Well, that was supposed to be what happened. Shame things don't always go as planned. Instead of vanishing once their task was complete, the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation's lingering consciousness is cast through the multiverse and crashes somewhere else entirely. Faced with a world that does nothing but remind them of their Facility, the Manager accepts that their work must continue at least a little longer.
How different can raising children be from managing their employees, anyways?
Spoilers for everything.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica and related media are property of Magica Quartet. Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, and related media are property of ProjectMoon Studio.
Today, I woke up, and having never played Library of Ruina and only having an at best tenuous grasp on the mechanics based on what I've read on this forum page and a few brief wiki dives, I chose to be stupid and self-indulgent. So now everyone gets to see me try my hand at gathering together a few of the Passives and Pages people here came up with for X to use in a Reception, as well as sprinkling in a number of my own ideas.
This can only end poorly-I mean, amazingly.
Did my best to make this a SotC/Impuritas level threat, but might have screwed that up. Or made an unwinnable fight. IDK! Stat Block is mostly vague because this is already probably a supremely unbalanced mess and I'm not sure I wanna make things even more broken. I'll probably make a very bad א's 'Page' eventually, but for now... I've spent almost the entire day trying to figure this thing out. Creative Fruits have been Juiced. Brain tree needs time to grow new ones.
X's stats: The ink has bled too much for this section to be especially legible... HP: 500ish Stagger: Around 300 Emotion Level: 510Starting Speed Dice: 3 Dice rolling 3-6
Maximum Speed Dice: 6 Dice rolling 3-6 Starting Max Light: 5
X has... at minimum 6 Passives. Might be more if LoR has fitting ones already made or something, but I wouldn't know because the only ones I can name are Speed and Shimmer. The ones listed are just ones I cobbled together from a barely-functional understanding, and a Passive or two someone else came up with in this very forum. X very explicitly does not have Shimmer, and is on some level designed around this.
X's Notable Passives:
Speed III: +1 Speed Die, Gain an additional Speed Die at Emotion Level III
Cogito Ephemera I: Recover 2 Light per Scene. Whenever X gains 2 or more Emotion Coins in a Scene, recover 1 additional Light.
Below Emotion Level V, Heal 5 HP and Recover 5 Stagger at the end of every Scene.
Daughter of the Sun & Moon
X can continue gaining Emotion Coins beyond Emotion Level V. Every time she would gain a new Emotion Level beyond V, gain a Cracking Façade Level instead. Cracking Façade has varying effects depending on its level.
Cracking Façade:
Gain one maximum Light for each Level.
At Level 3, gain +1 speed and dice gain 1 power.
At Level 5, remove all Cracking Façade Levels and change into א (Incomplete).
Keter Meltdown: Certain Pages in X's Deck are unusable below a specific Emotion Level.
Certain Pages in X's Deck are unusable above a certain Emotion Level.
Certain Pages in X's Deck change based on Emotion Level.
Interpretation I: Whenever an Abnormality Page is used, there is a 10% chance for X to attempt to use a Page from the same Abnormality.
Qliphoth Overload I: If X is below Emotion Level V when staggered, she gains 2 NegativeEmotion Coins.
If X is at Emotion Level V or higher when defeated, she revives at 50% HP and gains 1 Cracking Facade Level.
I'm reasonably sure X's deck is... excessive. As in Fuckhuge for what you usually see in LoR. But there were a lot of ideas I wanted to cover, and it got a bit complex, so... Once again, odds are there are fitting Pages already made that X could have used instead, but here are mine. Mostly. Mostly mine.
Distracted Defense: 2-3 Block, 2-4 Evade
At Emotion Level 3+, all instances of Distracted Defense are replaced with Instinct Work
Cost 1 Light
Intellectual Inquiry: 1-3 Piercing Stagger
On Use: +2 Power this Scene
On Clash: Gain 1 PositiveEmotion Coin
At Emotion Level 3+, all instances of Intellectual Inquiry are replaced with Insight Work
Cost 1 Light
Instinct Work: 4-6 Block, 4-6 Evade
On Clash: Gain 1 PositiveEmotion Coin
On Clash Loss: Counter for 6-8 Blunt HP
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 1 Light
Insight Work: 4-7 Piercing Stagger, 2-4 Piercing HP
On Hit: Gain 1 PositiveEmotion Coin
On Hit: Reduce target Light by 1, increase X's Light by 1
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 1 Light
Sword Sharpened With Tears: 5-8 Piercing HP, 5-8 Piercing HP, 5-8 Piercing HP
Each time a die rolls Max, inflict 3% HP damage, ignore resistances.
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 3+
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 3 Light
Attachment Work: Heal all opponents for 4-6HP, then inflict 2 Feeble & 2 Disarm next Scene
On Max Healing: Gain 2 Positive Emotion Coins
At Emotion Level 4+, whenever Attachment Work is drawn there is a chance to replace it with either Spark of Annoyance or Flash of Irritation.
Each Emotion/Cracking Façade Level beyond Emotion Level 4 increases this chance further
Cost 2 Light
Spark of Annoyance: 13-15 Piercing Stagger, 4-7 Piercing Stagger
Mass Attack - Individual
+1 Power per NegativeEmotion Level
+1 Power per Cracking Façade Level
On Max Stagger damage: Gain 1 NegativeEmotion Coin Repression Work and Spark of Annoyance cannot be used in the same Scene
If Spark of Annoyance and Flash of Irritation are used in the same Scene: Gain 2 Strength next Scene
Can only be used once every 3 Scenes
Cost 3 Light
Flash of Irritation: 13-15 Piercing HP, 4-7 Piercing HP
Mass Attack - Individual
+1 Power per NegativeEmotion Level
+1 Power per Cracking Façade Level
On Max HP damage: Gain 1 NegativeEmotion Coin Repression Work and Flash of Irritation cannot be used in the same Scene
If Spark of Annoyance and Flash of Irritation are used in the same Scene: Gain 2 Strength next Scene
Can only be used once every 3 Scenes
Cost 3 Light
Lobotomy: 7-9 Slashing Stagger
On Hit: Invert target Status Effects next Scene (I.E. if target has stacks of Strength this Scene, give equal stacks of Feeble next scene. Does nothing to Burn, Paralysis and Bleed.)
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 4+
Cost 1 Light
Repression Work: Heal 12-20 HP, Recover 7-16 Stagger.
On Max Stagger Recovery: Reduce Cracking Façade Level by 1 to a minimum of 0
On Non-Max Stagger Recovery: Gain 2 NegativeEmotion Coins Repression Work and Flash of Irritation cannot be used in the same Scene Repression Work and Spark of Annoyance cannot be used in the same Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 5+
At Cracking Façade Level 4+, all instances of Repression Work are replaced with Sealed Grandeur
Cost 2 Light
Sickening Crack: 15-20 Blunt Stagger
On use: Take 9-15 Blunt HP Damage, ignore resistances.
On use: Gain 2 NegativeEmotion Coin
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+
Cost 1 Light
Blood of Gleaming Rot: 10-14 Slashing HP, 10-14 Slashing HP
On hit: Inflict 4 Bleed onto target
If this Page is used in the same Scene as Flesh of Withering Steel, inflict an additional 4 Bleed onto target
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
Cost 1 Light
Flesh of Withering Steel: 8-10 Block, 8-10 Block, 8-10 Block
If this Page is used in the same Scene as Blood of Gleaming Rot, gain 2 Protection next Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
Cost 2 Light
Sound of a Star: 7-13 Blunt Stagger, 7-13 Blunt Stagger, 7-13 Blunt Stagger.
Ignore Resistances.
If the target is staggered by this Page, deal 3 instances of 7-11 Blunt HP damage
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
Cost 3 Light
Echo of Decay: 4-7 Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistances.
Mass Attack - Individual
On Hit: Deal 4% Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistance
On Use: Take 4% Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistances
On Use: Gain 1 Negative Emotion Coin
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 3+
Cost 2 Light
Sealed Grandeur: Heal 10% HP, Recover 10% Stagger
On Use: Add 2 Echo of Decay to hand next Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 4+
Cost 5 Light
As you can see, X's theme is pretty much Emotion Fuckery™️ and things that synergize with Emotion Fuckery™️. IDK if that's a thing or not but I guess brain took what few mechanics I knew and decided that would be fun to mess with some. Is it a good mechanic? Maybe. Is it implemented well? Probably not. Is it even remotely balanced? Ahahaha how the hell would I know that??
Also you probably figured out why X doesn't get Shimmer, but just in case I'll explain. But first...
...Wait. There's more. Because I did FLAAAVOR TEEEXT!!!!
Battle Start:
"So this is what Angela did with the Light. How interesting."
Emotion Level I:
"I've always wondered what others would use the Light for. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this."
"Tell me, how does it all work? It's been some time since I could truly speak with another scholar."
Emotion Level II:
"Seeing just what the Light can do in the hands of another… It truly was worth it, in the end."
"But why a Library? The process is so much more involved, sorting books, cataloging them… Maybe that's the point?"
Emotion Level III:
"...Not very talkative, are we?"
"I'll just do what I've always done. Carefully test the new oddity in front of me, and take its measure."
Emotion Level IV:
"I believe that's enough."
"You can stop, now."
"How irritating..."
Emotion Level V:
"That's. Enough."
"You need to stop. Now."
"Trust me when I say that you don't want to do this."
Cracking Facade I:
"Cease. Desist. Please."
"I beg you. If we stop now, I can-I can…"
"No. Please, no."
Cracking Facade II:
"I can still stop this. I-I can. I just... Just need time. Just need room."
"This can't be happening. Not now, not yet!"
"No, no, no…"
"Keep it contained. We need to keep it contained."
Cracking Facade III:
"...Too weak… Too slow… A self-made prison."
"Everything hurts… Why…? Why does it hurt so much?"
"It… It's going to be ok… Just… Listen to me, damnit…"
Cracking Facade IV:
"The cage… It's too small… Why did I make it so small?"
"Don't break… Can't… Can't let it break… Can't ruin everything again."
"...Wings are cramped… So cramped… Don't let them out. Can't let them out..."
"I'm not ready… It isn't complete yet… Have to complete it first..."
And that's all I have. So just in case, here's that explanation I promised for why X doesn't get Shimmer. Basically, I think it's less interesting. A bit of a cop out, even, to just... Reduce all costs to 0. Maybe there's something I'm missing, like Librarians having abilities to spike Light Cost or something, but I wouldn't know.
So while everyone else gets to 'cheat', X makes up for it by having Fuckhuge amounts of Light capacity (If I understand mechanics as written correctly, X ends the fight with 15 Max Light), and levels of Light Regen that can only be described as "Fuck You". I don't think it's balanced. I don't think it's sane. But I do think it's fun. So I smooshed it into this dumpster fire and now we all get to watch it burn. Enjoy!
As for voting... I like this one.
[X] Ask mami if she would be fine with being adopted by you and if she is okay
-[X] regardless of choice..... explain your current worries to her and if you beilive she can handle it, the truth and knowledge of yourself and your origins in the gentlest way possible, help her to be calm and comfortable during this
-[X] after revealing information and getting a yes ask her if she's truly sure, if she is truly fine with us being their parent despite our nature and our flaws and that it's okay to say no
-[X] once all is said and done and we are sure to be alone with kyubey, ask him 'Why', why help us do this, why is he giving us this offer
X's stats: The ink has bled too much for this section to be especially legible... HP: 450 (S: Normal; P: Endured; B: Endured) Stagger: 250 (S: Normal; P: Normal; B: Weak) Emotion Level: 510Starting Speed Dice: 4. Rolls 3-7. Starting Max Light: 5
I've decided to give some extra passive to X to really give off that "Impurities" level bullshit. Especially since shes going solo for this. Would nerf her a bit more if shes not solo.
X's Passives:
Cogito Ephemera I: Recover 2 Light per Scene. Whenever X gains 2 or more Emotion Coins in a Scene, recover 1 additional Light. While below Emotion Level V, Heal 5 HP and Recover 5 Stagger at the end of every Scene.
Daughter of the Sun & Moon
X can continue gaining Emotion Coins beyond Emotion Level V. Every time she would gain a new Emotion Level beyond V, gain a Cracking Façade Level instead. Cracking Façade has varying effects depending on its level.
Cracking Façade:
Gain one maximum Light for each Level.
At Level 1, gain +2 Light regen.
At Level 3, gain +1 speed, all dice gain +1 power, and +1 speed dice.
At Level 5, remove all Cracking Façade Levels and change into א (???).
Keter Meltdown: Certain Pages in X's Deck are unusable below a specific Emotion Level.
Certain Pages in X's Deck are unusable above a certain Emotion Level.
Certain Pages in X's Deck change based on Emotion Level.
Interpretation I: Whenever an Abnormality Page is used, there is a 10% chance for X to attempt to use a Page from the same Abnormality.
Qliphoth Overload: If X is below Emotion Level V when staggered, she gains 2 NegativeEmotion Coins.
If X is at Emotion Level V or higher when defeated, she revives at 50% HP and gains 1 Cracking Facade Level.
Speed Adam (Day 49): Speed Dice + 2. Obtain 1 extra speed dice at emotion level 4.
Abraham (Day 48): At the start of the scene, choose one speed dice, the card slot in said speed dice become impossible to redirect.
Abel (Day 47): At the start of the scene, choose one speed dice, and increase the speed of said speed dice by 1.
X's deck is actually pretty decent already. However, some of her cards are a bit too weak, to the point of basically being free damage. So I'll be changing a tiny bit. And also gives her a bit more option in the early scenes.
Distracted Defense: 4-4 Block, 4-5 Evade
At Emotion Level 3+, all instances of Distracted Defense are replaced with Instinct Work
Cost 1 Light
Intellectual Inquiry: 3-4 Piercing (On hit: Deal only stagger damage)
At Emotion Level 3+, all instances of Intellectual Inquiry are replaced with Insight Work
Cost 1 Light
Instinct Work: 4-6 Block, 4-10 Evade
On Clash: Gain 1 PositiveEmotion Coin
On Clash Loss: Retaliate for 6-8 Blunt HP
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 1 Light
Insight Work: 5-8 Piercing (On hit: Deal only stagger damage), 5-8 Piercing (On hit: Deal only stagger damage)
On hit: Gain 1 PositiveEmotion Coin
On hit: Reduce target Light by 1, increase X's Light by 1
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 1+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 1 Light
Sword Sharpened With Tears: 5-8 Piercing HP, 5-8 Piercing HP, 5-8 Piercing HP, 5-8 Piercing HP
Each time a die rolls Max, inflict 3% of the target's max HP as damage and ignore resistances.
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 2+
Cannot be drawn if X is at Cracking Façade Level 3+
If X is at Cracking Façade Level 3+ while this Page is in hand, discard & draw a new Page
Cost 3 Light
Attachment Work: Heal all opponents for 4-6HP, then inflict 2 Feeble & 2 Disarm this and next Scene
On Max Healing: Gain 2 Positive Emotion Coins
At Emotion Level 4+, whenever Attachment Work is drawn there replace it with Spark of Annoyance and Flash of Irritation.
At Cracking Façade Level 3+ replaces it with 2 Spark of Annoyances, 2 Flash of Irritation instead, and 1 Sickening Crack.
Cost 2 Light
Repression Work: Heal 12-20 HP, Recover 7-16 Stagger. Inflicts 3 Bind this scene and the next scene to target.
On Max Stagger Recovery: Reduce Cracking Façade Level by 1 to a minimum of 0
On Non-Max Stagger Recovery: Gain 2 NegativeEmotion Coins Repression Work and Flash of Irritation cannot be used in the same Scene Repression Work and Spark of Annoyance cannot be used in the same Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 5+
At Cracking Façade Level 4+, all instances of Repression Work are replaced with Sealed Grandeur
Cost 3 Light
Spark of Annoyance: 13-15 Piercing Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage)
Mass Attack - Summation
+1 Power per NegativeEmotion Level
+1 Power per Cracking Façade Level
On Max Stagger damage: Gain 1 NegativeEmotion Coin Repression Work and Spark of Annoyance cannot be used in the same Scene
If Spark of Annoyance and Flash of Irritation are used in the same Scene: Gain 2 Endurance next Scene
Can only be used once every 3 Scenes
Cost 3 Light
Flash of Irritation: 13-15 Piercing HP (On Hit: Only deal HP damage)
Mass Attack - Summation
+1 Power per NegativeEmotion Level
+1 Power per Cracking Façade Level
On Max HP damage: Gain 1 NegativeEmotion Coin Repression Work and Flash of Irritation cannot be used in the same Scene
If Spark of Annoyance and Flash of Irritation are used in the same Scene: Gain 2 Strength next Scene
Can only be used once every 3 Scenes
Cost 3 Light
Lobotomy: 7-9 Slashing Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage)
On Hit: Invert the target's Status Effects next Scene (I.E. if the target has stacks of Strength in this Scene, give equal stacks of Feeble next scene. Does nothing to Burn, Paralysis, Smoke, and Bleed.)
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 4+
Cost 1 Light
Sickening Crack: 15-20 Blunt Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage)
On use: Take 9-15 Blunt HP Damage, ignore resistances.
On use: Gain 2 NegativeEmotion Coin
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 3+
Cost 1 Light
Blood of Gleaming Rot: 10-14 Slashing HP (On Hit: Only deal HP damage), 10-14 Slashing HP (On Hit: Only deal HP damage)
On hit: Inflict 4 Bleed onto the target
If this card is used in the same scene as Flesh of Withering Steel, inflict an additional 4 Bleed onto the target
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
Cost 1 Light
Flesh of Withering Steel: 8-10 Block, 8-10 Block, 8-10 Block
If this scene is used in the same scene as Blood of Gleaming Rot, gain 2 Protection next Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 2+
Cost 1 Light
Sound of a Star: 7-13 Blunt Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage), 7-13 Blunt Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage), 7-13 Blunt Stagger (On hit: Deal only stagger damage).
Ignore Resistances.
If the target is staggered by this Page, deal 3 instances of 7-11 Blunt HP damage
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Emotion Level 4+
Cost 3 Light
Echo of Decay: 7-7 Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistances.
Mass Attack - Individual
On Hit: Deal 4% Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistance
On Use: Take 4% Piercing HP Damage, ignore resistances
On Use: Gain 1 Negative Emotion Coin
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 3+
Cost 3 Light
Sealed Grandeur: Heal 10% HP, Recover 10% Stagger
On Use: Add 2 Echo of Decay to hand next Scene
Cannot be drawn unless X is at Cracking Façade Level 4+
Cost 5 Light
The point of the changes is generally speaking to make X far more durable and increases her chances of reaching Cracking Facade level 5 (Gaining Emotion Coins past EMO level 5 could take a seriously long time).
Maybe I'm cranky at this time of day, but I don't feel like stabilizing her psyche is something we can simply wait to have happen. We're already seeing lots of Witches that never appeared before, more Abnormalities could arrive or show themselves at any moment, and it's only a matter of time before some Magical Girls start pushing into the city, either through strange wish magic or sheer numbers.
You are cranky dude. We are only like 6 days into the canon. There's no need to rush things. And besides, let the girl enjoy her chance at having a mom again without ruining her day.
I tried to imagine how the Floor of Geography would look like in LoR, and got a little carried away...
I think it turned out really well in terms of gameplay at least, with multiple ways to play it and a strong meta element.
The Floor contains five pseudo-Abnormalities, representing each of the Quintet. They aren't real Abnormalities though, just emotional echoes resonating through the Light.
Additionally, each of them have an Abnormality Page corresponding to a Tool abnormality they can synchronize with.
Actualized Aid
Level I Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - Add the Combat Page "Magical Enhancement" to the librarian's hand.
(Magical Enhancement: Cost: 1 Light. [On Play] - Gain 2 Feeble and Disarm this Scene. Targeted ally restores 2 Light, draws 1 page and gains 2 Strength and Endurance. This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand at the start of the next Scene.)
Moral Alienation
Level IBreakdown Page
[Single Ally] - This character's dice are unaffected by Power gain or loss.
Synchronization: Theresia
Level I Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - At the start of each Scene, the librarian loses 10 Stagger Resist, and all other allies recover 15 Stagger Resist.
Actualized Deception
Level II Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - At Combat Start, gain a 5-10 [Counter, Evade] die (On Clash Lose: destroy the opposing die).
Uncertain Momentum
Level II Breakdown Page
[Single Ally] - When the librarian wins in a Clash, the next die played will roll Max. When the librarian loses in a Clash, the next die played will roll Min. Ties have no effect.
Synchronization: Flesh Idol
Level I Breakdown Page
[All Allies] - At the start of each Scene, recover 5 HP and Stagger Resist. This amount is additionally increased by 2 every Scene. In 10 Scenes, become Staggered.
Actualized Cherishment
Level II Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - Gain an additional Speed Die with the highest possible Speed value.
Painful Memories
Level III Breakdown Page
[All Allies] - This page has no effect in combat. However, should the reception move to a different floor for any reason, that floor will immediately start at Emotion Level III.
Synchronization: Backward Clock
Level II Breakdown Page
[Single Ally] - Add the Combat Page "Return to a Peaceful Time" to the librarian's hand. This Abnormality Page may not be selected twice.
(Return to a Peaceful Time: Cost: 5 Light. [Single-Use, Combat Start] - At the end of this Scene, heal all other allies to full HP and Stagger Resist at the expense of the librarian's life. Additionally, clear the Emotion Levels and Abnormality Pages of all guests and librarians. This page prompts no action because it has no non-Counter dice. )
Actualized Connection
Level III Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - All allies with Actualization pages (including this one) gain the effects of every other active Actualization page. All Unity pages gain +3 dice power.
Constricting Bonds
Level I Breakdown Page
[All Allies] - When redirecting attacks away from allies, gain 1-2 Power in the clash. Take twice as much Damage and Stagger Damage from Mass Attacks.
Synchronization: Notes from a Crazed Researcher
Level II Breakdown Page
[Single Ally] - At the start of each Scene, draw 3 pages. You can no longer recover HP and Stagger Resist.
Actualized Hope
Level II Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - This page has no effect in combat. Whenever you select this page, you may select an additional Abnormality Page of the same level, prioritizing the ones not yet shown. If the librarian is alive at the end of the reception, resolve an additional book for every guest defeated.
Final Desperation
Level III Breakdown Page
[Single Ally] - For this Scene, gain Dice Power equal to half of your maximum Stagger Resist. At the start of the next Scene, the Act ends in defeat.
Synchronization: Yang
Level I Awakening Page
[Single Ally] - The first enemy the selected librarian attacks is marked as "Yin". When in combat against that enemy, the librarian and the enemy's damage resistances are swapped. When the marked enemy is defeated, a new target may be chosen.
A little commentary:
- Yes, Madoka's Final Desperation loss condition does not trigger if you clear it with Backwards Clock on the same Scene, and neither does Flesh Idol's stagger. No, I'm not sure this is entirely balanced. But hey, the ability to utterly break the game is a staple of Ruina gameplay!
- Yes, Kyoko's Uncertain Momentum is a way to get the fabled 100% Boundary of Death. It's pretty good otherwise, too.
- Actualized Hope is a glorified reroll button with some additional effects. I really like the concept of a meta-page like that, and it kind of reflects Madoka's passivity in canon, too.
- By the way, you can farm books by the dozens if you manage to get the Connection exodia, because Hope's additional book effect is also multiplied by the amount of librarians that have it.
- Another cheese opportunity is to go in with a bunch of schmucks, with the intention to survive until Emotion Level V, take Painful Memories and hand the enemies off to another floor.
- Sorry there's no E.G.O pages, I ran out of creativity.
Lepidoptera, if this is the type of quest that allows for/it is suited for, do you mind giving us a report card/evaluation of how we did for Act 1 later?
(timeline might be a bit wonky and promotions were too much of a hassle but eh)
Also I'm happy to report that I had finished Lobotomy Corporation proper. Unfortunately it took the valiant sacrifices of some of my finest employees, but such is life. Onwards to Ruina!
10000% different from what I usually do, violent cough meme violent cough, but when I saw what abnormality X look like I wanted to give it a try (not sure if that how the eye was supposed to look). I also give up trying to figured out how to paint a galaxy so I grab a picture off of google. Sorry if it's a plain.
Holy shit, I picked a great time to catch up. Go, Madoka, go!
And considering the count, I wonder if we'll be getting four E.G.O. manifestations. That would leave Mami out of the five remaining, but given you seem to need a mental crossroads or precipice, I'm happy she's stuck through it all in her own right.
I also bring art!
[This one's the result of a bit of a misread on my part, namely 'if Alkahest is E.G.O. Armor, what might be DoSaM's granted E.G.O. Weapon?'. Still, I had fun.]