The result was a woman able to throw blasts of light that turned anyone hit into a piglet for a few minutes, and if they were parahuman she gained a much weaker version of their power for the same duration

That... Is a pretty powerful power... Like really good actually.

Ranged power that incapacitates oponents immediatly? Thats really good already, a trump effect that COPIES weak versions of their powers while they are pigglets?

She got a really good power there.

Considering some of the theories about companion cubes.... I REALLY dont think he should turn ANYONE into one.
[X] Creature

Having read the Force Sculptor class entry, how does the minimum number of forcefields work if the user's level is an odd number? I assume it is meant to be rounded up or down because otherwise you need to determine what constitutes half a forcefield and that just seems unnecessarily complicated.
Chapter 242: Sub-Vote
[X] Power
Capstone Power Roll: (770 points)
Roll D36=31
"Variable" True Customization , 600 One of Each, 700 Pocket Biosphere

Only our second time rolling in the Capstone Power list, sadly no capstone power this time. No matter what this will trigger another sub-vote.

-True Customization: This power costs the same number of points as the entry you choose and if you do not wish to gain any of the available entries you can keep your points. But you cannot reroll.
You can choose all the parameters of your custom creature instead of rolling.
Choose one type of custom creature: Custom Hybrid (100), Custom Construct (200), Custom Animental (200)(Already gained once) , Custom Intelligent Weapon (300), Custom Magical Beast (200), Custom Eevee (200), Custom Common Blade (500), Custom Summoning Contract (800)(Already gained once), Custom Shard (600)(Already gained once), Custom Sea Beast (300), Custom Dungeon Core (800)(Already gained once), Custom Theon/Parasite (400), Custom Transformer (300), Custom Mutant Animal (100), Custom Pony (200)(Already gained once), or Custom Spirit (200 + X)(Already gained once).
Consult the Custom Creatures sheet for more details on each type of creature.
Note: Options that are strike through would not be available during subvote.

-One of Each: You gain one entry (creature, modifier, ability…) from any Creature Category of your choice from each category worth 100 points or less.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
Note: Like last time you have three options to choose from. No matter what i'll be the one choosing the categories from which the creatures will be pulled, mainly Bonus Categories. Just because it will make things go faster.

-Pocket Biosphere: Choose a creature you possess, and you gain a pocket dimension tailored to that creature. When not summoned the creature resided inside that dimension. The size of the dimension varies depending on the creature but a minimum of 1km squared and a maximum of 10km squared. It contains an environment adapted to the creature, including illusory companions and prey. You can open a portal to that dimension at will.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.


[] "Variable" True Customization
[] 600 One of Each (42 x 100 or less points creatures)
[] 600 One of Each (20 x 200 or less points creatures)
[] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)
[] 700 Pocket Biosphere

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Saturday at 3 PM GMT

That... Is a pretty powerful power... Like really good actually.

Ranged power that incapacitates oponents immediatly? Thats really good already, a trump effect that COPIES weak versions of their powers while they are pigglets?

She got a really good power there.
Yep, it's pretty strong. It does have a number of limitations that weren't shown in the chapter because that's a traumatized woman who was in no state to do power testing.

Notably, the transformation rays move pretty slowly, they have limited range, the more people are affected the less the duration last, and she only got a copy of the last transformed parahuman, and it's extremely weak. For some power it may even make them completely useless.

Considering some of the theories about companion cubes.... I REALLY dont think he should turn ANYONE into one.
I'm not aware of those theories. Details, please?


"sparred" you missing one more "r"
Thanks corrected.

I'm guessing that was supposed to be "nice".
Thanks corrected.

Having read the Force Sculptor class entry, how does the minimum number of forcefields work if the user's level is an odd number? I assume it is meant to be rounded up or down because otherwise you need to determine what constitutes half a forcefield and that just seems unnecessarily complicated.
Yes, it's rounded down by default, except at level one.
[X] 600 One of Each (10 x 300 or less points creatures)

Why aren't we allowed to pick Custom Shard again? That's pretty much the only reason I'm not voting for True Customization? Even just Gifting it to someone else would be enough.
I'm not aware of those theories. Details, please?

In short, theory goes that Glados shoved bodies inside the cubes both alive and dead. From her saying that they are sentient and that they weight roughly the same amount a human would, ratmans cube talking to him, the drawings of people with companion cube faces.

Its still a theory tho so nothing truly confirmed, but its still kinda disturbing.
[X] "Variable" True Customization
[X] 700 Pocket Biosphere

I am not really willing to go with One of Each despite the potential options, the cost seems too high. Honestly I'm leaning more towards True Customization. Incidentally, @zagan is the Yokai category included in True Customization?

[X] 600 One of Each (20 x 200 or less points creatures)
Eh, alright I'll try this.
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