A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

I just realized is the Bio Rejuv literally gonna de-age us so we're back in our tight young 20s?

Or can it give us the 40k classic of being a dinstinguished gentleman of indeterminate age so we're still a smokeshow but people also mistakenly believe we're a centuries old monster?
Psyker Inductee: Ivel Vandammam
@Mayto OC.

Subject: Ivel Vandammam

Birthplace: Cadia, Mankind's Gate, defense of His Majesty's realm, producer of an above average number of Psykers due to proximity to the eye of terror.

Age: 17 Terran Years

Sex: Male

Relations: Both parents are alive and serving in the Cadian PDF, sworn blood brother of a Lieutenant Amaya Harkam of 1077 White Shields Rifleman Unit, being sponsored by Lord General Konstantine Harkam of 355 Baneblade Tank Regiment.

Appearance: Prospect Ivel is a pale skinned, dark haired adolescent that has been physically conditioned to the standards of the Cadian white shields. He is distinguished by missing his left arm, the shrapnel scars on his cheeks that vaguely resemble a reverse gothic R and his Cadian bright violet eyes.

Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Kappa (6)
Divination: Epsilon (11)
Telekinesis: Zeta(10)
Pyromancy: Omicron (1)
Biomancy: Omicron (1)

Additional: Ivel was a child that by all accounts should have led a life that was pointlessly mundane. One of billions of children meant to be born, fight and die for and on Cadia to defend the Imperium from the ruinous powers.

But it was not to be for this one.

The day his destiny changed was brought about when a sleeper cell of Alpha Legion planted Chaos Cultists began an uprising with the intent of weakening the fortress world before the inevitable 13th Black Crusade. While his unit was in formation waiting to begin their training exercises Ivel's divination awakened, without thinking about it twice the newly awakened psyker threw himself over his superior officer while screaming for his comrades to take cover, saving their lives from an artillery shell that would have shredded them all, while accepting sacrificing his right arm and taking shrapnel wounds to the face as a necessary cost to ensure everyone in the unit's survival.
After getting a tourniquet tied around his lost arm for the next 13 hours while the uprising was being crushed Ivel used his precognition and his standard issued las pistol to guide and fight alongside his unit through the worst of it allowing them to dodge snipers, enemy armor and artillery fire while providing Lieutenant Harkam with the knowledge needed to carry out counter ambushes and assaults against enemy infantry units.

Thanks to his abilities and skill Ivel ensured that his entire unit not only survived the uprising with no casualties but enabled them to deal death to hundreds of the emperor's enemies, reaping a tally that the guard's veterans would have to acknowledge with respect.

For his success and for saving the life of his only daughter Lord General Konstantine Harkam has seen it fit to bestow a meritorious commendation upon Ivel, hired a tech priest to upgrade the Las Pistol he so faithfully used and finally he pushed the Telepathica to accept him into our program as he felt sending him to a blackship would be a waste.

Notes: In a briefcase given to the Telepathica safe keeping was Ivel's exquisitely crafted Las Pistol, it was made of jet black adamantium and polished silver components, with the boy's name stamped in rose gold upon a polished wooden handle, prayers to the emperor inlaid all across the barrel.

Next to the pistol was a note that was stamped as specifically for whoever would train Ivel.

"This child is not just a psyker but a son of Cadia, he has served us with honor and courage, I ask that you not let such talent wither on the vine; make of him a powerful warrior that will slay more of His Majesty's enemies with impunity and send him back to the guard where he belongs. The weapon is a gift to the boy, please present it to him once he completes his training, he will put it to good use. Ave Imperiator Lord Psyker! "


Konstantine Harkam.
I just realized is the Bio Rejuv literally gonna de-age us so we're back in our tight young 20s?

Or can it give us the 40k classic of being a dinstinguished gentleman of indeterminate age so we're still a smokeshow but people also mistakenly believe we're a centuries old monster?
I'll allow for that to be a choice. Seems fun enough.
Will Occam be leading his students into battle or will he be staying full time in the Scholam.
Your first Wyrdvane you will lead into combat to prove their efficacy.
Will this be just a one off or can Occ still ocationaly go out and lead his wyrdvane on important missions?
You will be able to go on expeditions to acquire/recover psychic lore! There are many Scholam Psykana installations that were lost over the years, and some will have Black Boxes with stored information.

Also. For @KingCrimson1081

Here is a sneak peek of the kind of options that each Psyker Inductee will have.

Psychic training:
Subject "Kasa" lacks the ability to manifest any form of Pyromancy, even through telepathic control. Both under orders to resist, and when accepting telepathic commandeering.
Note: Subject commended for cooperation.

Psychic probing has confirmed that the inability to wield pyromancy is due to a mental barrier.
Dedicated Telekinetic Training:
The Subject has shown excellent telekinetic abilities. Training will focus on awakening this power in full with the personal supervision of Occam.

Subject's Telekinetic Grade is projected to develop to Gamma Grade if she makes it to a Primaris Psyker.

Combat Medic training:
Kasa served as a healer and mender for her tribe and has some understanding of anatomy and healing. Her training will involve both Telekinetic combat training, and biomantic healing and combat medicine.

Subject's Telekinesis and biomancy are projected to develop to Epsilon grade and develop hybridized techniques.
Note: Potential Haemokine?

Experimental: Break mental block:
As an ice-worlder, Kasa has an intrinsic understanding of heat, making her an excellent subject for being taught pyromantic techniques.
Subject is projected to develop Epsilon-Level Pyromancy.

-Write in a trial meant to force the subject to overcomeher mental block and force herself to use pyromancy.
The trial must (appear to) be deadly to Kasa without a shadow of a doubt.
Only Pyromancy is able to save her.

Experimental: Work around the mental block:
As an ice-worlder, Kasa has an intrinsic understanding of cold, making her an excellent subject for awakening cryomantic abilities.
Subject Pyromancy will develop the potential to reach epsilon-level cryomantic techniques
Note. Scholam lacks the ability to develop cryomantic abilities. Learning will be capped at Theta level without personal attention from skilled tutors.

(Turn actions will need to be used for Kasa specifically to help her achieve cryomancy)

-Write in a trial meant to force the subject to manifest cryomantic abilities.
The Trial must (appear to) to be deadly to Kasa without a shadow of a doubt.
Only Cryomancy is able to save her.

Each Inductee will have the option to try and either use them as you got them, or try to shape them into a role for your Wyrdvane. Sometimes it will be genuinely supportive and friendly attempts to try and get the most out of them.

Other times its pretty much torture.

Some of the Inductees will have option to manifest abilities that will require dedicated turn actions from you every so often to make the most of them.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mayto on Jan 19, 2025 at 5:30 PM, finished with 70 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] Plan: It Takes a Village to Build a Punchwizard
    -[X] The Family:
    --[X] Offer above-board currency in exchange for the identities and locations of Rogue Psykers.
    -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
    -[X] Find historical justification:
    -[X] Psykana and firearms:
    -[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty:
    -[X] Prepared nutrition and training programmes:
    [X] Plan: We need Intel and Study Materials
    -[X] The Family:
    --[X] Offer to help with Wetwork exchange for Information on activity within Nautilus and Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers.
    -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
    -[X] Psykana and firearms:
    -[X] Prepared nutrition and training programs:
    -[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
    [X] Plan: Learn from the Past
    -[X] The Family:
    --[X] Offer above-board currency in exchange for the identities and locations of Rogue Psykers.
    -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
    -[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
    -[X] Find historical justification:
    -[X] Prepared nutrition and training programmes:
    [X] Plan: Family Business
    -[X] The Family:
    --[X] Searching for Rogue Psykers
    -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
    -[X] Assist Prefect:
    --[X] Astird
    -[X] Find historical justification:
    -[X] Biomantic Juvenant Treatments and beauty:
    -[X] Prepared nutrition and training programmes:
    [X]Plan: Supply and Demand
    -[X] Brakkvarr Corsairs
    --[X] In exchange for Psi-Tech, offer to use your Wyrdvane to support their operations in the Pit once they are set up, and to disseminate their tech as Archeo-Tech discovered in conjunction with our Wyrdvane.
    -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
    -[X] Find historical justification:
    -[X] Find suppliers outside the Adeptus Terra
    -[X] Psykana and firearms:
    -[X] Telekine Rounds
Meanwhile, among the Scribes.
In the depths of the Sapphire Keep, Scribe Primus Anad Ad Adum Uud grabbed a parchment page and placed it on his desk with embedded muscle memory. Something is odd, but he does not know what it is.

He transcribes the page's contents onto a fresh piece of parchment. He enjoys the sensation of his quill's motion, noting how much he can write using a single dip of the quill.

Scribe Anad is content.

After two hours, the text is fully transcribed. Each copy is placed into a message scroll, marked with his seal, then loaded into the right hydraulic tube.

He grabs the next parchment page.

His hand grazes the metal desk.

There is no paper.

Anad begins to scratch the metal desk.

He slowly turns to look at the tray containing inbound parchment.

It is empty.

He blinks.

He looks at the hydraulic tube dispenser expectantly.

Nothing happens.

Anad forces his hand to stop grabbing a nonexistent page. His right hand curls back into the proper posture to hold a quill.

He reaches with the arthritic claw for a dust-covered light mounted on the hydraulic tube.

It is green.

The hydraulic tube is working.

The Hydraulic Tube is working.

But there is no work for him to do.

He begins to scream .
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In the depths of the Sapphire Keep, Scribe Primus Anad Ad Adum Uud grabbed a parchment page and placed it on his desk with embedded muscle memory. Something is odd, but he does not know what it is.

He transcribes the page's contents onto a fresh piece of parchment. He enjoys the sensation of his quill's motion, noting how much he can write using a single dip of the quill.

Scribe Anad is content.

After two hours, the text is fully transcribed. Each copy is placed into a message scroll, marked with his seal, then loaded into the right hydraulic tube.

He grabs the next parchment page.

His hand grazes the metal desk.

There is no paper.

Anad begins to scratch the metal desk.

He slowly turns to look at the tray containing inbound parchment.

It is empty.

He blinks.

He looks at the hydraulic tube dispenser expectantly.

Nothing happens.

Anad forces his hand to stop grabbing a nonexistent page. His right hand curls back into the proper posture to hold a quill.

He reaches with the arthritic claw for a dust-covered light mounted on the hydraulic tube.

It is green.

The hydraulic tube is working.

The Hydraulic Tube is working.

But there is no work for him to do.

He begins to scream .
Dialing the SCP Foundation as we speak