Arrival In Albion
"Port 'neath the bow!" Cries the boy atop the mast. "Prepare to dock!"

As the mooring lines are drawn from the hold, you look out over the railing to the city below. Miles of sprawling buildings stretch along the edge of a wide river. In the center of the waters lies a palace, surrounded by extensive fortifications and accessible only by crossing a mile long bridge.

"We're really doing this?" Louise asks as the two of you prepare to disembark the sky-ship. "I-I don't know if I can... What if-"

Ruffling her hair, you smile reassuringly. "Worry not, I believe in you." Platitude expressed, you brace for impact. Seconds later, the deck rocks and mist soars skyward as the ship splashes into the river. Catching Louise as she stumbles, you nod at her thanks and head toward the captain to buy her silence.

"Hail, Mrs. Adelind." You say to the dark skinned woman. "I believe payment is in order, yes?"

Looking down at you, the captain crosses her arms and leans against the rail. "You already paid... I don't accept bribery."

"Of course not." You say, retracting your hand from your coin-purse. "Forgive me, my memory must be getting cloudy from age."

Laughing, the woman waves a leather-clad arm in the direction of your apprentice. "None of my crew will say a word, we Germanian's don't much care for pink... If you catch my meaning." Nodding as if you understand, you head back to Louise and guide her down the ramps into the market district. You're fairly certain that the captain was implying foul play of some sort, kidnapping at the least.

"Wow, this place looks just like Tristainia." Louise says as she peers into a nearby shop. In a way, she is correct. Most of the building have a similar architecture to them as Tristain's buildings, though little differences are apparent if you are observant. In tristain, the people would frequently set out flowers and leave their windows open, while Albion's people seem to prefer barricading themselves inside. The houses seem almost colorless if you ignore the slight orange tint of the tiles on the roof.

Looking around as Louise prattles on about confectioneries and such, you notice that all of the paths that branch off of the main road are barely wide enough for three people to walk shoulder to shoulder. The building have this strange design where each floor is larger than the one below it, the city guards seem to prefer rooftop patrols with crossbows rather than patrolling the streets below, and the buildings become more densly packed the further you get from the market square.

"-ven listening to me?!" Louise whines after half an hour of walking through narrow streets.

Turning toward your apprentice, you shake your head. "Of course not." You say, earning yourself a huff of annoyance. "It would do you well to be more observant of your surrounding, apprentice... you do know why we are here."

"O-oh... right." She says, donning a focused expression. It doesn't last long. "What am I supposed to be observing exactly?"

Sighing, you point at the bridge that is visible from between two buildings. "How many supports are holding up that stone monstrosity?"

"Wha- er... The bridge?" She asks, receiving a nod. "One, two.... fifteen?"

Nodding again, you ask, "And what would happen if we removed all of them on this side of the river?"

"The bridge would break and they'd stop receiving supplies!" Louise exclaims, earning a bop on the head with your staff. "Ow... What was that for?"

"Do not shout such incriminating things." You reprimand. "Yes the structure would collapse, but they more than likely have other methods of moving goods, such as those flying ships or even levitation spells."

Rubbing her scalp, the girl pouts. "Then what was the point of asking?"

"Important details for our planning. Just because they might have a solution, that does not mean it would not be an inconvenience to them. Now we must find a base of operations." You explain before striding away from the river-front.


Two hours later, you are in the cellar of an abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. Louise has started using the cellar doors as a practice target for her attempts at the Ice Wall spell and the chaurus are happily munching on an old feather bed.

Create a plan of action.
[]Write in.

A/N: I am partially basing Londinium off of the real world counterpart but with some more fantastical elements, just as many of the characters and locations are in the show.

This is the basic structure of the city, with the story Londinium being more densly packed and the open square closer to the river.
The multi-island portion is replaced by a singular island with barracks, fortified walls, and a palace.
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[x] The bridge is a choke point, we want to force them to rely on it to the point that resources get bogged down trying to enter and exit the city. The ships are the main competing method of large freight, aim to destroy their air based infrastructure.

-[x] In order to force even greater through traffic and logistics issues, start a plague. Infect the water, then start resurrecting any dead you can manage in the sewers (if they even exist) to be released at the opportune moment to cause a massive panic. If you're lucky people will conflate cause and effect, thinking that they have a zombie epidemic on their hands. The army will try to invade the city at the same time that the citizens are trying to flee. The entire enemy command structure will be forced to relocate to the less central location.

--[x] Frenzy the enemy commanders to view the citizens as infected or traitorous, and thus in need of purging. This will crush morale and cause anarchy.

-[x] Stealthily observe the battle as it's going underway. If at any point the enemy mages seem to be finding ways to counter your preparations or the commanders are regaining a semblance of order over the situation, have Louise intervene and attack them. Have yourself wait as backup in case she starts to get overwhelmed, but otherwise let her get a feel for battle and learn on her own.

-[x] Use the chaos to raid the palace for artifacts and wealth. Being sure to scout out the defences before and after the first strike against the airships.
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Why not join them and mind control everyone from the inside? I am quite serious, as they are revolting against the nobles they will lack of powerfull mage (as those would be noble), so they are going to be more willing to accept our bullshit.

[X] Offer to join as a powerfull mage.
-[X] Say that you are a bastard spurned by the nobles and want vengeance. Pinkette is your minion and hate the noble for mocking her as she doesn't have a very control of her magic.
--[X] As soon as possible start mindcontrolling key members of the revolution.
Wait, do we hate the revolution? Maybe it would be cushy to have the nation as our own personal plaything. Someone else can run it, we will just mooch around.
Why not join them and mind control everyone from the inside? I am quite serious, as they are revolting against the nobles they will lack of powerfull mage (as those would be noble), so they are going to be more willing to accept our bullshit.

[X] Offer to join as a powerfull mage.
-[X] Say that you are a bastard spurned by the nobles and want vengeance. Pinkette is your minion and hate the noble for mocking her as she doesn't have a very control of her magic.
--[X] As soon as possible start mindcontrolling key members of the revolution.

Well the poachers and the mage you fought suffer from unreliable narrator. Reconquista is a movement by dissatisfied nobles to unify mankind and retake the holy land. They simply spout off lines about equality and the commoners are ecstatic. That isn't to say that they wouldn't accept another mage, just don't want you to assume they don't have mages on their side when they have quite a few.

@Genji the point of the trip was to get Louise some combat experience, so somebody needs to die.
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Well the poachers and the mage you fought suffer from unreliable narrator. Reconquista is a movement by dissatisfied nobles to unify mankind and retake the holy land. They simply spout off lines about equality and the commoners are ecstatic. That isn't to say that they wouldn't accept another mage, just don't want you to assume they don't have mages on their side when they have quite a few.

Mmmh. Good to know. My plan is no good, then.

Do we know if there is some rebellion against the rebellion, then?
That would be Prince Wales' army of Loyalists. Albion is embroiled in a civil war with South Gotha being in an almost perpetual tug-of-war between the two sides. In a few months in canon, Wales' army would suffer a series of defeats that ends with their botched last stand at New Castle along the South-Eastern edge of the floating Island.
I like the plan you have so far @yinko and the general outline of it, but I'm somewhat worried that the guards on the rooftops might retain some measure of order. We could create our opportune moment by starting some big fires away from where the zombies are being staged (maybe use Flame Thrall to get some Flame Atronachs to keep them going and fight any firefighters/anyone nearby).

If we're drawing in the soldiers to the city I'd love it if we could get them Frenzied when they arrive to cause even more panic and chaos when they arrive and then suddenly turn on the fleeing citizens! Might be hard to do if they already know of the plague and have their own clean supplies as we'd have to infiltrate and find it to poison it. Maybe setting up some Runes of it would work better, especially if there was some way to cover them up or make it so they wouldn't be activated too soon so we could set up more of them at key points.

Hmm, should probably also include some time for Louise to directly engage the enemy as well. This is to get her combat experience, not just tactics and stabatoge, though those are good too. Maybe something like this

[x] The bridge is a choke point, we want to force them to rely on it to the point that resources get bogged down trying to enter and exit the city. The ships are the main competing method of large freight, aim to destroy their air based infrastructure.
--[x] Frenzy the enemy commanders to view the citizens as infected or traitorous, and thus in need of purging. This will crush morale and cause anarchy.
-[x] In order to force even greater through traffic and logistics issues, start a plague. Infect the water, then start resurrecting any dead you can manage in the sewers (if they even exist) to be released at the opportune moment to cause a massive panic. If something else doesn't come up, use Flame Atronachs and fire spells to commit arson somewhat away from where the outbreak will occur. If you're lucky people will conflate cause and effect, thinking that they have a zombie epidemic on their hands. The army will try to invade the city at the same time that the citizens are trying to flee. The entire enemy command structure will be forced to relocate to the less central location.
-[x] Stealthily observe the battle as it's going underway. If at any point the enemy mages seem to be finding ways to counter your preparations or the commanders are regaining a semblance of order over the situation, have Louise intervene and attack them. Have yourself wait as backup in case she starts to get overwhelmed, but otherwise let her get a feel for battle and learn on her own.

How does that look as a plan?
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If we're drawing in the soldiers to the city I'd love it if we could get them Frenzied when they arrive to cause even more panic and chaos when they arrive
Good thinking, but runes are single use. Better to target the commanders. If they order their troops to engage with the civilians then all hell will break loose. Even if the troops refuse the command, which isn't a given, there will be anarchy.
Good thinking, but runes are single use. Better to target the commanders. If they order their troops to engage with the civilians then all hell will break loose. Even if the troops refuse the command, which isn't a given, there will be anarchy.

Thanks, that's a good idea. I've changed that part up.
[x] The bridge is a choke point, we want to force them to rely on it to the point that resources get bogged down trying to enter and exit the city. The ships are the main competing method of large freight, aim to destroy their air based infrastructure.
--[x] Frenzy the enemy commanders to view the citizens as infected or traitorous, and thus in need of purging. This will crush morale and cause anarchy.
-[x] In order to force even greater through traffic and logistics issues, start a plague. Infect the water, then start resurrecting any dead you can manage in the sewers (if they even exist) to be released at the opportune moment to cause a massive panic. If something else doesn't come up, use Flame Atronachs and fire spells to commit arson somewhat away from where the outbreak will occur. If you're lucky people will conflate cause and effect, thinking that they have a zombie epidemic on their hands. The army will try to invade the city at the same time that the citizens are trying to flee. The entire enemy command structure will be forced to relocate to the less central location.
-[x] Stealthily observe the battle as it's going underway. If at any point the enemy mages seem to be finding ways to counter your preparations or the commanders are regaining a semblance of order over the situation, have Louise intervene and attack them. Have yourself wait as backup in case she starts to get overwhelmed, but otherwise let her get a feel for battle and learn on her own.

Chaos has always been a good thing for elders scroll protagonist. Just ask the Hero of Kvatch.
Why did we decide large battles are the way to get Louise some combat experience? Isn't it more traditional to have new adventurers fight manticores and other such beasts?

Also, why are we trying to cause havoc and devastation to the city? That really seems like a lot of work for little reward and for a cause we don't care about.

To fix this erroneous decision making, I suggest that we use the chaos caused by the zombies and plague and things as an opportunity to loot the Londinium treasury for interesting artifacts and as much money as we can carry. Combat experience for Lousie is really just a bonus.

Also, we should probably do some scouting of the castle defenses. Trying to fly in invisible and setting off magic alarms does not sound productive.

And we should be careful not to be seen enraging commanders.

-[x] In order to force even greater through traffic and logistics issues, start a plague. Infect the water, then start resurrecting any dead you can manage in the sewers (if they even exist) to be released at the opportune moment to cause a massive panic. If you're lucky people will conflate cause and effect, thinking that they have a zombie epidemic on their hands.
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A Baker's Nightmare
Francis Baker was the youngest son of the Londinium Baker family.

At the age of sixteen, Francis had had an epiphany. Let the rest of his siblings continue the family tradition, Francis was going to join the Albion army and get away from this life of mediocrity. Of course things didn't turn out exactly as he had planned.

"How can a baker's son be so scrawny?" They asked. "You couldn't even carry the armor!" They ridiculed. Being thrown back out onto the Tudor bridge, it seemed as though his new career would end before it began. That is, until Francis noticed the polished boots if front of his face.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the gatekeepers." A voice sounded from above. Looking up with an embarrassed blush on his face, Francis was greeted by a silver haired man in fine purple clothing. "Don't be discouraged by their petty words, I happen to think you have the perfect build for a cavalryman." The man says, extending a hand.

Accepting the help, Francis can only mutter, "That's kind of you to say mister."

With a jovial laugh and a slap on the back, the older man guides the younger back toward the gatehouse. "If it was just kind words, I wouldn't have said it." Banging on the door, the man shouts to the same guard that threw the boy out, "Keep your paws off of my newest recruit or I'll have you polishing the underside of the bridge!"

Slamming a fist against his breastplate in a salute, the guard replies, "Yes, Sir Wardes."

Thus began Francis' time in the Albion Dragon knights.


"I can't believe it's been three years already." The 22 year old Armsman said to his wife, Agnis as he walked through the door.

Removing his hat and cloak, Francis approached the woman's bedside. The sickly woman looked up at the sound of his voice. "You've said that every day this week, are you feeling alright?"

"I have? No, I feel fine, it must be the shock at having such a lovely woman in my life." Running his hand through her thinning hair, Francis tried his best to smile and ignore the growing patches of scaly skin on his wife's face. He was just happy to have caught her in one of her increasingly rare moments of lucidity.

Swatting him with an unsteady hand, Agnis scolds him. "Don't you lie to me! I'm hideous and I know it. Your brother came by today and nearly vomitted when he saw my condition. Walter said half the city must be ill by now... He said they pulled a body from the well this morning... said it was so bloated and decayed that it came up in pieces!"

Resisting the urge to vomit himself, he rubbed his growing goatee and pondered. "There has been an awful lot of talk about people going missing... The captain said it was just the usual paranoia that comes up whenever people start getting sick, but I've heard rumor that Joseph, the butcher's son, was seen attacking one of the patrols last night."

From the basement, a voice shouts, "That's nonsense, little Joseph died a year ago!"

"I didn't say I believed it!" Francis shouts back. "How long have you been here Susan?"

The teen stomps up the stairs with a jar in her hands, "Walter left me here to take care of aunt Agnis. Say's you should be here with her instead of gallivanting around with your precious lizard."

Opening his mouth to argue that dragons are so much more than lizards, his words are cut off by an explosion rattling the building. Shooting to his feet, Francis barks out, "Get to the cellar, both of you!"

"Where are you going?!" "What lovely flowers." The women, one panicked and the other dreamily, respond as he dons his gear and heads out.

Opening the door, the screams of panic and light from the fires increase in intensity. Living close to the waterfront gives him a perfect vantage point to witness the remains of the city's home fleet crashing down into the water, even the water-bound craft are caught in the massive waves created by the falling ships and dragged to the depths.

Running for the bridge, Francis witnesses the chaos unfolding; guardsmen are attacked by crowds of sickly peasants, fires engulf entire streets of building and flames dance in ways that trick the eyes into imagining they might be alive, Screams of terror as rooftop patrolmen fire into the crowds of civilians. The city has gone insane.

Ten minutes of sprinting through what must surely be a nightmare made manifest, Francis arrives at a grisly scene. The soldiers had barricaded the bridge, repelling the mobs that attempted to cross, sometimes with lethal methods if the mounds of peasant corpses are not simply a hallucination. A wet, squelching sound draws his eyes from the bodies to the upper walkway of the hastily erected barricade.

Drawing it's blade from within the body of the guard captain, a towering visage of despair stand to its full height. In the glow of the city's funeral pyre, the demon's cascading curtain of blood red hair writhes as if alive and it's eyes glow like embers from it's ashen face. Francis can only stare in horror as the monster's silhouette splits in two, a four armed shadow rising from the demon's back with blades that glitter in the dark.

Overcome by terror, Francis turns tail and runs, only to by tackled by the four armed demon's impossible leap. Screaming as he tries to escape it's grasp, the young man's last thoughts are of his wife and niece trapped in the cellar by a city gone mad.


Looking on from a nearby rooftop, you watch as Louise's familiar splits the crying soldier in half. Honestly, you expected these people to put up more of a fight. Sure, both Louise and her zombie are extraordinarily skilled when it comes to swordplay, but the girl's inexperience should have given the men a fighting chance.

Instead, it was a slaughter. Without your interference, the Captain had ordered his men to fire into the fleeing masses as they sought shelter. Louise, reluctant though she was, was able to quickly cross the distance and climb the wall in a totally unexpected bout of acrobatics and proceeded to destroy all resistance. Nobody that young should be that powerful in magic and that skilled in combat.

Frankly, that girl terrifies you a little bit.

Still, the fact that she has such a deadened look in her eyes and streaks of dried tears on her face as she drags her bloodied self back toward you... well, that's a good sign that she probably doesn't have it in her to betray you.

Carrying her exhausted form back to your hideout, you plan for tomorrow. The port and it's ships are destroyed, the city is filling with corpses to be used, the remaining quarter of the local garrison have blockaded themselves inside the island fortress, and your flame thrall is still on the loose.

Create a plan of action:
[] Write in

A/N: It took two weeks for the disease's to spread.
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[x] Build up a supply of undead from the heaps of bodies. Use some of them to take the palace so you can raid it for yourself. Then conjure up a bunch of ancestor ghosts and leave the city a haunted wasteland as you leave.

I don't think that FoZ has ghosts, or a way to get rid of them easily.
First the Werewolf plague of Tarbes and now the Necropolis of Londinium... Halkeginia was doomed the moment you arrived, wasn't it?
[x] Build up a supply of undead from the heaps of bodies. Use some of them to take the palace so you can raid it for yourself. Then conjure up a bunch of ancestor ghosts and leave the city a haunted wasteland as you leave.
-[X] Ask Louise if she wants to stay or go back home for this. I will not think less of you either way. You have again gone above and beyond my expectations.
-[X] Losing that softness... is never pleasant. But the wars of man have been far more gruesome than this.
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[x] Build up a supply of undead from the heaps of bodies. Use some of them to take the palace so you can raid it for yourself. Then conjure up a bunch of ancestor ghosts and leave the city a haunted wasteland as you leave.

I don't think that FoZ has ghosts, or a way to get rid of them easily.

Doesnt look like it. also. The ancestor ghosts look hilarious. Being killed by sentient Halloween costumes.
Well, they won't be 'Ancestor ghosts' because you aren't a Dunmer and haven't gone through their rituals, but that's pretty much semantics. You can summon ghost, bind spirits, etc etc. Necromancy is necromany after all.
[x] Build up a supply of undead from the heaps of bodies. Use some of them to take the palace so you can raid it for yourself. Then conjure up a bunch of ancestor ghosts and leave the city a haunted wasteland as you leave.
-[X] Ask Louise if she wants to stay or go back home for this. I will not think less of you either way.
-[X] Losing that softness... is never pleasant. But the wars of man have been far more gruesome than this.
Well, they won't be 'Ancestor ghosts' because you aren't a Dunmer and haven't gone through their rituals, but that's pretty much semantics. You can summon ghost, bind spirits, etc etc. Necromancy is necromany after all.
There was also that ghost in Morrowind, that kept coming back no matter how much you killed it, till its summoner released it. So it should be possible to keep the city haunted for at least a while.
There was also that ghost in Morrowind, that kept coming back no matter how much you killed it, till its summoner released it. So it should be possible to keep the city haunted for at least a while.
Considering that many ghosts throughout the series could only be harmed by silver or magical effects such as spells or enchanted weapons... the only ones who could harm them are the nobles or lucky commoners. The tricky bit is keeping that many spirits and zombies contained.
Soooo, just putting it out there whats stopping us from conquering Albion?

The real question, is why would we want to?

[x] Build up a supply of undead from the heaps of bodies. Use some of them to take the palace so you can raid it for yourself. Then conjure up a bunch of ancestor ghosts and leave the city a haunted wasteland as you leave.

Why should we offer her to get back? If she want to, let her grow a spine and ask for it. This is also teaching.