1: Do we need to leave a Personal Action free in year five for the Council Meeting?
2: Didn't you say Establishing an Embassy on Byzantium would be available this turn?
3: The Construct ships for Midgard, is this a committed trade deal we need to fulfill for Midgard with negatives if we don't complete it timely? Or is it a standing offer for when we get to it?
Slot A (5 year)
Year 1- Champions
Slot B (4 year)
Year 2- Expedite: Expand training facilities
Slot C (1 year)
Year 5- Lessons Learned: Assault OR Phase Infantry Battalions: Planning
I put these in because they would take the longest to finish and we want their boni.
This isn't a completed plan, since the OR in there isn't valid. There are other issues too, but I don't want to spend time commenting unless it's an actual plan.
5 Years
Y1: Bombardment (1/1)
Y2 - Y5: Build Advanced Orbital Defence Stations (4/7)
5 Years
Y1: Bombardment (1/1)
Y2 - Y5: Construct: Repair (4/7)
1 Year
Y5: Expand Shipyards: Large (1/17) - EXPEDITE
I like the new Shard Plan a lot better, Military options are good, but I still have some issues. Void is one of them. First, I see no need to do any Bombardment, but certainly not a doubling of Bombardment. A single bombardment at the most. Additionally, I feel we really ought to do a fleet construct action that completes quickly. Mass Conveyors and Escorts would be my choice. Part of this is because we may be discussing supporting a colony in the next council, so I'd like to have a stronger fleet. Also trade deals will be redone with significant increases so Mass Conveyors will help. Replacing the Bombardment and Construct Repair would allow it to be completed this turn.
Adeptus Adminstratum (5,3,2)
5 Years
Y1 - Y5: Underground Railways: Duat (5/8) - EXPEDITE
3 Years
Y3 - Y5: Upgrade Defences: Four Major Cities (Nagrod, City of Glass, Roke Island, The Unseen University) (3/5) - EXPEDITE
2 Years
Y4 - Y5: Upgrade Defences: Four Major Cities (Storm's End, Lorien, Mirkwood, Doriath) (2/6)
Diplomacy (5/5)
5 Years
Y1 - Y2: Re-Investigate (Asgard) (2/2)
Y3: Persons of Interest (1/1)
Y4 - Y5: Re-Investigate (Svartalfheim) (2/2)
5 Years
Y1 - Y2: Re-Investigate (Vanaheim) (2/2)
Y3 - Y4: Re-Investigate (Alfheim) (2/2)
Y5: Persons of Interest (1/1)
This really needs a lot of work. Right now it's unimaginative and ignores several things we need to do.
I would suggest something like this:
5 Years
Y1: Request Aid from Inquisition
Y2: Sound Out (Next Moves)
Y3: Persons of Interest (1/1)
Y4: Diplomatic Relations (Vanaheim) -REPEAT IF FAILED
Y5: ELSE Diplomatic Relations (Svartalfhiem)
5 Years
Y1: Establish Embassy (Byzantium)
Y2 - Y3: Investigate (Byzantium) (2/2)
Y4: Persons of Interest (1/1)
Y5: Ear To The Ground
Request Aid from Inquisition: It appears that the Change of Ways has a major plot going on involving Avernus. Notify the Inquisition and ask for their aid.
Sound Out (Next Moves): With the success of the campaign against the Orks, what should be the next military/diplomatic move for the Imperial Trust?
I think something like that would be better.
Adeptus Astra Telepathica (5/5/5)
Ridcully - 5 Years
Y? - Y5: Research: Immaterial Resonance - DOUBLE DOWN
Tamia - 5 Years
Y1 - Y2: Research: Black Crystal Items (Breastplate) (2/2)
Y3 - Y5: Research: Power Melody Composition (3/7)
Xavier - 5 Years
Y1: Mentoring: Beta
Y2-Y3: Simple Anti-Psyker Wards: Void Shields - EXPEDITE (2/2)
Y4: Simple Anti-Psyker Wards: SAM Batteries - EXPEDITE (1/1)
Y5: Masterwork Force Weapons: Primaris Psykers (1/6)
Much better, though I think it would be even better to not plan Where Are They every turn, we do have other things we need Ridcully to do, and failure for so many years is not expected. Also, I think the Double Down would be better used on the Arbites action Where Are They. Additionally I really want to get the Ward Actions done.
So something like this:
Ridcully - 5 Years
Y1: Where are they? - REPEAT IF FAILED
Y2: ELSE Mentoring Gamma
Y3 - Y4: Research: Destructive Frequcencies - DOUBLE DOWN
Y5: Divination (Attacks)
Tamia - 5 Years
Y1 - Y2: Research: Black Crystal Items (Breastplate) (2/2)
Y3 - Y4: Research: Destructive Frequcencies
Y5: IF NOT DONE Mentoring Gamma ELSE Psychic Materials: Gnaw Worms
Xavier - 5 Years
Y1: Mentoring: Beta
Y2-Y3: Simple Anti-Psyker Wards: Void Shields - EXPEDITE (2/2)
Y4: Simple Anti-Psyker Wards: SAM Batteries - EXPEDITE (1/1)
Y5: Basic Wards: Fleet - EXPEDITE (1/7)
Compiled Double Downs (In priority order, DD the action on the left if possible, then move down to the right if actions aren't possible/done for some reason.)
Y1: Where are they? (Telepathica)
Y2: Where are they? ELSE Research: Immaterial Resonance
Y3: Where are they? ELSE Research: Immaterial Resonance ELSE Preliminary Examination (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Detailed Survey (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Re-Investigate (Alfheim)
Y4: Where are they? ELSE Research: Immaterial Resonance ELSE Preliminary Examination (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Detailed Survey (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Re-Investigate (Svartalfheim)
Y5: Where are they? ELSE Research: Immaterial Resonance ELSE Preliminary Examination (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Detailed Survey (Hellflame Coral) ELSE In-Depth Examination (Hellflame Coral) ELSE Persons of Interest
I can not agree with this. Using Double Downs on the Biologos action?
Instead I'd suggest something like this:
Y1: Where are they? (Rotbart)
Y2: IF STILL ONGOING Where are they? (Rotbart) ELSE Mentoring: Gamma ELSE Investigate (Byzantium)
Y3: Research: Destructive Tendencies
Y4: Diplomatic Relations
Y5: Diplomatic Relations