What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 28, 2025 at 12:03 PM, finished with 62 posts and 13 votes.
  • voidxx

    [X] Plan: Void XX
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Flukrit)
    -[X] [Free] Turn off The Grand Design
    -[X] [Free] Swap the ISC to Federation Post
    -[X] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Choose Two)
    --[X] Generally integrate independent systems in the sub-sectors we've colonized recently.
    -[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
    --[X] Void Industry XVII (2/2)
    --[X] Void Industry XVIII (1/2)
    --[X] Void Industry XVIII (2/2)
    --[X] Void Industry XIX(1/2) (Devouring Mechadendrite 1)
    --[X] Void Industry XIX (2/2) (Cry for the Future 1 )
    --[X] Void Industry XX(1/2) (Devouring Mechadendrite 2)
    --[X] Void Industry XX (2/2) (Cry for the Future 2)
586.M43 - Destroyers Or Frigates
"Once you realize the truth behind macro-engineering,
you cannot comprehend how you ever managed to squeeze anything, at all,
into Destroyers or Frigates,

with all the space you wasted."

Choose One:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Gunnery Discipline
"Shooting full broadsides is not done because it looks good, but because it improves hit chance and increases damage by making all that energy hit at once, not in a trickle. ...okay, we also do it because it looks good, but not only because of that!"
(All Kinetic Weapon DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Missile Mastery
"You know in the shows or games when the missile cruisers let loose their swarms and the void between fleets is crisscrossed by the exhausts of these small deadly pieces of machinery and explosives? I see that every night, in my dreams, and it never loses its beauty."
(All Explosive DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Lights In The Dark
"Like tears of silver falling off the faces of angels, a flash of light in defiance of the eternal darkness that surrounds us all. I have never seen such beauty as back then..."
(All Energy Weapon DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Mistresses of the Void
"Born by the Federation. Raised by the Federation. Trained by the Federation. Celebrated by the Federation. Mourned by the Federation. Service requested, Service provided. That is why we fly...and the free joyrides and drinks we get in any bar don't exactly hurt either for those who want them."
(All Hangar Weapon and Equipment DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Queens Of The Battlefield
"You see that fleet, Gunnery Sargeant?"
"Yes, Lord Admiral."
"I don't want to, Gunnery Sargeant."
"At once, Lord Admiral."
(All Artillery Weapon DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Mind Over Matter
"The moment I realized that, deep down, we are all but songs singing eternally against the world, changing us all with every note exchanged and every verse belted in joy and hatred and love and boredom, was the moment I saw the notes, saw my hand hold a conductor's stave, and knew that all I needed to change them...was to join in."
(All Psykana Weapon DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)

[] Voidborn Engineering
-Common foreman phrase when presented with the details of the newest ship they will construct.
(All Equipment DP Costs are reduced by 10% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)
You started at High Imperial tech levels, so qualitatively most of your weapons and industry was up there with the best of 'em (except ships, as they require experience. You should've stumbled across Alectai despairing a few times by now :V).

Currently, your basic bitch groundpounder would mop the floor with a M42 Tempestus Scion in everything except for training. Your Templars could take down Space Marines in 3v1s. Your Space Marines can 1v3 theirs. You also have very advanced vehicles and fighters that can bitch-slap their equivalents seven days till sunday.

Gotcha, I do have a couple more questions, are our voidships included in that "very advanced" range, and how scary is our organization of Blanks, compared to say, the Sisters of Silence
Figure the energy weapon trait is the most bang for our DP cause of our lance heavy fleet, but I haven't done the math
Gotcha, I do have a couple more questions, are our voidships included in that "very advanced" range, and how scary is our organization of Blanks, compared to say, the Sisters of Silence
Your ships are now solidly in the range of "Slav-Squat-Dancing On Gloriana Battleships" compared to Indomitus. That is purely because you revamped your entire navy during a Holy Turn (you had two throughout the entire Quest). Aside from that, you steadily ramped up to become equal and then better with every new ship-class created and available.

Your blanks, compared to the Sisters of Silence, are the younger brother to an older sister in a japanese comic for adults.
[X] Queens Of The Battlefield
"You see that fleet, Gunnery Sargeant?"
"Yes, Lord Admiral."
"I don't want to, Gunnery Sargeant."
"At once, Lord Admiral."
(All Artillery Weapon DP Costs are reduced by 50% (rounded down). This applies to the total, not individual, cost.)
Ok. One thing that we have to consider is that this trait simply isn't going to be applicable to our current fleet designs and since we likely wont get another holy turn it never will. This trait is going to be of use for specifically our Dreadnought Design/s and any potential other ship designs that we decide to make for whatever reason.

Edit: So that means that Alectai is spared the ordeal that would be redesigning our entire fleet again before we even refit everything to its current newest level.
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Ok. One thing that we have to consider is that this trait simply isn't going to be applicable to our current fleet designs and since we likely wont get another holy turn it never will. This trait is going to be of use for specifically our Dreadnought Design/s and any potential other ship designs that we decide to make for whatever reason.
All Lances, make the Planet Killer look like a joke :V
[] Queens Of The Battlefield
What counts as artillery fleet weapons again?

Can i get a "design Void mega structures" option, similar to the Geo engineered construction option we could have gotten for Planetary mega structure stuff?

No this isn't a work around to build more planet maws or hungermaws, but attack moons and other such things like Dyson spheres in space or should that be in the heavy industry rewards?
Your ships are now solidly in the range of "Slav-Squat-Dancing On Gloriana Battleships" compared to Indomitus. That is purely because you revamped your entire navy during a Holy Turn (you had two throughout the entire Quest). Aside from that, you steadily ramped up to become equal and then better with every new ship-class created and available.

Your blanks, compared to the Sisters of Silence, are the younger brother to an older sister in a japanese comic for adults.

O,h I figured we were behind the Gloriana's still, oh thats fucking funny, and we still don't even have dreadnoughts yet, we are about to style on people
Oh. Damn. I was hoping for a productivity option. We'll probably never use any of these bonuses.
We won't necessarily, but the Lamenters probably will, as will the Kil'drabi Nomadic Fleets. And we still do have our big Dreadnoughts to design soon.

I don't have any particularly strong feelings on anything we can pick -- our missiles are extraordinarily cracked, but our lances are extremely gross too with their range and such. Having reduced cost on them allows for us to spam more of the Heat Cyclers, for an increased rate of fire. Thules are Thules, as well. I suppose this also opens up more options for our Exterminatus Weapons + Temple Ships too, I suppose.

I'm sure there's going to be something when we merge with the Shipwrights soon (tm) as well, but I suppose that since these are traits that are meant to never be lost even if we dip below Void XX they're flavored as appropriately. Post-Epilogue stuff will be interesting.

Definitely not what I was expecting though for sure lol