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[X] Arcanum

Numaris would be nice, but I reckon we'll have a better shot at those Comstar ruins if we can acquire some IndustrialMech tech and equipment, both to fight back against any lingering defences and to excavate the ruins more effectively.
Numaris would be nice, but I reckon we'll have a better shot at those Comstar ruins if we can acquire some IndustrialMech tech and equipment, both to fight back against any lingering defences and to excavate the ruins more effectively.
I regret to infor you that a Löwe II has basically an Auto-Gauss as its main armament. You have the "fuck up defenses" portion covered.

As for excavations...*points at the massive spaceship designed to stamp out 50 cities for 100k people without resupply from Earth*.
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As The Prophecy Foretold...
27th February of 2988

"So the time has come, as the prophecy foretold..." Oracle Li muttered, staring at the skies where a ship descended upon a bed of flames, the dwellers within bearing news of strange tides and stranger lies. "These days will bring much change to lands untouched by such grace..." she continued, tapping her staff upon the ground, the rod of well-worn wood sending a clear sound across the open hall in which the four Grandmasters whose Orders won the last Tournament had assembled with their most trusted adherents and students. "Yet, the bones have not-"

"Woman, I will punch you," Grandmaster Geren growled, his three brethren doing their best to stifle groans of annoyance or smirks of mirth when Oracle Li cackled in response to being called out on her bullshit. There were few things she enjoyed more in her old age than to fuck with the youngins while spouting semi-coherent ramblings. Their discomfort was almost as hilarious as when they took her seriously.

"Oh, lighten up, you old fart," she replied with one last chuckle, slapping the old man with her cane. "Let an old woman have her joys in old age. I won't see the next Tournament at the rate my bones creak, so leave me something to amuse myself by." Geren growled in reply, neither in agreement nor disagreement, but that was enough to call in silence to fill the minutes the large ship required to begin landing.

According to the communications they had with the 'Furina De Fontaine' that had appeared over the planet, and given the communally operated system monitor station's operators three heart attacks, these strangers were here for trade of information, aid, and offers of joining the nation they were constructing from the ruins of the Deep Periphery. That they had three systems already within their ranks spoke of either convincing performers (though Li was confident they could have simply raided them if they desired to do so, so she wasn't sure why they would play an act in the first place) or them speaking the truth of the matter.

Gunhallow was known to Arcanum as a somewhat distant world of free folk versed well in matters of mining and pride, from which they sourced many of the gems they required for their rituals.

Sigar IV was a world of nomads that produced nothing of interest for them but to which they oft sold many bolts of cloth and artifacts of mystic might.

778...she had been unaware that anything on that world existed, but the strangers had said they had set down a colony of a 100-thousand people there to uplift the fallen natives, so she just had to "trust" them in that regard.

Though she did count their deals with the snake pit of Affati against them, that world had more often than not scammed them of rightful payment, while more than a few insults had been given when what payment was given was far below what had been agreed.

However, they had agreed to show off their martial arts, so she reserved ultimate judgment until they had met in person.

"Now, remember," she said as the small and strange ship of the newcomers began to settle in for its landing, "I don't want any blood feuds started, no fights, and absolutely no shenanigans. Understood?!"

"Yes, Oracle," all four Grandmasters intoned in the same voice as a moody teenager would after being told something they were annoyed by.

"Bah, you all turned into boring old geezers! Why, back in my day, we'd already have three blood feuds, seven forbidden romances, and eighteen broken bones just between us! The youth of today, no sense of rebellion," she grumbled mockingly, hiding a hidden smile, with a second, gentler, smile underneath.

Her old friends took the bait.

The welcome to Arcanum was as open as it was confusing.

On one side, the local leaders readily accepted the truth of the Furina being from another universe and got quickly accustomed to talking with TAUBENMUTTER as an equal instead of a machine.

On the other side, a third of the Furina's crew was half-convinced that Oracle Li was either the greatest shitposter to grace this system or had genuine mystical powers. They couldn't rule it out entirely due to being in a strange new universe...

Aside from that, talks between each side turned from friendly and curious to focused and sober as the idea of joining the UNSC was floated to Oracle Li and the four attending Grandmasters, the various benefits the Furina De Fontaine alone could provide the people of Arcanum if only permitted to do so, and the benefits of becoming a founding member of a nascent nation-state within the Deep Periphery were not to be discounted in terms of prosperity and cultural enrichment to be gained.

After some deliberation, Oracle Li agreed to open the idea at the next Tournament in three years, provided that the UNSC delivered a boon for Arcanum before that. Either a good faith attempt at re-starting the Crosscut IndustrialMech factory that had lain dormant and mothballed for so long or to gift them new armaments and equipment for their existing Crosscuts to use during the Tournament.

After some thought, it was decided to:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Restore the factory.
(You must re-create the Crosscut with your current technology. You do not have Myomer as of now.)
[] Provide Arms and Armaments.
(You will create 3 Melee Weapons and 3 Melee Equipments for Mechs.)

You can still do the other option should Arcanum decide to join.
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[] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador!
-[] Provide Arms and Armaments.
-[] Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy

Taking the arms and armaments action because we don't have the research to repair the facility.
[] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador!
-[] Provide Arms and Armaments.
-[] Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy

Taking the arms and armaments action because we don't have the research to repair the facility.
We will have Myomer in about a ~1 Year, judging by the research tab (Strangers in a Strange Sphere - [Battletech] Sci-Fi) we have here. I suppose we I can add that in towards your Plan instead?

[] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador! (With Factory!)
-[] Provide Arms and Armaments.
-[] Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy
-[] Restore the factory.
--[] Promise to do so once Myomer Research is finished, which should be done in approximately a year unless something happens.

Maybe a culture exchange/talk or something-something to? We are rather curious and all, though good to know they don't like the Affati...

EDIT: Actually, rather than Health Gene-Therapy, or on top of that, maybe Healthcare-Medicine Technology too? There's bound to be wounds or casualties at the worst during the tournament... @_@;
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What exactly is this tournament supposed to be? Something like the Olympics, or something more akin to the Firetruces of Starsiege Tribes?
I was more thinking of doing the Gene-Therapy to keep the awesome shitposting grandma around. :V
I mean yeah, that's one reason why I want it too. :V But I figured we also want healthcare to avoid any mishaps in the upcoming Tournament, so we might serve as the neutral medic thingy during the tournament?

Also, I just noticed, but if the Factory is churning out Crosscuts (manually I presume, not automated), that means it has access to Industrial Armor somewhat, yes? If so, that means research in Primitive Armor should ease up as a result once we get the Factory running since Primitive Armor is just, cough cough, another name for Industrial Armor but the people back in the Terran Hegemony didn't like the name for their new cool BattleMechs. :V They share BAR 10 and all, with the Standard Armor being the same with Heavy Industrial armor but needing less ton/weight as a result. Granted QM might go with a different direction but it's hard not to synonymize the two somewhat. >_>
What exactly is this tournament supposed to be? Something like the Olympics, or something more akin to the Firetruces of Starsiege Tribes?
Imagine a Free-For-All No-Holds-Barred Martial Arts Tournament between hundreds of Mystic Martial Magician Orders duking it out to settle every dispute you can think of, ending with the four most successful Orders getting one of the Crosscut Mechs. They then start beating each other up with them to determine the Primus Inter Pares on Arcanum who gets a second Crosscut, with all four allowed to keep the Mechs (and pay the repair and maintenance bills) until the next Tournament.
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Imagine a Free-For-All No-Holds-Barred Martial Arts Tournament between hundreds of Mystic Martial Magician Orders duking it out to settle every dispute you can think of, ending with the four most successful Order getting one of the Crosscut Mechs. They then start beating each other up with them to determine the Primus Inter Pares on Arcanum who gets a second Crosscut, with all four allowed to keep the Mechs (and pay the repair and maintenance bills) until the next Tournament.
I almost choked on water. What the hell is with that name... Though with the Nova Cat BS, and if QM decide that fantasy magic BS is indeed in play contrary to what the creators have in mind by gutting Phantom Mech-

...oh. Now that's a thing to note huh. Phantom Mech ability... hm.

And how much (before) was the Factory churning out Crosscuts for? I can only presume we'd want some but not for martial stuff but rather for the OG stuff of logging in some places. @_@;

EDIT: And having an actual IndustrialMech to research, destructive or not, as it is the ancestor to the BattleMechs too!
I almost choked on water. What the hell is with that name...
Just me having fun. :grin:
They are Wuxia-expies with Breach Wizard Aesthetics slepped ontop, but with none of the magic. 100% cold hard...80s space casette tech. :V
DiscordOxymoron said:
And how much (before) was the Factory churning out Crosscuts for?
It was intended to put out ~20 of them per year for colonization purposes before getting mothballed after being finished.

With that; Night!
Give them the arms now and ask for permission to examine the mothballed factory and any existing documentation they have. Then come back to it at the tournament in three years when our research on mynomers is finished and some of our others as well. Once those are done the research can be redirected to some of the other projects.
Hm, if the tourney is in three years time, I'd like it to be a Grand Tourney where up to twenty people can get their new Crosscut Mechs due to the Factory opening prior a year or two? Though I think the details should be left to Granny and Friends to avoid hassle.

Though I'm curious what kind of Melee Weapon and Equipment we are opting too... The Crosscuts don't have hands judging by the image in Sarna, so no handheld weapons for sure...

But yeah, would prefer to finish up Myomer Research before tackling the Factory eventually.

And thinking about it, we might want to consider making JumpShips(?) in prep for the whole back and forth between the planets rather than rely on the Arkship for space travel, especially with the K-F Drive Reverse Engineering in two years time so maybe drop by the Holy Diaconate afterwards?

.. actually, can we ask the peeps in Arcanis if they have any other factions they are in bad blood or don't really like just in case as a sort of info gathering too like they did with the Affati? Like do they know about the Holy Diaconate or...?
Just to clarify, if we restore the factory will we learn and be able to develop Myomer tech or will we try to redesign the crosscut without using Myomer?
Well it does specify that we would be using our current technology to re-create the Crosscut so I would assume the later.
.. actually, can we ask the peeps in Arcanis if they have any other factions they are in bad blood or don't really like just in case as a sort of info gathering too like they did with the Affati? Like do they know about the Holy Diaconate or...?
Yeah, asking them if they have any more beef is an easy Write-In you can do (so I can remember when making the next Update).
Just to clarify, if we restore the factory will we learn and be able to develop Myomer tech or will we try to redesign the crosscut without using Myomer?
No, since you know that tech is one year away OOC, but it will aid in researching other technologies.
[X] Restore the factory.
(You must re-create the Crosscut with your current technology. You do not have Myomer as of now.)

I want our techs and eggheads to look at the processes and practices they used in mech production. See what they can learn and improve on. Also that old oracle Li's gonna be a fun character to read. Also, speaking of mystical shit. I vaguely remember that the universe of Mechwarrior is as magical/paranormal as reality. You gonna change that or maintain it?
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