"If you left, why does everything feel the same?"
Mmm. X, do you think that might partly be the massive trauma you have? Maybe just a bit? I think it might be trauma.
Tbh, the frame of mind that X gets in when full DoSaM seems very similar to how Homura/Homulily acted and thought when in a state of extremely fucked up and prolonged witchification. X ignoring her own PTSD in favor of worrying about the kids comes across as in character. Whether we take ourselves into account as voters or not, X has been placed into a situation that replicates a life that was Not Great For People. Right after leaving it. The concept of re-traumatization isn't an unknown and I'd say this counts.
It also has some parallels to Homura. Complete with stasis-containment barriers! Thanks, I love-hate it!