Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Introduce yourselves to one of the kids of Prudence Hamilton
-[X] Empathy excellency

They are closer to our peers in social terms when we are not wearing the crown. And it should be easier to read them.
[X] Tell Mom everything they found

[X] Introduce yourselves to one of the kids of Prudence Hamilton
-[X] Empathy excellency

I'm definitely in favor of Mom being informed before we go to her parents. I think that she deserves that. A meeting with our cousins though? I can get behind that as a way to dip our toes in here.
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[X] Tell Mom everything they found

[X] Introduce yourselves to one of the kids of Prudence Hamilton
-[X] Empathy excellency
[X] Tell Mom everything they found

Yeah, I don't fancy a talk with grandpa or grandma. Charity was the one that needed closure. Not Molly.
[X] Introduce yourselves to one of the kids of Prudence Hamilton
-[X] Empathy excellency
So, I wanted to discuss two (groups of) ideas.

1) Software market and our place in it. After doing some googling, it turns out that a lot of things that are cornerstones of software development and infrastructure either didn't exist, or were in very initial stages at the start of 2007:

a) Android the operating system first released in 2008.

b) Chrome the browser and chromium the codebase also both released in 2008

c) Docker was first released in 2013. According to different sources [1], [2] it has from ~ 30% to 80% of containerization market share.

d) GIt started development in April 2005, and GItHub was first released in October 2007.

e) Python 3 released in 2008. It has ascended to one of top ten programming languages since 2003.

f) Wordpress first released in 2003, and by now accounts for > 40% of top 10 million websites.

g) First blockchain project (yes, bitcoin) was released in 2008.

Molly knows nothing about computers (Computer 0 dots), but she has advisors. Courts of Frozen Fate are supposed to be more advanced than modern Earth, and Noosphere in particular should be decades, if not centuries more advanced than modern Earth's internet. This should translate to non-ensouled software too. Software, and, crucially, software standards, should be something that Molly('s people) could quickly dominate the world with.

Actually... @DragonParadox Molly's courts obviously have market analysts, finance and political advisors, intelligence analysts, scientists, information security people, who spent the last 4 months already familiarizing themselves with Earth directly and through IRIS's reports. Can we expect to have a report on investment opportunities and markets most poised to be taken over at some point? I expect something to the extent of "software - can corner the market on, high temperature superconductors - will be the first provider, no analogues exist; power supplies - we have an opportunity, but it will require masquerade erosion; mechanical locks - we are not as developed as Earth, should obtain sources and specialists as soon as possible" to be in development automatically in the background, just as a function of a functional goverment. Any such thing would obviously be highly abstracted, and rely on whatever research we as players do - I don't expect you to do market history research or anything like that. But it would make sense to have something like that mentioned, especially with how eager the City of Journeys and City of Swords leaders were forexpansion opportunity.

2) As I realized when discussing Marcone's interlude, superhero-wise we map well to Aquaman, rather than Superman. Not perfectly, but closer to, at least - we are a heir of the line of kings, granted incredible power by destiny and forces beyond mortal ken, a ruling monarch of a fantastical nation, and a questing knight in the realm of man. In the interest of PR, we could try doing a reverse Dracula - invest in publishing and popularizing a story that is about a character resembling us, gives our type of power a better image, but doesn't expose our weaknesses.
Actually... @DragonParadox Molly's courts obviously have market analysts, finance and political advisors, intelligence analysts, scientists, information security people, who spent the last 4 months already familiarizing themselves with Earth directly and through IRIS's reports. Can we expect to have a report on investment opportunities and markets most poised to be taken over at some point? I expect something to the extent of "software - can corner the market on, high temperature superconductors - will be the first provider, no analogues exist; power supplies - we have an opportunity, but it will require masquerade erosion; mechanical locks - we are not as developed as Earth, should obtain sources and specialists as soon as possible" to be in development automatically in the background, just as a function of a functional goverment. Any such thing would obviously be highly abstracted, and rely on whatever research we as players do - I don't expect you to do market history research or anything like that. But it would make sense to have something like that mentioned, especially with how eager the City of Journeys and City of Swords leaders were forexpansion opportunity.

You are dealing with entirely different network architecture, one that requires the use of magic. It is going to take some time for them to adapt, more than even the anthropologists who at least have some basis for comparison.
[X] Tell Mom everything they found

[X] Go talk to your grandparents
-[X] James

Just bypassing Molly's grandparents would only rightfully piss them off. Make it look like we are trying to contact our cousins first, to use them to gang up on them.

Let's at least try to approach this in good faith like a family matter, not like a reconnaissance mission against a power we have already decided is hostile.

g) First blockchain project (yes, bitcoin) was released in 2008.

If cryptocurrency entered the world through our hell, I would support the Library of Congress rightfully declaring us and the Five Courts hostis humani generis. :V
Iris had even managed to come up with a mathematical model for how large an organization like the Order of the Cauldron could get relative to the surrounding population density as well as the nearness to other supernatural power centers before they would suffer erosion, subversion or collapse.

It was, to put it lightly not encouraging reading. Truth be told after the talks she had with Olivia and knowing how badly the Council had been subverted she had been ready to find that the Council was part of the pressure, maybe by plucking out some of the most talented magicians or even more sinister mechanisms, but nothing so simple was happening. To see the secret world to know it and accept the knowledge you had to be some kind of outcast. From the Alphas to Mortimer Lindquist to Gentleman Johnny Marcone the lesson this world either taught or enforced was 'taking care of your own', a kind of tribalism that could be benign to the individual but hampered collective action and trust.
Oh, rereading, noticed that. Is Iris going to publish? That's a good novel research they are doing.
Just bypassing Molly's grandparents would only rightfully piss them off. Make it look like we are trying to contact our cousins first, to use them to gang up on them.
Contacting our cousins is the least "committing" option. They are young. We are young.
If cryptocurrency entered the world through our hell, I would support the Library of Congress rightfully declaring us and the Five Courts hostis humani generis. :V
Order Conferring Bitcoin Trade Pattern. Encode prayers and sorcery into transactions.
Oh, rereading, noticed that. Is Iris going to publish? That's a good novel research they are doing.

Back in Sanctuary sure, along wit many other anthropological papers.

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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 19, 2024 at 12:55 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.
Arc 15 Post 24: Ponderings and Potentates
Ponderings and Potentates

28th of Febriary 2007 A.D.

Mom takes the news very... quietly, which is never a good sign, from your experience. "All this time... all this time I thought they had just decided to let sleeping dogs lie and it turns out I was agreeing with father of all people."

Dad places a hand over hers on the couch between them, though he doesn't say anything, letting her deal with this at her own pace while you-and-you and Daniel wait a little awkwardly, unsure of how to take things or what to say. The only one with any suggestions is Usum, but they are all curses that start with cursing your grandfather with the inability to recall his work and legacy and work up from there in cruel irony. He has opinions about doing taking people's agency away for their own good, My opinions, you realize with a flash, half of guilt half of gratitude. As his counsel had been changing the way you see the world so too had you changed him to judge morality... even if it does come in the form of a litany of curses.

"I really shouldn't have gotten you children involved in this," Mom says finally.

You and Dancer in Glass Shadows share a look, the same thought coming to mind, you're sure of it even absent telepathy: Not exactly the worst thing that happened this month.

Finally you settle on. "We went looking of our own will and for our own reasons."

"Well..." She looks at Dad, for strength, for confirmation, you're not sure. "It's time for me to do more than look. I'm making that Call." You can practically hear the capital C in that word. It's something she'd thought about before, maybe agonized over.

"I can do it," he offers at once, but she just sighs and shakes her head.

"It's my mess Michael, not yours and not the children's. I'm getting to the bottom of this and then we can just..." Whatever words she had been about to use, maybe 'move on' she can't quite bring herself to say them.

"Maybe so, but burdens as much as joys are meant to be shared. We should do this in person, together."

Uneasy silence falls until finally she gives a firm nod. "Can't hurt and it might help, God willing." With that Mom mimes wiping her hands off an apron she isn't wearing from reflex, setting the whole matter aside like dishes sorted into a cabinet. "Come on, dinner's ready."

Pot roast and mashed potatoes thus become the accompaniment to considering Marcone. At the end of the day why is the man a criminal, you wonder? Criminals as much as honest people have reasons for doing things and while you don't believe there are good reasons to do the sorts of things the 'Baron of Chicago' has done, that doesn't mean you can't use the knowledge, can't change his mind. So once the meal's done you, as the game-show rules go 'phone a friend'.

"Yes?" Lash asks, sounding indecently sleepy for six in the afternoon "What do you need?"

"Marcone, what makes him tick?"

"Planning to make a project out of him?" she asks archly.

You hesitate a moment. "Maybe..." Reading his fire and then pointing your Crown at it had revealed a man on a personal quest to bring the waring crime families of Chicago to heel even as he holds other interlopers at bay, who takes advantage of the corruption of the city to grow his own little fief. Not idly had be spoken of wolves and coyotes, but a wolf, be it ever so wise in the ways of the pack, is still a predator. It's not that he has no conscience, more that he chose years ago when to harden his heart against cruelty done to those who harm his people.

"'Gentleman' Johnny distrusts the US Government and it's personal, maybe back to his time in the army. The way he made sure Amanda couldn't be traced when I healed her you'd think the CIA was after her in particular."

Thinking of Daedalus you had to ask: "And you're sure they aren't actually...?"

"After her, no, even Helen thinks he's being paranoid and she hates him almost as much as she admires him. Paranoid arrogant, callous and vicious when he feels it's called for..." Tiffany's tone is less one of causation and more like a guidance counselor describing a student with good prospects. "But he's loyal to his people and as firm on his own rules as those he imposes on the rest of the organization. According to Helen one of the first mob bosses to take Marcone under his wing as he advanced in the Chicago underworld claimed his people didn't hurt kids, but he turned out to be lying through his teeth so Marcone shot him in them. Or shot him in the face at least. I think on some level he's scared of what he would become if he ever let the rules slip."

How do you approach Marcone?

[] Appeal to his loyalty to his own people, no matter how good he is as long as he's just another criminal they are going to be exposed to danger, with your help he could become so much more and so coould they

[] Appeal to his pride, contrast his own efforts to make Chicago safer from supernatural threats to Daedalus' bungling, point out that he can do far more good for the city when he'd not organizing drug deals on the side

[] Get access to his army file to try and see just what the origin of his distrust in the government is
-[] Officially, one more thing to ask of the Library
-[] Unofficially, steal it

[] Write in

OOC: Given that Tiffany had done her own investigating and spent considerably more time on it there was no reason to do the Awakened Eye of the Dragon trick for now. What she already had is the maximum you coul get through a streetwise roll.
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Honestly I think ultimately the combination of pride and his loyalty is the way to go. They are ultimately intertwined. pride in how loyal he is and loyalty to his own rules. Hmm, who does that remind you of... Oh yeah, Molly and her rules and morals.
If anyone has questions over Charity's rolls in the future, I will add this moment to the list.
[X] Appeal to his loyalty to his own people, no matter how good he is as long as he's just another criminal they are going to be exposed to danger, with your help he could become so much more and so coould they

Marcone has his pride, but his pride is not his priority and he is self-disciplined enough to discard it if given a strong reason. His loyalty to his people IS something he considers a priority.
Charity doesn't want to do murderhobo things. Her ambitions start and end with taking care of her family.
Her family resides on Earth, which exists within Creation.

So defending Earth and working to insure the continued stability of Creation is also taking care of her family.

She wouldn't even be murderhoboing, but rather taking out the trash, exterminating bothersome pests, or cleaning up messes.
If anyone has questions over Charity's rolls in the future, I will add this moment to the list.
Everyone knows she rolls good dude. She wanted to address it by herself then Micheal convinced her to let him help immediately after.

Her family resides on Earth, which exists within Creation.

So defending Earth and working to insure the continued stability of Creation is also taking care of her family.

She wouldn't even be murderhoboing, but rather taking out the trash, exterminating bothersome pests, or cleaning up messes.
That is extremely vague logic and a purely objective way of looking at things. People mostly are not motivated or do things by objective reasoning. Charity has many children and Micheal leaves the house randomly for long periods of time and every time it's possible he may not come back at all. I highly doubt Charity is suddenly going to have the ambition to go out and do murderhobo things in the regular to get XP.
That is extremely vague logic and a purely objective way of looking at things. People mostly are not motivated or do things by objective reasoning. Charity has many children and Micheal leaves the house randomly for long periods of time and every time it's possible he may not come back at all. I highly doubt Charity is suddenly going to have the ambition to go out and do murderhobo things in the regular to get XP.
I guess should have punctuated my post with a :p to indicate that I was joking?