Of Lambent Legacy
13th of March 2007 A.D.
Why do I feel like I'm paying Russian Roulette? you look into the eyes of the pale girl swirling with the essence of death.
Oh right, that's why. Is this what other people felt looking at me nine months ago? "An exaltation is not the sponsorship of some other power, it is not faerie mantle, of queen, lady or knight. It is a part of the soul
her soul. She has done nothing to warrant suspicion."
"How did you kill the people to attacked you?" Listens to the Wind's voice is deceptively calm.
"I drank Mr. Lin's blood and then, the cold parts. I needed it. I needed the power so I let it fill me before... dealing with the other one, the sniper with her own gun. Do you think I'm the first one she shot at? Do you think I'm the first one Mr. Lin or whoever he was lied to get close to, the first one he betrayed?
They should be dead."
"Maybe," the old wizard shakes his head undaunted. "But I would be careful handing out death sentences to anyone who has ever killed."
"Is that a threat?" In contrast to her sister's Lara's voice is pleasant, if more neutral than usual, more 'business friendly' than the throaty timber of her usual dealings. "I can assure you my sister will not transgress against the secret that keeps us all safe again. It was an extraordinary moment with all the trauma of dying and more."
"Merely a statement." The old wizard says, though he continues in a tone unhappy as it is implacable. "The Council is older than the Accords, it wasn't founded to keep the secret, but keep the world of the every day safe from evil things. Highest among that charge is to guard against Those of Hell and Those Beyond the Gates and Those Below. What guarantee do we have here and now? Your word Mrs Raith?"
For a moment you wonder why he's pressing her on this... and then you realize, he's asking what Lara would do if her sister proves to be a threat she cannot contain. After all the Council had seen what you can do and this is the heir of a power even more destructive. What would her world be like? A vast necropolis of eternally bound to her will?
"Have you burned every book on necromancy already?" Lydia asks then, unexpectedly. Even you had forgotten she was there. "Send to their death or stripped of the power every necromancer? Definitely not that last one, I'm still alive. The dead come when I call and the bodies of the fallen answer my will. I don't have to use mannequins you know I simply choose to."
Rhys your heart's in the right place, but I've heard this talk from too many others. We stand now knowing little even you and Mrs Carpenter, even her..." He tilts his head in diffany's direction, one of the bags on his belt jingles faintly. "Though it might be better that knowledge isn't relevant. All we have not is a guess, a gamble. Your power we know..."
Her brows furrow, in anger, in thought? Both? You could not say.
"Truly? Did you know Lamentations of the Void recognized me, the work of Kemmler's arts? Do I require a sword hung over my head?"
No one answers, though you can hear Harry draw in a harsh breath and you can only imagine what Arawn is saying if he can hear this.
"They are creatures of Oblivion, they feed on fatalism like fire feeds on kindling. You're not preparing for the worst, you're encouraging the worst." She rounds on Harry. "And you? Signore 'let's fish her name out of the Void'? Do you understand the depth of that sacrifice? I certainly do
not, but I know that it is matched by the regret that she might feel. If you succeed, if such a thing can be done, congratulations you get the gold star for wizardry, if you fail you might as well push her in after it
"Lydia...?" you start, not entirely sure if you want to stop her or congratulate her
"'All the trauma of dying Molly', she's like a ghost!"
"Oh..." Inari looks up over Thomas' shoulder. He was holding her hands you notice. "That is a good thing to be called, the Silver Ghost.... no the Silver Phantom. It almost sounds like a superhero. Bobby... Bobby will probably like it." Blood starts to drip from the corners of her eyes, the only tears she will ever shed.
"Right, I think we are done here," Lara says, her tone challanging.
What do you say?
[] Agree, Inari... Silver Phantom could use some rest
[] You could use her help finding the others if she's up to it
[] Write in
OOC: Sorry this took so long, it was rather intense and I wanted to make sure everyone would be true to themselves. Also yes Lydia tends to get more formal and either more Sicilian or more Welsh as she gets pissed off.