What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Feel free to take my plan template and modify it then. I'm a little bit in the weeds on the Vox update to go back to remake the plans, especially if that involves some temple ship designs.
Feel free to take my plan template and modify it then. I'm a little bit in the weeds on the Vox update to go back to remake the plans, especially if that involves some temple ship designs.
Sounds good. I kind of want Alectai's feedback on the Gungnir-class, since it definitely has room for improvement, but honestly I'm not too pressed about it. Call me a gacha addict, I want to clear out the DAOT ruins too.

Uh, actually, @HeroCooky do you want us to do the colors/motto/etc for the Knight Orders in this vote if we're establishing them?
Ey, I think it's just fine! Did you get it confirmed that this was a fleet killer gun though?
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Ey, I think it's just fine! Did you get it confirmed that this was a fleet killer gun though?

And actually, I don't think so, it was just Cooky Approved as a designed (the Pantagruel with a lance, not sure about the Gungnir. I kind of feel that the Symphonia Arcanum Arma might be pushing it). I guess another "for the morning" question is does the Gungnir (or Pantagruel for that matter) get to kill fleets with its gun, or nah? Or does it need the Lance Scattershot Lens for a wide enough spread to wreck a fleet?

I kind of feel it might fall victim to the fact that while the Wings is good enough to kill any single target, fleets are a bit spread out, which might require the Scattershot Lens, and the Hare Bnuuy equipment to make sure it hits. (If they're in Phalanx though, they're super cooked). That being said, having a super-long-range Lance that's good enough to kill worlds is something we might want for something like Necron World Engines or Ork Attack Moons. We have a lot of Lance-boosting technology, so being able to apply that to an Exterminatus-grade weapon is too good not to try at least once, and bringing the whole set of party favors to the Slaaneshi feels right.

But yeah, I guess I'll hold off until Cooky confirms in the morning or something.
How viable is it if we just spammed a bunch of Exterminatus-armed Temple Ships? I vaguely remember them costing less than 100 Fleet Construction Points (equivalent to Grand Cruisers), so we'd be able to make a bit more than 19 Temple Ships per action.
I feel like you are severly underestimating the threat of a Daemonworld. Even with you sending your Divine Laser Of Doom ship at 'em you wouldn't have been able to no-sell that world. It took being boosted by Divine Clown Magic to commence the Honkening for it to go pop.
We may be able to if we use multiple Divine Laser of Doom Ships on that singular Daemonworld, but we'd have to design them first.
I just checked back and saw no vote. So I'm making one.

[X] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds

[X] Plan: Let's wipe out Chaos as we know it
-[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (1/17) (locked)
-[X] [FREE] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Itulu)
-[X] [FREE] Remove all choirs from The Devouring Mechadendrite, a Glint of Genius, Unto Works Generational. Level off Hiss of the Steam Valve at 500 Choirs, and place all excess choirs into Love Unto Death (should be at least 309 choirs)
-[X] [Free] Change automatic destroyer production over to Pyxis-Secundus Scout production.
-[X] [Military] Found 5 Knight Orders, distributed through our newly claimed systems.
--[X] Order of the Argent Flame
--[X] Order of the Crimson Dawn
--[X] Order of the Silent Vigil
--[X] Order of the Voidbound Chalice
--[X] Order of the Radiant Halo
[X] [Military] The Ancient's Valeur Mon Chéri
-[X] Send 4 SBGs, 2 nomadic fleets, a logistics fleet, two ground armies and a half-dozen war-packs freed up by the end of the southern war. That's how much force we needed for the previous ruins.
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (Half an agenda action)
--[X] Repair your Fleets - (0.5/1)
-[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines Deus Machina (3.5/5) (1.5 actions, heartbeat action, half of an agenda action)
--[X] Name: Hope Ascendant (Unless this is the Primal Grave, in which case we'll stick with that)
--[X] Colors - white and gold with fringes of black and yellow.
--[X] Sketch linked earlier
--[X][Number of Legs] Two
--[X][Left-Hand - Titan Siege Club, Ion Shield Gauntlet, Powerfist.
--[X][Right-Hand - Plasma Annihilator, Hellstorm Cannon, Rotary lascannon
--[X][Left Shoulder - Volcano Cannon, Missile Pod
--[X][Right Shoulder - Melta Cannon, Mega Bolter
--[X][Back-Mounted - Phantom Mantle, Point Defense Suite
--[X] Optimized both for long-duration combat against foes who cannot effectively match it and short, high-intensity combat against similar-weight foes, the Hope Ascendent is outfitted primarily with energy weapons that don't require resupply, and several support options to supplement its incredibly powerful void shield and extend its survivability. Though too large to be considered "stealthy" in any sense of the word, the presence of the Phantom Mantle allows some amount of strategic unpredictability for what is undeniably a strategic weapon.
-[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations (agenda action)
--[X] Transfer anything not necessary to guard our borders or keep the newly conquered territory stable to assist in the Symposium war, with the goal of assisting our allies in their war objectives, especially in reaching and destroying the Daemon world.
--[X] Also send out Deux Machina up there when it's done. They've got big titans. So do we.
[X] The Choirs Were Allowed To Purify Maggot Worlds

[X] Plan: Let's wipe out Chaos as we know it
@Neablis I like the vote, but I think that instead of setting out on an expedition, we should be looking to make more Titans - specifically the 1 Action for 50 Grandis. We'll have the Biggest Titan grade with this and we already have a group of middle of the pack Titans. So it would be good to fill out the hole in our Titan forces in the lower but far more numerous titans. I bet that the Slannesh cult has invested heavily in its Titan legions and it would be really horrible to just make a Deus Machina and then get it beaten up by a hoard of smaller Titans like what we did to the Black Cat Ascendancy. Also, I really don't like how the expedition's take an entire day's worth of updates out of our limited supply. I have an idea to deal with that but it needs a bit more workshopping before I post it.

Edit: And we don't even need a sketch for a Grandis design.
Uh, actually, @HeroCooky do you want us to do the colors/motto/etc for the Knight Orders in this vote if we're establishing them?
It would prevent me from making it an Update Turn post, so yeah.
BlueHelix said:
does the Gungnir (or Pantagruel for that matter) get to kill fleets with its gun, or nah? Or does it need the Lance Scattershot Lens for a wide enough spread to wreck a fleet?
Nah, because when that planet-shattering laser powers-up, you notice that across the system. So suddenly your ship with a spinal laser has a massive target on its back and a massice sign above its bunny-ears that reads: "WHOMEVER I POINT AT IS DEAD IN TWENTY MINUTES OR SO!" The scattershot would just make it very short ranged and still take enough time to mission kill asap for enemy fleets..
It would prevent me from making it an Update Turn post, so yeah.
Nah, because when that planet-shattering laser powers-up, you notice that across the system. So suddenly your ship with a spinal laser has a massive target on its back and a massice sign above its bunny-ears that reads: "WHOMEVER I POINT AT IS DEAD IN TWENTY MINUTES OR SO!" The scattershot would just make it very short ranged and still take enough time to mission kill asap for enemy fleets..
Btw, are our Exterminatus weapons planet-crackers or neutron-sweepers (to put it into Stellaris terms)?
Hm. We definitely wanna upgrade Love from I to III soon, given Love Unto Death... but no other Melody is a top-priority...
Ah well. If at one point we take a turn doing two Psykana actions, Class Is In Session will mean it's actually five Psykana actions, at which point we can dedicate one to Melodies and the rest to Songs and Symphonies. ...Mostly Symphonies, it's abominable that we've only researched two so far. XD
Hm. We definitely wanna upgrade Love from I to III soon, given Love Unto Death... but no other Melody is a top-priority...
Ah well. If at one point we take a turn doing two Psykana actions, Class Is In Session will mean it's actually five Psykana actions, at which point we can dedicate one to Melodies and the rest to Songs and Symphonies. ...Mostly Symphonies, it's abominable that we've only researched two so far. XD
We should still work on getting all melodies to 1 (and the ones in Important songs to 3, obviously).
They are, in order;
-A Chronometric Bomb
-Big Feck-Off Laser Of Doom
-Weaponized Kudzu
-Kinetic Kill Vehicle
-Star Child Boops A Planet
-the pacifist shield thing, but getting it stuck in time instead (or esoteric way of cracking?)

In that kudzu and boop leave a colonizable planet while the rest don't?
-the pacifist shield thing, but getting it stuck in time instead (or esoteric way of cracking?)

In that kudzu and boop leave a colonizable planet while the rest don't?
If the Big Feck-Off Laser of Doom can fire continuously and accurately for more than a few seconds it might be possible to use it as a fleet killer. All the ship would need to do is turn a couple degrees here and there and make a few sweeping arcs across the enemy fleet.
It would prevent me from making it an Update Turn post, so yeah.
Nah, because when that planet-shattering laser powers-up, you notice that across the system. So suddenly your ship with a spinal laser has a massive target on its back and a massice sign above its bunny-ears that reads: "WHOMEVER I POINT AT IS DEAD IN TWENTY MINUTES OR SO!" The scattershot would just make it very short ranged and still take enough time to mission kill asap for enemy fleets..
Cool, thanks, and cool, thanks!

Uhh, just to check, can we remake old Temple Ship designs (and what's their fleet point value) or is it bespoke each time? Or is it design only bespoke each time.

Because I think yeah actually more temple ships are important because—

I feel like you are severly underestimating the threat of a Daemonworld. Even with you sending your Divine Laser Of Doom ship at 'em you wouldn't have been able to no-sell that world. It took being boosted by Divine Clown Magic to commence the Honkening for it to go pop.
We don't have our old Temple Ships back yet, and Daemon Worlds are mega juiced, and I'd like to have some Exterminatus grade weapons on tithe docket.
@HeroCooky could we make a song to learn how other Starchild nations are doing? Because we open one of the seals for starchild centuries ago and there wasn't galactic echo of them doing something similar