Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Going by that logic the Lost Belt Servants would also be Foreigner and have Existence Outside the Domain. Hell, even Kukulkan, an actual alien, who have her Existence Outside of the Domain rankless due to earth being her home.

It be much easier to just see traits that only work with a sole Servant, i.e the Child trait only matter with Summer Illya, to see it going off of their perspective rather and logic
She also have multiple connections with different gods(Although they are abnormalities, they are still Eldritch beings, We literally started with The blue star... Also, if we presume that she has all the ordeals now, she literally have the power of an elder god in her command.) and an Alien race.
So maybe that's why she gets a foreigner.
She also have multiple connections with different gods(Although they are abnormalities, they are still Eldritch beings, We literally started with The blue star... Also, if we presume that she has all the ordeals now, she literally have the power of an elder god in her command.) and an Alien race.
So maybe that's why she gets a foreigner.
Yes but, Abnormalities while quite terrifying and seem quite alien or foreign are unlike the Lovecraft gods, are not the vessel of foreign gods, and do not originate from beyond the earth physically or otherwise and are in reality human, of humanity, and the product of humans and while seeming "eldrtich" do not originate from anywhere beyond humanity, they originate from the well which is also of humanity.

And while yes the Earth of the PJM universe is post-apocalyptic and quite different from our earth is still an earth, unlike with Heroine XX and voyager, humans or the products of humanity which qualify for foreigner status due to coming from beyond the earth. Even with PJM earth probably being a lostbelt, being a lostbelt inhabitant does not qualify one for being a foreigner.
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Voyager (My child), is a little weirder, since it feel like they shove him into the class more due to them not wanting to add another class to FGO. Similar to how they turn Faker into Pretender and whatnot.
Okay, here's my rebuttal
I'm not arguing for abnormalitys because they are human in origin, What I'm going to argue for is the ordeals.
namely violet ordeals.
You might want to say but they still from humans, They are still extracted from the human mind and their memories fears of certain events, namely The apocalypses, but...elder gods and eldridge abomination are cognitive hazards, even after filters upon filters, they will still stick around, They have powers over the minds of others... Which means if you're extracting it straight from the minds of others, you're extracting a Cognitive Hazard made by the elder God's.
thus, if X is using their power, even after multiple filters snd only though an alter for them, it is reasonable enough to give her a foreigner ranking, She holding that power alone is enough.
Well, maybe Hitomi can't be a magical girl, but maybe she could be the first Ego user in this world, that or a new distortion....

Because green is the only color missing from the team

And no, Yuma doesn't technically count.
Yes but, Abnormalities while quite terrifying and seem quite alien or foreign are unlike the Lovecraft gods, are not the vessel of foreign gods, and do not originate from beyond the earth physically or otherwise and are in reality human, of humanity, and the product of humans and while seeming "eldrtich" do not originate from anywhere beyond humanity, they originate from the well which is also of humanity.

And while yes the Earth of the PJM universe is post-apocalyptic and quite different from our earth is still an earth, unlike with Heroine XX and voyager, humans or the products of humanity which qualify for foreigner status due to coming from beyond the earth. Even with PJM earth probably being a lostbelt, being a lostbelt inhabitant does not qualify one for being a foreigner.
The PJM Earth wouldn't count as a Lostbelt, since on the whole Humanity is actually progressing rather well. Advancements are being made, new technologies are being discovered, things are progressing. Life might suck on the individual level, but that alone isn't enough to qualify a timeline to be pruned.

On the Foreigner bit, it's mostly a DoSaM-specific thing. While there is an argument to be made about Abnormalities and the Well, I pinned X as a Foreigner due to her... issues regarding the Facility and how she sees/saw the world. It's a bit of a stretch, but Fate already does that a lot and X already has enough lovecraftian/eldritch elements to push her the rest of the way. There's also the distinct similarity to another otherworldly insect-like entity with a power that converts the area around them into a hostile environment, though that's more of a coincidence than anything else.

God, I've put way too much thought into a one-off joke.
The PJM Earth wouldn't count as a Lostbelt, since on the whole Humanity is actually progressing rather well. Advancements are being made, new technologies are being discovered, things are progressing. Life might suck on the individual level, but that alone isn't enough to qualify a timeline to be pruned.

On the Foreigner bit, it's mostly a DoSaM-specific thing. While there is an argument to be made about Abnormalities and the Well, I pinned X as a Foreigner due to her... issues regarding the Facility and how she sees/saw the world. It's a bit of a stretch, but Fate already does that a lot and X already has enough lovecraftian/eldritch elements to push her the rest of the way. There's also the distinct similarity to another otherworldly insect-like entity with a power that converts the area around them into a hostile environment, though that's more of a coincidence than anything else.

God, I've put way too much thought into a one-off joke.
Entirely valid, although you could also argue that as a being created by a man essentially fragmenting and splintering his psyche, then being subsumed by the light, remade herself in the image of another and armed herself with things made from the human psyche (plus being an abnormality herself) that X could also be argued to be a good candidate for the Alter Ego class.
oh yeah... There's no outside so her world is her facility, everything outside doesn't exist and out of this world, thus all foreigner, same logic apply when reversed
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The PJM Earth wouldn't count as a Lostbelt, since on the whole Humanity is actually progressing rather well. Advancements are being made, new technologies are being discovered, things are progressing. Life might suck on the individual level, but that alone isn't enough to qualify a timeline to be pruned.

On the Foreigner bit, it's mostly a DoSaM-specific thing. While there is an argument to be made about Abnormalities and the Well, I pinned X as a Foreigner due to her... issues regarding the Facility and how she sees/saw the world. It's a bit of a stretch, but Fate already does that a lot and X already has enough lovecraftian/eldritch elements to push her the rest of the way. There's also the distinct similarity to another otherworldly insect-like entity with a power that converts the area around them into a hostile environment, though that's more of a coincidence than anything else.

God, I've put way too much thought into a one-off joke.
It's okay the rules of Fate, especially Servants are made to be broken.
After all Servants are chosen because their deeds have made them stand above their fellows in a unique way, honestly servants having or lacking classes that do or don't make sense or entirely breaking the rules of their class is ironically expected and it would be weirder if the rules mattered more.
(Lancelot lacks a rider class WTF his og story had him mocked as the Knight of the Cart, how can he who's og myth involves a vehicle not qualify for rider even if it's a shitty one.)
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(Lancelot lacks a rider class WTF his og story had him mocked as the Knight of the Cart, how can he who's og myth involves a vehicle not qualify for rider even if it's a shitty one.)
I don't think Lancelot lacks a Rider class, he just hasn't had one made? Though if Lancelot do pop up again in some other fate work it would probably be as Saber or Berserker depending on what the writer wants.

Nasu when letting other people play in his world, will make sure their stuff is lore sufficient. But if he see something that break a rule, and like it, he find a loop hole and allow. "Cool over rule."
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2.2.11 - Trust Me, I’m A Doctor
Chapter 107 - Trust Me, I'm A Doctor

Recognition flashes in Sayaka's eyes as she realizes what everyone else in the know is currently staring at her for. At least the has the dignity to look ashamed of her mistake, face flushed and eyes to the ground. "Sorry, I just forgot Hitomi didn't know yet. We were talking about other worlds, and Abnormalities, and mad science, and space moths, and that all just seemed like a bigger secret than the whole thing with Witches and Magical Girls."

"It's fine, really." you say with a sigh. You were planning to explain this part anyways. "I'll just have to move that part of the explanation up a bit. And for the record, I'm not a mad scientist or from space."

"Oh? So am I to understand that Magical Girls are… real?" Hitomi asks.

"Yep! Yuma's sisters are both super cool Magical Girls!" your youngest daughter chimes in before returning to staring at a small flower poking out from a crack in the sidewalk.

"It is as my sister says, though it is not like what is portrayed in most media." Mami jumps in. You lean back slightly and allow her the floor. This is an explanation that she has given many times, after all. "Magical Girls are created by a contract between a girl and a being known as Kyubey. In exchange for granting a Wish of limited capacity, a Magical Girl must forever hunt monsters known as Witches in order to survive. Many die in the line of battle, or in struggles over resources."

You repress the immediate urge to console your daughter upon hearing the coldness and bitterness creep into her voice. Mami hasn't spoken much about her past as a Magical Girl beyond the broad strokes, and you've always respected that. Memories can be painful, and as you know all too well sometimes digging through one's past can do more harm than good. It was almost always better to allow the Sephirah to open up on their own rather than force the issue, and you'll apply the same policy here.

"Is that so?" Hitomi shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I just find it a bit hard to believe."

"Really? You seemed pretty accepting of the earlier stuff." Sayaka adds, still a bit sheepish from her earlier blunder.

"Well, yes. The existence of alternate worlds has already been theorized, and highly advanced technologies existing on those worlds that allows people to do incredible things is perfectly within the realm of believability." Hitomi states. Isn't she thirteen or something? This place is definitely a Nest equivalent with the curriculum its schools are running. "However, the idea that not only does magic exist in our world, but that it has done so undiscovered? Forgive me for doubting you, but it is a bit hard to believe."

Suddenly, Madoka raises a hand. "Actually, I have an idea!" A mere second later, Kyubey crawls out from behind the girl's raised hand and onto her arm. Bearing its ever-gleeful smile in spite of the wary or downright hostile looks it's receiving, the Incubator turns towards Hitomi and speaks.

"Greetings, Shizuki Hitomi. I am Kyubey, an assistant to Magical Girls. Though you already know that."

Hitomi blinks, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the alien creature now sitting on her friend's lap. It's been a while since you've seen Kyubey. You'd ask what it's been up to, but that will have to wait until you've cleared up everything else.

"Kyubey is an alien," you start, "with a vested interest in killing Witches, which are beings formed from accumulated negative emotions. They can be considered analogous to Abnormalities, though different on a fundamental level. Kyubey assists Magical Girls in hunting them, which mostly takes the form a vague advice and covering up any evidence of their existence to the general public."

"Most media manipulation is currently done by an assisting Magical Girl, Charlie Roswell, actually, but you are otherwise correct." Kyubey corrects you shamelessly, as though they aren't admitting to involvement in propaganda to conceal information. You notice Homura's hands shake ever so slightly; you're both impressed she's not gone for the little rat yet and glad to see some emotion break through her mask, even if it is murderous rage.

Then again, you would consider such an emotional response to Kyubey a reasonable one. It's not far off from your own repressed disdain, and as long as Homura doesn't act unwisely you can only see it as a sign of hope for the future.

It is to the surprise of nearly everyone in attendance when Kyubey continues, saying "Your Karmic Potential is sufficient for becoming a Magical Girl, should you desire to enter a Contract with me."

"Ah, but I thought you had said…" Madoka trails off.

"Previously, Hitomi Shizuki's Karmic Potential was not of the necessary level to facilitate a Contract. However, it has changed due to recent circumstances. While uncommon, such fluctuations are not unheard of."

"Excuse me," Hitomi cuts in, "but what exactly is Karmic Potential?"

Before Kyubey can answer, you speak up. You don't trust the alien not to leave out some important details in his explanation. "Karmic Potential is, for lack of a better explanation, a measurement of how much one's life will impact the rest of the world. Of course, that's a vast oversimplification. You can't really measure something like that with a single value. The more of it you have, the more you're able to accomplish with the Wish you're granted and the more power you have as a Magical Girl."

"If this 'Karmic Potential' is being used for Magic," Hitomi asks, "does that mean you're giving it up when you become a Magical Girl?"

"Eh, it's complicated." you say. "You'll definitely lose a lot of time, and it's a dangerous profession. It's more of a practical loss than a metaphysical one, at least to my knowledge."

"And speaking of, there are some other people who should be aware of those risks."

"Huh? Who do you mean by that? We're all here, and Yuma already knows everything." Sayaka says.

"I meant your parents."

Hitomi gapes at her friends. "You mean you haven't told your parents about any of this?"

"I didn't want them to worry…" Madoka says, eyes downcast. Sayaka looks even more upset by the disbelief, all energy that was previously present draining from her body.

"Yeah. I thought it would be better if they didn't have to know."

"It's not recommended to involve more people than necessary with Magical Girl business. That only leads to more and more information spreading. Besides, it's not unlikely that your parents would get in the way of your work." Kyubey interrupts. You're about to shut him down when Hitomi starts to speak up.

"I don't think that's right. Your parents deserve to know if you're in danger. What would happen if you were to get hurt, or worse, and they never even heard about what happened to you?"

It's a surprisingly impassioned argument, and one that seems to strike a chord with the other kids. Sayaka and Madoka nod reluctantly at their friend's logic, and Mami and Kyoko exchange a look that says a thousand things all at once. Homura stares at Hitomi, muted surprise and gratitude rolling off of her despite the expressionless mask she wears.

"Well, your parents probably aren't both back from work at this time, so you'll have some time to discuss things. I've said my piece, and there's another bit of news I need to deliver to my sister." you say, sitting up and taking a moment to appreciate how your clothes stay clean despite kneeling on grass for that whole conversation.

"Right. I'll see you soon, Mom." Mami says, followed by a loud "Bye Mom!" from Yuma. You reach into your coat for your Invitation and brace yourself to deliver some particularly unpleasant news. At least it's something you're good at.


"…and that's everything I know about Argalia's reappearance."

"Damn." Roland says casually as he scratches the back of his head, his frustration betrayed by the shaking of his other hand as it rests at his side. "Didn't expect that lunatic to be able to cheat death a second time. And you said he's acting all cheery around you?"

"More specifically, he still desires the Light as a means of creating more Distortions. Cut off from our world, you are his only hope at accomplishing that goal." Angela clarifies.

"Yeah, it's not really an ideal situation. His help might be necessary to overthrow the Adult Who Tells Lies' plans, but then I'll have to deal with him afterwards."

"Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and he'll get himself killed in some big final sacrifice. That sicko was always the dramatic type, he might go for it." Roland suggests helpfully. To be fully honest, it really does seem like the most optimal outcome. There is of course the possibility that you could somehow cure Argalia's madness and bring him back to humanity, but that's ridiculously far-fetched. Even if you could devote all of your time and energy to the task, which you can't, it would still require a monumental effort.

"At least we have confirmation on where those Ensemble copies are coming from. Sure, it's not exactly a pleasant answer, but it's better than nothing." you say.

"Indeed. There is also the possibility that once the Adult Who Tells Lies is defeated, those she resurrected will be returned to death. That would make things simpler." Angela proposes. It's a nice thought, at least. "Until then, as unpleasant as such a thing may be, that music-obsessed freak makes a better ally than enemy."

"Speaking of," you point a finger at Roland. "you've fought Argalia. If it comes down to it, how hard would it be to take him in a straight fight, one on one?"

"It wouldn't be easy." Roland says with an exhausted sigh. "We both use multiple different weapons, so I imagine the match would go pretty much the same as ours did. Though I don't think you're as fast or strong in a straightforward sense. Argalia won't be a pushover, but his thing was always connections, leadership, that sort of thing. Put him in a straight fight and he's out of his element."

"Good to know." you say. "Well, I've still got a bit until I've got to go back. Mind if I stick around a bit?"

"Of course, sister. You're always welcome in my Library. Besides, you really should talk with your coworkers." Angela reminds you.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm doing it."


Interact With…
[] Briah
[] Atziluth


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

I think we have three, possibly four chapters until the fun part? Oh, I'm so excited! Then again, this next chapter will be interesting to write as well.
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You mean stay clean here right?

Oh, and we got a library interaction choice...Given that the kids came home from school and we have time until their parents come home...

I will choose the
[X] Asiyah

I'm sure Atziluth will not be done in that short time, and I feel like X isn't quite ready to talk to Binah or Hokma yet. If this was just Roland I would've chosen it.

Briah is a second choice due to the magical girls there. But we have already spent quite a lot of time there.
And we haven't checked up on Malkuth, Yesod, Netzach, and Hod yet. So giving those four some attention would be nice.
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[X] Asiyah

Talking with Binah has a minimum recovery period before your head stops spinning. And I want to see my boy Netzach.