To be clear- does "on the verge" mean we cannot use motes without flaring, or that we have one last mote to spend? Also, is ATP disrupted by flaring? RaW doesn't say so, but I want to make sure.You are not, a scene passed between last update and this one, but you are on the verge of it.
I would also like help from other voters in workshopping a plan. My basic outline is this:
1) Contact the soldiers in helicopters and subvert them, demonstrating to them that they were sent here to die in an attempt to provoke a conflict between their government and us by a third hostile party that subverted parts of their command structure.
2) Put the subverted soldiers in contact with Fellowship of St. Giles (this ties into the gun running SGI action neatly), and use them as a contact point for Columbian government, the parts of it that are not fully and willingly subverted by Red Court (use the Crown to learn who to trust
3) Cultivate the resistance/ revolution / shadow government so when we strike Red Court down, the transition of mundane government is smooth.
That's the strategic opportunity I am seeing. What I have trouble with are tactics. We have to assume that helicopters are observed. If they don't explode, Red Court will know that we know, etc. There are two main options I see:
1) Defuse the bombs, and hope / make sure Red Court doesn't just directly attack the scouting force themselves
2) Evacuate the soldiers, and let at least one, but probably not all helicopters explode.