I wonder if Angela will mention / X will ask about the mentality of the former X's in this conversation?
It would be an interesting conversation, certainly. The very nature of the plot establishes that there have been
many Xs, enough to cover roughly ten thousand years worth of looped time. That's 3.65
million days, and not a single one of them managed to clear the Sephirah Meltdowns(unless they're also reset once a new X comes in). But basically, however many days each X went through,
the X is the only one to have made it all the way to Day 50. Hell, Day 48. Failing from that point on has Consequences™.
Does [ ] killing concepts affect multiple timelines and multiverses?
We don't know, basically because [ ] has never met a situation terrible enough to
necessitate such an act. Chainsaw Man is somewhat cavalier about the concept because what gets shredded are largely bad things like atom bombs and eldritch abominations, but [ ] limits herself to killing an
iteration of a concept, rather than the concept itself.
A future, rather than
the future. There's the theoretical possibility that such an act could be accomplished, but it could basically be compared to a cardinal sin for the Swirl of Existence to willingly excise something out of itself and the Akashic Records.
Unfortunately there are methods to conceptually gouge them out in the fate series
It just is very rare
Not to mention difficult beyond measure
Like a very rare and expensive scalpel
Another note though
Nothing there would be a beast candidate due to love of humanity
Any abnormality with benevolent intentions would
Keyword is candidate though
Koyaskya didn't go beast until the last encounter meaning few if any of the candidates would acheive beasthood
I might just put the birds up there, but they don't love humanity, they only love their forest.
Melting love is good enough to be a candidate.
mountain of smiling bodies can be a Candidate because they love humanities flesh.
White night, obviously.
Blue star for their love of humanity for their worship and wish to give them a Swift death/Salvation
The army in black can be a candidate, but it's a stretch.
Censored will not be a candidate.
Not sure about silent orchestra, but if mozart can be a beast candidate because its love for humanitys music than he can.
Okay, no. WhiteNight. That, I can agree with, but he's the only one. …maybe Blue Star. All the others would mostly fall into categories like Phantasmal or Divine Beasts, or Divine Spirits. Beast Class is an entire league of its own.
On a very basic level, a requirement for Beasts is to have a desire to improve Humanity, a love for us that drives them to action. An entity can rise up to a level capable of wiping out a fucking
planet(looking at you Vortigern), but without a drive to do something for the sake of Humanity and Humanity alone, the Beast Class is out of reach.
Now, this love obviously never equates to good things. Goetia pitied us for our mortality, so sought to start over without it. Kiara thinks of herself as the only human, so everything she does for herself is for "Humanity". And so on. Melting Love, Silent Orchestra, the Black Forest Birds, what they do is ultimately driven by their own desires. Mountain almost isn't even sentient, and Nothing There wants to
become human rather than do nice things for them. The reality is that almost all ALEPHs are innately and inherently selfish, thinking of themselves and their desires first and foremost.
And, Mozart is a Demon Pillar candidate, not a Beast. Not sure how you mixed that one up, but understandable. The reason he doesn't become a Demon Pillar in Orleans is mostly because of his love for Marie.