[X] [Tarly] "Whatever the terms, Dorne yielded. Would you have me cut down a defeated, yielding enemy out of sheer bloodlust?"
[X] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them. "
[X] [Tarly] "I have final say on the terms of the marriage and I will not accept a deal I find too lenient to Dorne."
[X] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. Dorne yielded. Would you have me cut down a defeated, yielding enemy out of sheer bloodlust? What type of knight i would be then? You taught me to be better than just a simple brute in armor."
[X] [Tarly] "Any other man could try to rule in my stead, but Prince Qoren would never receive enough support from the lords of the realm to do so. I will be a stronger queen through this match."
[X] [Tarly] "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. Dorne yielded. Would you have me cut down a defeated, yielding enemy out of sheer bloodlust? What type of knight i would be then? You taught me to be better than just a simple brute in armor."
[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."
[X] [Alicent] "You have a place in my heart and that will never change. I will fight to keep you by my side."
[X] [Alicent] "You are my dearest friend, no matter what happens with our relationship that will hold true and I will always be there for you."
[X] [Alicent] "I cannot claim i know what the future holds for us, but right here and right now you have a very special place in my heart, and i don't see that changing anytime soon. This is not just me "having fun", as your brother might think, i consider our relathionship something serious and i will fight to keep you by my side Alicent."
Aproval voting.