If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 13 59.1%

  • Total voters
Voting is open
[X] "Funny. A group of Demons that used to be part of this gang thought the same thing. Two of them died in as many moves, and the third wound up begging for his life." *place finger on Dawn's trigger* "Care to try your luck as well?"
-[X] If he decides to fight, use Burning Break
-[X] If not, ask Rakshasa who the new recruit with an attitude problem is and continue on your way
D&D tonight, so late update tonight. I can't see ghosts because I'm not magic.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 21, 2025 at 11:17 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "Funny. A group of Demons that used to be part of this gang thought the same thing. Two of them died in as many moves, and the third wound up begging for his life." *place finger on Dawn's trigger* "Care to try your luck as well?"
    -[X] If he decides to fight, use Burning Break
    -[X] If not, ask Rakshasa who the new recruit with an attitude problem is and continue on your way
    [X] "So? Anyone who judges strength by looks alone is a moron."
    [X] "You know, I get that a lot. Doesn't mean I should let that stop me."
1115: "Who's This Guy?" New
[X] "Fuck around and find out."

"Y'know, that's funny." You grin at the unfamiliar demon, "A group of rogue demons from this very gang told me something similar. Two of 'em died in as many strikes, and I left the last one begging for his life." Your finger finds its home on Dawn's trigger as you instinctively put your thumb under the cross guard, "Care to try your luck as well?"

(CHR ROLL: 17+10)

The demon blinks, smiling right back at you, "...Shit, and here I was thinking these jackasses just got soft! You might be more of a demon than Take-Minakata was!"

"As we have said before," The cyan-armored demon says with a hint of tiredness, "She was more than a match for our previous "boss"."

"I know, spear boy!" The demon shoots back, "It's just a little jarring to learn we can be outdone as demons by humans. You're the kind of gal I can work under, so no, I won't try anything."

"Good." You nod, turning to Rakshasa, "So, who's the new recruit with an attitude problem?"

"Patrimpas." Rakshasa replies, holding his sword up to the light of the moon, "Came in a few hours back, said he'd only join up "once he knew for certain you weren't some shrimp who got lucky." His words, not mine." He hastily adds.

"I'm busy right now, so can you handle his onboarding?" You walk right past the lot of them, "C'mon, Shoji. Let's get this done."

"R-Right." Shoji jogs to keep up with you, "So, what are we gonna do when we find this guy?"

"That's up to him." You reply coldly as you step outside, "If he wants to play a stupid game, we'll give him a stupid prize."

"Easy on the whole "Demon" part, Yumi." Gouto jokes, "We want this guy alive, don't we?"

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
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[] "You'd be surprised what the human body can survive." In a slightly joking tone.
-[] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."

[X] *faux-serious tone* "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
-[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
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[X] "You'd be surprised what the human body can survive." In a slightly joking tone.
-[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
[X] *faux-serious tone* "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
-[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."

I saw Isiri's vote, and my brain immediately jumped to Return of Jafar.
[X] *faux-serious tone* "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
-[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
[X] *faux-serious tone* "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
-[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
SMTV:V Stream Summery New
Today in SMTV,

- I was told to do the buddy system to get home, then immediately got ditched by my friends,
- Fell into a desert,
- Met a guy,
- Performed the Fusion Dance,
- Befriended literal demons,
- Chased Mitamas around until the sun went down,
- Got shot by a cat,
- Killed a snake, and
- Took a break!

Total deaths: 1.

Better than I expected!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 23, 2025 at 1:55 AM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] *faux-serious tone* "You'd be surprised what you can live through."
    -[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
    [X] "For now, at least until we figure out his intentions. Could really be anything at this point."
    [X] "You'd be surprised what the human body can survive." In a slightly joking tone.
    -[X] "More seriously, it's really gonna depend on him on how things go down. I try to avoid any permanent damage whenever I can."
1116: The Night's Chill...? New
[X] "I just want to talk to him." *Casts Charge*

"You'd be surprised what you can live through." You mention offhandedly, "But, unfortunately, it's really gonna come down to him on how things play out. And to my credit, I try to avoid permanent damage whenever I can."

"I guess we should hope he's got a good head on his shoulders, then." Gouto hops off of your shoulder, preferring to walk alongside you, "Otherwise, that head might not be on his shoulders for too much longer."

"Yumi's never killed any-- Uh, she's never killed anyone before Hino." Shoji quickly corrects, "...Speaking of which, are you... Uh, holding up alright?"

[] "I'm fine."
[] "I killed someone, Shoji."
[] "It was self defense."
[] Say nothing.
[] ???????????

Regardless, Shoji stops prying, respecting your privacy.

...Which leaves an awkward silence to choke the air as you walk.


Just as you're about to reach the street Sayaka sent you, the air begins to grow colder. At first, you think it's just the night's chill finally setting in.

That is, until you see a snowflake flutter down right in front of you.

Both Shoji and Gouto saw it, too.

"...You guys ever seen it snow in April?" Gouto asks.

"...No?" Shoji replies, "Never in my life."

"Hm." Gouto grunts, staring at the fallen snowflake, "So this is suspect."

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
[] "He deserved it."

My sentiment remains unchanged, but I don't feel like it fits in this context.

[X] "I don't want to talk about it."

Another sentiment I have which feels less out of place.

[X] "Probably trouble, get ready."
-[X] Summon Devil Dog, Black Frost and Yurlungur and keep your eyes peeled for any Demons, Magic using humans or other possible causes for out-of-season-snow

Devil Dog for Acid Breath, Black Frost for Tarukaja, and Yurlungur for Fog Breath. Not really anything else to say here.
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[X] "There was no other way."

[X] "So, what are the chances that this is connected to the guy we're after?"
-[X] Summon Devil Dog, Black Frost and Yurlungur and keep your eyes peeled for any Demons, Magic using humans or other possible causes for out-of-season-snow
[X] "I killed someone, Shoji."
-[X] Quietly: "There was no other way."

Even if it was justified, if you are a good person, this sort of thing will weigh on you.

[X] "So, what are the chances that this is connected to the guy we're after?"
-[X] Summon Devil Dog, Black Frost and Yurlungur and keep your eyes peeled for any Demons, Magic using humans or other possible causes for out-of-season-snow
EX 115(?): An Old Legend, Part One. New
Once, long ago and far away, there was a beautiful kingdom. Grass, trees, and stunning fields of flowers stretched as far as the eye could see. Rivers danced across the land, and wild game was plenty. Even the mountains, as imposing as they seemed, brought strength and security by their mere presence.

In this kingdom there lived many people, from unassuming passersby to the knights that protected them with their lives, and the wise king. From his rule, this kingdom was birthed, and he still reigned with wisdom and mercy. Among his court, which he assembled meticulously for the betterment of his country, sat two of his most trusted knights.

They were practically brothers. You could seldom see one without the other, and rarer still to find them away from the king's side. Even though they held the same rank and held themselves to the highest standards, these two could not be any more different.

Where one was studying in the library, the other honed his blade. When one was settling down for the night, the other rose to patrol the castle. And whenever the two would disagree over something, the wise king would have to mediate.

Although it was inconvenient to him, the king never minded being the one who brought them peace. Brothers may bicker, yes, but they never stopped caring about one another.

But soon enough, the king found himself more and more tired. Not because he did not care about his kingdom or his people, but because he had worked himself ragged. His knights were the first to notice, as they usually were when it came to their king, and both wanted to help in any way the could.

However, the knights both had different ideas of how to help.

The first knight wanted to halt anyone from entering the castle until their king was in better condition. After all, if the king were to catch an illness or an adversary were to appear, it would spell disaster.

The second knight thought that he should temporarily assume the position of the king until he was fit to return to duty. After all, the kingdom needed its king to make decisions, and being the more studious of the two knights, it only made sense for him to take that role.

However, before the two could even begin bickering about what would help the king more, a stranger entered the king's court.

The stranger suggested that, instead of either of those ideas, they could make a statue of the king. When pressed further, the stranger revealed that he held the power to animate these statues and constructs. He would make a statue of the king, and the king would give it the gift of knowledge so it could rule in his stead. Only temporarily, of course.

Both knights were skeptical, but the king, seeing no other viable solution, agreed with the stranger.

The first knight was incredibly doubtful of the stranger's plan, but trusted his king's judgement.

The second knight felt betrayed. He was perfect for the role, if only for a short time, but his king would choose stone and magic over him?

He would never let this insult go.
...It's been a while since I last read up on this quest. Thank goodness for the mini-update format, though.

As for the vote, I feel like while Hino is well... evil. Killing someone is a heavy thing to do even if it's justified.

I abstain from voting for the battle though. Since I have no context for that so far.

Edit (to refrain from double-posting): Oh yeah, @TremendousMilk3, don't forget to apply Auto Sukukaja!

My Votes:

[X] "I killed someone, Shoji."
-[X] Quietly: "There was no other way."

[X] "So, what are the chances that this is connected to the guy we're after?"
-[X] Summon Devil Dog, Black Frost and Yurlungur and keep your eyes peeled for any Demons, Magic using humans or other possible causes for out-of-season-snow
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The first knight was incredibly doubtful of the stranger's plan, but trusted his king's judgement.

The second knight felt betrayed. He was perfect for the role, if only for a short time, but his king would choose stone and magic over him?
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking: "I do not trust the stranger as I don't know if he would be able to control the statue king or otherwise influence it to work towards his own agenda."
Voting is open