In Both of the examples you gave were extunating and don't actually pervent them froom exerting their will later but also while i was looking things up.They're free end of story, which is why you felt the need to argue about how specific examples of their bindings are gone.
I knew I got this shit from somewhere holy shit I just had it embedded in my brain meat
The opening page of the infernal story section.This before the fact that the Yozi are eternally sore losers incapable of the feats of creation they could perform before their imprisonment
Also said this beforeExalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Infernals Pg. 18 said:Although they were beaten, broken, defeated and imprisoned, the Primordials-cum-Yozis were nonetheless impressed by the elegance and power of their conquerors. As soon as their damaged, deranged minds cleared enough of the hatred and self-pity that had first overwhelmed them, they sought a way to use that power for themselves. Such was their broken nature that they could no longer conceive of a way to build something new and better on their own. All they remained able to do was to change that which already existed to suit their needs.
Backed up by this in their own book talking them up.... unable to stop ghosts from fucking on them.The fetid corpses of the neverborn have no consent to give has no ability to deny them only really have the ability to do anything to them if they end up in oblivion itself. The game line goes out of its way to say that the neverborn are incapable of doing anything, the whispers that come from oblivion are nonsense incoherence. The only thing that is coherent is they want to be completely dead.
Literally seething damn near coping.Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 22 said:Too many ghosts relished their connections to Creation and jealously defended them. Every soul that fell into the Underworld destabilized the cycle of reincarnation—which was all to the good—but those willful souls banded together behind ever-stronger leaders to resist the spectres' depredations. They settled and spread throughout the Underworld, making it more like the Creation they remembered. Worse, when ghosts learned to contact the people they had left behind, they shored up and reinforced the fabric of Creation by affirming the efforts of the living.
This ugly trend culminated in a powerful regime led by a succession of schizophrenic dyads called the Dual Monarchy. These powerful entities built the fortress-city of Stygia around the mouth of the Abyss with the sole deluded purpose of keeping everything from falling into it. They even built a blasphemous pseudo-celestial calendar engine to impose a semblance of the passage of days and seasons on the heretofore-perfect stasis of the realm.
Seeing this in their dreams but unable to stop it, the Neverborn seethed and writhed in their tombs—but the geomantic barrier of Stygia prevented the Neverborn even from inflicting their storms of wrath on the Underworld. The Dual Monarchy organized armies of ghosts to drive the strongest spectres back to the Labyrinth and seal them inside.
As far as how much the ghost that were the deathlords actually needed to heed the Neverborn well
Literally begging for help .Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 23 said:The Neverborn also turned their attention to the spirits of their slain enemies. They shared much in common, the slain and their slaughtered murderers. Perhaps they could find a common interest. Not all the Primordials agreed, but five of them called out in their dreams to the ghosts of their fallen enemies.
Most of the dead Solars rebuffed the Neverborn's tentative contact. The youngest Exalts, as the ones least corrupted by centuries of absolute power, rejected temptation; or at least they remembered that the Neverborn were deadly, inhuman foes to ghosts and mortals alike. The oldest and proudest Exalts scoffed at the lingering souls of their enemies crawling to them like whipped curs hoping to placate their conquerors one last time. But some ghosts listened. Having spent centuries, even millennia, as the most powerful beings in Creation, this new existence as pitiful ghosts did not suit them. It couldn't suit them. They would do anything, anything, to regain their power and rule once more.
The Neverborn still required the destruction of Creation, so they could subside into the Abyss at last. They did not, therefore, insult their new potential collaborators with an offer of power to rule Creation. The Neverborn did offer power, but only the power to destroy Creation and plunge its ruins into the Underworld—and eventually into the Abyss. The key to their bargain was the word "eventually." If the empowered ghosts used their gifts to destroy and absorb Creation, they could rule whatever remained. The Neverborn would disappear immediately, but the Underworld would certainly follow more slowly. The Abyss would devour it in time, but for as long as it lasted, those who accepted the Neverborn's offer would become the lords of that dead world.
Finally from the manual the chosen of the Void how much power either the dead primordials or the Fallen primordials had in creation without special operators
Literally the only time the Neverborn have a coherent command ever.Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 26 said:Despite their power, the Yozis had little access to Creation. Granted, the Neverborn were equally cut off from Creation, but their powerful Deathlord servants were not. If those ghosts could somehow break the Jade Prison and capture the Solar Exaltations it held, the Demon Princes would teach the Neverborn how to alter and use them to empower mortal servants.
The Yozis stipulated only that the Neverborn reserve and relinquish 50 Solar Essences to the Demon Princes. The rest would belong to the Neverborn. As a show of good faith, the Yozis even released preliminary designs for an apparatus that could temporarily catch and hold an individual Solar Exaltation. The Neverborn commanded the Deathlords to open the Jade Prison and bring them the Solar Exaltations. Quickly! And the Deathlords set to work. For once, the Deathlords found the will of their dreaming masters expressed in utter clarity.
Finally on the freedom of the infernal and Abyssal exalted. For the Abyssals it the lack of these fucken things
Which completely fucks the ability of the never born to make Death Knights instead of Chosen of the Void through indoctrination and also deletes the kill switch.Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 27 said:Abyssal Exaltation, however, does not work that way. Each Abyssal Exaltation is bound to its own Monstrance of Celestial Portion. If an Abyssal champion dies, her Exaltation returns not to Lytek's cabinet, but to its Monstrance and a Deathlord's jealous grip. The Deathlord, then, controls how an Abyssal Exaltation finds a new soul. Deathknights appear only at their new overlords' will and pleasure, which causes something of a problem.
And for the InfernalsExalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 35 said:When a dying mortal takes the Last Breath, he gives up his name and destiny in exchange for power and immortality. The excruciating ecstasy of the Black Exaltation is only
the beginning of his transformation, though. He is not yet a deathknight. Before he can truly take on the finite mission to end Creation and the Underworld, he must undergo a
period of indoctrination and training. Most of the time, this probationary period helps the Deathlords weed out those weak or wavering Abyssal Exalts who would become liabilities to the Neverborn's cause.
And finally from their own book for reasons they have free will and aren't slavesExalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Infernals Pg. 22 said:One aspect of the Exaltations that the Yozis could not safely overwrite is the Exaltation's imperative to move unseen and at speeds beyond thought to seek out mortals whose fates resonated with echoes of heroic destiny. The Yozis were able to hold the Exaltations while they worked on them, but they knew well that once they implanted them into their first generation of Infernal Exalts, they would lose control of those Exaltations if (rather, when) their first Green Sun Princes were struck down.
Last but not least at least in my mind take it or leave it it's not in the main section but the Storyteller sectionsExalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Infernals Pg. 27 said:These two arguments did not completely alleviate Malfeas's worry that the Green Sun Princes would work some wretched treachery upon them all, but they did convince him to revoke his objections. She Who Lives in Her Name was not convinced, however, and the Ebon Dragon was forced to resort to his third argument. It made him uncomfortable to do so, for it was a painful reminder of their first failure in the Primordial War. When the war began, the Ebon Dragon reminded them, the Primordials had ordered the gods to force their Exalts to stand down and cease all hostilities. The gods rankled as they gave that order, but they had no choice. Yet the Exalted, the gods revealed, were free to do as they chose, and they chose to continue fighting.
The other Yozis remembered these events but did not see the significance. The Ebon Dragon revealed it to them. He had been examining the strictures of the surrender oaths the victorious gods and Exalts had forced upon the Yozis, and he had detected troubling clauses within them. It was possible, he warned them, to interpret those oaths in such a way that would allow the gods to do to the Yozis' slaves what the Creators had tried to do to the Exalted.
That is, the gods might be able to compel the Yozis to order any slaves they controlled to stand down and cease hostilities. The gods would have to phrase such an order almost impossibly specifically, and to even realize that they have this authority would require them to be at least as clever as the Ebon Dragon himself. As unlikely as that might seem, the possibility existed nonetheless. Therefore, he concluded, the Green Sun Princes
must retain their free will. If the gods could force the Yozis to order their generals to quit the battlefield, those generals must be able to refuse.
Taken together, these arguments finally convinced She Who Lives in Her Name that free will was a necessary—if distasteful—component of the Infernal Exalted psyche. For all that the Green Sun Princes retain free will, however, they are not exactly free to do whatever they want whenever they want to do it. The Yozis aren't fools, after all.
Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Abyssals Pg. 226 said:After all, Abyssals have the same inner spark of excellence as Solars, only turned toward darkness. The Neverborn understand the nature of Exaltation even less than the Incarnae do. Humanity, love and free will are notoriously hard to suppress. Despite all the extensive precautions and metaphysical chains the Deathlords wrap around their minions, when Oblivion finally comes to claim Creation, it just might find the power of its darkest champions arrayed against it.
Exalted 2nd Edition - Manual of Exalted Power - Infernals Pg. 213 said:et, as the generals among the Slayers will tell you, a battle may be sacrificed if the war can be won. Despite their handicaps and the strong push toward vile deeds, the Green Sun Princes are free to choose their destiny, no matter how difficult the struggle. Unlike the akuma, the Green Sun Princes may choose to forsake their origins and blaze a heroic trail across the face of Creation, fanning the flames of the Solar spark within their Exaltations. Seeing the true nature of the Yozis—no longer caring about the world, but only interested in hurting it out of revenge—an Infernal may choose the side of the gods once again.
Though the Infernals are bound, their sense of history and their connection to both the Yozis and the gods affords the Green Sun Princes to a unique position—out of all of the Exalted, they have the best chance to permanently derail the eternal cycle of usurpation that began with the Primordial War.