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You're starting to hate your family.

For most of your life, you thought you'd remain the only...


On a magically-deficient journey of self-discovery
A single human dimension
You're starting to hate your family.

For most of your life, you thought you'd remain the only child of your parents. Not for lack of trying, you're sure, but needing the assistance of an outside Inspired just to have you was not an outstanding indicator of fertility.

One of the "gifts" of your sixteenth birthday was the knowledge that you'd soon have a sibling. You didn't really think you had anything to worry about, didn't think of the new family member as competition. You thought your parents knew better than to pass up an Inspired heiress for an unknown.

Apparently, you were being too generous. Gunther von Mendel was born approximately seven months later and was immediately declared the new heir of the Mendel family. They didn't even have the common courtesy to wait a few years, to make sure Gunther would survive past infancy. No, they just looked at what's between his legs and decided based entirely on that.

Inspired females may be "weaker" on average, but you make up for it by only needing a Surge to start a project. After that, you can pursue it whenever you feel like. So, while the change in status was - and still is - exceptionally upsetting for you, it wasn't guaranteed to be a permanent change. Your parents might've given you back your rightful position if you proved yourself to them, right? Right. That's what you kept telling yourself.

But now they've been talking about marrying you off, like — like you're a dud! Like you're an uninspired failure! That's simply unacceptable. You'd rather have a Blackburn take interest in you, and considering their bodycount, that's really saying something. At least they recognize true talent when they see it. Even if the Blackburn idea of courting involves repeatedly trying to murder their love interest, that's still preferable to simply sitting back and letting yourself be used as a pawn in a game your family refuses to let you play.

Even your gender-obsessed parents should understand how outrageously idiotic their orders are; you're effectively untested! It's not your fault you've left so many of your projects half-finished, not when you've always been interrupted prematurely. Slapping you upside the head, stealing your materials, waving enticingly shiny objects in front of your face, locking you in your room again — really, your parents should be glad you still harbor some small attachment to them. More and more of your Surges have focused on devices intended for parricide.

Alas, murdering them isn't exactly the smartest course of action. Your parents have allies and even — gods only know why — friends. And anyway, brutally murdering your parents before rising to power is just so clichéd. You'd prefer to do something much more original, thank you very much. Sealing both your parents into the mind of your rotten little brother, for example. They want to take away your rightful position as their heir? Not because you're weak, but merely because you're a girl? Well, fine. You'd see how much they like him after spending a month inside his illiterate skull.

But not yet. You have no reason to think they're going to let you finish a project now, not when they seem to have been deliberately stopping you for the past decade. Fortunately, the forests surrounding your home estate hold no usable scrap; as such, your watchers are less attentive when you're away from home. It shouldn't be too outstandingly difficult for you to escape, find some weak Inspired, and steal his everything.

Once you actually have some materials to work with? The world will tremble, and if it doesn't on its own, you'll just make a doomsday device to make it so. Nobody ever called you mad, never admitted you're brilliant. But they will.

All Inspired have a theme for their inventions, a reflection of themselves. As time goes on, the stronger Inspired will pick up more traits, but none will be as powerful as your first.

Use preference voting: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 instead of X, where lower numbers mean you prefer that option over the others.

[] Stubborn

Your parents have tried very, very hard to turn you into a docile wallflower. Sheer spite has caused their attempts to backfire rather magnificently, to the point where your stubbornness seems to be reflected in your gift. Honestly, you're not sure why your parents thought you'd just sit back and let them arrange a marriage for you. Since when were you willing to sit back and accept something you'll hate?

Even if Surges aren't entirely understood, your own seem to understand you won't accept anything but the best. Your average project takes vastly more time and materials to complete, but they're also much more advanced than what you'd normally be able to make. You think they might be much more durable, too. Using your skull to break down the wall of failure may be a bit painful at times, true, yet you wouldn't have it any other way. Now, if your meddling parents remove their customized poles and let you actually finish something? Maybe you wouldn't be plotting to run away from home.

Thanks to all the explosions, your creation process tends to be even louder than usual. You've sometimes wondered if your gift is trying to get revenge on you for refusing to give up in the face of overwhelming challenges.

[] Organized

You despise untidiness and chaos. You honestly don't understand why some people would be content to leave their belongings laying around in a haphazard manner. Not only is it aesthetically displeasing, it also means they'll waste part of a Surge whenever they lose track of an important component.

Coming up with new project plans requires more inspiration than usual. In exchange, you'll have a list of the exact material types you'll require for any particular project and a better idea of what the end result will be. Your creation process involves significantly fewer explosions and setbacks than is considered "normal," reducing the materials and time needed overall.

Your soft limit on simultaneous project plans is increased by three (up from 5).

[] Redundant

You dislike relying on inherently unstable technology, nor are you comfortable with leaving things to chance. You know that if something can possibly go wrong, it's in your best interests to prepare for it doing so.

Your creations require less frequent maintenance, are much more difficult to disable, and are less likely to suffer catastrophic failures. You're also capable of doing the same project more than once. Previous projects do not occupy any of your ongoing project slots, even if you're working on them. Unfortunately, your creations tend to be bulkier and heavier than usual, with more components going into their construction.

You look forward to making your first giant clockworks. Watching some Inspired destroy some of the more common weak points among clockwork, only to have relevant backup systems activate within moments? It will be glorious.

[] Deceptive

Lying comes naturally to you, a mindset which seems to stretch to your creations. Any invention with an overt effect, such as a grenade, will be disguised as something else and/or will have hidden capabilities. Your other creations tend to be geared toward hiding, sneaking, disguise, subversion, or some other form of "lying." You expect they'll serve you well.

Your parents insist there's something wrong with you. Okay, fine, so you often lie when you don't actually gain anything from doing so. And, well, you sometimes find yourself lying even it'd arguably be smarter to tell the truth. So what? Tricking people is its own reward. Even if they eventually figure it out, you can still laugh at how long it took them to do so.

[] Lazy

You tried to come up with a better name for your disposition, but since your parents frequently call you "lazy," that's what stuck. You don't really agree with their assessment; you just have serious trouble motivating yourself to do anything you aren't really interested in. If you can find a way to make other people do it instead, you generally try to make it so. Having servants helps.

At any rate, it seems unusually easy for you to copy the designs of other Inspired. The vast majority of your Surges were, in fact, triggered by inspecting their creations. Of course, your versions are often better than what those weaklings can make.

Unfortunately, disassembling clockwork to see what makes them go tick-tick-tick seldom leaves you with a usable device. You can generally reuse the materials for your improved versions, but you sometimes wonder if you wouldn't be better off just making your own inventions from scratch. It doesn't look like you're that kind of Inspired, though.

[] Stubborn
[] Organized
[] Redundant
[] Deceptive
[] Lazy

Well, I'm back. A variant on this setting was originally intended to be one of Consumption's worlds, but I ended up liking it too much. Literally. It got in the way of writing for Consumption since it led to the ol' "writing for the wrong categories" issue.

Special thanks to @Vebyast for pulling me out of my slump. As always, feedback is appreciated. I mean it. I want to improve.
Character Sheet
This is you. Former heiress to the house of Mendel, you were outright replaced when your baby brother, Gunther von Mendel, was born. That, you could tolerate, if only just barely; it wouldn't be the first time a noble house tested their preferred candidate through adversity. Admittedly, you'd been under the impression your parents were too intelligent to try such a tactic, even if they have deliberately kept you from completing anything. Historically speaking, it has a tendency to backfire and lead to the demise of those foolish enough to attempt it.

Your flagging confidence in your parents was outright shattered when you learned they'd arranged a marriage for you. That's simply unacceptable.

Artist: Kareidon

You started with two "Themes," something exceptionally rare among Inspired. Both "Stubborn" and "Redundant" affect your creations less than most starting traits, but you believe the sum of their parts is greater than the impact would be if you only had one or the other. The only downside you can see is that you won't be able to acquire either of those in the future.

Redundant: You dislike relying on inherently unstable technology, nor are you comfortable with leaving things to chance. You know that if something can possibly go wrong, it's in your best interests to prepare for it doing so.

Your creations require less frequent maintenance, are much more difficult to disable, and are less likely to suffer catastrophic failures. You're also capable of doing the same project more than once. Previous projects do not occupy any of your ongoing project slots, even if you're working on them. Unfortunately, your creations tend to be bulkier and heavier than usual, with more components going into their construction.

Stubborn: Your parents tried very, very hard to turn you into a docile wallflower. Sheer spite caused their attempts to backfire rather magnificently, to the point where your stubbornness seems to be reflected in your gift. Honestly, you're not sure why your parents thought you'd just sit back and let them arrange a marriage for you. Since when were you willing to sit back and accept something you'll hate?

Even if Surges aren't entirely understood, your own seem to understand you won't accept anything but the best. Your average project takes vastly more time and materials to complete, but they're also much more advanced than what you'd normally be able to make. You think they might be much more durable, too. Using your skull to break down the wall of failure may be a bit painful at times, true, yet you wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks to all the explosions, your creation process tends to be even louder than usual. You've sometimes wondered if your gift is trying to get revenge on you for refusing to give up in the face of overwhelming challenges. You've since dismissed such an idea; Inspiration wouldn't have helped you make Skybreaker if that was the case.

Styles at time of creation: Stubborn/Redundant.

Components: Clockwork, Electric, Aether, Crystal

Traits: Artillery, Accurate, Wielded, Adjustable, Blackboxed, Inscrutable, Near-Invulnerable, Personal (Toggled), Maintenance-free, Auto-Fueled, Heretical.

Skybreaker is the first project you ever successfully completed. It isn't too difficult for you to operate; you just need to determine distance, press a button (Void), Squeeze the staff (Linked), and then slash in the appropriate direction. As you can make tiny, cheap rifts for very little power cost, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to become adept at targeting it.

Rifts leading to the Void draw in sufficiently light objects nearby, with weight and range increasing with the size of the rift. Linked rifts are harmless and must always be the same size; making two rifts of different sizes will result in the larger one shrinking while the larger one grows. The balancing of linked rift sizes would continue until they were the exact same size.

As rifts are opened to always face you, it is possible for you to open one linked rift vertically and its linked rift horizontally.

Skybreaker has a maximum range of approximately three kilometers. Rifts fully open within one to two seconds, depending on rift size. For the purposes of dimensional integrity, it is only capable of drawing on one of its five batteries at any given time. Whenever one battery is fully emptied, Skybreaker will cycle to the next. You're honestly not sure how long it would take for a battery to fully recharge; both the energy generation and capacity are vast. Fortunately, you'll never need to replace its fuel. If reality tries to insist otherwise, reality is wrong and deserves to have another rift torn in it.

Rifts cannot be opened inside solid objects. If this occurs, the rift will instead move to the closest appropriate open space. Line-of-sight is not necessary to open a rift at a given location, only sufficiently close range.

Skybreaker is close to indestructible despite the normal fragility of its component parts. An audience of tens of thousands with the vast majority expecting and actively thinking about its destruction may be necessary. A sufficiently advanced weapon created before a similarly-sized group may also suffice. You don't think anything else would.

Skybreaker will painfully "bite" anyone who tries to hold it without your deliberate permission. You may retract said permission at any time. As its method of discouragement may lead to involuntary hand clenching, this may be fatal. You may deactivate or reactivate the self-defense features with a single verbal command.

Skybreaker will likely be considered heretical by those of a religious disposition. You find it difficult to care.
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Reserved for FAQ. Answers will often be within the context of your own (IC) knowledge.

Close. Flashes of inspiration trigger Surges, which, in turn, grant temporary access to a repository of knowledge that will always exceed your own. The more you know about a given subject, the more advanced the information you'll be able to access on that subject.

When a Surge ends, you'll retain some of what you've already used and enough knowledge to finish whatever project or projects you planned during it.

Males are SOL if a Surge ends while they're still trying to complete something. However, they're still considered "stronger" since they can often access higher levels of information than their female counterparts could with the same base knowledge. They seem to be better at rapidly making use of it, too; you know you couldn't complete most projects within a single Surge.
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Reserved for stealth rolls. They usually won't be rolls for stealth.
Alivaril threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: R Total: 121
53 53 19 19 49 49
Alivaril threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Journey (3-9d100) Total: 140
63 63 69 69 8 8
Alivaril threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Spots (-3 DC-15) Total: 35
15 15 11 11 6 6 3 3
Alivaril threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Unhappy N (1d20+4, DC-13) Total: 4
4 4
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Reserved for omakes and player-made resources, if any. You may now post.
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Alivaril's back yeah! Plus new quest.
[1] Deceptive
[2] Redundant
[3] Organized
[4] Stubborn
[5] Lazy
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[1] Stubborn
[2] Redundant
[3] Organized
[4] Deceptive
[5] Lazy

I have no idea what this is, but I like it!
[1] Stubborn
[2] Redundant
[3] Organized
[4] Lazy
[5] Deceptive

I want to be an honest man woman for once.
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[1] Stubborn
[2] Redundant
[3] Organized
[4] Deceptive
[5] Lazy

Is this a Genius:The Transgression Quest?
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So I'm assuming that Inspired are basically mad scientists, right? And that Surges are basically flashes of inspiration toward SCIENCE projects.

Close. Flashes of inspiration trigger Surges, which, in turn, grant temporary access to a repository of knowledge that will always exceed your own. The more you know about a given subject, the more advanced the information you'll be able to access on that subject.

When a Surge ends, you'll retain some of what you've already used and enough knowledge to finish whatever project or projects you planned during it.

Males are SOL if a Surge ends while they're still trying to complete something. However, they're still considered "stronger" since they can often access higher levels of information than their female counterparts could with the same base knowledge. They seem to be better at rapidly making use of it, too; you know you couldn't complete most projects within a single Surge.

EDIT: (Disclaimer) Answers such as this will just about always be based off IC knowledge. This means they may or may not be entirely reliable or complete.
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[1] Organized
[2] Redundant
[3] Deceptive
[4] Lazy
[5] Stubborn

You'd rather have a Blackburn take interest in you, and considering their bodycount, that's really saying something. At least they recognize true talent when they see it. Even if the Blackburn idea of courting involves repeatedly trying to murder their love interest,
I desperately want to date a Blackburn now. You've set my vote intentions into stone. I will vote for Murder-Husbando/Waifu. I will vote for Multiple Murder-Lovers. I will vote to make the whole fucking family our bae.

Let's get a murder party started in this thang.
[2] Stubborn
[1] Organized
[3] Redundant
[5] Deceptive
[4] Lazy

I'm kinda conflicted. On the one hand, a new quest from Alivaril, who's one of the best QMs on the site. On the other hand, my first thought wasn't "Sweet, this will be awesome", it was "Huh, wonder how long this one will last" and that made me feel bad.
I'm kinda conflicted. On the one hand, a new quest from Alivaril, who's one of the best QMs on the site. On the other hand, my first thought wasn't "Sweet, this will be awesome", it was "Huh, wonder how long this one will last" and that made me feel bad.

That still counts as a form of feedback, so, thanks. At any rate, I am going to be reviving Fragmentation either this evening or tomorrow. EDIT: And you can thank this quest for that, so... :p
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