Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Oof. Emotional damage time. Is there a way we can merge telling the truth with point blank admitting that doing so is emotionally taxing? Or would telling the truth include that? Telling the truth is important, but X clearly isn't ready to just air it all out in a casual/meticulous manner. She needs to set up some kind of boundary or forewarning for if the conversation gets too taxing.
Talk about...Well...At least the two sisters are communicating normally. I am rather surprised that X is so worked up about Binah about this. Personally speaking, I never really trusted Dad's side piece to do anything other than what entertains her after Dad's work is done. She has the "I am untrustworthy" aura and the personality to match it.

[X] The Truth

Now, as for the A-Bomb. I don't think we will be able to make full use of it right now.

Remember, we have basically around 15-something minutes to talk about it. That's not good enough. Seriously. That's very little time.

Still good to get it out for now. But it's a topic we need to retackle later on.
Uh, the two completed Saplings were marked complete before this update, as a heads up (and wow is there a lot to unpack here)
They chose to unite against me, and then they and the agents under them fought
does doesn't mean she isn't a sadistic lunatic
Image Imagine if Ayin and Carmen
their equivalent by to an Abnormality
them make themself themselves more
that you your parents

[X] The Truth
-[X] "Do you really want to know?"

Not hard dialogue, but the sentiment should be there I believe?
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[X] The Truth

If there's anyone who can understand the situation and help with it, it's Angela. Besides, she and X have this really cute dynamic going and I'm not eager to see it ruined.
No real need to write in I feel.

This vote is for X to dump this baggage on Angela so someone also helps her carry it.

They are awkward as all hell. But since Angela also calls Ayin Father, we should at least try to act like sisters would.

We won't have time to go into the nitty gritty detail of X's problem. But since Angela got experience with people who think "This is This and That is That", she should be able to help alleviate X's troubles for a bit.

If we had more time, Roland would be better. However, since we have very little time left, Angela serves as a better mood/sanity bullet for X. Since she is the familial connection.

One thing to note. Angela confirms in this chapter that Ayin is currently active, we already were aware of his activities, but to have it confirmed in the quest is nice. Though he could be more active than how he currently is.
I Honestly doubt Angela doesn't already know, this vote more seems to be how we address it and if we address it, as none of the options are lying just different ways not to talk about it or to just talk about it
Once again, the vote is for X to either dump the weight of her true self first on Angela and get some piece of mind or to keep it to herself.

Angela has 100x reaction speed. It's very likely she already knows.
On a second read through it seems NT os still active? Thats really concerning actually. I mean we can't do anything about it right this second, but still you know?
"And you did deserve better. I'm not happy about what you did, but I get it. Binah? She's just like that. We might've come to an 'understanding', but that does mean she isn't a sadistic lunatic most of the time. You did what you did because you thought it was right. Binah does things because she finds them entertaining. I find one of those motivations far easier to empathize with than the other."
Hear, hear. Seriously, fuck Binah. I'm somewhat disappointed by the Sephirot seemingly forgetting about her being a genuinely terrible person, all because she has an air of civility and makes tea or something.

I Honestly doubt Angela doesn't already know, this vote more seems to be how we address it and if we address it, as none of the options are lying just different ways not to talk about it or to just talk about it
Yeah, she instantly knew the soul gems were people. Straight-up deflecting wouldn't be a good choice. However, saying "I don't wanna talk about it" is actually okay and Angela would understand it, I feel.

[X] Admit you don't want to discuss it
Bottling up our own emotion and problems is good way to blow it up, hard.
Angela is our sister if we cannot trust her because of a single backstab for her survival, I think we are too petty to be called normal.
I'm somewhat disappointed by the Sephirot seemingly forgetting about her being a genuinely terrible person, all because she has an air of civility and makes tea or something.
Given that the general theme of Ruina is forgive-and-live-on. That's pretty reasonable.

I mean. Everyone in Ruina is one way or another a horrible person. Ayin makes sure already that Binah is no longer the most evil person in the room.

And besides, the Binah in Ruina is actually acting decently for once. She helped Roland receive his designated Ayin's-Special-Shock-Therapy treatment and helped Geb and Roland fight against the Head. That makes her good enough.
Binah is still acting like the self central entertainment based bitch that she is, but at least she is tolerable and more enjoyable to listen to.
Binah is still acting like the self central entertainment based bitch that she is, but at least she is tolerable.
She actually did throw her plot into Angela's rebellion against the Head.

She's far more understanding now than she is when she was Garion.

Garion was...all Sadistic and nothing else. Currently, Binah is leagues better than Garion.

Honestly, even for how little we know of her. Even Zena seems better than Garion. Zena seems like she actually had some standards based on how she praised Angela's mindset. While Garion would be sadistically and gleefully talk down on you all the time.
not just dance around things while staring at each other
Anyone have a video of exactly this, or perhaps of Mexican Standoff memes?

setting aside the burst of joy and pride in your chest at the news of the Sephirot's defiance
I don't get where this came from ngl, it's not like these were her kids?

it wasn't completely obvious that you wanted to stab me in the back at the first opportunity.
Aside from the B-rated fiasco/(B)ollywood Drama, I'm pretty sure that's not the case; and even said fiasco could be interpreted as part of the Script given later happenings (Ayin...)

I am… used to more criticism on this matter
Behold the understatement of the century (week)!

Image if Ayin and Carmen were aliens that looked like mascots for a kids show and exclusively recruited children without telling them what they're getting into
X, normally you are better at social then this, it reads as if you were intentionally trying to smash her buttons into pieces here

"Thanks, Angela." Not exactly words you ever thought you'd say
Not even in the past, or past iterations of X? Someone is still clearly trying to deal with Angela's betrayal, despite claiming to have already accepted it and treated it as a matter of the past

"Somebody is sending them over to look for me. My first guess was actually you,
Bruh, X, you said that out loud? Ok then...

E: Also looks at chapter title and implications for their mental state
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I don't get where this came from ngl, it's not like these were her kids?

X grew to care for them. Not as her kids but as friends. It's hard not to when you beat the trauma out of them.

Heck, I know I was proud as hell when Malkuth stood up to Angela and rallied the rest of the Sephirot to open defiance against Angela. Malkuth at the beginning would not have had the will or ability. It showed how much she had grown.