facing the past, building the future*, she's *the eye, facing the fear, breaking the cycle*, she saw Kyubey's machinations and made a new system to break this cycle in canon, she asked how she could face the fear here, in the hope of helping us break the cycle, frankly, while they do have differences, I do expect her to hit it off with Binah in some ways, Madoka is just more compassionate and prone to acting, when Binah is happy as an observer, but maybe Madoka can learn to enjoy being an observer too with such an example in front of her?


Meanwhile Mami's mind is fragile due to loneliness and X's current condition, so she should not really be challenged on her beliefs and the mask she wears either. Either problem is exacerbated by the fact Magical Girls can literally die from emotional turmoil, which Binah is unlikely to know.

Actually, makes me think, the one we want to have Mami meets is Hokma, firm in his beliefs and less prone to twisting your psyche in a pretzel to makes you find answers… well, not in the same kind of pretzel at least. :V
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I'm baseding my decisions on who will have the most funny conversations.

Wouldn't it be funny if homura had a conversation with binah and fully undistorted because Binah did a Binah.
Already taken by Hokma
In Hokma's defense, he has a clock tower. It's not his fault the Abnormalities assigned to him keep turning the environment into menacing temples.

Plus I turn the world around me into an inhospitable hellscape.
^This is basically the only real problem + Seed of Light shenanigans (though the SoL ain't that bad of a side effect).

While there are good reasons for X to fear the slippery slope that is being overly controlling (Helicopter parents am I right?), the main problem with her becoming an Abnormality is the physical one.

I mean, Madoka feels better with Binah than with Hokma, she not *the eye, facing the past, building the future*, she's *the eye, facing the fear, breaking the cycle*, she saw Kyubey's machinations and made a new system to break this cycle in canon, she asked how she could face the fear here, in the hope of helping us break the cycle
That's...pretty much put all my iffy feelings regarding Hokma talking to Madoka into words. Plus you also made me realize something.

Hokma ain't the one for Madoka, he's the one you need to throw at Homura! Of course, the clock enthusiast is perfect for the clockwork soldier.

Actually, makes me think, the one we want to have Mami meets is Hokma, firm in his beliefs and less prone to twisting your psyche in a pretzel to makes you find answers… well, not in the same kind of pretzel at least.
Nah, Dadyin already kinda claimed Mami. And that kinda makes it impossible for Hokma to operate around Mami.

It's just gonna get turned into a simp fest where he goes off on how awesome Ayin is.

Though seriously speaking, Hokma is not too bad for Mami either, as he is related to faith.

Though again, since Ayin is already onto her, Hokma is kinda unneeded.
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So some extra things needed to be done.

Here's the current to-do list so we won't forget it later on.

-Check on Argalia, since he's going to be staying near us for that exact purpose of keeping an eye on him.
-Bring Madoka to Binah. (Basically done next chapter)
-Ask Angela and Chesed for access to the Scarecrow, the Tin-man, Dorothy, the Lion, and Ozma herself. We kinda need them to wreck the Adult's face in. (Lepid said its not possible for in Library Abnormalities not on X's floor)
-Bring Homura with us to our meeting with Hokma, either from the start or after the first meeting like Binah. Personally, I would like it if X get a chance to spend time with her basically adopted dad first without having Homura standing outside the room awkwardly.
-Check-in with Mami later, OOC to know what Dad's up to. IC X knows Mami's past, spending some time with her, Yuma, and Kyoko would be a good thing.
-Check-in with Sayaka's parents/Sayaka herself, we still need to finish that talk.
-Capture the last piece of Birdxodia. And complete the set. Dunno about testing Apoc Bird tho.
-Keep an eye on any strange things with Mami.
-Talk with the Shizukis.

Edit: -Check with Angela about whether or not Homura's wind-up key will affect X's time. It likely doesn't, but better be safe than sorry.
Edit2: Removed Chesed Abnormalities.
Did I miss anything?
Edit3: Done with Mami check-in, updated it again. Added Hitomi's talk.
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So. Reading everyone's thoughts has given me an urge to consider which Sephira each of the girls needs to talk to most.
I agree that Binah's lessons are the ones most relevant to Madoka, whose main issues... aren't indecisiveness, but something in that general area I think. She's figuring out what she wants to do with her life, and how she wants to get there. What being good, and true to herself means. Binah is the perfect whetstone to sharpen that blade.

Homura would benefit a lot from a talk with Hokma... but also Chesed. I feel part of her Distortion is that she just. Doesn't trust anyone else to do the job right, or even at all. But where did such a sentiment come from? The loops. All the trial and error and failure against what was once an insurmountable obstacle. Why would she trust anyone, when she's the only one that saw even a little success after all this time? Thus... I think Chesed might at least partially resolve Homura's Distortion, while Hokma's insights pave the way towards EGO Manifestation. Maybe.

Mami... For now Hokma is a good one to talk to. He'll probably ensure she survives the witchbomb, at least. But I think once that hits she needs to see Hod and Netzach. Who better to help one who dedicated her life to trying to be good and help, only for it all to be for nothing, a lie even? Who better than them to help her step back and reevaluate things?

Sayaka's already learning from Gebura, and that's good for helping her get better... but I think what she really needs is someone to beat it into her skull that more often than not "Double Down When you Fuck Up" is a terrible idea. Which i guess would be Malkuth or Hod, given both have experience with bashing their heads against brick walls to the detriment of everyone around them.

Kyoko... Malkuth. It hurts to so blatantly support Worst Girl in any capacity but (unfortunately) Malkuth is hands down the one best equipped to help Kyoko, given she's a blob of Fire and Self-Worth Issues.

Yuma... is weirdly stable. Which is good in a setting like Madoka Magica. What concerns me is how and why she's stable. It's. I feel like she's the kind of stability you get out of someone who's made peace with the idea that they're eventually gonna either die or go back to being miserable and there's nothing they can do to stop it, so they should just enjoy the good while it lasts. She's. She's Enoch 2 Electric Boogaloo, is what I'm saying. Which is. Y'know. Not a good place to be. And I'm not sure any of the Sephira are equipped for that. Maybe Tiphereth but I also feel like that's liable to explode spectacularly somehow.

Honestly the best we can do for Yuma at this point is probably just leave her where she is, mentally speaking. Once things calm down some we could probably work on instilling some hope in her but... yeah. One thing I do know is that I don't want her near Binah. I don't know why I feel that way. It's not like I think she'll throw the 8 year old or however old she is into a pit of snakes or anything (Binah's bad but I don't think she's that bad), I just find the mental image concerning for reasons I don't understand and can't put into words.
[X] Madoka
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Yuma... is weirdly stable. Which is good in a setting like Madoka Magica. What concerns me is how and why she's stable.
I feel you got most things pretty well but want to chip in here. From what I understand, Yuma's stance on life is that right now is good because it used to be worse. So she understands on some level that life can get better if you just brave the hardships and hold out, which feels like textbook "The Fearlessness to Keep on Living" to me. I would not say she needs therapy of any sort, but she might enjoy getting to just lie around doing nothing with Netzach sometime.
Thinking it through, I don't think Chesed and Malkuth quite fit.

Sure, Chesed is all about working together. However, that isn't quite Homura's problem.

More specifically, Chesed himself isn't all about the power of friendship. His main deal is moving past the guilt of what he's done and learning to rely on, to trust the people around him more.

Homura doesn't really have a guilt of Chesed's nature. Well, she does, but at the same time not really.

The ones you'd want to help Homura might be Gebura and Yesod instead. Given Yesod's old obsession with "doing it right", because of his fear that things only went wrong because proper procedures weren't kept, and how he became cold due to it. Gebura is self-explanatory. Failure to save people.

I would say that surprisingly, Kyoko would fit Chesed more given her whole ordeal of blaming herself for everything.

Perhaps some combination of Hod and Chesed for Kyoko instead of Malkuth.

Sayaka works best with Malkuth, come on, a girl giving her all for some dumb sad end just for some of the Senpai's attention?

Edit: Naron already mentioned Netzach for Yuma. Though with that girl I think she'd enjoy hanging out with Angela and Roland too. More Roland than Angela tbh.
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X: "Im back Yuma! Did you had fun with auntie Angela and uncle Roland?"
Yuma: "When will Mama X find me a Papa?"
X: "WHA-"
Roland: "Worth it."
Angela: "Yep. "