In regards to moving school, we shall leave that up to Hitomi and her parents to discuss. It's not that simple to deal with, from the pov of the parents (moving work, etc), and Hitomi herself too. Even then still, it's not something for us to decide for them.
Our goal here is to inform her parents and herself of the situation and what happened. Apologize for the troubles she suffered, and advise them on how to help Hitomi recover from it as a family.
The situation with the school is something for the parents to bring up with the school itself, and for Hitomi's friends to help her out.
One thing we could actually do to help Hitomi out if she does want to stay here instead of moving school is to ask for the assistance of both Argalia and our kids on how to fool people and dispel the rumor that Hitomi is a drug addict.
Because if there's anyone who knows how to manipulate people well, it's Argalia. Well, Ayin and Carmen can also help, but they avoid X like they avoid child support.
Rumors kind of fall flat on their face once someone "convincing" tell you otherwise, especially when it's with kids.