Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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So X was an incomplete creation
X is now complete, all requirements fulfilled..... too bad they broke and need repair
The question is how Aleph is going to deal with fixing its shell after this
And whether aleph can bring Nothing there's wish to fruition whereas X could not, one must remember X was meant to restrict Aleph
Aleph is probably stronger than X by an order of magnitude including lobotomy, which has implications if used here

And if there wasn't light in this world NOW THERE IS
Possibly even entirely new branch of the library in the middle of mitakihara industrial
Who wants to bet that this stunt results in distortions, egos and brand new abnormalities manifesting
I retract my statement about Black damage not being thematically appropriate to alchemy or X:
In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. Many alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosopher's stone, all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter.

In analytical psychology, the term became a metaphor for "the dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within."

Some alchemists believed alkahest to be the long-sought philosopher's stone that could transmute lead into gold or grant eternal life. There are 4 steps to the philosopher's stone: blackness, whiteness, yellowness (damnit), and redness.

Coincidentally, there is a song called Nigredo from the Madoka spinoff Magia Record:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhMZ-jcya94
Man, looking for these connections (intended and unintended) is really fun.
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Well ain't that song fitting right now
Well Pale in reference to deaths horse can be considered a pale green or greenish yellow depending on interpretation so still fitting
Afterall the specific word used to describe deaths horse was khloros, which means pale, green, or a greenish yellow
Something tells me the area is going to be bleached though by the end of this fight
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I have to say, I don't really respect the Jester and the Adult as ALEPHs, let alone place them on A-bird and WN's level. Ruina isn't a great gauge of power levels, and their boss fights are basically interactive cutsenes anyway. No matter how big their cinematic attacks are, the floor realizations those upstart WAWs starred in were probably among the easiest.
I have to say, I don't really respect the Jester and the Adult as ALEPHs, let alone place them on A-bird and WN's level. Ruina isn't a great gauge of power levels, and their boss fights are basically interactive cutsenes anyway. No matter how big their cinematic attacks are, the floor realizations those upstart WAWs starred in were probably among the easiest.
That is definitely true for sure.

But they are still absurdly strong collection Alephs nonetheless. The only one I can think of that suck is the Jester.

The Adult if she wasn't busy being a sadistic dumbass would've been way stronger.
In terms of Aleph+ Ranking, it probably goes something like this.

5) Jester: Basically just an Aleph due to his Nihilism.
4) The Adult: Too busy tooting her own horn to do anything truly dangerous.
3) Apocalypse Bird: Absurd Power with the will to match it.
2) ℵ: Too nice to genuinely be a threat, but is more than powerful enough to destroy the world once sufficiently motivated.
1) WhiteNight: Literally, God in terms of power, also has the same amount of will to match said power.

There's also the honorable mention in the form of the One Bro himself, being ACTUALLY GOD, but he's too nice to be Aleph tier.
Jesters ranking is that low is purely because he is not trying.
he can make anyone doesn't want to fight back and lay down and let him kill them, which is extremely powerful if he is actually trying.
A creeping, cold sensation that reached through her body and Soul on a level deeper and more intrusive than she could have imagined.
Is this White Damage or Pale Damage? (Adult)

Looking at where we got more information about X:
2.13 (probably Revolution)
We figured out we had T-01-10 then, and the Lobtomy ability

3.9 (Guidance)
The name of the given EGO Gift

4.7 (probably Authority, given the Grandeur talk)
Our EGO Name was revealed, Lobotomy's description was updated, and Interpretation was added

5.1 (Comprehension)
Exposure Information updated

5.4 (None, but some hints on Ordeals/Agents stuff)

6.8 (200% Calamity)
Most likely the remaining description on Alkahest

Or did I assign things wrongly?
Also, when was Synchronization revealed?
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There are four "ALEPH+" Abnormalities at least in this version of canon, one for each of the four damage types. This doesn't restrict them to just that damage type, but it does indicate where they are unsurpassed.
hmm, if we are going with 4 damage=4 housemen of apocalypse
...hmm, Apocalypse bird will definitely fit the war, they are at war with an imaginary beast that is themself, And their main color is dark red or dark gold.
white...I honestly think Conquest is us because well it fits our theme.
famine...eh, The jester is hungry for a purpose, he could fit... and he have a mainly black color scheme.
Pale is definitely whitenight, it is a death god after all.
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Cool, that went pretty well until the end. Very fun fight scene! Glad Nothing There saved fighting kinda smarter for the bottom of the first half.

I'd say X grabbed at least 17 Soul Gem. I'm going to be optimistic and say she grabbed Kyoko for 18. If Homura grabbed them off X, or those pockets go to an extrauniversal space, just just a bit under half of all those kids saved. Fingers crossed for the rest!
The first three
Time flickers again and you draw your sword across the deepest crack in Nothing There's body, leaving a gaping wound that you reach through to tear out three of the Soul Gems within.
Then Five
Five out of thirty-seven.
And lastly Nine.
You tear free two, four, six Soul Gems. Each one sent to slumber and then carefully tucked away. Seven, eight. Nothing There's body begins to twitch. You still have time. Nine.

One thing is interesting. It seems like Homura warmed up to X. Not every day that girl acts so courageously.

E: Ah, Lurker pointed it out. The first 3 are irrelevant.
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tearing free two more Soul Gems from the network of blood and bone

Nope, the five there includes the 3 from before, so the current total is 14/15 out of 37

Homura giving good advice in a way that would be accepted is definitely new, and at least the others will now probably trust Homura more, unless Sayaka comes up with a new reason not to anyway

A moment of Lobotomy severs a few essential connections, and they fall into quiet before any Grief can build.
So with contact with Soul Gems we can utterly disable any Magical Girl, huh (also, did NT manage to imbue it's Illusions with emotions this time round, or did X have no time to check?)
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Homura acting emotionally and refusing to abandon X even though it could result in everyone dying is new.

Of course, she became calm again once X explained everything. But her composure got seriously shaken by this endeavor.
Really didn't know NT had a White Damage attack there (maybe we can get Homura and Madoka to have a very long conversation after this, since X might have more clues from what NT did?)

Re Homura being shaken, I hope it doesn't have anything to do with Homura's EGO Gift, "just" Homura not wanting to abandon someone dear yet again here
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I don't think it does.
Daughter Of The Sun And Moon's Gift
That Gift probably increases your resilience against white damage.

Homura being shaken is probably her PTSD with having to kill Madoka.
Nope, it's likely a stat boost that might be personalised
You grab the ID card and peer into it, recognizing the fragment of your nature for what it is. The Gift is a mark to designate a person as one of your agents, and with that designation grants some of the skill and strength that you took pride in cultivating.

Not sure if X could figure that out from the clues given, and get Madoka/Homura to talk about that in the debrief?
Well yeah?
Prudence boosts sanity too.

I wonder. Since X is breaking her shell, will ℵ have to make a new form once we are done fighting NT? And if that's the case, should we choose a different shell?

Because with Mimicry as a sapling, strength wouldn't be something we lack.
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