What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I wonder if the other inhabitants of the Storlar Sub-Sectors noticed the Warp Storm that appeared and how they are reacting.

[X] Plan: Lip Gloss and Lasers
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I am announcing that over next few weeks I'll be writing an omake to depict how destruction of Festerspire might have looked like in the Warp sense. For this reason, @HeroCooky, for the purpose of quest canon are daemons:
- Chaos-aligned warp creatures?
- Shards of Chaos Gods?
- Chaotic narratives granted power through warpstuff?
- Some mixture of the above?
Also, how much Blind Idiot Gods are the Four, on the scale from Azatoth to Nyarlathotep?
And finally, new Scutum, which manages to squeeze in the anti-boarding measures that we've been making increasing ubiquitous over the generations, while also making it have higher acceleration (Which is good when it needs to react to a newfound Problem)
I wonder if we could research a way to make the standard equipment or are they too expensive to lower cost too zero
For this reason, @HeroCooky, for the purpose of quest canon are daemons:
- Chaos-aligned warp creatures?
- Shards of Chaos Gods?
- Chaotic narratives granted power through warpstuff?
- Some mixture of the above?
Also, how much Blind Idiot Gods are the Four, on the scale from Azatothto Nyarlathotep?
Daemons are Stories Made Certain, split from Three Narratives (Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch) by the Old Ones, before the Eldar Empire murderfucked (this is a scientific term btw) Slaanesh into Certainty, all of whom are all of the above in decreasing importance from the bottom to the top. (Narrative>Shard>Creature)

They are as much Blind Idiot Gods as the Warp requires them to be at any moment in time. During the Horus Heresy they were different beasts than they are for you, as they are different beasts to the Emperor silently screaming in perpetual agony against them from his Golden Throne. Pick what flavor works best in your story.
Thank you herocooky for giving us a hint on how to perma kill them:

To destroy narrative is very unlikely for us to do unless we get divine inspiration from Star Child. But we can try to usurp it by making songs tailor-made to oppose each chaos god individually, a song that turns "story of plague and desire" into "a story where plague was defeated by medicine" with maybe a symphony of those four songs and dire for innocent or "no evil" making perma killing easier as such songs would normally be similar to end of Avatar the last airbender in which narrative will usurp what.

for example:

Struggle Compassion The Star Progress Health

Or combination of those, we won't or rather can't brute force killing daemons, but all stories must have an end
Anyway, it's too late for me and I have to slep now, I'll take another look at things tomorrow and squeeze some last minute designs in unless someone has a galaxy brain idea before then.
The only thing I was considering is if we would want to create a few more temple ships, but that would involve trading out the Cassiopeia, which is a bit of a wiggly endeavor.

The first would be just the Pantagruel with the gigalance, which is listed here:

QM-approved design. Neat.

[] [Temple Ship] The Pantagruel
-[] Length
- 7.200 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 1.250 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 2.5 Gravities (0 DP)
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull (0 DP)
-[] Shields - One Aegis (0 DP)
-[] Weapons - Wings of Resplendence (-15 DP)
-[] Equipment - A Drop of Divinity (-55 DP)

Or maybe Pantagruel-Secundus? I don't know, I'm not good with naming things. This is more intended to be a refit than something entirely new.

And then the other is just squeezing in every lance-boosting thing on the ship among others.

Like uh, let's see

[] [Temple Ship] [Gungnir] 69 DP
-[] Length - 7.200 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 1.250 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 2.5 Gravities (0 DP)
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull (0 DP)
-[] Shields - One Aegis (0 DP)
-[] Weapons - Wings of Resplendence (-15 DP)
-[] Equipment: Ship Shrines + Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (Standardized), Pure Lenses (1 DP), Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice (4 DP), Ears of Hare Bnuy (8 DP), Arcane Lenses (12 DP), Symphonia Arcanum Arma (12 DP), Sigil Lenses (5 DP)

There's 14 DP remaining here to work with, didn't put in Lance Scattershot Lenses because not sure if we want to shotgun Exterminatus lances, but I guess that's possible? The aim here is to just oneshot a fleet or other superweapon stuff from long range, with the lens stuff boosting it, Hare Bnuy to make sure it hits, and the Symphonia to make sure it kills.

Squeeze in Elite Crews (6 DP), Normalized Automated Ship Systems (5 DP), and uhh I guess Chapels to the Five (3 DP)?
permakilling individual daemons goes on backlog then
I expected that, honestly. Gods are stories told long enough that they have worn themselves into the edifice of Creation, given power by belief and devotion. Daemons are quite similar, after all the difference between them depends on one's point of view, except daemons have a massive reservoir of metaphysically available power called Chaos God. It's hard to just erase such a thing. It's easier to do something powerful enough to impact the daemon's story in a way that leaves it less capable.
But I'm rambling. That said, this goes in a direction I was already planning to go. And I have ideas...
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 11, 2024 at 4:01 PM, finished with 41 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Lip Gloss and Lasers
    -[X][FREE] Deactivate Symphonies
    -[X][FREE] Remove 40 choirs from Class is in Session and 160 choirs from Hiss of the Steam Valve and put all 200 choirs thus freed up into into See The Seer, allowing for 4 targets, which are the main fleet concentrations on each front, our primary governmental facilities with the last one is roving, targeting wherever they think Chaos may be interested.
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Melritrum)
    -[X] [Free] System Subversion Target: Rose-Torn Heralds - Subsector Gulf's Edge
    -[X] [FREE] ISC Activation: Green Horizons
    -[X] [General] Integration Of The Black Ash Clan (3/4)
    --[X] Army of the Clan (First AP)
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.900 Points per Action)
    --[X] Repair Your Fleets (0.5/0.5) (First AP partially spent here...)
    --[X] Upgrade the Ascendancy Fleets - (1.5/1.5) (Second AP)
    -[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - - [80 DP] (Heartbeat AP)
    --[X] Cassiopeia-class Arsenal Ship (-50 DP)
    --[X] The Seeker of Light (-25 DP)
    --[X] Aries-Quartus (Aries-Q) Corvette (-1 DP)
    --[X] Sagittarius-Quartus (Sagittarius-Q) Lance Frigate (-2 DP)
    --[X] Scutum-Secundus (Scutum-S) Shield Frigate (-2 DP)
    -[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines (1x Deus Machina (3/5)) - (.5 Progress from Agenda, putting us in range to finish this next turn for 1 AP + Agenda)
    -[X][Military] Begin Military Operations (Agenda AP)
    ---[X] Now that the Sect and the Duelists are on the backfoot due to the removal of their ship production, and the completed integration of the Black Ash Ascendency' forces into the Federation's Order of Battle, the time has come to put a close on this chapter of the campaign. EAGER STRIKER's purpose is to capitalize on their confusion and drive our blade deeply into their heart before they can adapt, or call in further assistance from their patrons.
    ---[X] To that end, we will seek to claim a portion of the Sect's territory, pushing through Firc and advancing down the chain until we can close the salient at the Abyssal Gauntlet and the newly isolated chain cut off by Festerspire's collapse. Once the Black Ash's refits and organization is complete, and the advance complete, we will attempt to catch the Duelists in a pincer maneuver dividing their forces--and thus, their capacity to make full use of their ritual magic, while we attempt to grind them into the dust.
    ---[X] Duelist/Sect Forces are to be reinforced with the Black Ash fleets and armies as they are rationalized and brought into the Order of Battle. With luck, we'll be able to deliver a knockout blow to the Duelists by the end of the decade, before they can adapt to the new conditions.
    -[X] Melody Autoticker: Peace
363.M43 - A New Offensive
A new offensive is upon the Federation, armed and equipped to the best that can be created, with fresh troops and fresher ships sailing forth to replace the losses. Retrofitted ships emerge from the hastily refitted yards of the former Ascendancy to ensure their massive ships can be put to use on the frontlines against the Duelists and Maggots now that Festerspire has been eliminated and the entire war seems on the brink of tipping in favor of sanity.

That does not mean the war on the front goes well or quickly, quite the opposite, as with its major shipyards lost, its head cut off, and with no other direction but seemingly forward, the Maggots come to the shores of the Federation and Confederacy, they come against the Duchy and the Unfallen. They come with all they have, bearing pestilence beyond the pale, they come with sickness that kills as quickly as it puppets your body to be used by a new master, they come with weapon and numbers uncounting, a miasma thick and pungent pushed before their armadas as they declare their holy task to spread the "Gifts" of their "Father" to all they could in repentance for failing him.

They come...and the Federation answers with Lance, Arc, and Tetratek, scything beams of energy burning all before them.

They come...and the Confederacy fires round after round, their ships not as advanced or well-built as the Federation's, but more than armed enough to put Quantity where Quality lacks.

They come...and the Duchy bears down on them with thousands of ships, outnumbering them in every encounter; Autonomous Fleets shifted and directed against the Maggots, exacting minds taking apart organic ones with ease born of nature.

The Maggot and Duelists come...and they crash upon the ships like water on the rocks of a beach.

They kill many millions, ships slip through, worlds are yoked under the oppressive veil of plague, and billions will suffer from every failure of those charged with their defenses.

But they fail to overcome the bulwarks presented against them.

The mighty Hercules' ring with thunder of hundreds of Macro-Cannons, shells in the millions crossing the gaps between fleets.

The proud Virgos open their ribs and let forth a pour of Thules, tens of thousands of fighters and bombers descending upon prey like flies upon rotting meat, gorging themselves on the slow prey.

The Black Cat's Claw burns in the void of space, turrets, batteries, and prow weaponry speaking the Ultimate Argument against the Ruin-Raped husks of xenoships turned to the service of the Maggots until the very same try to eliminate the mighty anchor with scrapcode most malicious. A costly mistake, as the Black Cat does not brook such insult, and thus its Machine Spirit wakes in a fury, the ship shuddering as its lesser spirits behold true transcendence enact its will upon the mortal world and reaches out with the same hand that turned the digital attack away and rips out all previous directives within the ships and overrides it with only one primal law: feed.

The Phoenix fights with brave valiance, its batteries singing their dire dirges into hull and plate, just as the Lepus let forth its roars and laughter, missiles hurled in such endless swarms that even the industrious Aquarius-Tenders fail to resupply them in time.

Each Flag Armada and Standard Battle Group fights with heroes that know no honor too high to sacrifice and villains that know no deception too low, mighty fleets of battle turned into nothing but fields of growing cancers feasting upon metals and flesh and spores and death over the months it takes to weather this desperate push...

...and then a flood turns into a trickle.

And the gate is open, the paths revealed, and a time for revenge and retribution is at hand.

Yet...the worlds of the Maggots and Duelists are on the very edge of the Federation, and they are also laid bare before their knives at a time when the nation had just barely finished integrating several new Sub-Sectors into itself after considerable investment.

They could conquer the worlds of the Maggots and Duelists...but would they hold onto them with direct hand and close eye?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Yes.
(Every Sub-Sector conquered will incur a 1 Action cost to integrate. This requires 1 Action each Turn, with >nothing< applying to boost said Action anywhere.)
[] No.
(You will conquer what you can then leave behind semi-stable liberated survivors divorced from Chaos' reign.)
Question is, how many sub-sectors are we getting if we go for this?

Because as things stand, this isn't the time to half-ass matters, events are coming to a head and minors at this point aren't likely to survive in the crossfire of the big fishies.
You are getting about ~14 Sub-Sectors the coming Turn. After that it depends on your pushes.

Welp, that's gonna be a spicy meatball, but I think we need to eat it and hope we don't choke. Green Horizons is what makes this possible at all instead of a "HAH HAH HAH... You're kidding, right?"

We'd instantly gain territory on par with the other partners of the Storlar Pact though, so it's not like there won't be considerable benefits for doing it. And we can generate more actions thanks to Symphonies in a pinch as well. We can't reduce the cost by any means, but we can still generate extra AP to pay it, right @HeroCooky ?
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I think we should take the sub sectors since I think that means we can almost wipe the Duelists and cripple the Maggots.

Plus, painting the map blue will feel good.
They're toast anyway, the question is if we directly administer the territories and bring them to our standards or leave them to their own devices. Given the fact we've got a Tzeentch cult fucking around in the area and these regions were heavily Chaos controlled for a while, I think we've got to pay the tax, at least then we can be sure the clean-up will go over well.