[X] Plan: Always Keep Your Opps Guessing
-[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Alatre's Home)
-[X] [Free] Leave the choirs as they are, except to pull 55 off of the No Evil into the Write-In.
-[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
-[X] [General] Research: (1 action + 1 glint of Genius action)
--[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
--[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
[Other] Write-In (Cry to the Future Action)
--[X] Send in Subversion/Infiltration/Intelligence Gathering/Sabotage teams into the Holy Diaconate for a long-term espionage mission, with whatever support needed to make it a self-sustaining mission (i.e. Logistics Ships, Chamleons, Scout Sloops, the Choirs, etc). Their mission is to prepare ground for the inevitable conflict with the Holy Diaconate, buy time for the Coalition and to support their war effort, and if possible, save as many souls as possible. Their primary mission is to remain undetected and gather intelligence as much as possible to gain a full dossier on the Holy Diaconate (and as much actionable intelligence that can be shared with the Coalition) -- everything else comes after this, and if the following actions are impossible or unwise in light of this, do not do them. Afterwards, prepare to sabotage the Diaconate's war effort, assassinate non-turnable leaders (and turn those who we can), and even steal research if at all possible [Extreme Stretch Goal]. Finally, try to find native recruits, foil the plans of Chaos, and seed Star Child Cults if at all possible -- it has been many centuries since the conflict with Neon, but after fracturing, nearly all of their systems turned to Chaos within the decade -- with a power of the Diaconate's size, this cannot be afforded.
A bit of a lengthy write-in, but the ability to be concise after a truly godawful number of weeks at work is pretty shot. If anyone wants to rewritee that, have fun! Also hopefully it's a legal action
@HeroCooky -- not sure if I'm micromanaging here, any advice would be appreciated.
But yeah, before we did support for the Coalition, war with the Diaconate was like, due in 2 turns? Now this has been extended, but idk for how long -- and I want it to be extended for as long as possible. We are a multi-subsector power, and our intrigue playbook is at the very least, not bad. With our size and means, we ought to be able to have the size to at least make a pretty nice espionage action with just one action. I want at the very least, get as much information on the Diaconate as possible because it's kind of vague thanks to them being Imperials and thus pretty rampantly anti-everyone not them, and thus more detail would be good -- seeing their heartlands, their industry, their psykana if they idk, have random fucking AI guys or whatnot with them. Seeding more sabotage and whatnot in their shit can't be a bad idea whenever we need to go loud -- being able to at one time do a big military push and then fuck them up with quiet assets would make for a killer first strike. Finally, I really do not want to have to deal with "oops! All Chaos" if they fracture, so yeah, Star Child missionary stuff, aid to the suffering, etc.
Also: Hey, our Mashan relations went way up!
Also x2: HeroCooky, do you want for us to submit designs for the ground vehicles? If so, what do you want for us to submit? IFVs/APCs/Scouts/Tanks? There seems to be quite a few due for an upgrade, so idk.
I was planning to push the Psykana option but that can wait for next turn I guess. I really want all of those melodies, though.